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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi all - feeling really good today - not sure why - the only thing that is different is me having my mucky drink - Ally - I have called it my mucky drink from when I used to have it back when i was in my teens and 20's (when the dinosaurs roamed the earth - LOL). I called it that 'cos it looked so awful then - a yellow brown colour - and the name just stuck. These days it is green - LOL. I have a banana, some fruit juice of whatever variety I fancy, a drop of milk and a scoop of the green all-one. when I have it regularly I notice a difference in how I feel - I always feel good.

    Space - I usually watch two or three episodes at a time - rarely more than that and sometimes less. I like to savour it - I still have two Discs left of the last series of New Tricks and am making them last!!

    Ally - it would really annoy me too if hubs picked fights for the sake of it - I think you should laugh at him and tell him to believe whatever he wants to believe. Both him and your friend - they are both entitled to their own beliefs. Tell him and your friend that they both need to drop it - there are more important things in the world to worry about and to argue about. They are GROWN-UPS !!!!! They need to act like it. And if your husband wants to be right tell him "yes dear, You are right" in that voice that says you know darn well he isn't - but in a nice way - when i do that with my hubs, he always laughs and says to me that I am just saying it and he knows I don't really believe it - but LAUGHS !

    And - in the grand scheme of things- DOES IT REALLY MATTER ?????

    Right, off my soap box ! Ally - I took one half of an antabuse a few years ago. I was scared silly to drink anything for days but otherwise everything was fine. It does not have anti -craving effects - it will just make you very sick if you drink on it. but I know me and know that if I can get through the first couple of days I will be fine. I also like the way that we plan to do it - take it on a Monday and then allow ourselves to have a couple of drinks at the weekend - it will be interesting too to see what we drink on the weekends after being AF all week. Once Play has hers, we start!!

    YES, it is great teaming up with Play on this - I was going to do it on my own but she showed an interest - and it was Dizzy that gave us the idea of taking it Monday and be able to have a drink on the saturday. Like Play and I texting re the mucky drink - I know a couple of times I would not bothered had I not known I was having to text Play and tell her I had had it !! :H:H

    Anyway - things might be changing for me - cannot remember who i have told so will be Pm'ing you.

    love and hugs, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Well - I am feeling good .......

      Love and hugs to all.......

      love, sun XXXX Attached files [img]/converted_files/2041990=7375-attachment.jpg[/img]
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Oh Sun, you are so cute as Winnie the Poo!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Wow, there is so much going on here on our thread right now, I definitely have to chime in and yes, I am so ready for the AB Sun Dear, I need some things to change.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            I'm glad to see sun and play happy!

            I'm having a tough time w my husband right now. the stress of my dad's impending visit is really getting to us and causing a huge strain on us. normally i leave him be, but because there is a lot to be done around the house, he resents me when I ask him to do this and that. It turns into big shouting matches. I"ve asked my dad to come live with us permanently, and my husband says ok but I think he isn't really ok about it now knowing what it all involves.

            The good thing is that my friend has superficially agreed to forgive my husband even though they still don't agree. I just can't even concentrate enough to read these days!
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Oh Ally you have so much going on but you are dealing with it all so try not to worry and let itl work itself out. I must have missed something but what is going on with your dad, does he need a lot of care, will this involve extra work for your hubby as that seems to be causing rows right now between you. Does he want to come and live with you? Im glad your friend has seen sense and is letting the argument go, it was all so petty in the first place and about them being stubborn.

              Thanks for the advice as well Ally about the l glut and the meds, I am careful with the ultram and only take a low dose. I have never had buspar but have read about it and will mention it to my psychiatrist when I see him/

              Sun Im so happy that things are looking up for you and the you are happy, yeh

              And Play Its so great that you are looking forward to the AB thing with Sun, it sounds like a great idea and I am so excited for you both to be changing your lives for the better.

              Last night I came on but started getting so anxious I couldnt post, it passed later on and I distracted myself by watching tv., I have also been having very disturbing dreams almost every night. I am wondering if some of this is caused by my not drinking and having to face things without the escape. Even if it is the cause tho I dont want to use alcohol to get away from it, maybe its telling me to actually do something about it all, I am wondering about counselling which I have always regected in the past as I think dragging things up makes me worse but they are now popping up by themselves so maybe its time I dont know tho if I am strong enough yet.

              I also have been thinking what would happen now if I where to have a drink, the reason why I havent tried it is because I dont want one. I think this is because my goal was never abstinence so it is taking some getting used to. I would like to think that I will be able to drink with control in the future but then when would I have the opportunity with my family there.

              Oh its all so bloody confusing sometimes.



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Space : you are doing wonderfully w not drinking. Sounds like all you need is to find something for your anxiety and you will be set!

                I've seriously considered divorce several times throughout my 14 years of marriage. He's a good hearted person but just not a normal person!!!!! Lol! Stories I can tell you guys! He's brilliant in the most impractical way possible. He knows insignificant details no one cares about. But he has no common sense! Like saying England is not a country is a perfect example! He will give you esoteric reasons and examples and historic backgrounds and stuff no ordinary person would believe in, yet, he cannot care to do the simple thing of paying his bills on time or forgetting to file important court documents related to my mom's passing. He lives in a fantasy world and not a practical world and I can't continue to be his mother and his wife!!! I have too much on my plate right now.

                Sorry for venting. I'll be better once my dad's visit is over. If my dad moves in, maybe he can help me kill spiders, then I'll kick my husband out... Just kidding!!!!!
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  I am also interested in the antibuse info, I also am interested in its effects. Does the L Glut really work. I do have some and wonder. I will try anything. I am now taking a meditation course. I am really into the brain and how it works.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Just a quick post here Meggie. Play and I have decided to do something together. We are going to take Antabuse on a Monday. That means we will not be able to drink until the Saturday. THEN if we want to we can have a drink! But on the Monday again, we will take the Ant. We are both looking to control, rather than STOP drinking. However, I know that I need a jumpstart - hence trying the Ant. I tried a half a tab many years ago and would NOT touch AL until I knew it was out of my system so have no worries about drinking on it. Play and I have talked about it and want to do this together.

                    What is the meditation course that you are taking? I am interested in what it is about......

                    Ally - we all have our ups and downs in our marriages - take it from a 30 year vet!!! (i think it is 30 years - LOL). It is easy to take the easy way out. DO NOT KILL SPIDERS. EVER. Catch them in a glass and put them outside - PLEASE???????? Don't kill them......

                    Space - sorry you got so anxious about posting - never do that - we are all family here - you know that! I wonder what your dreams are about? I have all manner of odd dreams - and often wonder what they mean but have never worked it all out.

                    Ally - when is your dad coming over? i think you told us but I foget!! LOL

                    Love and hugs to all,

                    love, Sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Sun: what if the spider was poisonous and could kill a person? My husband kills all of them because
                      He says there are some very poisonous ones.... See, now even YOU want me to divorce him, huh? Lol! . Usually I do catch insects and let them go because I'm too scared to kill anything. It think its gross to hear their bodies crunch and stuff.... My dad is coming this Saturday and staying 3 weeks
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Houtx, have missed you:h

                        Downtown Abbey, I thinki I'll have to check it out after all the raves! Right now I'm watching ,"Reggie Perrin", I loved Doc Martin and this is the same Martin Cluunes, and it is such a comedy, totally different but also similiar to his other role, love it.

                        Space, love you and missing you, I know you have somehow stopped drinking:h, I'm so thankful for that, and I'm wishing you would somehow be part of what Sun and I are trying to do, which is to use the AB to give us the strength to stop AL for the weekdays, w e will take it once a week. I know you have already stopped but perhaps you can help us to know what to expect from the AB and help us keep our wits about us while we are starting this adventure, I'd love to have you help us out.

                        Al, I think that Sun took a one time dose of AB sometime in the past but not again, and I have never taken it. I think Sun and I are both kind of feeling at our wits end and feel like we just cannot keep doing this same old AL thing forever and so, I wonder, is this our last hope?

                        No Bac for me and no Topa until I don't have to focus at work anymore. So Sun first had the idea and then we talked to Dizz and got her perspective on it and so we are both going to start together,

                        I'm feeling really positive today for the fist time in "forever" , please Dizz and Space give us your encouragement and advice while we are doing this, we really need our friends here, will let everyone know as soon as we take our first dose.

                        I'm a little anxious that I might have some withdrawl symptoms from stopping the AL suddenly, it worries me that I might have this problem but also can't drink AL to alleviate the symptoms because of the AB. Any thoughts on this issue ANYONE? Don't want to end up in ER:upset:

                        Well, I want to respond to your posts, Ally about your dad possibly living with you since your mom passed away. The same thing happened with a coworker who is from the Phillipines, I'll post tomorrow, tired and need a movie but it did work out:h

                        And also to you dear, dear Space, about the dreams and thoughts you have been having. The same thing happened to me when I stopped AL last year with the Topa, I felt that I was having to deal with real feelings rather than cover them up with AL, in fact I remember that I posted at length about it on this thread. I will go back and see if I can find it and forward it along. I guess when we are AL free, then we have to deal with the reasons that we covered up our grief, fears and tears, it did feel very strange to have those feelings. Of course now that I am using AL again I'm not working thru those feelings at this time, please don't give in, you are now dealing with your real life and it will be worth it, more about this tomorrow, love you.

                        Bye for now, love you all,


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Dear Meggie, didn't mean to leave out responding to your post, I will see you in the morning, I'm pretty tired. If you have any interest in joining Sun and me on our AB Adventure let us know.

                          Love and Hugs,


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi all

                            Now I have to take my mom to the dentist in half an hour but I have to write about the AB plan Firstly, sorry I've been AWOL, I've been very tired lately, have been thinking it may be my adrenal glands, sometimes with insulin resistance they get worn out, so I'm going to try to get some licorice extract to boost them this morning.

                            Anyway, I once read about this guy doing Sunday-Thursday sober on Antabuse but then forgot about it. Then when I found out if I don't have at least 4-5 days AF a week I can get diabetes I remembered about it and suddenly it didnt seem so crazy. I was scared to tell you guys though as I was expecting a rap on the knuckles as it is in a way 'abusing antabuse.' You are supposed to wait longer for it to get out of your system to drink and then again to take it again.

                            So imagine my surprise when I found more people interested in the same approach. But I must warn you, there will be people out there that will not think its the greatest plan ever. Then again neither is drinking 7 days a week.

                            I know I don't have to say this but please don't just do it on my advice. And also be very careful.

                            SO, you can take Sunday to Thursday off or Monday to Friday - the only negative is that you will have a slight to more severe hangover on your first day of taking Antabuse, depending on how much you drink the Saturday/Sunday. Its better if you stick to beer or perhaps the wine drinkers can stick to Spritzers. I'm not talking about anything really bad, but it will be a bit worse than if you drank without taking the Antabuse.

                            I've been taking Monday to Friday off and sometimes I even take the pill on Sunday evening if I had 2 glasses of wine or less. I started on 200mg but found that that was too strong as I still had a bit of the side effects on the Saturday. The trick is to find a dosage that will stop you from drinking on say the Thursday but to be gone by the Saturday. I am currently trialling 150mg.

                            I would however suggest that because you are still so scared of Antabuse (and rightly so) to try 100mg at first. If you find later on that you 'have a try' say on the Wednesday and succeed, then you have to up your dose. On the first Saturday its very important to start off drinking your first drink slowly and then waiting an hour to see if any side affects appear. If they do they will be mild as there will be very little AB left in your system. At most your face will become a little pink. This will mean you will have to wait another day and try a lower dose the next week.

                            I sometimes find I really look forward to my drinking weekend but then when I get there and experience the old habits and hangovers I actually then look forward to my AF weeks, so you may even find yourself going on an AF stint.

                            Dear Play, if you're worried about withdrawal you have two choices. You either have to cut down - switch to six beers and then drink one beer less until the last day you only drink one. Or if you drink wine, cut in half what you are drinking, and the last two days only have 2 glasses. The other alternative is to get 5 valium and take it for your first 5 AF nights to help you sleep (they do that in rehab). I have gone AF many times, sometimes after drinking 1.5 bottles of wine for a long time and must say I have never experienced withdrawals as long as I cut down the last couple of days.

                            Now remember gals this road may be a bit bumpy at first but perhaps we are onto something big here :H Problem drinkers actually being able to only drink on weekends! I'm looking forward to my brother's birthday party this weekend - the theme is Zombie 50's Rock 'n Roll and I don't know what the hell I'm going to wear but at least I know I will be able to have a glass of champagne or two.

                            Love to all,



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Ally I think you have so many things going on for you right now, you have been doing so well with the drink and you are also loosing weight as well, something I cannot even bring myself to think about at the moment as I am too scared to rock the boat re drink, you have your dad coming to stay which is a big thing and also thinking about him moving in that please dont go making decisions about your marriage that you cant change. I understand about your husband being annoying, my eldest son sounds a lot like him in some ways, his knows all kinds of facts and historical dates, names, has strong views on world politics ect but ask him to put the bins out and he will forget to do it, he just cant get the normal day to day life stuff.

                              Hi Meggie good to see you how are you doing lately?

                              Play of course I am right here to help you in any way I can, I totally understand your worry's about starting taking AB but I dont think you are drinking enough to have major withdrawal from stopping al, but you may well get some sleepless nights, sweats, bit of shakiness ect it depends on how much you are drinking now doesnt it, also can you try to cut down a couple of days before you start that way it wont be nearly so bad. The first few days may well be a bit difficult, or you could feel relieved that you dont have to worry about drink, probably a mixture of both but you are not doing this alone, Sun is there with you so you can help each other out along the way. Although AB doesnt stop cravings it does stop the arguing in your head about should I shouldnt I and the waiting for work to end so you can get home and have a drink. Does the l glut help with cravings at all, if it does then make sure you have it and take it, also anything else for the first week or so, food, other drinks, go to the cinema to take your mind off it. and dont forget your other supps to get you on the way to feeling great. Since Dizzy is already doing this she will know more than me about it than me. I feel sure that you and Sun are onto something good here.

                              Its wonderful that you feel possitive today, maybe you feel that change is coming and its going to be good.

                              I am going to meet a friend for coffee later today, I sent her a text message a few days ago and she said she would like to see me, I am pleased about this, I havent been out apart from shooping for quite a long time and I havent talked to anyone apart from my family and you lot also for a long time so this is quite a big step for me to actually go out with a real person I will tell you about it later.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                X posted Dizzy. I forgot to mention doseage, I would only take 100mg and try to get it into your heads that you CANNOT drink anything for the week doing it the way you are both doing this Play and Sun. Dont forget antabuse can be a dangerous drug if you where to start trying a drink earlier in the week, its just not worth it in my opinion. this not going to be something you can mess around with, once you take the tablet you must not drink until it is clear from your system, safety is the best way to go with this I think, I want you both to succeed, but I also want you both to be safe.

