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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    DizzyBee;1470704 wrote: Another drive by

    Ahem - as I was saying !!!!!!

    love and hugs !!

    sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      I am aware of my naughtiness but its forgivable if one otherwise posts regularly :P

      Off to the visa offices - wish me luck!



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Another drive by

        How will I ever catch up? Was supposed to be off work today but worked half day, I'm now sick with cough and asthma stuff the same as my daughter had while she was here, I'm really tired because of it.

        But yes, I'm sticking with the AB and when I took it on Monday it was the most Comforting feeling knowing that I didn't have to worry about stopping on the way home for a glass, didn't have to stop to buy a bottle and didn't have to stay up late drinking, I must say I really really like this plan. After drinking moderately the week my daughter was here I was tired of it and looked forward to the AB. My daughter didn't even have one glass of wine except at her sisters engagement party.

        I want so much to reply to everyone but just don't feel good tonight and am going to bed right away, need to overcome this cold as I have to work Friday and Saturday. Hope to catch up on Sunday, but I am reading so don't get up to any mischief

        Love you all,


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Play, it seems we are all having a drive by week. Sorry that you are not feeling well, but how great that the AB is becoming a source of comfort for you. That's awesome. Sleep well!


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            MORNING EVERYONE !!!!!

            Snow here although not much ..... feeling really good today - Play - so sorry you have the bug ! Hope you feel better soon. And so happy that the AB is working for you too. Hi there LJ - hope you are getting caught up too. Dizzy - good luck with the visa.....

            I am off to work....

            Hugs to all, Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Rise and shine! Glad you are feeling great Sun. Hope you are feeling better Play and that you got your visa all cleared away, Dizzy. Another drive by as I am BURIED in work and barely crawling my way out. Today is going to be hell, but I will get through it. I really wanted to drink my stress away yesterday but I held strong. Day 6 today! Enjoy your day everyone. LJ


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Try not to stress youself out too much today LJ, I know you have loads of work to catch up on but remember that you cant expect to do a whole weeks worth of work in one day, try to take your time and things will all get done. Stick to what you decided that you want to do,(not drink) and you will be so pleased with yourself in the morning.

                Play I hope your cold isnt too bad and you start to get better soon. It is great the way you feel about taking the AB and not drinking that is wonderful.

                Hi Sun, what has got you feeling so well do you know? can you send me some of it please lol

                I got my car back today so thats one thing off my mind, a very big worry really, not much else to say apart from I am keeping up with the banana and yogurt breakfast.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi all - I am home from work and have bathed one of the dogs - Miss Tiggy Winkle got a bath when she was at doggy day care today but I decided to do the other one myself. I am rather damp but she was VERY good and looks and smells lovely !!

                  Space and LJ - I usually do wake up feeling good - just felt extra good today - AND I had four Guinness last night - I know - shame on me. I have no idea why I feel so good always - I wish I could send some of it to each of you. Tonight is going to be three Guinness. I was so busy at work yesterday that I didn't take the L-Glut. I love my new job - it is so active and keeps me so busy - it just GIVES me energy!!!!

                  - so happy that you got your car back - that must be a huge relief for you. Are you feeling better at all? you sort of sound it.......

                  - I say the same as Space - you cannot expect to do a weeks worth of work in one day and GO YOU on day 6. I am SO proud of you !!!!!! Especially with the stress that you are under too. Hang in there my friend - you CAN do this. Am I being a hypocrit saying that? That was got me into trouble on the thread some time ago. Because I am still drinking...... SIGH !!!!!! I was told I shouldn't give advice or whatever if I am still drinking..... so ignore me if I am wrong.

                  Dizzy my dear - I hope that you got your Visa sorted. They are such a pain.

                  Well, I am off to do something wondrous - not sure what but I still have energy!!!!

                  love and hugs to all,

                  Love Sun XXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    It would seem the universe either heard both of you, or someone out in the ethers decided to cut me some slack.

                    I have been operating on 2 hours sleep today, which is bad I know, but this stuff just had to be done. I had a jam-packed day and somehow I managed to get it all done, and so calmly. When I got home at 6, I was going to have another 6 hours ahead of me before I could go to bed. But lo, and behold, I somehow managed to get another month instead of 6 hours. Oh, joy!

                    So, I just made myself a pan grilled steak, ceasar salad and a chunk of fresh grainy bread. Delicious!

                    Space, I was laughing about what you posted about rhodiola seeming like a miracle pill. Have you started taking it yet? I know what you mean about the supps … there is a damn lot of them. How do you keep track of them if they are all in bottles? I have a 7 day pill box, with 4 boxes in each. It is the only way I would remember them all. And I have to leave beside my laptop.

                    I took my All One this morning to brighten me up, but I didn't bother with the supps because sometimes they make me sleepy. Anyone else find that? But, hahahaha, I kept popping B50s and Rhodiola all day, which might explain why I remained so calm and alert. Who knows, hey?

                    Space, you sure sound better, to me. Are you feeling better? Still taking the AB? Or maybe it is just the relief of finally getting your car back so you can shop and get out a bit more. I like that you are eating bananas. I was just reading about bananas (and bought some today to dip into peanut butter. YUM).

                    “Potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. A deficiency in potassium causes fatigue, irritability, and hypertension (increased blood pressure).”

                    Sun, even though I read this whole thread, I could never find the other one that you guys were always referring to, so I never knew what the heck the issue was. You are not being a hypocrite. At least not to me. It makes no difference to me if those who cheer me on drink or don't drink. Why would it matter? Encouragement is encouragement.

                    We are all different in what we need and what we do. I find it amusing how you drink, and I think you seem to have a pretty good handle on it—at least as far as I can tell. It seems to get you down sometimes, but it's not like it is causing you any huge problems is it?

                    Oh, I have some good tips for growing cantaloupes. I just don't have it in me right now to post them. But I will.

                    We should know in a few hours if Dizzy
                    got her visa sorted I would suspect. We're all waiting and maybe not so patiently, lol.

                    Okay, that's it for me. Tea, bed and a book. I can hardly wait to get lots of sleep!

                    Sleep well and take care everyone. XO LJ


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      A Bit of Catch Up.

                      Hey All,
                      I'm pretty sick right now, cough and congestion, I worked today and of course should have gone home but I can't afford to lose the hours as I don't have sick time benefits since I'm per-diem, but maybe I will feel better tomorrow. I went to sleep at 9pm last night and it helped.

                      I'm going to read back a bit and respond to things as best I can

                      Dizz, you are such a good writer, I love reading your posts, you are very nurturing and helpful, please keep posting even when you return to BF, he has to share you with us.

                      Hi LJ, well I think everyone is taking good care of you here, so glad you are with us. I'm with Space about the Topa for you, you must be able to get it if your order online. Even if they don't ship to Canada, there are other ways, such as having it shipped to one of us and then we would ship it to you, it's a thought if you want to look into it. Topa can be like a miracle but like I've said before, you can never stop because it most likely wont work quite the same again.

                      LJ, how is it that you manage to drink only once a week? And it's only when you go out once a week that you binge so terribly, hmmm, it's interesting, and I can see how one might binge if you are full of the stress of holding back for a week.

                      And Dizz, you are doing such a great job regarding the new eating habits, I really admire you.

                      Hi Teezah, you sound busy but good.

                      LJ, Sun threw out some good suggestions for you, did you come across any binge threads? I'm not sure about anta buse for you unless you want to completely abstain. If you just take it once a week, then you would just be free to do the usual binge thing, but it could for sure help you to abstain if that is a better choice for you, and it might just be considering that you have said the awful effects of binging are increasing.

                      Sun, I'm wanting to read the Alan Carr book but I seem to have so many books going and I'm doing good with the AB for now but will read it one of these days.

                      Dizz, I'm just reading your great post on page 440, many things I want to talk to you about but I will have to close here for now, I'm just not feeling good enough to think anymore tonight. I will say that I am still 100 per cent on board with the AB plan and as I said last night it is actually a big relief that I have found this.

                      I do feel a little disappointed that Sun isn't still doing it with me, but Dizz, I agree with you, I don't think Sun has the same problem with drinking that I do. Sun has a stop button and many times I do not! If I buy wine to last for three days, it is gone in one night. If Sun can keep to two a night well, I've never thought that was a real problem. And I'm so grateful to Sun because I never would have started the AB if it weren't for her, so THANK YOU Sun:h

                      Gotta go for now, love you girls.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        LOL, after that subtle hint from LJ I just wanted to say I fell asleep for a nap at 5 yesterday and only woke up 14 hours later. I only had 5 hours the night before, did the 6am trip to the visa offices, and proofread and sent in work. I also just completed the first 10 days of a diabetes cure diet (its not a cure but many people like me can still reverse the symptoms) AND I managed to get a nasty sunburn so I guess I was just pooped.

                        I should hear from the visa offices on Monday or Tuesday. There is talks that the UK may give SA back its non visa status - we never used to need one to visit up to 6 months. There was corruption though and SA passports were easy to fake but the government says they have corrected it and its unfair to charge 80 quid for a visiting visa (even the people just flying via the airports staying airside has to pay) I paid 70 quid extra for a fast visa so everything is money, money, money.

                        Space, you should try to buy plain greek yogurt and then cut the banana into it. Sweetened yogurts can have up to 8 teaspoons of sugar per cup so rather add some honey or a spoon or two of sugar yourself. I have it plain but its not for everyone.

                        Greek yogurt is also great for cooking with, it tastes like cream but only has 6% fat. I marinate cubed chicken breast in it with a tablespoon of curry for a few hours. I then fry an onion,garlic, ginger, greenpepper and mushrrooms and add the chicken. When done, add another 100ml of greek yogurt on very low heat or after having swirched off the pan - this will create a creamy sauce.

                        LJ, glad work went well. Focusing at home can be a real pain. I'm at my best (but also most deviant child) in the morning. So I usually set a goal for writing 3 hour after breakfast (after checking in here and the news and facebook) If you get that done before lunch, the rest of the day can run away with you. And its of course easier when not hung over. Please be strong today and take that L-glut to avoid Saturday madness. Just think how much you can accomplish by next Sat if you keep healing and working.

                        And that meal you mentioned sounded so yummy, delicious and nutritious, all the things your body needs right now.

                        Sun you had me there with who Miss Tiggy Winkle was, I was leaning towards imaginary friend when I remembered your daughter also now living there. That would make an awesome imaginary friend name. How is your daughter BTW? Is she working and how longs she staying? I can't remember. I do love it when you're in such a good mood doing wondrous things, wish you could sprinkle fairy dust on all of us!

                        I just saw some sneakers I really liked and then noticed Justin Bieber is also on the ad... Am I to old to buy Justin Bieber Adidas sneakers? Oh screw him, I had a pair of Adidas before he and 'parkoring' was born. Besides my 2 current pairs are suede and lovely as they are the UK winter puddles hate them.

                        Lots of love and hugs,


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Cross-post, Play. I hope you feel better soon. Just a thought but have you always had so many colds per year? It could be the travelling and previous drinking and the fact you work in a hospital but you do seem to get them quite often. It could be that your immune system is a bit low?

                          I'm sure you can get an immune system boosting vitamin there containing 1000mg vit C, echinacea and zinc among other things. The one in SA is even a fizzy vit so it makes me feel better like we used to get a lolly when going to the doctor as kids

                          I'm so happy you are joining me for 5/7 and yes, thankful for Sunny that she helped bring you here but also positive she can do without if she takes her L-Glut.

                          I drink the same way you do and also isolate when I do, so I get what a big improvement this will bring to your life. When you're a month into the program you can perhaps think of eating more healthily too? Or at least get that immune system going.

                          Lots of hugs and healing energy.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Im all over the place today, mentally I mean so Im sorry but I cant concentrate enough to reply to all the posts.

                            LJ I am not on AB, I stopped drinking before christmas after my psychiatrist changed my meds so Im not sure whats going on but I just dont crave drink anymore. I havent recieved my Rhodolia yet I ordered online.

                            Dizzy I have already gone and bought friut yogurts for this week so I will try the plain greek yogurt next week. My plan now is that now I have got my breakfast sorted and have been eating everyday I want to start having something at lunch time. This will have to be something samll and easy, if it wasnt I would give up, I am thinking of getting some cooked meats, say lean ham or turkey breast and having it with a bit of salad and wholemeal bread, that way I could buy it once a week ready to eat each day. I also need to be more organised with my shopping so I have the foods in that I should be eating.

                            Yesterday I took some l glut and want to see if it helps with my sugar cravings, I have been eating a lot of chocolate and biscuits since I stopped drinking which I never really did before so I want to see does it help with that.

                            As I said I am feeling a bit manic today and my anxiety is playing up as it does, I dont want to tell my psychiatrist about this as I dont want anymore meds that bring me down because that just sends me into bed so I am planning to try and ride this one out and be careful that I dont go doing/planning anything I will later regret.

                            Ok this all Ive got xx


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Ah Space, sorry, and I hear you about not wanting to tell your psychiatrist. Last time I had a bad episode the pdoc gave me Zyprexa (close to seroquel) and once Avitan (close to rivotril) for 2 weeks while my Lamictal kicked in.

                              What you're doing with the yogurt is good for this week, I'm just learning the less sugar I have, the less sugar I crave and the less hungry I am. Its natural to crave a sugar substitute for alcohol as it is in essence a type of sugar (or lager is and the rest raises blood sugar). Your proposed lunch sounds perfect and you will be boosting your metabolism by eating. Just have some protein with every meal: cheese, yogurt, eggs is great (I hard boil a bunch and keep it in the fridge) nuts, peanutbutter, canned tuna, precooked shrimp if you like it, all makes for a good + easy protein filler. Sun can tell youi about veggie protein but baked beans on toast counts and I like chick peas and kidney beans.

                              Try to relax with a movie, do you still have rivotril?



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Well - cannot believe that I have just spent the last 6 1/2 hours reading but I did. I started a new book yesterday and picked it up again today and didn't put it down until I finished it ! Sort of a waste of my day off but not really. It was Jodi Picoult's new one..... The Storyteller. I think most of her books are really good - anyway, I ran errands this morning, after getting up at 6.00 and then have done nothing except read all day!! It will be time for bed soon - LOL

                                Lovely to see so many posts. Space - so sorry you are in a bit of a muddle in your head, but you made perfect sense to me! Good for you eating breakfast - although I am a fine one to talk - I have a cup of tea and an orange soda then a milky coffee and that is it until about 10.00. Then I start on my lunch time sandwich. And my mucky drink.....

                                Did the L-Glut help with the sugar cravings? Chromium picolinate also helps with those..... yes - yet ANOTHER supp - SIGH !!! I agree with not telling your psych. about your anxiety bcause you seem to be doing well on what you are on and you don't want to rock the boat.....

                                Hi there dizzy - good grief - you slept for 14 hours? You must have needed it !!

                                Oh - Miss Tiggy Winkle is Katie's nick-name !! (from the Beatrix Potter books). Sorry for any confusion ! Yes, my daughter is fine and we have no idea how long she will be staying - she will be starting school in may so probably at least be with us until the end of the year I would think. We get on very well so I am fine with it.

                                OF COURSE you are not too old to wear the same sneakers as Justin Biebers - but would you really want to?

                                Hi there play
                                - I hope you are feeling a bit better today - it is a shame that you can't rest and try and pamper yourself to help your cold and stuff go. I would imagine that it is a mixture of stress, work, your daughters visit, the AL thing, just EVERYTHING contributing to it - and yes, you could probably do with building up your immune system.

                                I agree with Play that when dizzy returns to UK she won't be posting much again which is sad. We miss you when you don't post Dizzy !!! I love your posts !!

                                And Play - I am sorry I didn't stick to the AB with you - I just didn't feel right being AF - which I know seems to be a cop-out, but really isn't. I will stick to my two a night - well, at the moment it is still 3 (or 4 some nights) but that is better than what I was up to - so I am improving trust me !! When I told BOB about not feeling right being AF, he laughed - and I didn't blame him - it does sound preposterous, but I do have a stop button - and he doesn't.

                                LJ - I am not going to go into the stuff that went on on the site some time ago - it isn't worth dredging up, let me just say that it has made me very wary about posting freely !! I am fine posting here and sometimes post elsewhere - the killer thread for one, but that is just for fun. But I don't post elsewhere now - or if I do, it is a rareity.

                                I am happy that you got some work done - I could NOT have just 2 hours sleep - how on earth did you do that? I need my sleep !! And I would love your tips for growing cantaloupes sometime please.

                                I went out this morning looking for a hyacynth in a pot for my receiving room. I am craving signs of spring but there are none in the shops yet. I do have daffs coming up - some are actually in bud, - those that are hidden at the side of the house well protected, and others are about 4" high so far. Actually I should look out the front as I know I have a couple of hyacynths there and see if they are showing any signs of coming up yet and if they are, dig them up and pot them and take them to work.

                                Well, I suppose i must go and shower - a tad late - LOL but better late than never! love and hugs to everyone,

                                sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

