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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Gonna go ahead and write a post now, before I get all spaced out and forget, or go back to bed or something. Man, I'm tired when I wake up these days... And it happens so uncontrollably--no alarms or anything. So it's just after 7--yes, this is early for me, I know, I'm a bitch--and I've got coffee and a load of laundry in already.

    Soooooo, Sun. There is someone out there who is very drunk still, and very sick, and comes on MWO to write malicious posts--usually complete lies, sometimes partial truths, about bac. I think it's a she, and she writes all kinds of nonsense about Dr Ameisen, who discovered bac for alcoholism, about the studies that are underway in Europe, and often about benzos as some horrific trap from which there's no escape. She writes that Ne is a Xanax and Adderall addict, and a drunk, and as for me... well let's just go ahead and say she attacks me personally as well. And then she'll go and bump the worst-of-the-worst crisis threads, be they bac or benzo or otherwise related--she's really passive aggressive, so it'll be a post like "be aware" or "just so you know," and then those threads will sit around on the top of the boards for a while until they sink. Just the other night--and I did not respond to this at all--she bumped a thread started by a woman named Anna, who was having a horrible time last summer. Anna PM'ed me, and we went back and forth a little bit--I can't say I really knew her, but I believed I was helping her--and to make a long story short she checked herself into a rehab facility to come off bac. I thought it was going to be a long-ish term rehab to take care of drinking and her antidepressants and everything. Turns out they took her off back over the course of a single weekend and basically let her go. She PM'ed me to say she was feeling much better and thank you. And a day or two later she threw herself off a building. The other night this troll bumped that thread, with the heading "In memory of Anna." So we might say that I take this shit personally.

    Anyway, sorry for the long digression. How am I feeling? I don't know. Better, I think, overall. The nights can be tricky, and like I mentioned the mornings are a little rough. Have been trying to start back at working--really working, writing--but the days slip away from me. Have done some reading and research, so I think maybe this weekend when the entire locker room at the gym is closed down I'll start writing. Working on an academic article, btw. Yesterday I used the treadmill for 1/2 an hour, and there was a lot of walking, but I jogged a 1/2 mile straight, and then again later a little over a 1/4 mile straight, so that is at least a good starting point. I also then went straight to the stationary bike and rode that for a 1/2 hour. So getting in some cardio--and going to the gym 4 days a week now.

    Blood pressure is still fluctuating a lot throughout the day, but from what I can tell it's getting better. Still not taking the meds my doc prescribed. I am beyond pissed with her. She's not trying to start small on the meds and titrate up for effect, which I'd prefer, among other reasons, because it would give me a chance to get used to it and any possible SEs, but instead she wants to hit me over the head with a pretty big dose. And when I emailed her with some new info, and asking to come in to see her before my next scheduled followup, she completely blew me off. I mean, barely even responded except to write two sentences. Take the meds. See psychiatric about anxiety. I know I won't see her again after this, so I'm not sure if I want to reschedule my next apt. with someone else or see her one last time.

    And I had a date yesterday. Which was freaking lame. Didn't want to meet this woman, but she messaged me on the dating site I'm on, and I pretty much can't not reply to messages. So that was 2 1/2 hours I'll never get back, and she wants to meet up again. Ugh. And the bartender seems to almost be trying to set me up with the new girl she just hired. So life is just bizarre.

    I am still AF, and this is day... 12. I have a desire to drink in only the most abstract sense. Been going to the bar every night, and drinking club soda. Every so often I mix it up, and get a cranberry juice. Or, there's this frozen mango-flavored thing that the bartender makes for this other non-drinking older Mexican guy who stops in every so often, and I'll have one of those. They're pretty good. I keep thinking one of these days I'll start drinking like virgin margaritas or something... but then I remember that would just be sweet/sour mix, and then it sounds disgusting.

    I'm at 80mg/day with bac, my legs kinda hurt. Also taking 1200mg/day of neurontin, and don't notice anything with that--and I'm going to run out pretty soon, and it's too expensive to bother ordering more. If I go into a serious depression after running out, I might then order more. 'Cause who knows, it might be really improving my mood, and I'm just not noticing right now. I'm also considering going down more on bac, because I really am motivated to get healthy and work and not drink this summer, but also don't really want to fuck with it at the moment since it's not that difficult to not drink.

    And my exGF has been calling late at night a lot more regularly recently. She generally calls while she's driving home from work--she's a manager at a bar, so it's around midnight or 1 AM my time when she's calling, and sometimes she's just closed up and sometimes she's been sitting and drinking with her friends for a bit first. No idea what she really wants from me. I know it isn't to get back together or to sleep with me again...

    So that's what's up with me. Sorry for the long post--that's not really how we roll here. If you wanted long posts from me, you'd be reading my thread. :H But I'm about to become a Senior Member, and I'm kinda trying to hold that off for a little bit, while I plan out my 1,000th post on my thread. I feel like it should be epic, or something. So trying to get everything out all at once here.

    Don't worry, once I've gotten that nonsense out of the way, I'll be back to my snarky one-liners here, just like normal.

    Space--so glad the place is nice! I hope you enjoy the quiet and the stillness and the things that are around the hotel, but also get a chance to get out into the town a little too, and have a good time. Thinking about you.

    Dizz--ain't that a bitch? Relationship repaired just in time for BF to leave for a month... Oh well, at least that way you know the relationship will stay repaired for at least a month and a day.

    Play--I agree with Dizz. It's tough, but alienating your daughter would only further isolate her and leave her with only the dude to turn to, locking her even more into the abusive relationship. Though, of course, there's always that age-old method of trying to cure people of these kinds of things--saying you can't help her right now while she's mentally in this place and not looking at reason, and you can't handle it, and so she's on her own until she can get straight. People have been trying that kind of intervention with alkies for at least 60 years, right? Not sure if it's worked yet... :H



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi All!

      I have been reading and following daily, I just have been in a funk and have not had much motivation in posting, and nothing really positive to say.

      That being said, Topa is not the drug for me. I could barely function at 50 mg, went to 75 and was a zombie. Could not afford to stay on it to see if the SE would go away, too much going on and too many errors at work. I actually went out to dinner with a friend of mine, went out to smoke, came back in and 1) could not remember where we were sitting (5 feet from the door) 2) who I was with. Even when I found her, I could not register her name!

      I went to the doc on Friday for my anxiety attacks, not Topa related, and he put me on Effexor. And am finally feeling better...I have had to easy 2 days, on day 3 today, without any AB, or anything else. He seems to think that once I get my depression and anxiety (which is new for me, or at least I thought) under control, the drinking will fall into place. I am not sure how much I believe that, but I do think once my emotions are in check, perhaps, I might have a clearer head as to how to proceed with AL. Feel free to comment if you think this line of thinking is way out of whack! :H

      And I will also see how I do this weekend, 3 days off, no son..I know it takes a while for this med to work, and is probably mostly in my head but I am hoping that feeling will carry me thru a fairly damage free weekend.

      It sounds like everyone is doing fairly well, or at least better than last week! I hope that is the case!! Hoping for the best for all of you!!:l:l

      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        In order to make ice cream you can do it with or without eggs but with eggs makes it much more rich, so you cook the milk, sugar and eggs until it thickens then add the cream and vanilla and cool all of that overnight and the next day you put it in the pre frozen canister and crank the little handle a few times until it all freezes into ice cream. I made a quart last night and ate half, oh my, but it was really good.

        Stuck, I know how you feel about what goes on on the site from a few hateful people and I do remember Anna.
        So the leg pain right now doesn't sound extremely awful and it might be the neurontin helping out, as I said it is so subtle that its not that you would think of it first off as helping, that is until maybe you discontinue it and then realize it was helping. You can always start it again and it will work just the same. Maybe you have reached a happy medium of Bac and drinking relief and congrats on your 1000th post, you are a senior member I guess, does it just somehow change automatically after that post? You sure got there quickly, I'm still only in the 600s but I don't spend as much time around home or sitting various places doing various things like you:H I am working on catching up, I should start planning my epic post probably.

        Finally took my AB this morning and immediately gave a sigh of relief and said to myself, "oh good, I don't have to drink tonight" the brain sure works in odd ways.

        Gonna go and eat some more ice cream, bye for now,


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I AM SO HAPPY !!!!!!! Too much to go into but oh gosh - I have had a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders !!!!! My hubs is fed up with me dancing round the house with joy - but I am ecstatic. That plus a few Guinness - well, what can I say? I am in a good place right now. I have a 3 day weekend coming up when I am going to be in the garden the whole time - life can't get any better.

          I am trying to come down off my high - but it is hard. It has been weeks that this has been bothering me and finally it has GONE. SUCH a relief! My smoking went up from about 14 a day to over a pack a day........

          Okay -calm down Sun.......

          Taw ...... I am so sorry that the Topa didn't agree with you. But please, even if you don't have anything positive to say - please post! There are so few of us here that it is always good to have anyone post.... no matter what they say - sometimes it is good to whinge - as I did ! LOL I have no idea if the topa has that effect on me as I am a ditz most of the time anyway. I am happy that your doc put you on effexor - I was trying to think why that rings a bell with me and think that might be one of the Ad's that they tried me on years ago. Celexa was the only one that worked for me. But so many different AD's work for different people. I so hope it helps you. Many hugs to you :l:l

          - thank you so much for explaining things to me - it was really appreciated !! It must have taken some time for you. I do have to laugh at you and your female friends - you must be quite a looker the way I see things !! You have folk trying to set you up and girls hitting on you right left and centre! I am happy that the Bac seems to be working for you too. I am not quite sure about the pain in your legs - I know it is to do with the bac - but why? Is it a SE that is common? And I assume the neurontin helps? Is it only when you get to higher levels that it bothers you?

          Don't apologize for the long post - no need at all. And yes, sometimes we do do long posts here - so feel free !!! You seem awfully young to be having trouble with BP. I so hope that you get it sorted soon. I think your idea of titrating up slowly is way better than your docs of throwing you in the deep end and starting you on a high dose - but hey, I am not a doctor. You need to go with what you feel is right for your body!

          Dizzy and play
          - I know that you were teasing me - no worries ........:H:H I just felt bad for writing what I did. In fact when I woke up this morning if no-one had posted I was going to delete it !!! I woke up in the night thinking about it - silly I know but I thought I shouldn't have said anything !!!

          Anyway, I think I am going to go and have a bowl of Ben and Jerry New York Chocolate chunk Ice cream then go to bed.

          Love and hugs to all,

          love, sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Cross post Play XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi All!

              Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! :l:l:l

              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                2nd Week on Topamax & I am not doing well

                Am doing this program for about 2 weeks following the MWO book. On 50 mg of Topa per day. Had several relapses of a whole bottle of wine both at home and at a social gathering. Said some things I shouldn't have to 2 relatives. Like I barely remember. I am worried, am I going to get better? I am thinking about AA MEETING even though I wanted moderation. Supposed to dose up next week to 75 mg. seeing doctor. Can anyone please talk to me and tell me something to direct or encourage me.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  A quick pop in from me for Cleansed! Lovely to see you here - the Topa works differently for everyone. For some it can work on a fairly low dose - for me it took a very high dose - so I gaily kept drinking while I was titrating up. the day it finally kicked in was a bit of a shock for me - my head wanted to drink - but my body definitely said NO! As long as you are not having SE's that are bad, I would keep doing what you are doing.

                  Just give it time to work - it is quite subtle when it does but you will know. You might need to go up higher - try not to worry and just keep on keeping on. Feel free to PM me if you have any concerns.

                  All the best to you,

                  sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi all ... in from a break in the garden - can't take too long as there are storms coming over - but I am so enjoying myself out there. Just weeding right now - was planning on putting seeds in but with the storms that are coming I will hold off. they will probably all just wash away - anyway there is plenty of weeding to keep me out of mischief. OH it is lovely !! I do love my garden!

                    I took some Kudzu and L-Glut this morning and know it is working - go me. Probably time to take some more actually.

                    Taw - nice to see you pop in - I hope that you are having a lovely weekend too ....:l do you have any plans? Do you get three days? This is my first three day weekend ever 'cos I changed my position at work - it is LOVELY !! The other managers told me they hoped it rained all weekend - Boo! Only 'cos they love me - LOL

                    Dizzy - did you get that thingie that Play sent you? What is your opinion of it? I might do some research on it too.

                    - where are you? About time we heard from you - it seems ages.......

                    I have to get back outside - just checked the radar and I maybe have an hour left if that.......

                    love and hugs to all,

                    sun XXXX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I just missed a loooooooong post. Maybe not the 3rd best post ever but 3rd longest and then I accidentally closed the tab as I had 5 open as I'm prepping for a new visa application And now my brother took my modem and there's no way I'm retyping all that on my phone :upset:

                      Will try again on Monday, lots of family errands tom.

                      Love to all and missing some faces around here.



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        It is thundering ........ :upset::upset: I was SO happy getting my hands dirty...... :upset::upset:

                        sorry you lost your post dizzy - I am SURE it was the 3rd best post ever though - LOL

                        Hugs, Sun XXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          As I remember it Sun, yours was the best post ever lost at one time


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            And yours, Play second best


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Cleansed, I react strangely when I drink a lot while titrating up on Topa. I become emotional and blacked out once on what not such large quantities (for me). So either try to limit your intake in the next week or stay at your current dose for another week. You will get there, its just not quite as easy for everyone as the book makes it out to be.

                              PS: If any of you ever notice full stops and. Capital letters in my posts, its a new tic my bloody blackberry has picked up somewhere. I HATE it.

                              D X


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Off to work, see you all tonight

