Huxt Im with yu there on needing to let some self conciusness go, why does it hold us back so much when I see people who have the confidence to just go for what they want and not worry about what others think. I hope the meeting with the man is good, if not it doesnt matter anyway at least you are managing to get out there I stil havent even set up a match profile yet and Ive must have been saying I will for a few years now. The party sounds great, enjoy youself there, just remember to let go
Cleansed it sounds like things are moving along for you with not wanting to drink so much. The decision to not drink is up to you of course but IMHO we need to either reduce to a place or stop so we can get a clear view of whats going on so we can change it. Go for a therapist or meetings whiichever feel will help. Dont forget this does take time and you are doing really well, its great that you notice you feel better now.
I met my new therapist today and really think I will be able to work with her, she is so easy to talk to I am feeling possitive that I will get better at last, well start to anyway I know there is no quici fix for me.
space x