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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Well - where is everyone?

    Anyway - took my AB yesterday and it was fine. steered clear of Branston pickle or anything that might hint of anything with AL in it and did fine. I went into it this week with a different attitude and what a difference it made !

    Dizzy - I took your advice and had some fruit juice when I got home so not sure if that did the trick - but I was fine. No cravings even !! And also slept well - but I think that is 'cos I drink when I get home from work and only have a few so by the time I go to bed they are probably pretty much out of my system. Anyway I was pleasantly surprised - I was not expecting to sleep last night. hubs is doing this with me and he did NOT sleep last night at all, but he drinks up until bedtime.

    getting ready for work - just thought I would give you an update.......

    hugs, sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi all

      I'm on day 10 AF and actually feeling very good, even better than I did on the 5/7. Yes, I strike periods of utter boredom but my mood hasn't been this good since my last AF stint. Its not forever but for now I want the feeling to last. Its also good for my health and my relationships around me.

      As for the visa, I have appealed and they must have received the documents last Monday but there is just no telling if they are going to approve it or not. They have up to 28 days to make their decision, which I have made peace with but I am going to send an email today to at least check if they have it and if I have followed the correct protocol (I emailed the documents to bf and he posted it to them which someone told us telephonically is OK but I'm paranoid now) I don't really have a backup plan, I think the only other thing we can do is get the fiance visa, which means we will then have 6 months to decide whether we want to get married or split up. Bf think we can claim a partnership visa but I don't think they will give it to us as we have not lived together for 2 years.

      Hi Jay-J, Having dealt with doctors, psychiatrists and this thread and having talked about Topa a lot to all of them I can't see why you have to see a psychiatrist. The plan in the MWO book is safe provided you follow it carefully and you are vigilant to pick up on any side effects. I would also add that I think you should check in with us once a week to give an update, that way you have people with experience that can act as a sounding board. People that don't know better aren't that keen on hearing others are 'treating themselves' so perhaps its better to rather keep it on the down low? I mean they mean well and what they don't know can't hurt them but I know that a lot of my friends would not come around to this idea either.

      Houtx and WTE, sounds like you two ladies had a ball.

      LJ, perhaps give your local computer repair shop a visit. I know its not a site you want everyone to see but I doubt the computer nerds there would really care. I bet you they could fix it in five minutes.

      , so sorry about all your stress. Am humbled by the fact that you still come across so caring and sweet even though your life must be so hard at times. Have we discused Antabuse 5/7 before? As in you don't drink Monday to Friday? I simply can't remember now. I must say after being sober 10 days I feel so much less stressed than when I do drink - its the Catch 22 we find ourselves in - we drink for that immediate relaxation and then we build up long term depression and anxiety from alcohol abuse. Have you tried anything but Topamax?

      :welcome: Honey60

      , how is the hypno school going, please share

      , would you ever consider going to a dietician? Not to lose weight but rather I Am a bit worried about you and I'm sure the right dietician can help with some great tips regarding how to avoid the energy slumps? I am glad you are feeling better though but perhaps if you feel its getting worse in future.

      You are welcome to come and visit, a cab from our flat to Heathrow is about 25 quid but if you take one from there they charge you 20 quid extra the cheeky bastards. There are however also buses or you could phone me when you are there and I can take a cab from home and pick you up - they charge cheaper fares than the black cabs at heathrow. Hope that makes sense!

      Speak soon, hugs to all.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Cross-post Sun, so glad you did well and the juice seemed to have helped. It's also good news that your hubby is on board as well and it makes sense that he tossed and turned if he drinks till late as his body was probably withdrawing.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          It is a routing problem, which means there is nothing I can do about it but wait for it to correct itself. super frustrating.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            I also lost this thread.I miss it coming in my email. I like to see how everyone is.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              meggie;1480133 wrote: I also lost this thread.I miss it coming in my email. I like to see how everyone is.
              Meggie - how did you lose this thread? Can you not get this web site any more on your computer either?

              (no time to reply to posts right now - will reply later)

              hugs, sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all. Just popping in to say hi. I lost track of time reading my novels....

                It sounds like there are quite a few success stories here!

                I'm still taking my l glut and just chilling. Trying to exercise a little while reading. Just trying little life changes.

                Hey, sun and play: we need to get back to the spiritual stuff!
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question


                  Just lost the longest post where I replied to everyone with good ideas, etc., and I know exactly how it happened, I had two pages open so I could read one page and post on the other and then accidentally hit the X and deleted the whole thing I was writing, :upset:

                  Now I'm too tired to write it all over again: Sun, it was like that fabulous post that you lost that time:upset: I don't know if I will be able to replace it, plus I even told about my hypnotherapy school for Dizz and oh Gosh, I'm pretty sad about it.

                  Well, love to all, good night for now.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi guys
                    Just to say I couldn't access the site either via phone or laptop, this is starting to worry me. Has anyone talked to the Admin people, forgot what they're called now. I will check in properly later just wanted to get something on here in case the whole site crashes!


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Was it just me or did MWO go down last night like a cheerleader at halftime?


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        LOL, that mustve been some half time, I could only get on half hour ago.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I also couldnt get on here. I wonder what has gone on. I just popped in to say hello andyway and let you all know that I am thinking of you.

                          What with all my own stuff my daughter is moving flats, she will be nearer me but farther away from my mum who she lives right by now. My mum is 84 and not well right now I am very worried about her and will be having to make daily visits there. At least its getting me out of bed and dressed, I have even washed my face today using facewash AND cleaned my teeth. Unfortunately over the past months of depression I havent been washing much and hardley ever cleaning my teeth.

                          Love to all xx


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Oh, Space, you sound so sad. Dealing with an elderly parent is not easy. You never know what to do. I finally am getting posts sent to my email. So I will be touching base. I did go to an alcohol counselor and she was sweet but I know she wants me to go to AA. I told her about the website and she didn't think it would be helpful. Oh, well.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi Jay-J, Having dealt with doctors, psychiatrists and this thread and having talked about Topa a lot to all of them I can't see why you have to see a psychiatrist. The plan in the MWO book is safe provided you follow it carefully and you are vigilant to pick up on any side effects. I would also add that I think you should check in with us once a week to give an update, that way you have people with experience that can act as a sounding board. People that don't know better aren't that keen on hearing others are 'treating themselves' so perhaps its better to rather keep it on the down low? I mean they mean well and what they don't know can't hurt them but I know that a lot of my friends would not come around to this idea either.
                              My thoughts exactly Dizzy! Thanks for the feedback and support! Yes, definitely I'll be updating here on my Topa experiences. Now moving up to 75mg. I'm starting Day 15 (3rd week) of the MWO plan.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi All, I'm so relieved to see the site is running again, I couldn't access it all day, so if I go missing you will know why, but we will probably all go missing.

                                A few of us here are already connected by personal email and if anyone else wants to connect up before the site goes away for good, please PM me with your email address so that we can all keep in touch if something unforeseen happens, hopefully it won't.

                                Love you, play

