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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi there !! Home from work and have fed dogs and eaten too so things are good ! VERY heavy day at work but enjoyed it - there is something about physical work that always gives me energy!

    BK - you are very welcome to be back! I wish you had stayed when you were feeling so down. And STOP beating yourself up about the weekend! It is past and you can't change it. Just move forward.

    Yes, apart from the tree coming down on the fence we are fine and the dogs love it 'cos there are so many sticks in the garden now for them to play with and chew on !! Hubs was starting to sort the tree out today and will continue tomorrow.

    As far as me drinking, I do now and then - and you are right, not many really thought I had a problem - but I thought I did - which was the important thing. My amounts were going up ..... still only Guinness but even so! I am good with it now but still keep an eye .....

    I totally understand the wanting to escape by the end of the week - now I am not working weekends, I feel the same, but do sometimes have AF weekends ! Maybe try starting later or something? Hopefully the Nal will help......

    Oh jan - lovely to see you !!!!! YES I am fine - we did have a tree come down on the fence and had terrible winds but not a lot of rain - the rain we did have was torrential but didn't last long. I should come over and pop in on your thread and say hi - but yes thanks, we are all fine.

    Love and hugs to all,

    love, sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Thank you to all of you here. I find I drink more when I talk with friends at night. I have had a few good nights when I don't drink much. I still drink more then I should. Also, it is gin so that is not good. I wish I could just break away. I feel the worse about my drinking and my weight. If I could stop drinking my weight would go down.
      Sun, yes with your help and positive nature, I am getting better. It is so interesting the people that I am finding. My yoga instructor is going to see John of God in Brazil.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Aaaawww Meggie - I really don't know what to say. You have to WANT to cut down .... other than that, I don't know.

        I LOVE that you feel that you are feeling better though - that is wonderful. One thing at a time - yes? I am not familiar with John Of God in Brazil - but for what it is worth - anything that is helping you to be more spiritual is great! I must Google it and find out more .......

        I have been amazed at who I have found on this web site - God works in mysterious ways I think - if it hadn't been for Play being on here, I would never have met her therapist and had all the help that I have had - my life has changed. I thank Play every day for that!!!!! Everything for a reason I think ......

        Anyway, sending you strength and love,

        Hugs too, Sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Sorry been quiet again and hi to all. I had my birthday and so many lovely things as well as finally telling everyone we got married. But then hubby got angry as I had to find a top and really bad traffic caused us to turn up late to the Ritz, we had to gobble down our food (and I had the audacity to take a phone call from my parents for 10 mins in the bathroom to say happy birthday and congrats on the 'impromptu' wedding.

          Got to the theatre (Book of Mormon) just in time but I pretty much felt like shit the rest of the evening as he would not lighten up. So now I just feel depressed. Yes, he spent loads of money on everything but I hate his bloody moods and surely me telling my parents we got married was more important than a bloody cheeseboard?

          And I made the mistake of watching 'Side Effects' last night supposedly about the side effects of anti depressants and it totally bummed me out. I won't spoil the plot for you but I wasn't bummed out about AD SE's at all...

          Back to bed, maybe just birthday blues that came two days too late.


          PS: Space: Are you Ok?


            New here and starting Topa and with a question


            Not belated but nice anyway! (The picture!!)

            Sorry hubs wasn't in a better mood - so sad! Hopefully you two have kissed and made up. You confused me about the "Side Effects". Said it bummed you out then said that you weren't bummed out about it ....... I have been off my Ad's now for about 6 weeks i think and feel really good .....

            Much love and hugs to you,

            sun XXX Attached files [img]/converted_files/2221190=7670-attachment.jpg[/img]
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Drive by - reading posts catching up. I always tell myself not to go longer than 2-3 days. So interesting what's being said & done here! I want to comment and contribute soon. I'm doing ehhhhhhhhhhh right now. I worry about myself as we all do on here...

              Details when I can. Love to all in the meantime


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all - sorry I've been gone so long. Work will begin to slow a bit as we head into the holidays. The house thing has been an emotional rollercoaster as well, but I may be able to work something unconventional out that will enable me to move & get into the house that I want. Fingers crossed. I'll keep up a little better after a few weeks go by. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. If I don't get back out here - everyone have a good turkey day. I'll be serving meals at a church - did it last year & it was great. Then I'll eat with friends afterwards.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  GOOD MORNING EVERYONE !!

                  I am feeling really good today - just cannot get over how good I feel these days ! I have been off my Ad's now for some time and feel better than I did when i was on them !

                  Hi there funnygirl - so glad that there might be a way to get around the house thing. Thank you for your PM about the insurance for my daughter. I love what you are doing on Thanksgiving - maybe something for me to think about next year as this year is already sorted. Is it your church or just somewhere you heard about? I listen to a lovely christian radio station and might check out their web site and see what they have going on next year.....

                  How are you going with the drinking? You didn't mention it - hope it is going well for you .....

                  Hi there Houtx - good to see you. What do you worry about when you worry about yourself? You sound as if you don't feel you are doing too well right now. catch us up when you have some time - hugs to you :l:l

                  Wonder where Space is? I hope she is okay .....

                  Well, off to make my Christmas cake - I LOVE Christmas cake and make one every year - the dried fruit has been soaking in brandy for the last few days (I know - BAD me, but it isn't a proper christmas cake without that step!!!).

                  HUGS to all,

                  love, sun XXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hope everyone's getting into the holiday spirit? I have been MIA thanks to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on the video game system. But at least there's something to show for it - I am the 90,435th Most-Feared Pirate in the world.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hey everyone ..... I am going to take a break from here. I WILL still check in and see what is going on, but not many folk are posting, and I often feel that I am just filling space ......

                      I love you all and as I said, will check and see what is going on - but for now, feel that I need to take a break. If someone new pops in, I will be here - but right now all of us seem to be at a standstill.

                      You can PM me if you want to chat ...... but I just feel that right now, this thread is so quiet these days - maybe we are all just doing fine?

                      much love and many hugs to all of you....

                      Love, sun XXXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        I always check in but don't write. I am surprised at how quiet the post is. I will miss your cheery messages. I know that I haven't checked in because I am not happy with my drinking. I am still doing meditation and trying to think positively.
                        You are being rattled with horrible weather. It is coming my way soon. Keep sending your positive my way.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          A year ago we had a core group of people who wrote almost everyday and who cared about each other. A year ago people would have cared that it was my birthday and that I had a honeymoon that turned to shit.

                          There used to be a time I used to post at least 300 days of the year, not just drive through posts, but caring, how is everyone posts. And while I?m by no means innocent now as I?m often depressed and have just got married and changed countries so therefore have not been posting too much there are also other reasons I have not been posting that much:

                          *We lost a key member who never came back, except to insult another key member.
                          *We had a member find her way out but who now makes me slightly nervous about not finding my way out as all she talks about is how perfect her life is now without just talking about random things like we used to.

                          And I?m am OH SO SICK of people:
                          *Just popping in to say they have been reading but there is no time to post,
                          *Or who post but its always just about themselves,
                          *And about the new members who make us all excited about being a group again just to F off without word.

                          So, I know this is not your sentiments Sun, its mine, and I disagree that everyone is fine, I can understand how you feel because at least you?ve been trying.


                          If you?re guilty of the sins above or used to post or have never posted and are just a lurker, why not actually start sharing your life and actually start caring about people who are in a similar boat than you are doing?

                          How many of us are still drinking but are not going to therapy and can?t talk to our friends or doctors etc? This is what this thread is for and guess what, we have basically managed to screw this up as well.

                          I?m sorry, but I?m angry. This used to be my safe place and now it just feels hollow, like a AA Facebook group and I know the people haven?t changed and I know most of you who said you are gone are still bloody reading it but either too stubborn or lazy to post so unless more of you start caring then I am out too.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hello everyone. Sun - the church is one in the area that we'd found out about. They do an actual sit down dinner & people wait on the diners. It's nice - they get to feel special - like a restaurant experience. Last year we served around 300 people. Many churches do different forms of outreach over the holidays - I'm sure you could find some way to contribute if you wanted to do that sort of thing.

                            As far as the drinking goes - I'm still drinking. Had a few good days where I didn't drink very much at all last week & then this weekend went off the rails. I say that - it's not like it used to be, but still too much & too often. I really need to stop altogether. I think this move thing is also a stress factor, where I'm kind of "on hold". Whenever I'm in some sort of limbo, drinking is a fall back of mine, since it's a way for me to just sort of 'do nothing' and not have to think about it. ugh!

                            Oh well, a few more incredibly busy work weeks for me & then things will slow down a bit - can't wait. I'll try to get out here more often.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Dizzy - sorry - just saw your post. I'm sorry you're angry - I guess I'm one of those you've talked about in the post. I HAVE been busy - this is my busiest time of the year & I literally have almost no time to do anything but work from the end of Sept thru about 2 weeks from now. Not sure why I feel I have to justify that, but I thought I would - just so you'd know. Happy belated birthday, and sorry about your honeymoon. Wish I could be here more . . . . .


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Dizzy ...REALLY????? You being so judgmental??!! We can post whatever and however the F we want to. Some of us do not have time for long posts, commenting on everyone's stuff. Why do you find that so offensive? I am surprised by your vitriolic post here.

                                Just because we don't post everyday doesn't mean we don't CARE!! And talk about starting a new discussion - did you light the fire on purpose?? Don't take out your frustrations and irritations on us personally here, gf. We love you, you love us...Kindof a surprise attack here.

                                Sometimes I don't comment on everyone's posts b/c it gets too much to keep track of. This is a therapy wall, afterall - people can come here and say what they want, no pressure to comment on everyone else's posts. If that bothers you, then...well, ok.

                                I, quite frankly, was astonished by your post. Maybe a couple of posters are ignore them. The rest of us are doing the best we can, DIZ. Sometimes just don't have time to post a long response on everyone's posts when it's been busy. Anyway, I'm sorry you've been sick and hope you're getting better! It's taken a long time - hope you are on the mend!

                                All that aside, I hope everyone has a happy American Thanksgiving this Thursday!! I was going to post some personal stuff, but I'm feeling like I need to post on everything else everyone else has posted to be fair, LOL - Let's be chill, people!! I'm fine with whatever one wants to say -

                                Alls fine here. Will post again when I get the chance. Its American Thanksgiving this Thursday, so lots going on stateside...

