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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Dream I don't really have anything to add to what stuck just told you, if you google medication interaction checker you will find sites that give info on meds. Some may ask you to register but you don't have to give your correct name ect. This is the only time though that I would advise lying, when you see a doc I do also think you should be honest with them although I have not done this myself always because I was worried about the implications of having alcoholism on my record. I am in UK so it is a totally different system here so I really cant advise.

    Well done on the massive achievement of not drinking, how did you manage that. What supps have you got.

    Hi stuck how are you, do you still get the pain in your legs I know you said the night terrors are very bad and I know this may sound stupid but could you try things like getting a bath, having hot milk and using lavender oil before bed, Im just wondering if being more relaxed when you go to bed might help.

    I went to see my doc this morning over the pain I am still getting despite the meds I am already taking. I am quite upset by the fact that he told me the only thing left for me to take is liquid morphine! I was so shocked when he said it I immediately said no. But he gave me more baclofen and said the reason he hadn't renewed the script for it last time is that he doesn't think its effective for my pain. I went yesterday for an indian head massage hoping that would give me some relief, it took an hour and after the first half hour when I had relaxed it was nice but it has done nothing for the pain as it just came back as soon as he stopped doing it.

    Apart from that things are ok, Im not drinking again back to not seeing the point, I saw my therapist on |Monday and poured out my worse stuff ie. cause of my guilt, hearbreak, and the things I can never get over, she did show me a different perspective on what I had told her and explained that it is not all my fault. I went in feeling dreadful, I really didn't want to go but knew I had to. It was one of the most difficult things I have had to do because I knew there was no point going unless I told her the truth and the whole story and when I came out I did feel better. She has also made a plan of things I need to start doing to help and given me a new meditation cd to help with the anxiety. I have never done this before, I have seen therapists and cousellors but not told them the truth for some reason I don't know and it didn't work but now the time has come to really change and sort myself out. I had to be sober to do this, I had to be able to feel that pain and to learn how to deal with it, I did have a few drinks when it got so bad but my drinking is not like it was and was under control so I have stopped again. I have had to choose to not drink though today and yesterday and for a while before all this happened I wasn't thinking about it most of the time so it wasn't a choice it was just not an issue. I will get back to that in a few days I hope.

    I didn't intend posting on here today I had decided to try to cut down on my use of this site I spend too much time here, but then I just get drawn in again by Dream posting again which I am happy about and stuck being there.

    space x


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi All Dear Friends:h

      I just wanted to stop in and wish everyone here a wonderful day and let you know that you are all in my heart and thoughts Keep up your good work, all your focus on your positive intentions will pay off in the end and in fact is already manifesting in your lives for your higher good

      Lots of hugs and love from play


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hallo everyone !!! Yes it is me and I am back! However, I am totally wiped and trying to get my head to USA time - I had a wonderful time - still not smoking and although I have had the odd one or two drinks, it is fine - I am not drinking again as such! I can take it or leave it now.

        I need to read back properly and see what is going on. but not right now - too tired and jet lagged. I will catch up in the next day or two - I go back to work tomorrow but hopefully will post tomorrow evening. With a proper post!

        love and hugs to all,

        Love, Sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          HI SUNNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Play and Sun I just got my Haskins book and can't wait to start reading. I have been hypnotized twice, trying to get the thought of drink as bad and tastes bad. Doesn't appear to work. Play, how long does it take for it to work.
            Now I am going to find my spirituality, put better thoughts into my head. Play, did you start your new web. I loved the tapes you sent me. He is an interesting man.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Haven't been out here in awhile - work is crazy. This is my busy season. Also, I decided to try to sell my house - bought it last year on the way to diagnosis & it was a big mistake. I have a great realtor, and hope it will go quick. Found a few in areas I want that would be wonderful - then I could get back to being a person. Still drinking . . ..ashamed . . .not as much as usual, but just can't seem to fix it. I will try harder. Hate to let everyone here down. Anyway - Space - yes - still cooking yummy food. I promise to get my sauce guidelines to you. I say "guidelines" because everyone should modify any recipe & make it their own! Be back in touch soon!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Dear Meggie,
                :hwonderful to hear from you I'm not starting a new thread, I'm fine here on this one when someone is interested occasionally. So the Hypnotherapy, well, sometimes it can work in a heartbeat or it might take more time. I'm still offering to send you an awesome Alcohol Freedom set of CDs from They are wonderful and free, she says feel free to pass them along, so I just need your address so PM me or email me if you want them.

                So happy you are reading Hawkins and I will send you some more, have tons and perhaps the loving kindness guided CDs.

                Anyway, much love from play:h


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi Sum, you seem to have been away for such a long time I have missed you on here, goad you had such a great trip and still not smoking that is fantastic I so wish I could do it, I am still doing the cutting down thing though and not smoking in the car (mostly) so when I get that nailed I will pick another place/activity to not smoke. Well done on the mostly not drinking as well.

                  Meggie its too bad the hypno isn't working I suppose it must be another works for some not for others thing, and it doesn't look like its your thing maybe the spirituality thing will work for you, good luck.

                  Hi Play hope you are well

                  Funny girl selling your house is a big thing I so hope all goes ok and you get a lovely place where you want. I know what its like tolive somewhere you don't like, you just cant settle down. You say you cant seem to fix it with regards to the drinking, but you also said you are cutting down. I cant remember what you are doing/taking but the fact that you are cutting down shows it is working some. If you only drink of an evening could you maybe start later, or buy less or make yourself have one night AF a week if at all possible. Have you ever tried antabuse it has worked well for me I found thought that if I took it every single day it did work then things got easier after a little while. Play and Sun also used it but just took it once a week and still drank of a weekend tho, I don't know if that could also work for you. I wish dizzy was around because she has experience of doing both ways with it but I think its best to take it everyday and aim for a longer period of not drinking myself. There is also therapy that you could try but addiction therapy never worked for me, I had to already be sober for therapy to work so I could feel what we where working on, also so I was strong enough in my sobriety to not fall into a relapse because things got hairy as they just did but it works for some. There are loads of things you still have left to try. Don't worry you will find something that works for you I have total faith in that, if I could do it then anyone can, it did take me a very long time and a lot of heartache but I have got there now and you will as well. I am still looking forward to the basic recipe, I have never seemed to get my sauce right when I start totally from scratch, it isn't tasty enough somehow so I always use a jar or something then just add to it as I go along, our dinner last night wasn't good at all, it was soup the taste was ok but the consistency or something was all wrong and once the bread to dip in was gone it just wasn't nice, but it doesn't matter I just know not to make it again and will do something different tonight. Oh an also you are not letting anyone on here down, we are all here to help each other.

                  I am ok starting to feel better having had a tough few weeks. I have been in very bad pain physically and not too great emotionally, the two are often linked so come together anyway. I am not drinking again having had those few drinks to help me through last week when things got really tough but am now back on board with it, when I do drink nowadays though there is conscious control over it and it cant go on too long as I am very aware that the slippery slope is still there waiting for me to just slither right back on it, I did have 6 months AF before trying another drink and this is the first time I have drank without going out of control so yes I do worry about it but also didn't want to just be in the situation again where I am just waiting until my next drink and hanging on as long as I could, that is what not drinking has always been like for me in the past. Luckily I am now able to be honest about whats going on for me by coming on here. Maybe its because Im not actually in the room with you all that I am able to show my feelings and thoughts more here than anywhere else. Which is now paying off in therapy because its the first time Ive ever been able to be honest with a therapist as well.

                  space x


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi again play X posted, Meggie play sent me the wendi cd's and they are really good they did help me a lot and I still use the ones that are not about drinking to help me with anxiety and to just relax and quiet my mind, do get them off her and give them a go.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi all

                      Great to have you back, Sun! I would've Invited you but hubs and I had (are having) a serious bout of flu and moving soon. Found a LOVELY semi detached place in Maidenhead with a dining room cum kitchen, 2 beds and a cutesy garden with a shed, patio, lawn, plants, and cherry tree! I love cherry trees, it gives you that great sense of spring in this icy country.

                      I hope candle will be back soon.

                      I'm still drinking a bit but the cold forced me to cut down, not to mention prospective tenants viewing the place and all the hoopla of moving house.

                      I'm really happy for you, Play, and I also love Wendi's cd's. I find most of the female CDs more soothing.

                      And I'm proud of you,Space for fighting you demons and proving to be a mighty warrior, rather than a worrier. (Sorry if that's corny.) I just started smoking an hour later every week. Then I stopped smoking at work. Now I find smoking before 6 gross. The only smoke I missed when I quit is the bed time one as it chills me out but if I have one earlier in the day I can feel it lowering my energy levels.

                      Much to reply to still but I have a flat viewing in an hour and typing on this ipad takes forever and may well have caused spelling mistakes!

                      Love to all.

                      :l:l:l Attached files [img]/converted_files/2189094=7637-attachment.jpg[/img]


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        I wrote you Play on your last post . I also sent you email. The last I heard from you were the videos from Haskins. In those messages I gave you my address and offered to pay for the tapes. I will try to email you after school. Please let me know if you got them.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Quicky, ao happy you posted dizzy I miss you when you disappear The house looks lovely I do hope the move goes well. I have put my name down for a house today as well, they are phoning me tomorrow morning about it, there may well be people before me on the list though that get it but Im trying and it does look lovely, I don't know how to post piccies or I would but anyway I will wait to do that before I get one, or if I get one. The biggest problem is that I really couldn't beat my house now for area and the whole look and feel of it, my kitchen now is great but in the houses Im looking at is tiny but the rest of my house there is the tiny bedrroms and the dark dark shaded living room that I cant stand to sit in. I spend my time in the kitchen mostly and only go in the living room of an evening to watch tv, even then I often don't bother. Thank you for the very kind compliment dizzy and realising what Im doing, it makes a difference when I get a compliment nowadays, I used to just shug them off as I didn't believe anyone though good things about me and where just being nice, like when someone asks you do you like there new dress and they are wearing it already so cant take it back and its bad you still say yes not to upset them but now I can take it as someone actually seeing something good about me. I think that's an improvement in my self esteem.



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi everyone. I feel I should go back and read and then talk to everyone but am feeling exhausted after my first day back at work. It seems the older I get the worse I feel when I travel. Which I hate to admit..... but it is taking me a while to get back into USA time this time.

                            Juat glancing back though - Funnygirl - never ever feel ashamed of what you post or that you are drinking. Everyone here is in the same boat and there is no need to feel badly. You do not let anyone here down - trust me on that !!! I know I speak for all of us here. If you can't be honest here and feel fine about it then you cannot be honest anywhere!! Just do the best that you can okay?? :l:l

                            Meggie - which Hawkins book did you get? I am sure that Play will be in touch with you soon .... she is staying with relatives which makes it hard to reply and answer when she wants to. I found it impossible when I was in UK even having access to internet - it just wasn't ever the right time !! I have not really found that hypnosis works for me either - I almost want to challenge it to see if it does 'work'. !!

                            JAN !!!!! Hi back - it seems ages since we have been in touch - I will PM you !!!! Love and hugs to you XXXXX

                            Dizzy - the house looks lovely and I quite understand being busy - thanks for saying that I could have gone to you but I was so busy I would not have had the time. i was on the gho the whole time I was in UK - next time i go, I will not 'do' as much, or see as many people. It really was so tiring. I am still trying to catch up on my energy and usually have so much!

                            Space - you are an awesome person here and I hope that you do know that. You havew come SO far with the way that you were. You have struggled so much and still struggle but help so many folk. I so hope that you DO know that? This thread would not be the same without you - you are truly a good soul here no matter what you think.

                            Dream - welcome. I am sorry that I was not here to welcome you - as you may or may not have realised I was on holiday in UK at the time. Have you managed to sort out getting some Topa? I have never had any interactions with any other meds with the Topa - and had been taking AD's but am coming off them now. Please keep posting - lots of good info here and good advice from the others that post here.

                            Play - good to see you post too - will be in touch .......

                            Candle - where are you ??? It was good to meet you in London albeit for a very brief time. Hope things went well for you - how are things going now?

                            Hi there Stuck - you are really doing well - as far as the drinking goesw - not sure what else is going on with you and hope that you do manage to keep off the drugs !!!!

                            Hey Houtx - I turn 60 next year so know where you are coming from. I do not feel it though (well, I do right now but don't usually). I am pleased that you feel you are cutting down the drink ....... are you going back on the antabuse? Just wondering?

                            Must go and get something to eat ...... and then try and stay out of bed at least for another couple of hours.

                            Much love and many hugs to all,

                            good to be back, love, Sun XXXXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              sunshinedaisies;1561516 wrote: Hi there Stuck - hope that you do manage to keep off the drugs !!!!

                              love, Sun XXXXX
                              Funny you should mention that, Sun.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hello all -
                                Welcome back Sunny & PLay. Glad all is well. Interested in these "Wendy" CDs you all are talking about. More info, please? If Space approves, then they must be ok! LOL She & I seem to be on the same wave-length.

                                DIZ - the "flat" looks very nice, sounds awesome. Your British architecture is so much different than here, I believe. Many many apartment (flat) complexes here. I live in a condominium, which is more private and usually smaller as far as units than an apartment complex. I don't have any garden space, but do have a nice, long front porch area where I have potted plants and a sitting area where I can hang out in nice weather (Oct - April off & on).

                                I love hearing from everyone around the globe and our various living arrangements, weather, etc. So if y'all feel like posting things like that, I for one, enjoy it. Stuck lives in paradise in LA, I believe, where the weather is usually always perfect. I would get bored with that but when summer rolls around here and it gets into the triple digits, I'd LOVE it. Same with those of you in the UK and Candle in Asia...winters being horrendous. Ours here in the south are very mild.

                                Ok - I digress!! Hope everyone is doing well. It's sounds like that mostly. I " fell asleep" watching Downton Abbey on my Kindle last night...and didn't set my alarm so woke up at 7:30 instead of 6:30 and went freaking crazy around the house for 30 minutes trying to get ready. I did. It's amazing what one can accomplish in a panic!! My day felt off until about lunch time...tonight after the season premier of Grey's Anatomy, I am happily off to bed!! 2 glasses of wine w/ friends at dinner, 2 when I got home...probably a nite cap. I wish this was normal. One day at a time...


