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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Thanks for posting that Dizzy it was an interesting read. Since my blip, when I stopped taking topa I havent really got back on it properly again and am now not taking it. But, I stopped drinking for christmas and havent started again, Im not sure what it is but Im not getting cravings like I did, only time will tell I suppose but I do feel better on my new medication and wondering if thats got anything to do with it.

    My son goes back to school on Monday and after lying in bed half the day for the last two weeks Im not looking forward to Monday morning when I have to start getting him up at 7am again.

    Not much planned for today just got to go shopping for tomorrows dinner as it is sunday and therefor family dinner day, urg.

    Bye for now


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Good Morning Diz and Space - yes Diz - an interesting read - doesn't really tell us all anything that we didn't know though. Maybe just trying to get more out there for folk to see that there are options there which is good......

      Hi there Space - good for you with not drinking since Christmas - that must feel really good for you. I wonder if it is your new meds that is helping you - is it one that you haven't been on before? Good to see you....:l

      Dizzy - I have been taking Topa for so long now that am not sure if I could log my SE's - as I say, I am not sure what is an SE from Topa and what just might be me..... I don't know if cutting it down would stop the Topa dopa or if one has to stop totally.

      Hi there Houtx - good to see you too. I do NOT envy you your job at all - there isn't enough money in the world to make me teach! I admire you for doing it.

      Well, it is early shift today and really cold out - like 20 degrees cold - supposed to get up to 40 today though - ! Off to get ready for work.....

      Back later everyone, Hugs, Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        WaitingToExhale;1437209 wrote: I?m here! LOL Sun!

        I just had a real crash and burn after the holidays ? didn?t realize how tired I really was! And the stress? sheezzz?

        So yesterday (NEW YEAR!) I have made a promise to myself to get more active again ? like I used to be!

        Started with taking Charlie to the doggie park and I had bought one of the ball ?chucker? thingies. What a hoot! Of course there were other dogs that wanted to chase the ball too ? so had to fake em out a bit so Charlie could head the other direction. Funny stuff! Charlie came hope REALLY pooped out and happy. He just adores being around other dogs.

        So ? time for a bath (doggie bath). Charlie does ?NOT do water?. Period. HA! Got him in my big shower ok and had the water the right temp and on the hand wand thing and all was good as suds him all up ? he is pretty good one he?s in there. But he leaned against the glass door ? it opened ? he dashed! I had a covered soapy dog run into the bedroom ? and thankfully laid down as he knew he was being ?bad?. POOR BABY!

        Dragged him back into the shower (and I mean DRAGGED) so I could rinse him off and finish and he loves how I towel dry him. He gets a Frosty Paw after his baths ? WHY can?t he connect the treat with the bath??? I am SOOOOO Gentle with him in the shower and won?t get a drop of water on his face (towel on my shoulder at all times.) LOL

        So drama over and he is in his bed in heaven with his Frosty Paw (it?s doggie ice cream cups) and I am fluffing him up and the house it toasty warm and he is loving it ?.

        I decide that I am going to go kayaking with a few friends for just an hour or so. It?s bloody COLD here for San Diego ? but I have a full wet suit. So was back home in a few hours.

        I put a pizza in my toaster oven for dinner. One of those Digornio 4 Cheese things ? whatever. And Charlie climbs on the sofa so I cover him up with a blanket ? no, my dog is NOT spoiled. HA! Pizza done and I pull it out to cool on the counter ? phone rings and it?s a GF. Chat. Chat chat ? walk in the kitchen ?. PIZZA THIEF!

        The little bugger took the entire BIG pizza off the counter and was in the process of making it his dinner when I caught him in the act! LOL Stinker! I think he was getting me back for the bath! He ate about half of it and I was worried that he would have a tummy ache ? but guess not!

        So I?m pooped out by then. Decided to take a nap as it was only about 5PM. Fat forward and I wake up on the sofa. Oh! Only 9:10 PM! Great nap and so I?ll do a bit of work for the morning ?..

        Pour a glass of wine (DUH) and get on the computer and connect to the shop. I?ve worked about an hour when I look at the time on my computer 3:30 AM ???? What the heck????? I walk back into the living room and realize my silly clock was NOT saying 9:10 but 2:40 AM when I had woken up! Good grief! HA! HA! And I have to open the shop at 8:00! So ?. That was my day! I went to bed, felt like poop getting back up a few hours later ?. But made it through.

        Must stop for now ? but will be back in the AM. I am cooking dinner and have to keep an eye on the pooch! LOL

        Love & Hugs to all!

        WTE & C

        PS: Brunn: Bought and rec?d the stuff you suggested. Will start marrow. THANK YOU!
        I of my girls will not do water either. We go to the beach and she will not get out of the car. The other 2 run to get in the waves. What to do? I take my doggies to the dog park and we sit on the bench together and watch the other dogs chase balls. Then I go out there and chase balls with the other dogs and still my dogs sit on the bench and watch me chase balls. How can I get them to be the ones chasing balls instead of me chasing balls? I have rubbed the balls with peanut butter but then they jump run after to rip the balls apart not to retrieve it, Any suggestions are welcome!
        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hippyman;1438439 wrote: I of my girls will not do water either. We go to the beach and she will not get out of the car. The other 2 run to get in the waves. What to do? I take my doggies to the dog park and we sit on the bench together and watch the other dogs chase balls. Then I go out there and chase balls with the other dogs and still my dogs sit on the bench and watch me chase balls. How can I get them to be the ones chasing balls instead of me chasing balls? I have rubbed the balls with peanut butter but then they jump run after to rip the balls apart not to retrieve it, Any suggestions are welcome!
          LOL Hippy ! I would love to come and watch you chase the balls instead of the dogs - what sort of dogs do you have? Maybe they just are not interested in chasing the ball....

          Off to work...

          Sun X
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi, all:

            sorry, been engrossed in books.

            thanks Sun: got all the rest of the books... great to read again. bad for my exercise plan but oh well. there is not enough time in the day to read for spiritual health and exercise for physical health. too. that is my excuse!

            dizzy: glad to hear you doing better w new meds !
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi all - home from work...... and the house is EMPTY. Oh JOY !!! First time in about two weeks !! It is bliss...... It is going to take some time to get used to Hubs being retired, I can see that..... LOL

              Have been reading a book called Changeology which so far I am thinking is very good. usual stuff about how to change - but seems to be different to the rest - not sure yet - watch this space........

              Going to enjoy the quiet before daughter or hubs arrives home. LOL.

              Ally - I had forgotten all about the books - glad they arrived. Enjoy..... and one MUST exercise the mind as well as the body - that is what I think anyway....

              Hugs, Sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Oh Ally, you remind me of me with the reading addiction. Such the very best escape - when you have a good book & I need some new recommendations! I also get rivited by spiritual and self help although my reading has - for some reason - dissapated in the past two years. Probably a good thing because I was reading one whole entire weekend day, usually, which means half the day in bed or more just reading and escaping. Let me know if you have any good recommendations. I loved the trilogy of Dragon Tatoo and on the other end of the spectrum, Many Lives Many Masters was so important to me, and I enjoyed it, and even Harry Potter had me enchanted. I'm kinda over the Jodi Picoult stuff, it's all so formula. And crappier romance novels aren't my thing either.

                WTE - lets go meet at Starbucks and avoid the dogpark drama. I'm still afraid to take my pup where it's not totally gated. I hope you're feeling better in the UTI department!

                SUN- sounds deathly cold. I cant get warm here w/out extreme measures. Very glad you have your alone time!! How's it going with the retired one? Are you encouraging him in his outside the house hobbies?

                Hippy, funny about your dog sitting in the car when you go to the beach. LOL Love your new icon!

                Thanks Diz, for the book review - I'm looking for a new solution too. I'm pretty dedicated to my martinis nightly, and work starts tomorrow after my taking several days off and having holidays off.... like Space, not looking forward to getting up on a routine again, although it will be good for me. I get depressed unless I'm pretty busy. Today I'm going through piles of mail and planning on when to get my new ceiling fan installed, where to get my lamp fixed/welded, it's an old and heavy stained glass affair and I just love it. I went to turn it off on Xmas even after my uncle left, and it just fell apart right then. Luckily I was there to catch it so the glass didn't get another pounding. (My sisters have a habit of stretching their arms and yawning while sitting on the couch and they knock over the poor lamps, which are so old and heavy duty, they live through it albeit they look a little bent and cracked here and there. You can't find that kind of quality in today's stores!).

                It rained last night and its wet out - yesterday I ran a bunch of errands including carpet hunting, and took down the xmas lights outside, and got pup to the dogpark where it was really cold - 55 plus coastal (wet) wind which makes it pretty uncomfortable (east coast people don't laugh at me!) unless you're running around and I'm not. Pup is running and loving it but I only lasted twenty minutes. We went the day before for a whole hour so I didn't feel bad. Today it will be wet so I have an excuse. Gosh Ally, I need a book, this would be a perfect day to snuggle up with the cat and a book after I get some things accomplished like getting through the different paperwork piles and file the pet insurance forms, the FSA forms, the LLC package for my CPA, and if I get all those done I will not recognize myself.

                I have an upset tummy from too much martini last night and just took some milk thistle and vitamin D. I did eat some soup first and had some juice (the real juice made the hard way including beets, celery, ginger, kale) so it's just booze tummy not upset from vitamins. I had the upset before I ate. Ugh. This is the universe warning me that if I don't cut back, there will be worse to suffer through than upset tummies! How true I know that is! Tonight I will cut back, because Monday I work. I will take a xanax to help, because the night before work starts after my vacation is always stressful even though I've worked some through it and know there are no problems waiting for me....

                Okay, time to go get something done, weird errors on the computer making me worry things typed up will disappear......

                Love to all. Have a good Sunday or Monday wherever you are!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  All this talk about people chasing balls and peanut butter sounds like why I started trying to quit drinking in the first place. Thanks for the inspirational reminder!



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    StuckinLA;1438884 wrote: All this talk about people chasing balls and peanut butter sounds like why I started trying to quit drinking in the first place. Thanks for the inspirational reminder!

                    I am SURE there is a story behind that comment somewhere Stuck !!!! LOL

                    Okay - well, Miss Katie has taken to eating Miss daisy's poop and we can't always get out to clean it up immediately daisy goes, so someone suggested putting hot sauce on it..... felt a bit mean but went out and found TWO - so put the hot sauce on the first one - Katie watched me and went over and licked it off!!! She then proceeded to watch me douse the 2nd one - and then LICKED that one off too!! The darn dog likes hot sauce ! Basically, I am putting ketchup on her meal!!!! ROTFLMBO - what to try next......

                    Well, I have a huge stack of ironing to attack today, but that is pretty much all there is on my to-do list. Plus read my new book, taking notes !!!!

                    hugs, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi everyone - I have Pm'd those that I feel needed to know, but I have decided not to post any more. I have been here for a long time and am still in the same boat. A while ago I was going to stop posting because of a lot of negative stuff that was going on and what stopped me was this topa thread. However, I just feel I am here because of obligation - not because of need or want, which is the wrong reason for being here. I need very much to sort my life out and am planning on doing that this year.

                      I spend a lot of time on this site. It is the first thing I check in the morning and the last thing I check before I go to bed and I will miss it, BUT I need to change my routines if I am to succeed at what I hope to do. Which is to stop smoking and to CONTROL my drinking. I think that we are all just enabling each other here and much as I love you all, do not think it is good for me right now. I have got to really work at this and put some real effort into it.

                      SO - I am going to bow out for a while - I will be keeping an eye in case any newbies come along, not that I feel I can be of any good to anyone right now. But just wanted to let you all know where I was when I am not here......

                      MUCH love and Many hugs to all of you,

                      love, Sun XXXXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Sun. I posted about my martinis today for that very reason. In response to the book preview by Dis who was bringing us back to topic. I still have a real problem.

                        We've been too off topic. Meds seems to do that, not sure its as much in General.

                        Will look forward to you checking in occassionally! Let us know if you find a better path.

                        Thanks for all the love and support, Sun. You are truly one of a kind.:l


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi all

                          I've been feeling much better and more in control since my doctor upped the Topamax. I always have to go through the initial 2 weeks of anxiety to get here but the beta blockers helped. My drinking is down a lot and its great to wake up without hangovers and not be dragged down with constant depression all the time.

                          Today is back to work, well my brother who I share a cottage with when I'm in Sunny South Africa went back to work so I finally have some peace and quiet to write again. Am missing my bf but this overdose of sunshine and gardening is just what the doctor ordered

                          I'm sorry you feel that way, Sun, will miss you.

                          Bruun, you're right about the off-topic thing. Perhaps we should remember to include on-topic as well as sharing.

                          So, I guess if there's any one who would like to share a goal or an achievement, our thread can do with that right now.



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Dear Sun

                            Hey there Sun,
                            Well, your presence here on a daily basis will be sorely missed:h but I do understand that you need the energy that you spend on this site, to be channeled into something that will enable you to focus on achieving your goals

                            I purchased the book on my I books today and will be starting to read it tomorrow, from skimming it, I think it looks good.

                            So, I know you have been on MYO for many years and now you need to focus more on your goal and that was not happening here. I've been on here for about a year and am very grateful for the friends that I have made, and I know you feel the same way. I wonder though if it would be possible at some point in the future for you to strike a balance between posting and having a life away from the forum as well. I know you feel obligated to post every day, but perhaps it doesn't really need to e that way, I feel that you will sort out what feels good and what you need.

                            In a way I feel that we are a big soap opera or social club here, not really advancing much in the way of controlling our AL problems, and in another way I feel that we give hope to new people who arrive here and need a safe place to be and to us old timers as as well so, I know that you feel that you are not really helping with the AL problem, but I hopefully we are helping each other in ways that we might not always know.

                            I do agree with your need for more time to focus and concentrate on doing your thing regarding your goals. Anyway, no way that we won't be in touch, love you, and good luck to all of us, and may we continue on our paths and find what we are looking for. Sun, I really admire you for deciding to put in the effort to accomplish your goals.

                            Love you always and talk soon,


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi Play, What book did you get?

                              I think its important what you said about the balance. We've had this before where someone gets serious about stopping or controlling drinking and then questions arise whether we enable each other.

                              Personally and without the want to step on anyone's toes, I feel this is probably the most relaxed the group has ever been but was lead that way by a democratic process where everyone can feel free to relax.

                              Have we relaxed too much? Are we now just a bunch of (mostly) women who drink everyday and then come on here to say we wish we didn't? Are we even really doing anything about it? Or are we just wishing that we just stuck?

                              This went through my head when I realised hardly anyone was on Topamax anymore and of course it doesn't matter as I want as many people here as possible and I know you all have valid reasons. It just made me think.

                              It also made me look at myself and think crap, last time when I was at home I was doing so well, I was not drinking, I was full of energy, and now I have that awful thing of having to have to have a drink again even though the Topamax has made me cut it in half now, so at least I'm grateful for that.

                              I don't feel that anyone here's enabling me as I don't treat this as my support group for not drinking. I used to treat it as a sounding board for Topamax but then I kind of got the hang of that and now I just treat it as a friendship thread and I enjoy reaching out to people who have the same problem as me. I'm happy for those who stop drinking or manage to moderate and I commiserate with those who struggle.

                              I hope the rest of you will stay here and perhaps we should talk more about our drinking, whether its good or bad. We've just survived the festive season, and by the way, I am really proud of Space by the way who have not had a drink this whole time.

                              I want to cut down to 2 glasses and then see if I can perhaps do 30 days sober before I go back to the UK. It won't be easy and I don't expect anyone else to do it, I'm mostly doing it because I'm feeling really lethargic, I have a lot of weight to shed, and I know I will feel a lot better after the first few days.

                              Anyway, I'm supposed to be working, thats why I'm lingering here

                              Have a good day everyone,



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Im on my way out to my first physio session soon so just a quick post but have to say that I will miss you so much Sun but respect your decision to change things.

                                I still have not had a drink, Im not counting days or anything like that and dont have a plan or a goal I want to reach I just dont really feel like I want to start drinking again, in fact I dont even think about it that much and I dont want the hangovers and stuff like that back, over the past couple of years Ive noticed drink affecting me more and it taking longer to get over it, I know its do with my age but I dont like the feeling bad at all.

                                Got ot go now sorry but I will try and catch up more later, oh and thanks dizzy for remembering about me.

