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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Sun just got my vit d level back... Very low, maybe it's not topa but vit d afterall.... So I'll start taking it w calcium and get out more....... You're such an inspiration and sweetie. Hope to see you in SF but I'll be in boring conferences all week though... Maybe I'll sneak out! .
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

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      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Ally, speaking of the games, my 5 year old grandson in Spain turned my on to Flow while I was there and also Flow Bridges. His parents will only let him play on the iPad for 30 minutes on Sundays, gee gads, he will be glad to grow up, LOL, but he had a problem with his leg while I was there and couldn't walk for a week and had to stay in bed the whole time. His parents relented and we played the games for hours, haha, that will teach them.

      Love, play


        New here and starting Topa and with a question


        I haven't finished flow, kind of got stuck, is flow bridges hard? It's a great game for your grandson to play because it teaches thinking, you know! It's a brain exercise! It probably does burn some calories! .

        Sun: l glut is all I need for alcohol and nothing else. Topa is all I need to control my weight but I know it's not good for that use and I would never recommend it for it!,,,,, I don't even drink hardly anymore except w that friend I told you about who is still mad at my husband for saying England is not a country but is just a state....oh boy....I think that friendship is over because of my stupid husband. I need a new husband guys,,,,,,,
        Alcoholic (or Ally)

        "Only a fool knows everything.
        A wise man knows how little he knows."

        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi again, everyone -

          DIZ, thx for the link about Vit B12 - I really think I need to look into that. Sometimes Groupon has deals. (In the states, "Groupon" is a site offering discounts on everything)

          Play - I've never heard of zip cars either! Sounds like a great idea, but you practically can't survive in Houston w/o a car. You sound like you're doing well too - hope so!

          Space - so sorry you are feeling down when everything seems to be on the upside for you. Hope you feel better soon.

          AlK & others...good to hear from you & hope we continue to hang in there!!

          Does anyone watch Downton Abbey??!! I'm sure, yes. Wasn't last night sooooooooo sad??!!



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            houtx;1452673 wrote: Hi again, everyone -

            DIZ, thx for the link about Vit B12 - I really think I need to look into that. Sometimes Groupon has deals. (In the states, "Groupon" is a site offering discounts on everything)

            Play - I've never heard of zip cars either! Sounds like a great idea, but you practically can't survive in Houston w/o a car. You sound like you're doing well too - hope so!

            Space - so sorry you are feeling down when everything seems to be on the upside for you. Hope you feel better soon.

            AlK & others...good to hear from you & hope we continue to hang in there!!

            Does anyone watch Downton Abbey??!! I'm sure, yes. Wasn't last night sooooooooo sad??!!

            I watch it but only on Netflix.... I guess I'll find out what will happen in a few months!
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              ROTFLMBO - DO I WATCH DOWNTON ABBEY ?? I am well and truly hooked ! The 3rd season comes out tomorrow and there is one at the bookstore with my name on it! It is my day off but I will go in anyway and pick it up! Guess what MY plans are for tomorrow? NO prizes!

              Houtx - you cannot survive where I live without a car either. the nearest bus stop is about a mile and a bit away and the buses are very few and far between!

              Ally - I have never played a video game in my life - LOL. I wouldn't have a clue where to begin. That is ironic that you are taking the Topa for the weight thing - I think you can go down and it will still have the same effect though. Laughed at your hubs saying that England is not a country - give him my phone number......

              Hi Play - How are you feeling? Any more days off in the near future? I am off tomorrow which I am looking forward to. I am loving our idea with the Mucky drink - it really is working for me !!

              I need to get me to bed - or at least start heading that way. it is 20 to 12 already.

              love and hugs to all,

              sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                What is a mucky drink?

                England is Not an Independent Country.

                My husband's arguments (and he won't back down!) are based on something similar to what the above website says. Basically, UK is the country, thus, the 4 , eng, scot, wales, ireland are either provinces or states or something else but cannot be considered independent countries. So my friend says he's an arrogant American and he says she's just unreasonable and now they won't talk to each other! And I just want to patch things up and go on.... But they both won't forgive each other. What do I do? 3 of us used to be really close friends and our kids played together...
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Oh My Ally, and this is all about England being a country or not? Hmmm, are they both a little juvenile? Seems like just a fun debate to me, something to talk on about for them, so sorry that they are taking it so seriously, but you know what? You just go about your business and they will work it out one way or the other and you will be just fine, it is their problem.

                  Sun, I was off today and went to the theatre around the corner and saw "Les Miserables", well OMG, I loved it and it must be seen on the big screen. I rarely go out to the movies but today after seeing this, I decided that I will try to go to every seriously good movie that comes out, now I need to see Lincoln. The theatre two blocks from my house is an old historic theatre called, Grand Lake Theatre, it is amazingly beautiful, google it and you can see pictures of it. Most of these old places can't stay in business anymore and in order to survive, this theatre also hosts big time antique auctions.

                  Sun, yes, I too have had my milkshake/all one thingie every day since we started texting about it, Anyone else need a friendly text reminder to take your supplements, let us know

                  Okay, I don't post much about my AL situation but I now know how much the Topa was helping to curb my intake, it was subtle but definitely there. Now that I am totally off it, I am pretty much out of control, but at least I do it at home and never go out, but I'm feeling like crap in the mornings. I talked with Dizz about AntaBuse and Sun also and I am going to give it a try. I'm ordering it from River and my plan is to take it on Monday and be AL free for the week and be able to enjoy some wine on the weekends when I typically get together with my daughter or just want to be like a normal person who can have AL free days and also enjoy wine sometimes. It is still me wanting to moderate but I sure as heck need something to help me do that. Dizz thanks for your input about it, I had never really thought seriously about until we chatted.

                  Well, better get to bed here, it is 12:15, Yikes, this is a bad habit when I have to get up most days at 5 am and unlike Sun, I need 8 hours sleep.

                  Bye for now and love you,


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Ally I cant believe your hubby and your friends are Americans and are seriously falling out over that argument. Even I cant be bothered going into it and Im English, I live in England but also live in UK and Great Britain. My mums parents are from the Isle of Mann which is part of the British Isles but not part of the UK. Basically tho while my nationality is English, and I would say my Country is England officially it is UK. but no one would go round saying they are United Kingdomish would they we are either English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish (reffering to northern Ireland).

                    Now I have got that out of the way (ha ha) Play your grandson only gets to play games for 1/2 hour on a Sunday, wow that is some strict parenting I cant imagine what my kids would have done if I had said that to them, I am glad he got some time to spend playing with you tho. How are you doing in yourself lately.

                    I have never watched Downton Abby, my mum watched it from the start but somehow I didnt bother so I know nothing about it, I hope you enjoy your day watching it tho Sun, when you get a box set do you like to just watch one episode at a time or spend hours watching them back to back like I do, I always have problems with my older son when we want to watch something together because he like to watch one at a time but then I always forget what the last one was about and spend the next episode trying to catch up what has happened.

                    Houxt it is good to be hearing more from you lately we also have Groupon here its good, I try to use it to get deals getting my highlights and haircut.

                    Hope everyone has a good day xx


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      X posted Play, I am glad you enjoyed Les Miserables, I am waiting until it comes back to a cinema not too far from my home which is old and lovely and is one of the few independantly owned cinemas left. They are showing Lincoln there this week and I have asked my sons to go with me but they dont seem all to enthusiastic. I know I could go by myself but not sure if I want to, I have never done that before.

                      I am so excited for you and Sun and Dizzy to all be getting together to do something about your drinking, it sounds good to me. Good Luck.

                      And yes, although I dont have AllOne I do need a reminder to take my supps as I have been very bad lately, in fact just not bothering at all really so I would like to get back into that.



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi, space, the friend who is really mad at my husband is British. She feels insulted by my husband calling England merely a state like Ca. She's very proud of her country and I think my husband should apologize to her...but he won't ever! Then we got into an argument tonight over something else. He never admits he's wrong! Argggggg!
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Play: I'm glad you and sun are teaming together to do the Antabuse... Let us know how it goes..... Have you guys take it before? Life is more fun to go through it w a friend and definitely less scary! Wonder if it has anti craving effects or just a psychological scary effect/physically sick effect if you drink effect?

                          I went back to drinking l glut instead of doing it sublingual.... It did make me choke and gag a few times! I use a lot though, when I'm stressed out, sometimes I'll put 2-3 scoops in a 8 oz cup, it helps so much w my anxiety and it gives me almost the same feeling as alcohol does (without the intoxication). I took it Taiwan, carries it w me everywhere. I hope I'm not using too much.....
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Ally Im sorry your hubby and friend are not getting on and your stuck in the middle, I guess the only thing you can do is try to stay out of the arguments because it doesnt sound like your hubby is going to back down. I used to take l glut but havent taken any for ages, I have a big tub of it, I didnt know it help with anxiety as well as cravings, as Im not getting cravings I havent bothered taking it but I might do for anxiety if you think it helps.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Space: I don't think you should take l glut for anxiety...many people here find it causing anxiety....I'm kind of different.... Are you on clonazepam, Ativan, Valium, that kind of stuff? You mentioned depakote or epilium as it is called there but also you're on ultram (that stuff becareful though, its addicting and lots of side effects)

                              So glutamine sounds like it would be more likely give you anxiety than anything if you have bipolar in my opinion but I'm not your doctor, of course. Have you tried buspar or buspirone with your psychiatrist yet? Definitely explore stuff w your psychiatrist... Whatever worked for your family members may also work for you too.... Hugs..

                              My husband is just a jerk sometimes/. We had a huge fight again today. He woke me up to fight w me. I'm about to throw him out!!!!!!
                              Alcoholic (or Ally)

                              "Only a fool knows everything.
                              A wise man knows how little he knows."

                              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Space, I always go to the movies by myself and that is why I don't go that often, but every time I go I do really enjoy it, please try it, it's not bad

