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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    DizzyBee;1442176 wrote:
    I was looking for an emergency appointment and phoned everywhere and noticed something odd - 8 out of 10 gynaes are men. Now I know men joke about it being a cool job but surely doctors must know better and I'm sure if its your job and you deal with illness and irregularities its hardly exciting? Most women I know say they prefer to go to women so how do these men stay busy then or are there women who prefer going to men? Anyway, it just made me wonder in a strangely curious way.

    Hugs to all.

    I know that most women prefer women gyns but I can always find one here in the states. I bet most prostate docs are men too. They just like to look between everyone's legs maybe.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      LOL Bruun, i think you may be right. Is that what it is, Stuck? :P
      I did find a lady in the end but had to keep trying til someone cancelled otherwise had to wait 2 weeks.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Wait two weeks! In the US, it's more like six months to see a new patient, for gyns.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Wow, I guess I have nothing to complain about then and that sounds like a really inefficient system. Someone can die in 6 months time if they suspect something is wrong end up being really sick and it goes untreated for that long. Don't mean to be morbid just expected more from the US.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Testing - see if this flies. Seems I never logged off last time and am still logged on after several days...


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Ok good -
              Wow!! School started this week for me and it has been CRAZY!!! Just now checking in here and thinking about the response I was going to make, happy and congratulatory to Space, liking DZ's book comments (and going to talk about my own can't-put-it-down one), sad to see Sunny backing out for awhile, but understanding, and that I think we (I know I don't comment as much as I could but I do try to keep up) should keep up this thread just as it is. Why start a new thread when everything we have said and done is right here.

              I just read here Sunny was leaving and then some of you mentioned WTE messaged the same...hmmmmm. I haven't heard and she & I are offsite friends, so am anxious to hear, but probably understand and know what's up. Suspect it's what the discussion has been the last few days...that so many of us are on here not using TOPA and lamenting our drinking but not really making strides to change.

              I agree w/ PLAY and others, that those who are here find strength in numbers. We all share a common problem: addiction in whatever dimension we are in with it, and it is comforting to come here as often or whenever we can, read the posts, chime in, find support, get our "guilt" about all this off our chests. It's cheap therapy! I am still here and while I support the need for our dear friends to bow out for awhile, I have no doubt they will be back.

              Love you all!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                OK, I"M back and Into this thread, lets don't change, Houtx, I think that you are right, we have a long history here, people may come and go but it's "HOME", that's how I am feeling.

                Dizz, I'm so glad to see you posting and I too often wonder why so many gynies are men, now in the way past, most doctors were men, but now there are more and more women, in the states at least. I also will only go to a woman gynecologist but that is probably from working in the health care field for so long, just more comfortable with a woman doc, they seem to be a little more tuned in to how we feel. Dizz, I had to laugh at your comment about thinking about the Gyn situation in a curious way.

                Houtx, you don't know, or perhaps you do know, this thread and the people here are what I look forward to when I get home from work, for me, it's having a group of friends that I feel safe with, others to talk to who are going thru the same things, hear about their worries, successes, failures, hopes and dreams. And yes I feel that Sun and WTE just need some time out and will be back.

                Now the one that I am curious about is SPACE, now how the heck has she pulled this one off, literally being off the drink with no problem at all. Is it the new medication? I have to say that I am ordering it from River and going to do some more self medicating and see if this is indeed something that is worth looking into. I think I will taper off my Zoloft in the couple of weeks that it takes the medication to arrive, seriously, i can hardly believe how easily Space has stopped drinking and has not even made a big deal of it, when of course it is a MIRACLE!!!!

                Dear Space, could you just share some more of your thoughts and feelings on this, and about what happened when you went on the bender and also were sick, and how long after starting the new medication did you notice the improvement in cravings. After all this is the "medication" thread and sometimes we might come upon something that actually works that we didn't even suspect

                Anyway, love to you all, talk tomorrow, I have a busy weekend working but will check in.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi Again, almost forgot, Bruun, thanks for sticking with us here and I'm also going to be checking in on the new post that you started:h, what a sweetheart you are to be helping out in this time of some confusion here

                  And Dizz, yes, the weight loss thread seems very nice, Ally seems to be running it quite well and keeping track of how much everyone needs to lose:H and if they have lost or not:H:H: so it's something that I really am unhappy about (my weight) and I think it might be a good place to help me make a real commitment to trying to exercise and lose the weight.

                  There are lots of vaguely familiar faces there, surprise or not that so many of use have the weight issue, I know it is tied to the drinking, more calories from drinking and the eating that it causes and the loss of motivation for exercise, so its all tied together and another issue for so many of us here.

                  Ok bye again for now, I need to watch a movie and get to sleep early.

                  love to all:h


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Diz, it is stupid I agree. Thought I was dying and couldn't get an appt- then saw her for my Urgent need 3 weeks later and she said looks like herpes but cant tell Cu's its too late but we will do a blood test. Test was negative but still had probe but only had receptionist access not even voicemail to discuss. Not all are THAT bad but if anyone is in Ecinitas and needs a gyn - ask me who to go to. Same issue I. SF years ago. They only cared about pg women.

                    Play- I am no Sun. Please don't depend on my regular posting. I am sometimes on the puter so much that I cant type without pain in eyes and or fingers many days. Doesn't mean I don't care and I DO think about you all....:l


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      No worries Bruun, we should all post when it is right for us, sun was a little over the top (love you sun) and that probably got her a little burned out and needing to take a break.

                      talk monday, i have a busy weekend of working.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi all

                        Houtx, I agree with the cheap therapy part, and I have learnt a lot here in terms of supplements, books, not to mention just plain support when I can't really mention my drinking to anyone else. So thanks everyone! :l

                        Play, I did a quick search of Space's new meds and it seems there is quite a bit of discussion about Tramadol. Well, one is not supposed to drink on it anyway but perhaps if you do a deeper search you may find something? Its an opiate so it could perhaps act as a calmative, I don't know, this may take quite a few hours of research but I'm on my way to lunch now and was just curious to get started on the mystery here

                        Also another name for Epilim is Depakote and here is a study done about alcohol withdrawal with the help of it:

                        Divalproex sodium (Depakote) for alcohol withdr... [J Addict Dis. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI

                        , that gyn story is just horrible. I'm hoping the gyn visit can perhaps help me with weight loss. PCOS is linked to weight gain and I need to have my thyroid checked again as well. Sheez, sometimes I wish I had money for a full blood test to just test for everything.

                        Off to lunch at this quaint new restaurant on a wine farm with an old friend. Its really pretty there as its on a hill and you can actually see the ocean from there Won't have more than one glass of wine as the road there is very narrow and windy, besides we are having a barbeque tonight so I want to be fresh for that.

                        Hugs to all,



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi All- I'm not going to post on this thread any longer because I'm not on topa and think the name is misleading. Hope to see you all elsewhere! I started a generic neighborhood thread in hopes it might suffice. I just don't want to mead people here only to disappoint. - and I feel odd posting on a topa thread- not taking topa personally.

                          Have a lovely lunch Diz. It sounds a wonderful place!


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi........ I am not sure what to say. I have Pm'd a couple of you and still had meant to Pm the others. I am still not sure what to say. I think I had a mini-breakdown! I would like to keep posting and also to keep this thread going, regardless of if or not we are taking Topa. I have made some wonderful friends on this thread and I am sorry for any hurt or upset that I caused. It was not my intention trust me - just stuff going on in my life and I needed to try and shut everything out for a while.

                            I do NOT want to lose the family that I have here - I had some wonderful Pm's from other folk on the site that left me gobsmacked. I hadn't known how people felt - NOT a good way to find out - trust me !!!

                            I was told that I need to be more open about what is going on with me so others will understand - it is very hard for me to open up.

                            Anyway, I hope you are all okay with me posting again - I will try to not go over the top (thanks Play - love you too - LOL) with it though but I do love having my friends here.

                            Might be back in a while if I can think of any more to say but wanted to post when I saw Bruun's post!

                            Love and hugs to all, Sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Sunni - I'm sorry for whatever you are going thru right now. I love you friend. :l:h
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Thank you Nora - believe it or not, it took some courage to come and post after saying what I did !! But I had a good friend talk to me - and I talked to her and i feel this is the right move to make.

                                love to you - hope all is well with you?

                                hugs, sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

