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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi All,
    DIZZ, thank you for your post, it was really thought provoking for me and my own thoughts are very much the same as yours, you always say things really well. So, right now I'm really comfortable with our thread, for me it doesn't take up all my time as I don't post every single day, but most importantly for me it provides me with such a great connection to others, who have become friends.

    I find that living alone for so long and being a rather homebody, I don't socialize enough and can feel pretty isolated and depressed due to that. Our thread is a big connection to people and it is really important for me. I did have to stop the Topa due to work issues but still have a lot of good knowledge about it to share for anyone who comes to our thread looking. I'm afraid to take BAC and the others don't seem to have done people too much good so I'm kind of stuck at this point about how to go from here.

    Dizz I so hear you about the having to have a drink driving you crazy, me too. And yet I still find myself being resistant to total abstinence and want to just control my drinking and not have cravings, perhaps my goals will change, I just don't know.

    The book I bought is "Changeology" which was recommended by Sun, another thing I would not have known about except for our thread. You can look at it on the website of the same name. So it looks very promising and it lays out a 5 step plan for changing any habit that you want to change.

    For me I want to cut down my drinking and lose the extra weight I have gained, twenty five pounds. I have a small frame and the extra weight is contributing to my feet hurting again and I know it also increases my risk of diabetes and heart problems both of which are in my family, and in general I feel bad about how I look and I can't wear my clothes.

    And Space, I'm so glad you are back and I am just amazed that you somehow have totally gone off drinking and it sounds like you are having an easy time of it. WHAT changed for you? Could you share the name of the medication that you are on, I've forgotten it. I know it wasn't for AL, maybe the anxiety or bi polar. Could it be helping the AL problem.

    Ok, so I also hope that we all stay on our thread, you are all very important for me and even tho "we are a bunch of women, mostly, that drink every day and wish we didn't", I need you guys:h

    Love, play


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi All …..

      It’s funny (not in a funny way) that I had just emailed Sun a bit ago and mentioned something along the lines that she is feeling now. That maybe I was feeling “enabled” a bit and perhaps needed some ass kicking instead! HA!

      I am probably the MOST off topic in this thread as I just have NO direction and NO options anymore. With meds that is. Play – Trust me, I won’t try Bac – deathly afraid of it as well. So there in my drawer it sits .. with the Topa, with all the anti-depressants I can’t take, with Nal. *sigh*

      On a side note, I ALSO ordered the book Sun suggested and will D/L to my (K-word) this afternoon. I need to find a direction ….

      So on that note – I will also be absent a bit more. As much as I love our “living room”, I have nothing to offer in the way of success after all of these years. I think I have been here the longest! Good periods – awful times. Time to shake up my routine and find a new path ….

      Those that know me – know how to reach me. At least we had Paris ….

      With Love,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Ok, honestly I feel hurt that both of you, who are probably the two key figures in the thread in terms of endurance and post counts would feel unhappy with the thread but instead of discussing it and guiding it towards something that you want just choose to walk away.

        I know I'm supposed to say how much I care for you, how much I respect your wishes and wish you happiness - trust me I do - but right now I'm just really upset. Like Play this place means a lot to me socially and I can't help feeling like its been ripped apart.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Oh, i'm feeling a little sad now after WTEs letter, but yes of course we are connected and won't lose touch, but the thread will feel lonely for a bit I suppose, Dizz and Space, please don't leave, i guess we have to let people move on and that is hard, but i guess life is all about change and adapting and evolving. I'm sure we have all been here for a reason, and some of us are still here for a reason.

          love you all,


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Space, Bruun and Dizz, Ally, and others that haven't been here for a bit. Just stopping in to say hi, feels a little strange how things have gone but we will pull thru I'm sure. Just this minute the thought went thru my mind that perhaps we should start a new thread that is not so much connected to the Topa thing, perhaps more of a thread just sharing our hopes, successes, failures and in general more of a friendship/support thread, which is what ours seems to have been for awhile, and I for one am happy with how it is going, it gives me a lot of comfort to share with others who are going thru the same thing, and I don't really feel that anyone is enabling me, we are each in the end responsible for our own plan.

            So, it's just a thought, the Topa thread would still be available for anyone who needed information about the med, I'm sure we could still check in and be around to help out others.

            Let me know what you think.

            Love play


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi, It's Play Again, have to keep this thread going:H:H:H

              Just wanted to let you guys know that I have joined Ally's weight loss thread. I'm miserable with this 30 lbs that I need to lose, I want to wear my cute clothes again and not feel like a total mess physically. I'm hoping that belonging to a group will help me.

              So if anyone of you guys wants to join that thread, it is easy to find, it would be lovely to have another familiar face on the thread.

              Love you all here,


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Play - I try to check in over here but I don't always have time. I know that Sun and WTE will be sorely missed. I hope that they do find time to come back when they can. I have PM'd with Sun and I do understand.
                I'll try to stop by here more often. I spend most of my time over on the Stepper's thread. You would all be welcomed with open arms over there too. :l
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Thank You Nora,
                  Is it the "one day at a time" or "one step at a time"?
                  I will surely be joining you there, thanks for connecting with us here.

                  love, play


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi Play
                    I just feel a bit too upset to post at the moment and sad that things worked out this way.
                    I'll post again in a day or two. You can start a new thread or have a look see at existing ones and let us know.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Dizz, going to PM you.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        I am shocked and saddenedby what has happened, I will miss Sun and didnt even know until just now that WTE had stopped posting as well so I will miss her a lot too.

                        I do think of this as the friendship thread and would not mind if we set up another thread for our friendship and support as I have come to rely on this thread so much even though I havent been able to post much for the past few weeks, it is the only place I connect with people and can talk about how I am as I am very isolated, maybe due to my bipol as when I am depressed I find it very hard to talk to anyone or leave the house.

                        Play I do think my new med is helping although I cannot find any other evidence for this written anywhere. I am taking epilim which is used for epilepsy and bipolar. Another new med I am on is tramadol for pain. and yes it has been easy not to drink, if it wasnt easy I would be drinking or planning to drink as in the past I have always had cravings that have caused me to drink and go on the benders which are awful

                        Lots of love


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi all - I'm at work so this is a short post. But, my main thread I post on is One Step at a Time. It's a thread will really nice people who are there to support each other & share the days ups & downs. Like I said - you all are welcome there. Or, if you start another thread, I'll hunt you down. :h
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            You are all making me feel bad ........ :upset::upset:
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Don't feel bad Sun. Just know your value. We all have a higher purpose of healing ourselves before we can be truly the asset we were meant to be. Just to remind you that you should not feel bad and no one should post too often out of the obligation. There are other ways to serve and the best way is always make yourself the best server and being the best Sun that you can be. Do not let this feeling of guilt hold you back.:l


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Thanks Play, is the weight loss thread nice?

                                I'm glad your meds are helping Space. My dad also takes Epilim and he quite likes his red wine but not on dangerous levels and as we all know we are all different. It is similar to Topamax in that its a mood stabiliser so there may be something there. I've heard of Tramadol but don't know much about it. Is it similar to Gabapentin?

                                I have to go to the Gynaecologist on Monday and I'm really scared as I've had some pain which may mean that the cysts on my ovaries have grown bigger. Of course the visit, sonar and blood tests will cost as much as a new cell phone but hey, what can you do? Also, its something that I've neglected considering that I know I have a problem.

                                I was looking for an emergency appointment and phoned everywhere and noticed something odd - 8 out of 10 gynaes are men. Now I know men joke about it being a cool job but surely doctors must know better and I'm sure if its your job and you deal with illness and irregularities its hardly exciting? Most women I know say they prefer to go to women so how do these men stay busy then or are there women who prefer going to men? Anyway, it just made me wonder in a strangely curious way.

                                Hugs to all.


