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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Space - bug also uses the electronic cigs and hasn't smoked a regular cig in ages. I did try them a long time ago and didn't care for them but maybe they have got better since I tried them. Good for you - I am happy it works for you.

    Oh Dizzy
    - I hope things are calming down for you. I understand about you wanting your old mum back. Especially at a time like this - you do not need the extra hassle at all. Thinking of you and hoping things are getting better - what date is the wedding set for ?

    Love and hugs to all, Love, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hello you people!
      I have been a bit busy too - not as much as DIZ or a few other it seems, but school got out June 6th and summer school started last Monday. I'm in an elementary school I taught in 10 yrs ago, down the street from the middle school where I am now. Lots of Facebook friends there, so fun to see them again...but I am teaching Math & Reading to 5th graders. MATH!!! I'm sort-of muddling my way through...anyway, glad to have this summer job to supplement. It's over July 3rd and the rest of the district continues on until July a short summer for some teachers. It is definitely less stress than the regular year, though.

      Anyway - DIZ, congratulations on this new development!! Man, you really have gone on a roller coaster ride the last couple of years, haven't you!!?? I'm keeping my fingers crossed the paperwork comes through and everything goes off without a hitch. It sounds like a fun little gig to plan, though. Don't let your mother stress you out too much. This small of a deal should be pretty easy to handle...and I would consider it fun! Hope you do, too!

      SUN, you're funny about hating baby showers, and all the others too. I just went to a really small one over the weekend for a gf's daughter. It was really cute...and small. Only about 12 of us, so small talk was kind-of a pain at first, but everyone finally relaxed and we told stories and laughed. The little baby motifs and all the food was really good. No games, thankfully! I agree on that one.

      My son went off to Austin on Friday to start his new job tomorrow. Daughter went to visit her dad overnight tonight. It was GREAT having the house to myself today to clean, do a little shopping, & watch the US Open (dang, I wanted Phil to win!!).

      I have not taken AB in a few weeks. With my daughter here, she is constantly wanting to cook and open a bottle of wine. I find it next to impossible to plan even 3 days AF. Consequently, I have not been happy with myself, but have been ok. Just really wanted to lose a few lbs this summer in prep for my 60th and a b'day party w/ my HS class the end of July. There's still time...and I am trying to do it...UGH. Monkey is digging in!!

      Hope alls well w/ everyone otherwise!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Sun I think youe got to try a few different ecigs before you find one thats good for you. Mine is one that i pour liquid in and has a see through plastic chamber, it doesnt look like a cigarette and i find that much better, I got mine from a shop here but my son who is also stopping got his online from Liberty flights, he got a starter kit with one e cig in and that is a good one.



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Morning everyone. This is odd - I thought I had posted yesterday but there is nothing here. maybe i posted in my head but didn't actually do it ...... Hmmm.

          Well, we had 3" of rain yesterday in 2 1/2 hours !! Flooded roads, car accidents - it was all just as I was coming home from work too. The rain just couldn't clear fast enough.... really bad.

          Space - they are expensive to try and try a few different ones - here from what I can see you have to buy a kit - you can't buy just one..... but I will check around and see. Most kits are around $60 - $100 each.

          Hi Houtx - nice to hear from you. I too have not been taking the AB but I have no excuses at all. I just need to take the darn thing. I am cutting down though by only buying each day what I will drink - and will not drive after I have been drinking so what I have is what I get!

          It will be nice for you when your summer school is over. Any plans for after that for the rest of the summer? How long is your daughter home for?

          - how are things going? pop in and catch us up if you get a spare minute or two .. thinking of you.

          I found out yesterday that my friend with colon cancer also has it in her liver. I am so bummed. We find out this week what her course of action is.

          Well, I woke up at 4.00 this morning instead of five and ended up getting up at 4.30 as my head was racing so I shall get my food ready for work and then sit and read for a while.

          Love and hugs to all,

          Sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Things are going really WELL this side, just really busy!

            Sun, just join Groupon or similar, they regularly have kits on sale for 20 Dollars or so to. Get you. Started.

            More later.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi Everyone, just a quick check in and will try more later.

              Dizzy, when is the big day? Did BF get the letter?

              Space is your new tablet working ok?

              Is lovely here, perfect weather and this weekend is a holiday weekend (aren't they all?) and we are going to the beach house in Begur, my favorite place. I may not have Internet there so might be a few days before I can write but will try.

              Missing some people here, please check in:h

              Bye for now


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey - me here. Play - I don't think there are any more of us to check in actually. We are down to a bare few of us. So many have not checked in for ages that I don't think they will, so it is back to the basics.

                I am feeling really bad - allergies are kicking me like crazy. It is too late to take a non drowsy and if I take a drowsy will be like a zombie until midday tomorrow. My eyes, nose, and arms are itching - I am going crazy !!! My face is itching !! GAH !!!!

                I am so fed up right now - I need to vent. My friend with colon cancer, mets to the liver is waiting to hear what her plan of action is - so that is worrying me. I am fed up to the back teeth with drinking and smoking and making NO headway at all !!! It just seems to go on and on. I always say that tomorrow I will change but I never do. Same old same old. I have been here forever and never seem to change. So - Do I REALLY want to? I have to ask myself that question. Maybe I should get out my good old Alan Carr book and start reading - it has worked for me in the past. Oh Gosh - I am SO FED UP !!!!

                Sorry everyone ...... not what you want/need to hear - but what is this thread for if not to vent when we need to - even if there is no-one here to vent to - LOL.

                Change of subject - DIZZY - you have been asked SO many times ..... WHEN is the big day?????

                And on that note I am going to get going.

                love and hugs to all,

                Love, Sun XXXXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Vent Away Sun, I'm here:h yep guess we are back to basics and it is a beautiful bunch that we are. I'm feeling very open and loving today, my session with the therapist was even better than the first time, probably there is a learning curve. Seriously Sun, it was so amazing, you have to meet with her any way you can

                  Bye for now, love to everyone.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    WHAT THE HECK, gone for a couple of days and you guys are sayin prayers over an empty grave, Nice!!!!
                    been crazy busy, my daughet is moving from chicago to madison so i have been in madison this week, then home for a couple of days, today goin to chicago with 2 sons to move the rest of her stuff then driving to madison tomorrow morning , will be there all weekend, meeting hubby up there, he is bringing washer and dryer that he bought in davenport. Their house is great, we spend monday and tuesday cleaning, omg it was SO dirty, this old lady lived there with her GERMAN SHEPARD, needless to say, there was dog pee and dog hair everywhere, and the dog was neglected so it chewed up doors and cabinets, it was just gross... BIg JOB... I had to coorditnate getting carpet cleaned, getting cabinet companies in to quote, carpenters to quote, closet companies in to quote, tree company to cut down and remove dead bushed and cut back trees and large evergreens, cable company to turn on cable tv,
                    it was crazy, the door bell was ringing off the hook , people were coming and going all over the place, my daughter was loosing it, she was totally over stimulated, that is what i do everyday, i am so used to it. I was like, You should expect this when you asked for my help, just chill out....Anyway, we got alot done in a short amount of it all worked out...
                    Well i have to go for now, have alot to do today before we leave for chitown, just wanted to check in before you started putting dirt on the coffin.....Love to all , will try to put a few words down more often....Bug


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      The ghost of dead threads are back. I typed an A4 itinerary of our July 4th wedding and July 6th engagement party and then my laptop gave me "The Blue screen of death" and restarted on its own . More tomorrow, I promise.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Oh Sun, I'm having an AB on Monday for the first time in weeks - join me? X. I'm sorry about your friend. You know it works its just that its hard work to deal with life pressures sober. But if I can do the 10 days lead up to my sudden marriage sober, so can you

                        Play, so happy for you for finding such a cool therapist.

                        Space, I'm not sharing my wedding with my family for now because of my mom but rather. A big engagement, will explain tomorrow again. How are you?

                        Hi Buggy! . And the rest!



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          DizzyBee;1522287 wrote: The ghost of dead threads are back. I typed an A4 itinerary of our July 4th wedding and July 6th engagement party and then my laptop gave me "The Blue screen of death" and restarted on its own . More tomorrow, I promise.
                          Love "the blue screen of death' analogy !! I shall definitely remember that one. Oh Dizzy - IF I can cut down on sunday then yes I will join you on Monday - I HAVE to do something. I have done it before and can do it again. I shall make sure I only have a few here on sunday - if necessary I will pour the others out. Then I will take my AB on Monday with you. I just needed a gentle nudge to get me started. I am pretty hopeless at doing it on my own. Hubs knows what I am trying to do so if I ask him to get my Al, he only gets me one four pack - and I will not drive after that. but I can't ask him to get it for me every day and if I get it I always get two !! telling myself that I will keep the other one for the next day - even if I only have one of them then I don't have enough the next day...... SIGH ! So Monday it is - please bug me. Ahem - remind me - LOL

                          Oh Buggy - I am so sorry. Also laughed at you and the empty grave. It is just that sometimes here someone will post for a while and then we don't see them again. Even a one liner is nice to let us know you are still around. You sound SO efficient - I need you at my house. Your daughter is so lucky that you are there to help her. Lovely to hear from you :l How is the AL coming along - or not as the case may be ? Hope all is well with you.....

                          Play - you sound SO relaxed - it is wonderful to hear. I did get an e-mail from your therapist and we are going to be in touch. I hope I get as much as you do from it. She sounds wonderful.

                          Dizzy - when you get a chance to let us know what is happening, please do. I am sorry that you lost the lot - what a pain for you. Have to love technology eh?

                          Well, I am off to begin making some marmalade. A three fruit one. It is years since I made marmalade so wish me luck..... I am starting it today and then will finish it tmorrow after the stuff has soaked overnight. I love marmalade and last time my mum was here we made some and I have just finished the last jar so need some more home made !!! Bought all organic fruits and sugar and am ready to go !!

                          Back later and hugs to all - thanks for being here all of you - love you,

                          sun XXXX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            OMG !!!!! It is SO hot out there! temp is 86 but heat index is 97 - I have been weeding for an hour and came in to cool down. i am drenched with glow !! And I am weeding in soil that is SO dry, it is really hard! I will try to give it another hour and then come in - even the dogs won't go out with me.

                            Then I shall carry on with my marmalade. That should add to the heat nicely - three hours of a burner being on in the kitchen - LOL. Oh well, needs must.

                            Hope everyone is doing okay and having a nice weekend - I love having my weekends off now.

                            Space - where are you? we haven't heard from you in a while - please pop in and let us know how you are doing......

                            Love and hugs to all,

                            sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi everyone, no i havent been posting much lately, i havent got my new tblet yet it seems to hve got lost somewhere in hong kong where it was sent to be shiopped out from. when i ordered it i stupitdly didnt check where it was being sent from which is china, and under that where they list other sellers on amazon there was a place in the uk i cluld have got it for a few punds more. anyway they have until tuesday to get it too me in the 5-14 days delivery which was quoted and then i will get onto amazon. so i am stuck with my dodgy lpatop which i cant move off my dressing table as it will go off so can only type a bit at a time as it hurts me in y back and arms.

                              sun i dont really think you should worry about the smoking right now, doing one thing at a time is hard enough so think about sorting the drinking first. do try to take the ab tomorrow and that will get you back on track.

                              dizzy i am even more confursed now, you are getting married then getting engaged, whats that about i suppose there is a good reeason for it i just dont understand from your post. are you getting married in secret then going to announce it at your engement party.

                              hi houxt, play and bug, sorry i cant type any more.

                              oh i have been having trouble swallowing and real bad pains in my stomach so have to go and get a camera down soon so all please make a wish for me that everything is ok and its something that can be easily treated


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi there - Space, so sorry to hear about you having to have the endoscopy - hopefully it will be an easy fix - I had to have one of those and it turned out I just had a small hiatal hernia that was sorted with tablets. Hopefully yours WILL be an easy fix. At least you know that drink isn't causing it !! When are you having it done - do you have a date yet?

                                - I have to admit to being a tad confused too - but then I AM a Bear of Little Brain !! Please enlighten us.... hope all is still going well for you.

                                Had to laugh - yesterday when I came in I heard thunder and checked the radar - there was a tiny blip of red heading our way - so I wasn't concerned - thought it would pass over without any rain - anyway then the heavens opened and it rained and rained and rained - we got 2". I thought it would make it easier to weed today - but this morning there is a small storm over us and raining right now so it might be too muddy to weed...... shame. :upset:

                                Back later everyone,

                                Love, sun XXX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

