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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I Know what you mean stuck - New years Eve lost it for me when I came to USA 'cos my family would call me at 6.00 our time wishing me a Happy new year - so it all became sort of false for me.......

    But yes, Guinness is delicious...... LOL, and "oui - baisers ? vous aussi".......

    Happy new year to you my friend .....

    love, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Happy new year, stuck, sun, and everyone on topa thread!

      Started reading the Autobiography of a Yogi Sun sent me... Thank you, Sun!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Good Morning everyone - a chilly one here. But it is still a lovely day!! I am off and have started clearing out my DVD's and CD's - the charity folk are coming on Friday and so far I have a great stack of stuff for them.....

        I am feeling SO good - I have a feeling this year is going to be a turning point for me with help from my friends here. Lots going on behind the scenes.... LOL.

        Hope that you like the book Ally - it is a very special one and one that started turning my life around for me. Sent with love and hugs XX

        SO, where is everyone else - sleeping in I bet!!!! GET UP !!!!

        Come and post! I will be around, back and forth......

        love to you all, sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Okay....... where has everyone run off to? No posts since mine yesterday lunchtime !

          Hugs to you all,

          love, Sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Jan 1 was jan 2 in Taiwan-- my moms first birthday since her passing. I'm kind of "searching " for her soul... Wondering where she went to... That's my goal now, finding her... Reading spiritual material helps a lot...

            I'm here back to work....*sigh*
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Oh Dear WTE, just read back a bit about the awful time that you have had with your toes and another bladder infection and there is so much I want to write, I can't seem to find the energy tonight, I emailed every person in my family after getting home from work, and now am just beat, but I promise I am going to catch up with you tomorrow. Not working just some errands so I should be able to manage it, yes I think the AL saps my energy and getting worse.

                I have a major development to report regarding the Topa, but tomorrow. That should get a few extra thousand views for us we must be pretty interesting, it amazes me when I see it.

                Love to all, we are going to have a great ear, I really have that feeling, Space, love to you,


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hey WTE! Hope Charlie isn't heaviness explosive piazza shitz like Sun's pup did. And Fletcher too for a day.

                  Sweet dreams, my friends. I think of you often and s I do care-even if I seem silent.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Good Morning all - I am happy to see you here again WTE. I understand about the crash and burn after the hols. I have had the odd day off here and there which has been really good for me. Sorted out my meditation room, and have been doing a lot of thinking.

                    I laughed about Charlie and the bath - I can just see it in my head !! And him with his freezie thing - but then stealing your pizza!! I too have done the thing where you wake up and get the time wrong - what a pain! But at least you had a good long nap !! Hopefully you can get your hours sorted out and get a good nights sleep tonight.

                    Bbrrr - even with a wet suit - cannot imagine kayaking in the cold. My brothers used to surf in winter in UK with wet suits and it made me cold just to watch them. Glad you enjoyed it though - it must have been good for you to get out in the sea air and get some exercise.

                    Bruun - how is Fletcher doing? It is good to see you here again - I know it can be hard to get here with the hours you do and being away as much as you are. I am such a homebody that I couldn't do it......

                    Hi there ally - sorry about your mums birthday - the first thing of anything when she isn't around will be hard for you and as it is so recent - doubly hard. Hugs to you :l:l. How are you doing otherwise? how is the drinking going?

                    Hi there Play - yes, I imagine that it has taken a while for you to get back into US time - and you are back at work already? WHAT is the thing with Topa - do tell - you have me wondering!!! Talk about a cliff hanger......

                    Space - Hope you are doing well - please come and say hi - it would be good to see you again :l:h

                    Okay - I have been trying to lower my intake and so far am doing quite well - sort of. I took the L-Glut yesterday and had three. Thing was, it was early in the day so had a lousy nights sleep last night. Plan on taking the L-Glut and the Kudzu and hoping it will help. I am lowering my Topa as my youngest daughter asked me (in all seriousness) if I was getting "old Timers". I am not sure if it will help at all, but at the dose I am on, it doesn't do a lot for the drink anyway. WHEN I take the L-Glut and the Kudzu, it does help , and I am hoping I can get out of the habit of the AL using those, enough to cut way back and also have some AF days. Something I haven't had in a LONG time.

                    Working the closing shift today so probably will see you all tomorrow.

                    love and hugs, Sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      The washing machine man has just been - .......:upset::upset::upset:

                      it would cost almost as much to repair my machine as for a new one........ I have been without a machine for five days already!! Guess who has to get a new washer ASAP !!!

                      Off to work now on that note......

                      hugs, sun XXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        WTE, CHECKING IN WITH YOU & Everyone!

                        Hi Everyone and Dear WTE,
                        I promised to do a post in response to your saga of the toes

                        WTE, in regards to you feeling that ALcohol is taking a bigger toll than when you were younger, I really agree, I suspect our bodies can only fight things off for an amount of time before it really gets bad and we start physically feeling it. I also find that at the end of the day now, I just have no energy left, can't even post a good one that often, more and more I am just losing any motivation to do anything.

                        It sounds like your New Years' Resolution is to be more active, "like you used to be".

                        Mine is that I will try to start taking better care of myself, even in the midst of still drinking, I want to start eating better, a salad every day (I used to do that), more veggies and fruits and less bread! I have 25 lbs that I want to lose in a sensible way and keep it off.

                        Anybody else got a New Years Resolution? Post on it

                        WTE, what an awful ordeal you have gone thru with your feet, and the kidney thing, what a year it has been for you. This is selfish but I hope that you don't start taking BAC, it just scares me and I would dread the awful SEs that you would have to be going thru:upset: Perhaps just give things more time.

                        Bruun, you never talk on here about your BAC experience, I don't know if you have a thread for that? would be interested to know if you have SEs or if you are at a low dose and dont have all that going on.

                        And Charlies' bath, ha, but isn't it wonderful the love and companionship that our animal friends give us, I'm so missing having any kind of little animal, dog, cat, anything, the apartment won't allow it and I suppose I've been gone to much lately to really have any, but I know how much they add to our lives and I'm really pretty devoid of human touch except when I visit my grandkids in Spain, every night the 4 1/2 year old comes in and gets in bed with me (twin bed) around 2AM, he gets 3/4 of the bed and I'm on the edge but I wouldn't give that up for anything, my apartment is WAY, WAY too quiet now, I'm lonely and happy that I have you friends here.

                        So, the Topa Bomb Shell.....Well, first of all I want to say that the SEs have never been anything that were much of a bother after the first few days, they have been more of a very subtle Topa Dopa, just a loss for words sometimes, nothing that I would worry about except that there is my profession. A few months ago I made a pretty hugh medication error, the first time ever for a big one, and afterward I was just devestated and also couldn't really believe how I had done it and just been totally unaware that it had happened. Later when I thought about it, it was like I had been sleepwalking or something with no real awareness of what I was doing and that actually was happening alot but I was not really worrying about it. So, after that error, I started trying to really pay close attention to what I was doing but still found myself missing things and wondering where my head was at. Normally I would say it was dementia setting in, but I'm pretty sure it was the Topa. So, if it weren't for my work, I would just ignore it and be ok with it, but since I still have to work and can't really keep making these kinds of errors, I decided that I would have to stop taking the Topa. So, when I left for Spain, I just tapered off for a day or two and then stopped altogether, no wierdness happened from that, it's not like BAC where it is dangerous to just stop. And it has felt like a loss because I really kind of liked how it made me feel, very calm.

                        So, regarding the effect it has had on my drinking: well, the first time I took it, it was a miracle and I basically stopped drinking within 3 days on a low dose, then went to Spain, ran out and the next time I started it did nothing of the sort, but I do see that it was having some positive effect on the drinking because I didn't feel the craving until in the evening, and I was certainly drinking every night. Now, I am feeling the cravings right away in the morning by 11am unless I am at work and then it is fine until I get home.

                        And now I'm back at work and in general still find myself missing for words here and there, but not having the same kind of "blank" spots that I was finding myself wondering about what went on there and why was I not aware of things, so that part seems to have sorted itself out now, thank goodness, I wouldn't be able to work if not.

                        Well, ok, end of post for now, i'm cooking rice and veggies tonight to take to work for lunch tomorrow and having more salad tonight plus the soup I cooked two days ago, so far I'm trying on my New Years Resolution, wonder how long i will keep it up but seriously I have to start taking better care of myself, I have things to look forward to and want to be around to see my grandkids grow up, etc.

                        bye for now, love to all,


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hey honey - I am home.........

                          Worked the closing shift and am was okay - busy but okay. I am off tomorrow and have to wait in to have a new washing machine delivered !!

                          Play - I hear you on the topa. I am not sure if I am going to stop it though. I too have been wondering if my brain zaps are beginning dementia, or old age or the Topa - I just read a book called "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova, which was quite worrying for me, as she DOES get Alzheimers and some of the things that happen to her have happened to me. I am not sure which way I am going to go right now - am still thinking on it. But in your line of work I totally understand why you cannot risk it. I have e-mailed you too.

                          Rice and veggies sounds good - I think I might cook some tomorrow. i have not been eating well at all for ages and must make some meals to take for work. I also haven't been having my All-One either for some reason or other which usually sustains me when I am not eating well. I think, seeing as I am in for tomorrow, I will do some cooking......

                          I so understand the need for some sort of living thing being with you, although at 5.00 this morning I am not sure I would have agreed with you when Daisy wanted to go out. :H:H

                          I don't have any New years resolutions - don't do them. But have ideas for goals for 2013. STOP smoking. CONTROL my drinking and meditate more regularly.

                          And on that note, am going to sign off.

                          Love and hugs to all, Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi all

                            I'm a bit bummed that everyone seems to be going off or tapering off Topa here. It seems that soon I'll be the only one still taking it. I know you all have your reasons but I also want you to keep in mind to perhaps keep a log of symptoms if Topa Dopa is your main concern.

                            It's just that I've been feeling ditzy for a time now since I started drinking before the Topa and my mom has been complaining of serious memory lapses and 'booboos' since she was 55, that was before she started antidepressants and she has never drunk more than a glass of wine a week in her life. I won't dare to tell you what to do, I'm just saying perhaps we should all keep a log of our progress, if Topa is the culprit, sure, if its not, let's not forget that it can sometimes really make a big difference too.

                            I took my mom out for Sushi and she seems a bit better now that she's back on Lithium but she can't really drive as it disorientates her spatially.

                            I went to see The Hobbit for the New Year as I couldn't face a big party and then I Skyped with my boyfriend. The movie was cool if you're into the Lord of the Rings, just a bit slower, it seemed to drag a bit.

                            I know I should comment more, I just feel a bit pooped. Also, I'll think about the Topa.



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              DZ -
                              You're not alone...I'm planning to start TOPA again. They wouldn't take my credit card info online recently so will call next week and get it going. I also stumbled onto a vitamin regimen for alcoholics that I almost ordered...wanted to think about that more, but will look into it again also. NY resolution to try and cut down on my consumption, try w/ low dose TOPA and not go up too high. Haven't found my stored book yet either...

                              This week has been really nice. We rarely have off this much time after NYs. I don't report back until Monday & the delinquents don't come back til Tues. Wish I didn't have to go back - I absolutely hate teaching the last few years. Kids are SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, it's just not fun. But I don't want to think about that -

                              Cotton Bowl on. I've got a niece at OU, my son graduates this year from TX A&M and my daughter is at UT Austin. Fun rivals at all corners. Not that I care...I'm about to go pop in season 2 of Downton Abbey before the new season cranks up on Sunday.

                              Funny stories about your pizza-eating dawg, WTE. Good to see everyone posting again!

                              Happy 2013!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Thanks Houtx

                                Damn, I've been looking forward to this book for a while but for some reason Amazon keeps pushing up the date and now the Kindle edition will only be coming out in July. Well, after reading this review, I guess it has saved me 10 bucks. I'm posting it here as I think it's a book that some of you will be interested in or will come across soon.

                                THE REHAB MYTH:
                                New Medications that Can Conquer Alcoholism
                                By Bankole Johnson, MD
                                260 pp. Da Capo Press

                                Reviewed by David Hoekenga, MD

                                Alcoholism is a huge health problem in the US that affects one in three families, because seventeen million individuals abuse or are dependent on alcohol. According to the author:

                                It resembles asthma, diabetes, and high bloods pressure in that all three illnesses:

                                Show consistent pattern of symptom control and relapse.
                                Have strong genetic and behavioral components.
                                Can be reliably identified with diagnostic methods.
                                Can be managed effectively with changes in behavior and medication.

                                The major difference between alcoholism and the other health problems mentioned above is that, in our society, alcoholism is seen as a social problem rather than a health issue. Only thirteen percent of people with drinking problems receive any treatment!

                                Most addictionologists and health care professionals currently believe that Alcoholics Anonymous is the best treatment for alcoholism. However, Dr. Johnson states that while ?AA reports its success rate is 95% it has proven to have a failure rate of 95%.? A five percent per year cure rate, he points out, matches the rate of spontaneous remission of alcoholism without any treatment found in a large number of studies.

                                The bulk of the book is devoted to a series of drugs that Dr. Johnson believes will work effectively to control alcoholism. Each is described in a chapter with a fictional case study.

                                First, he discusses naltrexone (Revia). It is supposed to block desire for alcohol. Taken as an injection for nine months, it worked miraculously in our fictional case. In the COMBINE trial naltrexone showed a modest improvement from 58 percent to 69 percent abstinence (not reported in the book). Furthermore, the combination of naltrexone and acamprosate (Campral), two of the agents Dr. Johnson touts, didn't increase abstinence in the COMBINE trial. Additionally, surprisingly, the combination of naltrexone and psychotherapy didn't improve results. The COMBINE study ending in 2006 is the largest study of interventions to encourage alcohol abstinence ever performed and enrolled over 1,300 patients.

                                The next case study involves an alcoholic, a sales ?whiz kid? who benefited from topiramate (Topamax). The author feels it works well for clients who are still drinking. In one small study with 48 people in the placebo group, only 4 percent were sober. In the topiramate group half reported less craving for alcohol.

                                The third fictional case involves, ?Abby Jensen?the kind of adult many of her sixth grade students say they want to grow up to be like.? She was placed on baclofen (Lioresal). In The End of My Addiction, Dr. O. Ameisen states that hundreds of patients have reported becoming ?indifferent to alcohol? on this medicine.

                                The fourth drug Dr. Johnson talks about is acamprosate, which he feels works best with psychotherapy. However, the drug failed in the COMBINE trial, so I won't say anything more about it.

                                I was hoping for a practical book that I could use to replace the twelve steps in at least some cases. Instead, this is a theoretical book about neurotransmitters, alcoholism, and drugs that may help cure cravings in the future.

                                Unfortunately, it makes no suggestions as to what current alcoholics and their doctors should do. Dr. Johnson is absolutely silent about which of the four medicines--naltrexone, topiramate, baclofen, or acamprosate--is best. He does review the reasons for picking each agent at the end of his case studies in a chapter review. Sorting through the indications and cautions by flipping from chapter to chapter is tedious. When I tried to select a drug for one of my cases, after an hour of study I ended up confused.

                                Dr. Johnson concludes, ?The revolution will burst forth from researchers (and) these new approaches should help ease the burden of ...alcohol-related problems each a cost of $220 billion.?

