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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi all

    Making yet another noodle salad, potato bake and chicken kebabs for new years. I guess its this years signature dishes! Celebrating new years with parents tonight and having friends over tomorrow.

    Doctor upped my Topa to 75mg and added a beta blocker for the first 2 weeks to counter the anxiety. I can feel my mood and energy lifting and cravings being better. What a relief. I get a few heart palpitations but overall seems good.

    Welcome back Space and welcome home Play.

    Sun, unfortunately lamictal does not help for AL that I know of. Studies show that Gabapentin can help though.

    Gotta run, hugs to all.



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi All ?

      Space! It?s so good to have you back! It sounds like you have things sorted out a bit. Good on you! We all seem to have bumps and ups and downs. Part of the beast I suppose ?.

      Play- Good to hear you are home safe and sound. I am you are exhausted! Thinking about you and hope you are still snoozing away!

      How was your Granddaughter and Daughter doing when you left?? Better I hope and on the mend!

      Ally ? I did that the other night ? up at 3:00 something for no reason. Hate when that happens! I normally have no issues with sleep, so it really makes me nuts when I wake that early and then can?t go back to sleep. Hope you did go back to bed ?.

      On your point of Topa and depression ? I never had that issue. I would get REALLY tired every time I increased my dose, but it would fade with a week or so. Now as for the weight loss ? BIG TIME for me! Twice. So I am for certain in that 16-17% that get that SE. There is still speculation that my rapid weight loss is what caused my kidney to shut down. Not sure if I will ever know the answer to that. Just please be careful! Wanting to lose 25 pounds all sounds grand if it doesn?t happen too fast! I went from 135ish down to 111# WAY to fast. And I am 5?9?! Still working on getting it back on ? I would be happy at about 130#.

      Taiwan! Yep, at the doggie park. I think it was the son that now lives here and it was his parents that were visiting. Are you Taiwanese?

      Hey Houtx!
      Yep ? It seems that we do get ?timed out? in writing. Like you, I often get distracted, answering a phone call, noodling on what I want to write , etc. It?s why I ALWAYS type in Word. Then they only way I can lose it is if I lose my power, which HAS happened! HA!

      I have also been thinking about life in general quite a bit lately. I want my JOY back and I am pretty certain it is the AL that is stealing it as well as what used to be a high level of energy. Just can?t seem to get a handle on it for some reason. And while I have drank too much for too many years, it really seems to be hitting me now. *sigh*

      I think the Topa from River is fine. I think the discussion you may be thinking about was with the Nal and that from River. There was talk that the Nal from River was perhaps time released and therefore not as effective. I?m not sure I have ever seen Topa mentioned as in doubt from River ? but I could have missed something.

      All I can say is that the River Topa was working REALLY well for me other than the weight/kidney thing. I would back to in in a flash if I thought it would be safe for me ? but I don?t. I hope you you again and Topa is one drug that can be written ?off-label? so it?s not like having Nal on your record. One of the most common uses is for migraines. Could you see another DR and tell them you have migraines and Topa used to work for you and you would like it again?

      ? My, you travel a lot! I read on another thread you were trying liquid Bac (?) How is that going? I?m terrified of it but I am OUT of options here! Are you also doing Topa? I read someone was doing both ?

      Again, I am typing backwards after re-reading ? so forgive me if I am repeating myself. But I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Having said that ? there have been MAJOR medical jumps in regards to MS in the past 15 years.

      Hey Dizz!
      ? Not sure if I properly welcomed you back home or not. Anyways, I hope you are getting settled in and feeling better. Is the Topa still working at all for you? I had my one ?undercover? DR tell me that often we just lose our momentum as the novelty wears off and that?s why I started drinking over it. But heck ? I have NO CLUE what to believe in DRs anymore! Thoroughly confused about many issues!

      Sun! Sorry to hear you are back at work today ? but at least the nutso season is over for us for now! Whew! I?m off for the weekend and then opening the shop only for a few hours tomorrow and then close New Year?s Day as well. It?s nice you will have New Years off!

      Glad you got your daughter?s car sorted out. Yes, men can be so complicated (stupid? HA!) at times! I?m sure he just wants her to stand up and take charge and just doesn?t realize that at times we ALL need to lean on some one. I?m glad you feel a bit more calmed down ? still laughing at your ?pig headed turd? comment! HA! Did you remember how to pronounce that ?other? word?? LOL

      Waving Hello to everyone else I have missed
      ?. What ever happened to WU?

      So another day off. Yea! Yesterday I met a few GFs at a very sweet local winery (just what I need UGH) that is a full little village of cute shops and restaurants. We did a bit of wine tasting and then headed in to have a wonderful lunch. It was great fun but it then started to rain while we were eating. It?s a shame because we all wanted to stroll the village and shops but it just started coming down too heavy. Oh well, so we all parted early. Not a bad thing and it gave me time to try and convince Charlie that he MUST go outside ? even if it is raining. I swear, I have the ?least water dog? of any water dog breed! HA!

      So all in all it?s been a pretty tough month for me as well. Work seemed harder this year for some reason. I know I?m depressed but have no clue what to do about it. I feel backed into a corner with the drinking and the holidays sure don?t help with parties and guests and then just all of the stress.

      And I am HATING DRs about now! UGH. After all the nonsense with my ?undercover? DR and trying anti-depressants and then getting Nal (which I?m glad I didn?t start!) ? then the hospital thing and a another new DR. This one upfront and I thought I liked him. But I am getting SUCH conflicting info that my head is spinning!

      It started with my toes and some nails that grow ?weird?. It had once again gotten to the point of my having issues with regular shoes and it?s now ski season! I can?t even DREAM about putting ski boots on. So I asked my new DR to ?fix? them. I know ? sounds gross but they have to cut out part of the nail that is growing into my toes and HURTS! I had it done 5-6 years ago and within one day it felt great! So my new DR does this and pumps my feet up with enough Novacain to kill a horse. HA! So it?s not painful at all to have done. But then he gives me antibiotics ? which I am ALWAYS leery of as I think we use them too much. And a anti-inflammatory tablet as well. None of these I had to take last time I had this done.

      So this was before Christmas and all that takes at the shop and I am expecting to feel normal in a day or two. NOT! Obviously all he did was get a tiny portion out and irritate the remaining! It?s a good thing it?s been cold here because the only shoes I have been able to wear are my oversized UGGS! Weeks later, I finally call my Old Doc in The Village who did this before and screamed HELP! It was only one foot that was really bad fortunately he took me in right away. He fixed my one foot, was shocked at what the other DR had missed and also told me I am CRAZY to take this anti-fungal med that my new DR had prescribed on top of everything else. Says it?s TOO toxic and too hard on the liver. And in the long run ? it won?t work. Confused ? so I didn?t fill the script.

      Now my second toe starts to get worse. I called OLD DR in the Village again on Friday morning. Beside my toe, (close your eyes if you get grossed out HA!) my kidneys felt a bit achy. And my appetite had dropped off again! Now, I suspect it is because of the wine ? but I had bubbles when I peed ? something I have never seen before. Look it up on the WEB and it can be nothing or it can be REALLY serious. So I asked for a urine test as well. I had told him about my whole kidney issue and ending up in the hospital.

      Fixes my other toe (again shocked at what he pulled out) and does a urine test. I have ANOTHER bladder infection! Damn it! I?m glad that?s all it is and he is sending in a culture and will call me tomorrow to confirm he put me on the right meds for what it is. But it?s all made me feel like poop! Limping around in UGG boots and just feeling funky about life in general.

      And so my OTHER plan was to try to quit smoking in January. New DR had written a script for Chantix ? which I have yet to pick up. The SEs online scare the hell out of me. So I discuss Chantix with my OLD DR on Friday ? he says no. Doesn?t really work long term. He suggests Wellbutrin instead and tells me ?they are in the same class?. NO! They are NOT! I told him when I tried Wellbutrin months back I got so sick and he said it was because I was trying to take too much. Hell, bells ? I have NO CLUE which DR to listen to!

      According to Old DR ? when someone quits smoking, drinking or drugs ? it?s ALL mostly a mindset. Not drugs. And that anyone who has really quit, can?t really explain WHY they were able to finally make it happen. UGH.

      So my little pea brain is just in a tizzy. I WANT to quit smoking ? but do I want it bad enough?? To make it happen? I MUST get this wine under control ? but how? I want to stop feeling lonely and depressed! I PUSH myself to be social, but to be honest I often back out of invites just because even dressing for it all seems like too much of a hassle. Do I try the Wellbutrin again or not? I?m scared to add anything!

      Well, the good news is my toes feel normal again! HA! I only started the meds for the bladder infection on Friday (now Sunday) but already feel a tad better. I?m SO happy the holidays are over ? it was hard.

      Lots of hours after the New Year as I have people on vacation ? but that is a good thing. Staying home too often results in wine and TV or reading and walks with Charlie only. I want so badly for 2013 to be different!

      So sorry about the long ramble ?. Just sitting here and trying to decide if I have the energy or interest to get anything done. Hate this feeling! My ?To-DO? wakes me up in the nights and is overwhelming me. It?s going to be a sunny day, although cold and I really should take Charlie to the doggie park. That?s a partial excuse because I will also run out of wine tonight and so pass the store on the way ? Shezzzzz.

      Well ? two more days left of 2012. I wish all of you everything you hope to achieve this year! Tomorrow night I have declined 3 parties and a GF is coming over instead to spend the evening and night. Last thing I want to do is be on the road New Year?s Eve. Knowing the two of us ? we?ll both be asleep before midnight! HA!

      Happy Happy All sent with love,

      WTE & C


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        WTE - please go purchase D -mannose from Frazier Farms or Sprouts for your uti. Magical bladder healing and almost immediate. Expensive but worth it. Get the powder not the capsules.

        Play! Welcome home.

        Edit! I'm on the Kindle so this won't express near what I want to say-starting with wishing each person reading this thread a happier and healthier new year! Some of you are role models (TH?NK YOU!!!) and some in the toilet with me, but all of us are looking at and wishing on lofty sober stars. And that big full moon. May we help make it happen for each other! Thank you all for sharing your stories and baring your warrior souls. This cycle, this lifetime. I shall stop the slow death by alcohol. Thanks for everyones best wishes and empathy for my sisters MS diagnosis. We are not telling Dad about it, so we couldn't discuss it much at Xmas. We will deal with this together. Its a wake-up call to me to get my shit together so I can be the support she needs.

        OKAY. So yesterday a 170lb great Dane tackled my pup, playfully mind you but he outweighed by double and my pup freaked ? he was so scared and I wonder about his poor disc, if it hurt more. Awake much too early this am with big anxiety about to-do items including Pup 's surgery - do it or not!?!? I cannot do nothing about it, I need to do more than just medicate him (and me) . I am getting conflicting opinions from the two neurologists and a third neurologists used by a GSD owner at the dogpark has a different opinion about the gene test 's efficacy in GSDs specifically. So the surgery option and any option becomes more bleak. Need to research regenerative myopathy and the gene test accuracy for my breed. I wonder if the epidural steroids injection helps only the non-DG Dog? Hmmm.

        I took an eensy anount of bac for my panic around 5am out of desperation, and now I'm relaxed but a zombie. In bed with the heating pad on my back shopping for lamps and inversion tables on the Kindle Fire. If only it would rain so I could feel better about being such a sloth! Its so cold outside but the sun insists on being out today. Must be that it feels great competition this week with that full moon. But it rained yesterday for the very reason that I was outside at the DPark. Today I could make it rain, I think, by going to the DP.

        Hoping you all are busy and happy!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Wow. Wte. Your doctor ordeal was awful! If you ask 2 doctors for opinions, then you get 2 different opinions, so then you need to go a third, then a fourth.... It never stops!! Glad to hear your toe is better though!

          Brunn: you also got 2 different opinions from dog specialists! Wow! One thing is certain, there's no consensus in medical/vet community!

          I'm still laying in bed 12:15 pm now .... When am I going to get out of bed?!
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            It's Sunday, Ally, no need to get out of bed! (Though if you'd like some company... )


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Stuck: lol! I hope my husband isn't reading this...

              WTE: forgot to answer your question: I'm Taiwanese. I'm 5'3", 140 pounds, so no need to worry about losing weight too fast! Just kidding... I remember your caution from before so I'm on super low dosage 25-50 when I remember to take it. Over the last 3 months, only refilled it once. I'm not good at remembering to take meds.
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Ally, will you be a dear and run out to In 'n 'Out and pick me up a cheeseburger, no spread, WITH onions? Thanks! Get one for yourself and Stud Stuck too-so you can share. My treat.

                No crumbs on the sheets, please!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  StuckinLA;1434896 wrote: It's Sunday, Ally, no need to get out of bed! (Though if you'd like some company... )
                  STUCK !!!!! ROTFLMBO....... I will be back shortly when I have got myself together !!!!

                  Love and hugs, Sun XXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Glad to be Home!

                    Hi, it's me, Play, checking in, home at last and with a very comfortable feeling that my daughter is now recovering quickly and the baby is on GH, so a wonderful Christmas, but I did miss being with my two other children in the states, we are usually All together at Christmas.

                    WTE, your recent dog park experience sounds really nice, with Charlie learning to play finally and also being so gentle with the family from Taiwan, he must be a very special, gentle soul, I will be happy to meet him as well as you. Again, I'm so sad that your sister is so insensitive, for whatever reason, hopefully somewhere down the line she will come to live her life more consciously and want to be a part of your life.

                    Dear Ally,
                    Hey, sweet one, hang in there, no shock therapy, please, just give things time, we are here for each other. I'm home and feel a new excitement about the lessons and reading books related to that subject, Sun sent me one that is fabulous, "Your Sacred Self", please buy it and start reading immediately, I think you will love it:h By the way, not eating is probably a SE of the Topa, especially the first time around, remember that if you stop it, in general it does not work the same after that.

                    Oh Sun, empathize with you on the hubby issue, and hi Stuck, interesting that you pop in just when we are disparaging the male sex:H:H:H Sun, I suppose just give it time to see if he is having trouble adjusting to his retirement, even tho he wanted it so much, does he have any hobbies? Encourage them if he does.

                    Houtx, I've noticed that occasionally I will lose a post if I accidentally hit some random key that takes me back to the heading of just the Forum Subjects, and then I see that I have lost my post. I don't write on Word because I have a Mac and haven't bought the Word program, but I find that if I open two pages of the thread, I can go back and forth, to read and post, and if I accidentally hit the wrong key, I still have another page open and don't lose the post. I hope that makes some kind of sense, it was not a very good explanation, sorry, maybe it will help, hope so.

                    Dizz, thank you for the curried salad thingie, I'm going to make it this week. Gee, I have a feeling for how you are feeling torn between two places, perhaps culture shock after being away for an extended time, hopefully it will sort itself out. Is BF coming to SA?

                    Must close for now, I have a raging sore throat and a bad cold coming on, probably from too little sleep for a month and mostly from sitting in the window seat of the emergency exit row from Miami to San Francisco for 6 hours, it for some reason is freezing cold in that spot, no amount of layers kept me warm and now I am sick. Sun reminded me to get some Oil of Oregano and I will do that first thing in the morning, thank you Dear Sun. Talk tomorrow, I know there are more posts that I need to reply to, but for now, love you all, what a great group we have here.

                    And for Dear Space, OMG, I'm so,so happy that you are back with us and you are OK. Please don't feel bad or embarrassed about anything, Spain will still be there:h and the most important thing is that you are ok, I love you, and you are surrounded by your friends here, please stay with us, you are part of this family.

                    Talk tomorrow.
                    Love play


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Lol, stuck and brun: our bed is getting crowded!

                      Play! Nice to have you back! So good to hear your daughter doing well and your granddaughter on her way w the GH. But YOU are now the one needing some rest to get well! Putting "your sacred self" on my to read list...

                      Finally got out of bed around 12:30 pm, got myself presentable to go down to see my sister and had a great visit. Now back in bed at 10 pm. I missed this bed while I was gone! The bed has a permeant imprint of my body shape. Pretty pathetic huh? I just want 1/4 of Sun's energy.
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Good Morning everyone !! Gosh - so much has been posted - but.......

                        WELCOME BACK SPACE ....:l:l SO good to see you back and really happy you are with us again. Sorry about all that you have gone through - but we are always here for you. Just SO pleased to see you.....

                        WTE - we have talked about all that you talked about pretty much - but so nice to see a lovely long post from you again. We really have missed them.

                        Play - great chatting yesterday and happy you are back home too! Everyone is back where they should be and all is right with the world - LOL. Hope that you feel better today.

                        I have to work today - one of the other managers called me about half an hour ago and asked if I would work his shift today and he will work mine on wednesday - so, as I have nothing in particular planned for today, I said yes, so am now getting ready for work. So, no phone calls after all ....... sorry people.

                        Bruun - good to see you back too - gosh, it seems everyone has been MIA or gone or whatever - the whole family is back together!!

                        Ally - so happy that you had a good visit with your sister. Yes, Your Sacred Self is a really good book and one I need to read again - SO much I need to read!!

                        I need to go and get my food ready for work..... back later, before I leave.

                        Hugs, sun XXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hello sunny and everyone! Last day of a strange year for me, w mixed ups and downs. The up is I found this site and all of you!!!

                          Hugs xxxx
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Oh man, so wonderful to hear from you, Space. I missed you, and then since I have such a hard time keeping up with this thread I almost missed you again. I just pop in every now and then, too, and if it weren't for Sun just now I wouldn't have read back and seen you... Anyway, glad you're getting your meds sorted and had a good Christmas, even though the flu and everything else sounds like a downer. Big hugs.

                            And a happy new year to everyone. If 2012's been good to you, then I wish you much more of the same, and if it's been total shite, then here's to fresh starts and something completely new in 2013.



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I am home from work and have just had my coma sandwich - I know I shouldn't have but it is SO good. So I will be asleep within half an hour. But it was worth it - LOL. Tasted SO good !!! Youngest daughter saw the veggie bacon in the microwave and just rolled her eyes......

                              Anyway - just wanted to wish ALL of my family here

                              HAPPY NEW YEAR

                              I hope that the New Year brings everything that we all wish for each other. Much love and many hugs to you all,

                              Love, Sun XXXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                My friends across the pond are already in 2013, so it's like I'm speaking to the future right now, which is amazing. Or I'm really late in wishing happy new year, which is less amazing. But ignoring that conundrum, Jameson and Guiness are delicious, the bartender is attired in skin-tight sequins, and pretty much nothing else in the world matters. I wish you all the very best for the upcoming year. Hearts, hugs, and love. We're there more than that, I'd give it too.

                                Bisous. :l (crap, someone around here probably speaks French. Fine: kisses.)

