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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I know, Stuck. You made me laugh with your comment about Sun's kick up your arse.
    Is it a British expression? I'm so used to it that I forgot it may come across as odd. No kicks near my arse please, my tailbone (I don't know how to spell the proper word) is still sore. Maybe the universe already got there before anyone else could kick me

    Well, this clumsy when drunk lady is popping an AB and starting a diet today so wish me luck!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Thanks Dizzy thats so kind of you>. I didnt know you where a free lance journalist, I mmean I know you write but thats as far as I got, I have always wondered what you write and how you make a living doing it.

      Do you get asked to write about specific things and go and do research and then write about them or what. I was jsut about to google you to see if I could find what you had written about but I have lost your email address with your name on it, I hope you dont mind me being so nosy.

      If it is awful I have just been thinking of what you said and that we will just have to book somewhere else and then try and get a refund. I havent even had a refund from the first place yet that declined my booking so Im still waiting on that. We could even get there and it be nice, the biggest worry was when I read about the dead rat in the pool but that may not even have been true, or if it was then the rat problem should have been sorted by now anyway why would someone let there own business go to ruin just because they dont get rats under control it would make no sense really if I actually think about it now I have calmed down, as for the ants maybe its just where it is built and we get ants here and I just spray them, I will take some ant bait with me just in case. Basically I wish Id never sent the first email to the first hotel but since I have theres nothing I can do about it, I still wonder why they declined my booking tho and didnt just answer my email. Apart from the lack of entertainment tho and the bad reviews on trip advisor tho this new place does sound ok, I dont think Id pick to stay there for long as theres not enough going on but for a week so long as the rats are gone it should do I suppose.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Good Morning or whatever to everyone ! It was such a hot day here yesterday - temps in the mid 90's with humidity to boot! today is more of the same but with storms thrown in to the mix - nice.

        Houtx - that was a lovely post that you made. I was so happy to see it. And glad that you are doing okay too.

        Space - first of all, I so feel for you with what is going on with your trip - there you are planning on having a lovely relaxing trip with your sons and this happens - if it WAS a rat in the pool only - well, as you said, they probably have got any rat problem sorted - and people usually post bad reviews before they will post good ones. I had booked to go to Barbados once and when i got to the hotel it was overrun with cockroaches - my one MAJOR fear! I had to leave - it really freaked me out - and went to a different hotel but they said they would spray and everything. They really wanted me to not be upset with them. I am sure that when you get there things will be fine - they will have taken care of any problems that made people put bad reviews. That was so strange about the first hotel cancelling your booking though - I didn't think they could do that! When are you supposed to be going?

        - yes, having a kick up the rear must be a British expression I suppose 'cos until stuck
        commented on it I didn't even think about it - LOL. How are talks going with b/f? Oh and good luck with your diet starting today too - what are you actually doing?

        Time today for me to take the AB - oh Space
        - I sewed for the whole of yesterday and at 5.00 had a bowl of ice cream, crashed on the couch, woke up at 8.30 and went to bed where I promptly fell asleep again - so i do think that it is the sugar and yes, it probably was the sugar in the ice cream that stopped me wanting the Guinness too. 'Cos once I have the ice cream I don't want Guinness.

        Wow - just noticed the time - need to get ready for work - Play - how are you, Bug how are you too? Pop in and say hi !!

        love and hugs to all, Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I go away today, I am very nervous of what the place is like and of what the holiday will be like, this new place is just an partment block with a pool and a bar really so no entertainment there which is waht I really wanted, but anyway we are going. It was odd about the first hotel just cancelling on meI wish I had never sent them the email now and also should have dealt with the whole situation differently but this is what I do, go straight into panic mode and make really bad decisions and mistakes.

          I am taking my laptop with me with some dvd's, something I really, really didnt want to do as well all spend way too much time at home on them but am going to in case theres nothing else to do when we get there. I cant walk far so going for nice long walks along the front is out of the question. I really do need to get this into perspective, this is one holiday, if its not good we will have to have more holidays in future I hope. I am dissapointed at myself and the whole way I messed up with this, I feel like I have messed up for my sons by y inability to think straight.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Oh and by the way a kick up the arse is a British expression, I would have thought about writing it on here and it being taken literally. :H


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Oh Space. I hope it's a lovely time. And it just might be, even if to get away for a little bit. Am thinking of you! :l


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all

                Space, I'm not really famous, most of my articles are for corporate companies so they don't even give me a byline. The journalism work I've down is in South Africa and a lot of it is in Afrikaans and a bit old by now I should jack it up again, it's something I've always enjoyed.

                I think Sun is right, don't let one review freak you out, I'm sure the owner of the establishment would have no rest for his soul if he actively keeps rats in the pool People like complaining and Trip Advisor is the perfect bitch forum as you don't have to face the people. Also, some people on there sound a bit nuts, like the one guy came on just to complain that there was a hair somewhere in his bed, which could've happened while the maid was making up the bed, but he was going on like it was the beginning of the end of the world.

                Glad you get to garden again, Sun
                . And we have discussed the sugar thing, alcohol is even more readily available than table sugar so there is definitely a link in our minds. If I go to social gatherings sober I drink quite a bit of juice, something I hardly do, as I find the rise in blood sugar keeps me calm.

                Hmmm, a bit quiet here but I need to work today anyway so see you guys later.

                Hugs to all.



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  X post, didn't realise you are leaving so soon. Just try to relax and enjoy it. You have done all you can for now. Just breathe deeply and let it be I bet it turns out to be really nice. Pop in on the place's wifi if you can


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    DizzyBee;1508390 wrote: I'm sure the owner of the establishment would have no rest for his soul if he actively keeps rats in the pool
                    Yeah what kind of heartless bastard would keep the poor things in the pool! I'd give them their own little cage where they could sleep comfortably.

                    Sorry Space--not trying to freak you out anymore than you are--just trying to lighten the mood. I do hope you have a nice time and the place is better than you're expecting. :l


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      You made me choke on my morning coffee!

                      Sorry, Space, its a warm climate country, I'm sure it was a once off and the rat is now swimming in the big swimming pool in the sky.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Oh Stuck - I agree with Dizzy - you did make me laugh !! Thank you for making my morning get off to a good start!

                        - things will be fine - go and enjoy !! Hopefully you will get Wi-Fi and be able to tell us about it when you are there. Looking forward to hearing about you relaxing !!

                        - yes, I have always known there is a link between AL and Sugar - when my dad used to quit he would eat huge bars of chocolate. Talking of chocolate - how did the first day of your diet go?

                        Well, it IS quiet here, hope everyone is okay ......and that no news is good news!

                        Hugs to all, Sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          The link between stopping drinking and turning to sweets, like chocolate or cookies or ice cream, is well known. It's almost universal, along with the common stereotypes of people in AA--the incessant smoking and drinking gallons of coffee.

                          Just be prepared for it--try to have healthy munchies around. Bags upon bags of baby carrots, or celery and hummus, and things like that might be helpful. Not only is it a problem of your body wanting to replace the sugar (and probably close to 1,000 empty calories) of AL, mentally you feel kind of lost and like you're missing something, even if you don't quite register what you're missing. And generally that turns up as an oral fixation--so just make sure you have plenty of things to put in your mouth...

                          Um, healthy things though :H


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Yeah, that's why. I'm on a low GI diet. The sugar help. For cravings and are better for than drinking but in the long run grazing on veggies and proteins with some brown starch is much better for level energy levels. So I'm just eating healthily but am feeling a bit rough as I jumped from drinking a lot for a while to nothing and eating healthily. Should be better by tomorrow. *sigh*


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              just checking in for a moment and am off work tomorrow so will try to catch up a bit but
                              Space, just try to relax and go with the FLOW and I think some really great things will manifest thru the fog of anxiety that you are experiencing, just tell yourself that you are going to take a break from worrying and trying to control things and just let your holiday happen and OH YES, keep us updated

                              Stuck, you are such relief from our serious lady stuff here, we NEED You!!!

                              Dizz, more tomorrow as well Sun and others and oh yes, Houtx, also.



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question


                                Happy to do my part! Anyway just thought I'd update everyone on me. AF... for 9 days now? 10? I can't do math. And it's 1 AM, too, so that throws it all off. B/P is still fluctuating a lot, but I'm checking it twice or even three times daily, and it's getting a lot closer to normal. I have to ditch this doc, 'cause she's... not a good fit for me. Long explanation about how she's trying to hit me with a really large dose of B/P meds right away, rather than titrating up so I can get used to it (and use as little as possible for effect), and then I emailed her about the changing nature of my vitals, and how maybe I should come in before my 2 week followup to go over everything, and she completely blew me off via email. A very dismissive two-sentence email that basically just said "take the meds." Whatever. I'll find another doc.

                                Sleeping like crap, too. And I mean really badly. I've had some problems with sleepwalking in the past, but usually only when I'm drunk. But I'm not drunk, and yet still this morning at about oh 6 AM I woke up to find myself in the shower, washing my hair. Not sure what that was all about.

                                Dizz, hope the BF's behaving better. Space, hope you're well on your way already and able to enjoy your holiday. And nice to see you, too, Play. :l

