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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi everyone - good to see you all here. It is awful here this morning - sleeting right now with a lot of snow expected - 8" by tomorrow morning - yuck !!

    Meggie - I so agree with you about the very rich not paying enough taxes - this country has changed so much over the past 30 years or so. A friend sent me a really interesting piece that is just three minutes long - I might post it here or send it via PM to anyone interested. I do not know what the answer is at all but I think it is sad the way things have changed in this country.

    Ally - I think Play is referrring to the CD that came with the magazine this quarter. Hope all is well with you? did you get my e-mail?

    Stuck - sorry you started again - also by the way - laughed at you and golf !! I am hopeless at golf - tried many years ago with my dad and it took me about 20 shots to get the ball in !!! Anyway - what are your plans now? Will you stop again?

    LJ - I am impressed with you hooking your phone up to the computer - well done ! I am sorry you are so tired though - that must be awful for you - I cannot imagine feeling that tired. Have you had any blood work done? Sounds good though that with the Mood Cure book that some things are improving.

    Go you on day 27 - even if as you say, it hasn't been that hard - it is when you drink that you have trouble stopping. But if you try the l-Glut if you go out that might help, although of course you can drink over it. You still have to have the mindset that you will only drink one or two. That is why I went back to the AB - because I wasn't sticking to my 2 a night the week that I didn't take my AB. I so hope that you start to get some energy and feel better - depression seems to be the bane of all of us here.

    - good to hear from you. Sorry about your money troubles. I so understand how you must feel regarding your sons shoes - sad for both of you, but you cannot help the way things are and the school much understand that. I know how they are re uniforms remembering it very well! My heart goes out to you and your son. I do hope that you can get something sorted.

    Yes, the Ab does work and it is mindset for me - with having changed my attitude this past week, it was so different - in fact it was actually a relief to take it on Monday and have AL taken out of the picture for me.

    Hi there Houtx
    so happy that you had a good time with WTE - isn't she great? I still think you should try the AB the way that Play and I are doing it - it really does work - once you accept that you cannot drink, you are fine.....

    - what an awesome post. So lovely to hear about your hypno classes and that you are enjoying it so much. yes, that really was a scare with the site being down - I felt as if I had lost my family - even though we have each others e-mails, it wasn't the same - I wonder what happened - no-one has posted about it which i thought they would do. Oh - I will PM you the piece that I was e-mailed and see what you think of it - it is quite an eye opener about the way that America is changing.

    - I am keeping my fingers crossed that they come through with the visa for you. It all seems so wrong to me that you cannot get it without all this hassle. I hope you are feeling better too - although you said that you were feeling pretty good being AF. Thank you for putting Play and me onto the AB plan! I actually enjoyed last week - which sounds silly but I know what I mean. It also saved me some money as Guinness is NOT cheap!

    - waiting for an update on how you are doing - did you go up (or did you and I missed it) and how you are feeling. It sounds as if the Topa is working for you - that is great.....

    Well, I think I have covered everything - I need to go and run a quick errand before the snow starts. Only have one Guinness - LOL. Then can stay in for the day.

    Hugs to all,

    Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Up to 8" already and it is supposed to snow all night........

      Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        A quickie from me. So sorry for the probs so many of you are having. Space - I wish I could help!! But so amazing you have been AF 3 months!! That is a wonderful thing and wish it helped lighten your other burdens.

        New ppl: welcome! I lurk and post sporatically. Enjoy the posts from everyone! Stuck - you're funny with the golf comments! My partner & I played with a co-worker of hers Sat who was knocking back the beers bigtime. Kept saying what a great player he was but was intimidated by us. He SUCKED from the get-go. Got progressively worse the more he drank. I am not one to point fingers, but it really irritated me. Anyway - yes, golf is fun & I enjoy playing it badly on a regular basis. I usually have a couple of beers w/ my partner, but as most of you know, I do not really start drinking until late afternoon. I may have a couple of beers when I play, but I'm so dingy when I do so, I try not to go overboard until we're done. I was on vacation w/ WTE so enjoyed wine & champagne whenever I felt like it. I was probably a bad influence on her on at least one or more occasions! LOL 'twas great fun!!

        Yes, still thinking about the AB but I just don't think I would be strong enough to go beyond maybe the first few days. I'd be cutting the pill into a powder...

        Anyway, hope alls well w/ everyone otherwise. Love you ppl!!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          And yes, it's cold here in Houston!! Was a windy 60 all day and now dipping into the high 30s for overnight lows. Going to be like this the rest of the week - weird!! I am ok with being cold & just wearing layers, but buildings act like it's Alaska and turn the heat up to cremate!! Hate that part of it!


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Does bringing a gay guy home count as "something bad," Space? LOL. A grad school friend, who does happen to be gay, threw a little get-together last night to play cards and drink and hang out, and the whole party ended up back in my neighborhood. When everybody left, he and I want to the liquor store and ended up drinking most of a bottle of whiskey out front of my apartment until well past 2 am. I pretty much don't remember when he left or when I went to bed, so I might've had gay sex last night. But I don't think I did--so that's what counts, right?

            Anyway, tonight I'm really slowing things down. Went to have dinner with a close friend who just got a DUI. His birthday was last week so dinner was to kind of celebrate that, and after he wanted to kill some time because he's trying to get/stay sober, so we went for a coffee. Well that's fine for him and all, but I started getting a whole lot of anxiety, especially since we were talking about DUIs and grad school--both of which are kind of rough subjects for me, too, and I was glad when he was ready to get going. Because it meant I could get home and get a drink.

            But like I said, slowing it down tonight, and planning to go back to AF tomorrow or Tuesday. And I'll take Ativan if need be at that point, but tonight I was thinking either take one of those or actually enjoy myself a little with a couple drinks and catching up on some TV episodes. Then tomorrow night I'll watch a hockey game at the bar, with my lovely bartender, so we'll see. But then again, after the other night she might think I'm loose-moraled or something. She said the girl I was talking to on Thursday looked like she was going to start making out with me at any moment (I don't remember that), and then on Friday I really did start making out with the girl I took home, so I should probably be good tomorrow. Otherwise how on earth will I convince her to leave her boyfriend and marry me?



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi All,
              just home from school awhile ago, another exciting day along with emotions coming to the surface, I suppose being so immersed in this kind of work day after day really has an emotional effect. I received my first Certificate yesterday, and have another one a step up at the end of April and if I am able to take the Graduate courses in October and November I will have my "Certified Hypnotherapist" Diploma, we will see where it takes me.

              Meggie, yes, I agree about the State of The Union!

              Sun, I thought the UTube video was great, how about just posting the link here for people to take or leave, that way it is accessible to everyone rather than just the people you think would be interested, you never know who might find it interesting.

              And Meggie, yes I can hypnotize people, but I hope to use it in connection with my work in healthcare that I have done all my life, but at this point, I don't know how it will manifest and Hypnotherapy is somewhat different than just hypnotizing people.

              Ally, Ally, where are we on the Spiritual Sharing Project? Do you have the new magazine with the CD, From Human Love to Divine Love?

              If anyone is wondering about this, it is just that Ally. Sun and I are just studying and chatting about the SRF Lessons, we aren't promoting anything here on the site but I realize that we do mention it occasionally and if you want to know more about SRF just go to the website, Self Realization Fellowship, and read up. We are just using it among ourselves as a way to do something together that can help us grow spiritually which can be another tool in our toolbox for our drinking issues as well.
              I do want to extend an invitation to anyone here who would like to join us. I know that we don't discuss Religion and Politics:H much here on our thread, but I don't want you to feel that we are excluding you if you are interested.

              Oh My Stuck, I suppose you just needed your Fix, right? More ways than one, still love you, hope you get over the blip soon.

              Space, I want to know what you thought about the Travel Trailer calendar, didn't it remind you of the camping road trip that we talked so much about last year? Did I remember to put it in the package? Or is it in my apartment somewhere lying un-noticed?
              And Space, I am truly so sad about your financial despair, oh how I know how you feel and it does just put you in the lowest place imaginable when you are so totally dependent on other sources for being able to live and have clothing for your children and a place to live:upset: I really do understand and wish there was something I could do for you in a really big way, when I get wealthy, I will certainly be thinking of you:h

              Space, please remember to listen to that hypnosis CD that I sent you a long time ago, "Lucky You", I do know that our thoughts influence what we manifest, listen to it every night for a month, it doesn't take any energy and now that you are not drinking, the suggestions will go straight to your subconscious mind and may bring about amazing results, and you might be pleasantly surprised one of these days.


              So Sun and Houtx, lots of snow and cold weather for you, that is weather in your part of the world, it's sunny here but supposed to start raining soon.

              Oh Stuck, just read your latest post that you must have posted while I am writing mine. Kind of curious as to how you get RXs so easily for Ativan and I didn't know physicians gave them out so easily these days on an ongoing basis, can't buy them from River, I know that for sure, will you have a steady supply of them to fall back on? And what happens when you run out? But maybe you have a kindly doc, since they are addictive perhaps you should not rely on them too much in any case:welcome: Thought you would be thanking me for butting in there:H.

              Bye for now and love to all, play xxx


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                I don't think they're handing them out like candy, Play. But last month when I went to the Urgent Aid for an "anxiety attack" (that was of course AL withdrawal) they wrote me a script for 60 pills. I haven't counted, but I still have plenty because I only used them to deal with the first week of AL withdrawal anxiety and insomnia. Then only a couple to try recreationally. I was never seriously into pills, so that helps a lot. I never popped Vicodin when I drank, like my dumbass exGF, or anything like that--it just wasn't my thing. So I have these to deal with any AL withdrawal I might encounter when I go back to AF, but that's it.

                Or maybe I'll get better at script-shopping from different Urgent Aids for a while, like a proper addict.

                As for tonight, a little whiskey and beer is doing the trick just fine. A little buzz but not getting drunk (yet), so slowing down seems to be working and hopefully I can keep this up (or down, depending on how you want to look at it).

                And sorry for just throwing my own issues out there and not responding to anyone else. Really. It's kind of rude of me. Hope everyone's well out there. I'll catch up with everybody soon. Promise.

                Hearts and :l:l:l


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi all

                  Two weeks sober and I have great news. Alas, not about the visa, but about my health. (They lost the visa supporting documents we posted two weeks ago and then bf posted it AGAIN on friday) I stumbled across this book being mentioned on the internet: Hormonal Balance: How to Lose Weight by Understanding Your Hormones and Metabolism by Scott Isaacs (an Endocronologist) and its changed my life.

                  I read the book cover to cover and finally 'clicked' what was making me gain weight. I'm not kidding when I say that ALL my girlfriends eat more and less healthy than me and are much thinner than me.

                  I'll try to make a long story short(Stuck, cover your ears) I had really bad PMS and when I was in the UK in 2004, combined with the dark winters, it would make me lose 3 days of work every month as I could simply not get out of bed I was so depressed. Then some idiot at the birth control clinic suggested I went on the Depo Provera injection.

                  Well, while this took my periods and therefore PMS away and did not make me gain weight at first (I was a serious gym goer at the time) it was slowly but surely screwing up my body and creating too much male hormones that leads to major weight gain and insulin resistance.

                  So the book said that the best birth control for me is a pill called Yaz and my doctor said its worth a try and I have lost 3 pounds in 2 days and I feel fantastic! I also have much more energy - I kept thinking it was the Metformin blood sugar meds making me tired but it was the other BC pill that had Gestodene in it. I could literally not move after 6pm and here it is 6pm and I feel like running a marathon...well if I was the marathon running type :P

                  I would recommend this book to anyone interested in losing weight. It is not the easiest read and has lots of 'inside' details about all the hormones and all the upcoming drug developments, what works and whats a waste of money. It also has a diet and meal plan which is pretty much just sensible eating but whats great is it explains exactly WHY water is good and WHAT fiber does in geek speak. It also says protein is very important.

                  Spacel, can you tell me if there is a social worker that can help you? I really can't see that if they're treating you for your depression and fybromalgia, that they can on the other hand say you are fit to work and therefore can't get a grant.

                  Perhaps we should give you some tough love Houtx, I'm sorry but I think you should try harder and give the AB a go. You wouldn't believe how much better you'll feel in the mornings, how much easier the classes will be to get through, how much weight you can lose and money you can save, never mind the health benefits. Come on gf, get off the fence as its TIME to do something here. Plus you get two whole days of drinking, whats better than that?

                  Thanks for sharing about the hypno school, Play. Your patients must be so lucky to have someone so caring look after them. We had a wonderful nurse who looked after my dad when he had a pin put in his hip and I must say it calmed everyone's stress levels SO much. Do you have a specialty?

                  you're a riot but I must admit you're on better form when sober. :P There's no way you would've let Sun's comment slip otherwise:

                  "Up to 8" already and it is supposed to snow all night........"

                  :H I got it as one of the messages sent to my email and then I had to come to the site to read the best and the first thing I thought was that you were going to give you grief. Ah, at least we can still laugh. I think using Ativan to stop drinking if you go on binges is a good idea, I use Valium and it really gets you through those first few icky days. They even give it to you at rehab and they were stingy with their bloody aspirin around there.

                  How old are you by the way? No, I'm not hitting on you, just wondering as I pretty much know what age all the other regulars around here are but you could be 30 or 50 for all I know.

                  Sorry Sun
                  , didn't mean to take your comment out of context... Its a late winter, its still snowing in the UK. We're still having summer here and expecting 31 degrees celcius tomorrow. Cut my hair about 3 inches today as I could no longer take the long hair in this heat. Plus I actually like shoulder length hair, its bf that likes it so long...

                  Anyway, off to cook dinner, thinking of Popeye's dinner with fish and creamed spinach and baby garlic butter potatoes.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    DIZZY !!!!!!! Actually I had to re-read it three times before I finally 'got it'. I am a tad slow on the uptake at times - LOL !!!!! It was actually 9" - are you jealous? ROTFLMBO !!! Can't believe I actually SAID that - !!

                    I am SO happy that you are feeling better - yes, hormones can really mess you up. SO happy that you seem to have found an answer at last! Good to hear - YEAH !!

                    Houtx - I sort of agree with Dizzy - you need to do something as nothing you are currently doing is working is it? Why not give the AB a try? It really does work - once I changed my attitude to it and to the not drinking, I was fine. I look forward to saturday but then Monday am so pleased to start it again. It seems to be a really good solution to an on-going problem !! Please - think about it okay?

                    Dizzy - I have not heard of using Ativan to stop drinking - doesn't it make you sleepy? All I have to do is LOOK at a bottle of benadryl and I am asleep !! How does ativan work?

                    I cannot understand your cutting your hair to shoulder length 'cos of the heat - when it is hot, there is nothing better than getting mine off my neck by putting it up in a pony tail !!! If it is shoulder length how can you do that?

                    Stuck - no worries about not responding to others - sometimes we just need to post about us - we all understand that and have all done it. I do not get the using pills like Ativan recreationally - but then stuff puts me out, so I hate taking pills anyway. They gave me Vicodin when I had surgery and it does NOTHING for me. I got rid of them.

                    Hi there Play
                    my friend..... if you want to post that video - go for it. I did have one person that asked me for it. I just thought it was really interesting and rather sad too in it's way.......

                    Yes, we did get a lot of snow - but they are really good at clearing the roads here and I had no trouble getting to work - I was surprised when my delivery turned up though and really relieved as Monday is such a heavy day that to have Monday's AND tuesday's would have been awful. We did have three people call in though. I really don't know why as the roads were fine. So there was a skeleton staff on the floor.

                    - I think you would know if you had gay sex...... wouldn't you? So sorry about your friend getting a DUI - will he lose his license? Sad but I hate to say it - I hate when folk have DUI's and are still out there driving. Was it a one-off for him or does he do it all the time? One thing I never do is drink and drive - I worry too much about losing my license.

                    Anyway - I need to go and do stuff, and have waffled on long enough - love and hugs to all,

                    Sun XXX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question


                      Sun, my friend drove drunk all the damned time and it really pissed me off. He definitely had this coming. But he then had a seizure related to his brain injury and that trumps everything--he can't drive now until he has 6 months without a seizure. So there's that.

                      Love and hugs to all.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Typical, you ask a man his size and he gives you his measurements.

                        Something that surprises me is how little they check for drunk driving. In Windsor and surrounds. In SA they always have road blocks near pubs at holiday times and sometimes at random so people are too scared to drive drunk. But my bfs friend has 2 drinks at lunch and 4 after work (in less than 2 hours) and then still offers to drive us home. Last time I took the train and bf followed me, that guy needs no encouragement as he doesn't think he's wrong. Oh and he trains driving instructors for a living...

                        Sun, the Ativan or Valium is not to stop drinking and you'll never need it. But if someone has been drinking large quantities everyday or is coming off a binge, it can prevent withdrawals or help with anxiety. Better to take only when needed and either at night or have a day off so you can also rest.

                        Also, the call this hair length shoulder length but its 10cm below the shoulders so just long enough for a nice pony tail. Ironically if your hair falls on your shoulders or higher its called a bob, or at least my hairdresser does LOL.




                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Everyone's being awfully quiet... What, are you all already too busy chomping Easter bunnies? I've been accepted by the 2nd biggest translation company in the world which was quite tough so I'm proud Other than that nothing new except 17 days AF, aiming for 30 and going strong.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            I have been here quite a bit - not sure where everyone else is..... I am actually going to go to bed shortly - not feeling too swift this evening for some reason or other - unusual for me - so going to do a hot water bottle and take my Nook and go to bed and read.

                            Hugs to all, sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Loved reading all the posts and so enjoy all the messages. Dizzy congrats on the job.
                              Also, whom ever spoke about hormones and their effect, I do so agree. Also, I am researching food and what it does to the body. It is amazing what the effects are. I am looking at the Clean Detox program. I need to clean out the body and hopefully go from there.
                              I am so interested in the hypnotizing and the spiritual thread. I have joined a mediatation/mind over matter group called Mindvalley and I also follow all the spiritual leaders. I do so believe in the laws of attraction.
                              I was just talking with high school friend, we were discussing a classmate who always thought she was deserving of everything. She got her man, her life and everything she has wanted. My friend and I always felt we deserved what we got, and we did. We never felt worthy of the guy, the house, or the positive life. We are at the over 50 age finally looking for that.
                              I would love to join those that are looking for spirituality, laws of attraction, meditation and anything healthy and positive.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Sorry you're a bit under the weather, Sun. Did you say you are taking the AB this week again? How well did your husband do on the AF thing?

                                Yes, Meggie
                                I also like the law of attraction. I watch The Secret once a year to remind me of the power of what can be. I somehow always start off practicing the law of attraction and it working for me but after a couple of months I get a bit jaded again and the magic fades. We need to remind ourselves that the world is a magical place full of possibility.


