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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Set my alarm for 5.00 this morning and it went off at 1/4 to 6 !!! feel tons better though - yes, I am taking the Ab Dizzy - but it hasn't made me feel under the weather before. I had a good nights sleep and feel fine today.

    meggie - will answer your post later - no time this morning.

    love and hugs to everyone XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi Everyone, sorry haven't checked in but I'm reading and will try to catch up tomorrow evening. Everyone sounds really good, Dizz, I'm so happy things are looking up, congrats on the new gig, more to everyone tomorrow.

      Love, play


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Good morning everyone - you know, even though I never had enough to drink to have hangovers, it is lovely waking up with a totally clear head! I think I could get used to this - LOL.

        Dizzy - Congratulations on the job - that is wonderful for you !! You must be really chuffed !! Gosh - fancy that chap driving after that much to drink and with his job too! Wow..... Thanks for explaining the Ativan and Valium for me - I have never really understood about it.

        Stuck - how are you doing? yes, I would say that your friend did have it coming - hopefully he won't drive until he is clear.

        Hi there Play - what is up with you - I guess you are busy working? We need to catch up - this has been a busy week for both of us. I was sewing yesterday evening until bedtime - something I didn't tend to do when I had been drinking. This week has been fine for me - how about you?

        - I so agree on food and it's effects on the body - I can tell when i eat properly from how I feel. I am lucky in that I really don't care for junk food particularly but on the odd occasion when i do eat it, it really makes me feel sluggish and yucky.

        I also agree that you get what you put out there most of the time. I will PM you probably this weekend when I have more time re what we are all doing. Your mediation group sounds lovely. Have you read any of Wayne Dyers books? I like his Sacred Self one for starters.....

        Hi Ally
        wherever you are - how are YOU doing - pop in when you get a chance and catch us up - okay? Hope all is well with you..

        - you too - how are things going? How are you feeling - I do hope that you are feeling better - any joy with that lady yet? has she been back to visit? Any luck yet with the money? As we were just saying - Positive thinking !!!

        I need to get ready for work

        Hugs to all, Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hey everyone. How the heck do stoners function? Weed completely incapacitates me. I had to literally crawl into my apartment last night. And I somehow woke up with a box of snack crackers open next to me in bed. Could've been worse I guess. And I have a tiny bit more from one of the neighborhood kids who hangs out by my place, so I can practice getting high. Or something like that.

          Hope y'all are doing well. Sun, I'm jealous of your clear head. I'm hungover as &$@! right now.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Oh dear Stuck - what are we going to DO with you ????? You sound as if you have gone out of the frying pan into the fire !! PLEASE be careful!

            As for me, I think I know why I wasn't feeling well on Monday - I have had toothache on and off since then and went to the dentist today - turns out I have a sinus infection - which in turn is making my upper teeth hurt. Hate to take them but antibiotics are in order for me ..... glad I know what is wrong now !!

            Back off to my sewing......

            hugs, sun XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi All,
              Well too tired again tonight, I don't think I can do a proper post until Sunday. I have work tomorrow and hypno school all day Saturday, off Sunday and catching up on errands and I'm planning to take advantage of a few days off to do a juice fast, I'm loving the clear head mornings and days but I am feeling so awful with the 25 pounds that I need to lose and decided a short fast might get me started on losing a few pounds. Ive done them before and really like to do it.

              I have much to respond to share and will really try to get to everything on Sunday,
              Love to you all:h

              Sun, not much time to chat but I'm going to start getting ready for your visit

              Bye for now.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                I have signed on to a free program called the Clean Program. It is a 21 day cleanse program that allows you to eat. I am trying to do a gluten free diet, eating all greens and some meats. this program is interesting but it doesn't allow for eggs or red meat. I do want to try the drinks. It also doesn't allow alcohol so I will do everything right and then ruin it with gin
                Yes, I have read Wayne's books, follow the Dali, also have read the Secret and all of the spiritual leaders. I am thinking of buying Dr Phil's new book. It has some great ideas that also can be used in the classroom. From what it says we allow are self to be surrounded by negative people and this hurts us. I know I have been surrounded by people who don't respect me and hurt me by their comments.
                My biggest problem is I don't love myself and get my self esteem from hurtful people. One is my husband, he is not happy with himself so he is mean to me. Rereading all my old books. Check out a program called MindValley


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi to everyone, I have been reading but not much has changed for me so Ive not bothered posting, Id really rather not talk about how I feel as it isnt helping me right now its just making me think about stuff Id rather not.

                  However, I read this page this morning and have felt that I want to write to stuck, how are you doing? well really the question I do want to ask you is are you happy right now with how your doing. If you are the thats cool, but then why would you be coming on here so I guess your not. I have been talking to you on here for over a year now and do want you to be ok, I do care about you. Is there anything I can say or do to help you. Have you thought about trying another meds maybe naltrexone could be good for you or topamax which could cut your cravings down. I dont think antabuse would be good for you right now because it might do your head in knowing that you cant drink and I would also worry about recomending it to you in case you do drink on it. Also there is campral which I took and it did help me with cravings it was just that I didnt really want to stop drinking at the time so I would eventually go on a bender. Do you want to stop drinking, if not then can you start to think more about damage limitation, ie ways to minimise the harm you are doing to yourself. In fact from what I can remember last year when I took topa I cut right down on what I was drinking, yes it was still there and so was the risk of a bender but for most of the time I managed to keep my intake pretty low. I hope you dont mind me saying all this to you. Most of all tho keep posting, in my worst times I couldnt even bare to read on here never mind post.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Good Morning everyone. It is pretty quiet around here at the moment isn't it?

                    Play - look forward to seeing you here on Sunday - I know how busy you are right now though. Yes, I need to start thinking about clothes for my visit - I have no idea what your weather is like so must Google and find out - we are all still in winter clothes!!

                    Space - even if stuff doesn't change it is still lovely to see you post. just to touch base with us. I do tend to worry about you a tad ! I agree with all that you said to Stuck - he is a worry too!

                    - I have Pm'd you. The Clean program sounds interesting and anything that makes one eat healthier is good! And yes, being around negative people drains us. You could always try putting a protective bubble around you and thus stopping their negative energy from affecting you. Also send them love and light - hard sometimes I know, but the good usually overcomes the negative. I tried looking up Mindvalley and didn't get very far - I will try again this morning. Not loving yourself is so easy to do isn't it? I used to be like that - anyway have Pm'd you on that comment.....

                    It is a dreary foggy day out and we are expecting storms. I have some errands to run which I plan on getting done as soon as places are open and then will be in for the day! Hope you all have a great day,

                    Hugs, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      That's a very good question, Space, and I reall appreciate you asking it. I honestly don't know what the answer is. I don't know what 'better' really even looks like. I haven't been sober long enough to see if the fog and malaise lift, or to see if I can be motivated to get anything done.

                      I will say that I don't feel like I'm in a terribly bad place right now, though probably teetering on the edge of one. Drinking at night. The occasional Ativan in the morning. And now throwing pot into the mix. But I'm sitting outside the gym right now, finishing my coffee, and about to go in and exercise. Then I've got some work to do on this proposal for summer money, because apparently I made it out of the first round but they want me to expand and revise what I submitted. It's still really competitive after this, but at least I am one of the two who made it out of the department.

                      And still haven't managed to get fired from the online job, miraculously.

                      I'll figure it all out one of these days. And I am still here, for what that's worth. The papers came from my lawyer yesterday, so I'm another step closer to getting my drivers license back. Not that I'd trust myself with a car right now--well, I mean I have a car but it's in storage. So I guess now I need character reference letters saying I'm an upstanding citizen and model of responsible drinking now that I've worked really hard in treatment and changed my ways. All my friends are fiction writers so that won't be a problem. :H

                      That's about it for now. I'm still a little shocked and disoriented to be out of the house before noon on a Saturday. Love and :ls to all.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hello everyone! I am finally able to access the site via the internet now. Yippeeeeeeeee!


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          ljeanner;1485688 wrote: Hello everyone! I am finally able to access the site via the internet now. Yippeeeeeeeee!
                          WONDERFUL...... that is great - did you do anything or did it just happen? I am so pleased for you. How are you doing? It is very quiet here at the moment - Have a wonderful day..

                          Hugs, sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Sun try googling the Silva method , it has medatation and other great ideas.
                            Stuck, you are very interesting, It sounds like you have a great job. I hope that your are careful drinking and driving. What do you drink, and when.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hey thanks, Meggie. I don't drink and drive any more. Actually, now I just don't drive at all. :H But I really did stop all that nonsense a long time ago. I just happened to run into a couple of issues and the second time I wasn't even drunk. No use making excuses about it though.

                              Well, happy Easter everybunny. Believe it or not, I actually didn't feel like going to the bar this afternoon. Went out, got some coffee--because I have been out for like days now and it's been a disaster. Then food, then spoke with my family on the phone while sitting outside on a street corner like a vagrant. But instead of going to the bar I came home. Now, sure, I just smoked some weed, but that's just for practice 'cause I'm the worst at getting high.

                              Anyway, it's 5 pm and I'm bored out of my mind. Maybe I'll watch some cartoons or play video games. That's what stoners do, right?


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Happy Easter, I'm doing well, just sick with the same cold that decided to flare up tonight so I'm kind of miserable. I do have a good report card tho Friday night after the AB quit working (I'm on the AB 5/2),
                                I stopped on the way home from work with a coworker and had two glasses of wine, it was nice to feel normal but by bedtime it had made me even more stuffed up and my cold felt worse, so sat morning while at Hypno class I took another AB, drinking just didn't sound that good, so I've been AF this weekend and its very nice. Perhaps eventually I will rewire my brain, not sure how long that will take but this Antabuse method is ridiculously easy, I think everyone here should give it a try. Is funny how the minute I take it I just pretty much stop thinking about AL, just the faint fleeting thought and then I forget all about it, YIPPEE!

                                Space anything new on the horizon? Sure wish you would feel better. I know you are curious about changing your meds due to the deep depression but also feel afraid to do that because the Epilam abviously brought about the lack of craving but, OMG, there must be a good balance out there in the universe somewhere for you. I makes me feel very sad to know how much you are suffering.

                                Meggie, you sound good

                                Sun, just bring the same clothes you brought last time, the weather is always the same here, either freezing cold 62 or warm balmy 62, not much in between.

                                Jay, soooooo glad you can access the site again, now you need to catch us up.

                                Ally, where are you???

                                Dizz, you just sound fabulous, not drinking seems to put you in a really good frame of mind, I'm starting to feel that too, especially if I can get over this awful clinging on cold.

                                But I did just buy a juicer and am spending tomorrow learning to use it and buying a ton of fruits and veggies and going to do a fast/cleanse for maybe a week. What do you think Dizz? Any thoughts on that subject?

                                Stuck, Stuck, Stuck, how long did you lose your license for? And do you have to put one of those breath things on the car when you start driving again? And yes, pot isn't much fun, at least I never liked it, it just put me to sleep and made me feel very dead headed, I gave it up after a few tries when I was young.

                                Well, I have 4 glorious days off work and will make an effort not to worry about if work will be there next week (I work per diem), so that way I can enjoy the time off.

                                Bye for now, love you all and talk soon.

