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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi ljeanner, can I call you LJ? Seems like you're in a tough spot at the moment and you need someone to talk to.

    Sorry it's taken a while, its only Space and I and Teezah thats really up this time of the day and I slept in this morning. Because of the time zones the Americanos are still sleeping

    If I don't interfere with my body I'm not usually a binge drinker because I can't wait that long LOL. If its up to me I'd rather drink every day even if that means limiting myself to what I can afford. Also I get very severe hangovers so when I do binge on occasion I'm really out for the count the next day as in flat on my back, sometimes not even really able to get up and get dressed or go to the shops for food. Perhaps the fact that I get worse hangovers than others saves me from being an even worse alkie

    But when I force myself to quit for a week or longer and I get a chance to drink I do often binge. Not sure what your definition of binge is - can you tell me how much you usually drink, do you have a pattern, do you go out? It would also help us to know how old you are and if you have a family, just so we can give the right type of advice.

    I'm the youngest here 33 with a bf but not married or children and when bf and I are together we sometimes binge on weekends. Somehow its more fun if you do it with someone else but it still sucks the next day, especially if you're the only one that truly feels like shit.

    Like Space says, congrats on reading the whole thread. Not sure but you may be the first person to read the absolute whole thing :H I read about 80% before joining.

    Tell me why you feel so fucked up right now? Have you been drinking or are you hung over? Did something happen or is it just the 'drinkers guilt' that I sometimes get after a big night?

    There are quite a few Canadians on the threads and I'm sure they can advise you on online pharmacies and I'd say both Topa and Antabuse are options - depending on whether you would like to taper or quite completely.

    Let me know how you're feeling now, OK?


    :l :l :l

    PS: Owe the rest of you guys a response still, especially Play, will get to that in a bit, been cutting down on carbs and have 'carb flu' when you feel so tired of not having enough glucose in your body. But its only 4 more days until I introduce wholegrains to the diet and its designed to help improve insulin resistance so I'm going to stick it out.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      spacebebe01;1468206 wrote: Hi ljeanner and welcome. Im not really sure what you are asking, why cant you get topa because your in Canada? Im in UK and dont understand that maybe someone else that side of the ocean can enlighten me. I would think that topa would work for binge drinking once a week, it made me not want to drink much or get drunk at all so that would work no matter when or how much you drink. Im sure there will be more peeps along soon to help you as well the threads been a bit quiet lately. Oh and well done on managing to read the whole thread, that must have taken some doing

      How are you today Stuck are you feeling any better yet.

      Hi Sun are you off work today, hope you manage to get a lie in if you are I cant imagine how you can get up at 5 everyday, I would be asleep before noon if I did it even if I was in work youd find me curled up on the boxes.
      Topa is not available so much in Canada.Nonetheless. ... I am a horrible drunk. I need savubg, BIG saving. Someone. Help me. PLEASE. PLEASE. TODAY.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Yes, I can tell you about that. Um, weirdly, I do not drink on a daily basis. I drink once a week. the problem how I drink on that one day;. not good.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi LJ, we're not a lot of folks on here so you don't have to use quotes. Just say the persons name and continue the conversation.

            I feel like I asked you a lot of questions regarding your setup etc. And all you told me is that the one day a week you drink is bad. This does not give me anything extra to go on.

            Also, how do you want us to help you today honey? What is it you need here? You know all we can give you is support and advice, right? Do you want to quit? Do you want to use meds?

            Tell me about yourself, what happened in the last 24 hours, why you're so desperate now, and what it is you need.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi LJ all I can really say would be to repeat what Dizzy just asked you, but I dont want you to think Ive forgotten about you. What has happened to make you so desparate for help today, is it something you did while drinking, if you dont want to talk about it it ok, where are you now, are you at home is anyone with you. Im kind of guessing because of the time zone you must be in the you havent had much sleep if so you will be feeling awful due to that.

              Can you please tell us what help you want from us we can only offer support here and lend a listening ear.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Morning all - Hi there LJ - are you still around with us? All I can really say is to reiterate what Dizzy and Space have said - what is it that you would like us to do? I too am not a binge drinker - never have been. If you only drink once a week, you could take Antabuse. You cannot drink on that. What was it that has got you so upset? Please talk to us - we are all here for you.

                Hey there Space - yes I am off today and had a lie in until 6.45 !! I like getting up early and have always been an early bird. Which was one thing I loved when i changed my hours. I do go to bed early though. I laughed at the picture of you in my head curled up asleep on the boxes !! How are you feeling today? Hope you are feeling a bit better...... hugs to you :l

                - you gave great advice and answers to LJ and as I said, not much really that I can add. Yes, you were right - we were still asleep when she posted. Then I chatted with my mum on Skype for a while. How are things going? Have you got any further with the Visa paperwork yet? How is your mum doing on the Topa?

                Poor you re the carb flu - as you call it - I can't imagine not having my wholegrains - I so hope it works for you. I gave up bread once many years ago, for about a week and felt really dreadful the whole time. Basically I feel good as long as I don't eat junky stuff !!

                Off to start my day - a very chilly one out there today. 18 degrees. The dogs are sliding around on top of the snow poor things.....

                Hugs to all, love, Sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  I am still here ... thank you. Was very drunk, fell asleep and awake now again briefly to drink water and then back to bed (will be a wasted day, sigh). I will come back to the thread though and post something coherent. Thank you for listening and putting up.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi all, hope you are having a lovely Sunday!

                    LJ, :welcome: Sorry I was not around to reply earlier. Had a bit of a lie in this morning which I really appreciate. I'm so glad that you have found us here at MWO and that you realise your drinking has become a problem. That's a huge step - well done :l

                    Dizzy, Sun & Space have been around here a lot longer than me but unfortunately none of us are in the drink once a week category - we all seem to drink relatively smaller?? quantities but would happily drink every night (sorry guys if I'm speaking out of turn here!).

                    I really hope you hang around here on the Topa thread, as there is a lot of very valuable information to be gained from some very wise ladies, and in addition to this, you may want to have a look at the Newbies Nest, where you can meet people at the same stage as you plus have the benefit of senior members who help newbies enormously and the Toolbox where you can get some serious methods to help you kick the binge drinking.

                    Like Dizzy, Sun & Space have said before, please give us some more information so we can start to help :thanks:

                    Newbies Nest:



                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi again everyone ... I think I posted on this thread because I feel like I know many of you from reading so many of your posts ... so the call for help.

                      I am so frustrated. All I've ever wanted is to be a social drinker like everyone else, but I apparently cannot. I don't drink everyday and I rarely ever drink at home. Lately it seems that not the frequency but the amount I am drinking on a binge (only one night ... it never goes beyond) has increased and the way it affects my state of mind has gotten more disconcerting (black outs, acting or speaking out). Sigh. It's embarrassing and it makes me feel like I have absolutely no control--which I apparently don't once I start drinking.

                      I am wondering if a drug like Topa might help, but haven't come across very many binge drinkers like me on this board.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi there LJ - I am glad that you came back - I was honestly wondering if you would ! I smiled when you said that you feel as if you know us - yes, I have been here since the year DOT !!!

                        I am so sorry that you feel as if you have a problem - lots of folk on this web site would kill to have a problem like yours - drinking once a week. WHY do you just drink just once a week? I am so curious!! And what on earth made you reach out to us? I DO underdstand though that if you feel you have a problem - it IS a problem - I used to drink 2 drinks a night and no-one could understand why I thought I had a problem - but it was a problem to me.

                        Topa can help - Topa helped me in the beginning - very much so - although you know that if you have read the whole post. BUT I am wondering if you need Topa - I am thinking Antabuse might help more. If it is just the one night....... it can take some time to get to the dosage that Topa will work for. AB works immediately. Have you ever thought about taking it? If you took it say on day 4 of your no drinking then you would NOT be able to drink on day 7.........

                        I am so pleased that you came back.....

                        Hi there teezah
                        ..... good to see you. Yes, I seem to have been here forever don't I? LOL !! No laughing matter really is it... but no, I have never binged - never had blackouts and I do not get drunk. So I suppose you could say I drink 'smaller' quantities. Great info for LJ that you gave - I am so happy that you are here with us !!!

                        LJ - just a thought - why don't you start a post asking about binge drinkers? If there are any, (and I know there are) then they would answer you and so you might find some others who are in the same boat as you - just a thought. PLEASE stay here with us anyway - but think about posting again in the general discussion and ask about it - okay?

                        love and hugs, Sun XXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi Sunshine ...

                          It is a difficult problem to explain. Sometimes it might be more than once a week if I am socializing. But therein lies the problem for me. Once I start drinking I can't or won't stop until I am forced to. And once I reach that state I am sometimes not a very pleasant person to be around. But lately it seems when I do drink I drink to oblivion. I have lost friends. I lost a whole day of work today, for example. I have also had periods where I drink more than once a week depending on the life I have. Right now I don't live close to a bar so I don't go out to drink very often. It is when I go out that it seems to be the problem. I am thinking I might have other mental health issues (depression) although I haven't been diagnosed.

                          And yes, good idea, about posting a thread asking if there are other binge drinkers.

                          Teezah: Thank you for the bits of information, and yes, going to the Newbie Nest is a good idea.

                          Much earlier in this thread someone posted an article about drinking. It struck a chord with me because the author wrote that it is not the frequency nor the amount of drink necessarily but its affect on you. What a person does or who they become when they drink that points to them having a problem. It was a problem when I was younger and I actually quit drinking for 9 years, and then started again. I don't think I should have ever started again, but it is the social aspect of it that always seems to pull me in.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi Dizzy:

                            You asked;

                            "Not sure what your definition of binge is - can you tell me how much you usually drink, do you have a pattern, do you go out? It would also help us to know how old you are and if you have a family, just so we can give the right type of advice."

                            A binge for me is one night of drinking. I know it sounds crazy to some, but it also means a night of drinking where I don't stop until I am forced to (money, too drunk to keep drinking, bar is closing, etc.) and do or say many embarrassing things. I have gone through periods where I go out more frequently, but that hasn't been the case for the past few years. That can mean lots of pints of beer and wine (2 bottles wine or 5-6 pints + wine). I am 45 and single. Also, I think it is the speed of drinking. I drink fast and hard basically. I am small. I expect I get as drunk as I do because I don't drink daily. I know better, but I can't stop myself from getting drunk. Why can't I just stop at 1 or 2? Why do I need to keep drinking to oblivion?


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi LJ - so happy to see you back - for some reason I wasn't sure if we would but I am so glad that you are !!!!!

                              We ALL drink differently. I know that a lot of folk wish they could drink the way that I do - never drink to excess, oh gosh- etc., etc., etc. !! We ALL have our own problems and although I have never binge drunk I know it is hard for you. I wish I only drank once a week..... SIGH !!!!!

                              I am happy that you have started another thread where you are getting others like youself. It is always good and helpful to see that.

                              Love and hugs, Sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Sun, ironic isn't it? I can't imagine drinking everyday, although I understand the struggle as my mom did it. My body couldn't take it, I don't think. It is endlessly frustrating for me to always drink to excess when I do drink though. Many say it is just will power, but I can tell you for me that it isn't. Never drinking again is a will power that I think I do have. My problem has really just been in thinking I can moderate. I am also not a fun or pretty drunk. The last few years my excessive drinking has been a great cause of anguish and not at all good for my self esteem -- and that just deepens the cycle, I think.

                                Thank you so much for the support and your caring words.

