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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hey y'all -
    Wow, such good stuff going on!! I've been busy lately and just barely reading, much less able to post something substantial. I promise I will!! I can't tell you how happy it makes me, like Sunny, to see us all posting again in a flurry. So much we all have in common, things to say & comment on...very good & therapuetic!!

    Busy days at school and things going on many evenings that I check in here late and just don't have the time or energy to get into much detail. Suffice to say, so glad to see many people posting & thanks for your support on my feeling chubby~!! LOL The Scottish guy is still holding my attention and thinks I am quite attractive and fine. We met up at bar last night that was full of over 50s types. I was SOOOOO happy to have found this place. Great band, dancing, lots of people...the kind of place I might go to solo one day "just to see". But I was amazed at the women...guess I've not been out as much as I thought.

    This is Texas and there is lots of big har and boobs, y'all...but Oh. My. God. Too many overly made-up women 55+ & over w/ their boobs overflowing camisole tops, too tight jeans stretched over too big butts...I felt like...I dunno...the vision of reason!! LOL Scottish guy continues to think I am beautiful, and that's hard to ignore. He drinks a fair amount himself, so I am going to just take it as it goes.

    Ok - more details later along with comments to all you good friends soon! Love you all!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Oh, Houtx, coming to visit soon, 56 and have gained 20 lbs in the last 3 years. I want to come and hang out at that place with you. I also dress conservatively, wondering if I should wear my boots with my skinny jeans. Never had boobs until I gained weight and wouldn't have them hang out because I think I look fat.
      However, it must be nice to have something that thinks you are special. Just think, 2 weeks until vacation.
      There appears to be several that know about the English weather, is it that depressing. I am glad I am in northern Ny with all its snow. We get exercise and a snow day.
      Sun are you originally from Europe.
      I am getting into the holidays. I am bringing out decorations that haven't been out in years. My Christmas this year will be my first away from my childhood home. I know, weird, 55 years of Christmas's in the house my father built. Mom is now gone and we are establishing new traditions, not better but new.
      I have a elf on the shelf in my classroom, my students are thrilled. A new tradition.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi there - well, we are in for some really bad weather ! Had freezing rain today and are expecting snow most of the night. Should be fun tomorrow going to work.

        Hey there BK - love to hear that about your dog cuddling with you - my Maggie used to do that and I still miss her - she KNEW how I felt all the time ! Even though we have dogs now, they are not the same .... enjoy your pup !!!

        I had a small slice of Christmas cake when I got home from work - it has turned out really well this year - some years it does and some it doesn't - this year it is good !

        And re Guinness being heavy and me never drinking five - well, i have to admit that I have done on way more than one occasion ! I think I was weaned on the stuff and it really doesn't affect me that much, more is the pity. How are you doing with your trying to be AF this week - I am so impressed that you can do that!

        Oh Houtx - I am so pleased that things are going well for you right now - I did laugh at your description of the ladies at the place you were at. You really do worry too much about what you look like and I hope that you can see that now !!!! You must let us know how things progress!

        Well, I need to shower and hairwash - then get to bed - just checking in.

        love and hugs to all,

        Sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Houtx- you crack me up! Your adventure to the over 50 bar actually sounds fabulous! I like the idea of women being to true to who they are even if it maybe a bit over the top. I am sure TX women have a hand up on that. How fun. I am glad to hear you are giving the Scottie guy a chance. I bet he is at least fun to listen too. Never worry about when & if you post- we love you and will always be here waiting impatiently to hear for you HA!

          Meggie- I know how you feel about feeling fat. I am 45 ALMOST- and have struggled with my weight all my life although I am lucky that I am a runner now so that keeps my weight in check although I can't eat WHATEVER I want but I can indulge here and there and drink and keep a decent figure. I like being slim tho and lately I have not been as regimented with my eating so I am classifying myself as curvy instead of fat. You should too. My butt always expands first which I hate!
          The holidays are tough for me because I love Christmasie type food- gingerbread & peppermint. Mmmm

          Sun- my little dog is actually 4. She is just a little dog. She is a bit of a princess around the house too. You know how that goes. But she is my little best friend. She loves me no matter what.
          I was thinking about your Guinness & have a friend who orders snakebites I guess it's Guinness with a shot of hard cider in it. I did try it once but don't remember if I liked it. I think it is so great that you have scaled down with your drinking and remain here to cheer us on. You are awesome. I want to be like you when I grow up HA!

          As for me- I have great news. My AF days are always numbered but last night I had an urge so I took my Nal and only ended up having 4 (2 at dinner then I opened a bottle at home) and I almost had to choke down the last one- even dumping some back into the bottle. I would normally pour it down the sink but I was so proud that I had 3/4 of a bottle of wine left last night it was kind of like a trophy. Really unheard of for me. If a bottle is open I drink the sucker. Mr. Bk drank more than me last night. He usually tries to control me by the amount he drinks- I think he has finally figured out that it doesn't work & him just being himself is much more beneficial to me then him trying to control me. I am a wild card- good luck with that Mr.Bk and we have only been married for 15 yrs. I think he is starting to finally get it. HA!
          I am feeling a but silly & crazy today. I think I am happy I did not get drunk last night & I am feeling that self love I am striving so hard build within myself.

          I am so much to do today yet I could sit here all day and read and post. I have 4 loads of laundry on my couch staring at me... I wish my doggies folded laundry.

          Much love to all-


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Oh BK - you sound so good - it is lovely to hear! I did laugh at your comment to me :H However, I am back up to the amount of Guinness that I have always drunk! The amount that I started here 'cos I was worried about ! So in that respect I am not doing so well. The comment about being like me when you grew up though - that is what made me laugh!

            And yes - I have a little magnet on the fridge that says "Lord, help me become the person my dog thinks I am" - they love us unconditionally don't they? They think we are the bees knees !! I am so happy that you have yours - they really make a difference in our lives.

            I had vaguely heard of a snakebite (drink) but would never drink anything with cider in it - got drunk on it when I was about 19 and the smell of it still turns my stomach!

            I am so happy for you re the drinking and the feelings that you had with it - that is wonderful - maybe the Nal is kicking in? are the SE's going away now that you have been on it for a little while?

            Our weather is the pits today - we started with freezing rain, then had snow ... and it is so cold! Tomorrow we get a respite then it starts again on Sunday! Got to love living in the Midwest!

            Hope everyone else is doing well - I am looking forward to the weekend and have made my lists (I SO love lists!!).

            Love and hugs, sun XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Bk, when I was your age I was the best shape of my life. wow, I was a 6 and was working out like crazy, I was so impressed with my muscles. That was my addiction ten years ago before the drink. I then started to drink, I liked the working out addiction better. oh, well, I am here, and drinking.
              Sun, still working on the positive, and loving life, however, as with you, I love the positive feeling that the drink gives me.
              Off to watch Christmas movies.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all - sounds like everyone is doing well. I've been working like crazy & finally the Medicare annual enrollment will end tomorrow, so things will slow. I still have a backlog of people I've put off who are individual insurance buyers, wondering about the new Affordable Care Act plans here, so I'll still have a ton of work, but not at this frenzied pace.

                Some of you know I've had my house on the market, but it hasn't sold. Lost my buyer -tried to work an unconventional way to keep her till she could actually close on a loan, but it didn't work out. very depressing. I may take it off the market over the winter - I'm just SOOOO Tired. . . . . haven't had a normal year (whatever that is) since 2010. Maybe it's time to just take a break. Lost my dad in 2011, and most of that year was taken up with logistics around the event and my own grief. Took 2 months to bury him at Arlington cemetery, since there's a backlog (due to war, I guess) - at any rate, it prolonged everything & delayed me moving on. Got into 2012, and then found out that everyone thought I had cancer, but couldn't get a diagnosis . . . .took almost all year to get an actual diagnosis. during the uncertainty was when I made this dumb decision to move . . . . . Awful decision. . . . .

                This year (2013) thought I'd be able to work on correcting this moving mistake in the spring, but then had a big flood in the basement here in May & it took 2 months to demolish damage & rebuild. . .. so - here I am.

                Maybe I should just give myself a few months off in the winter to regroup & maybe make a plan to make more money . . .I don't know. Like many here, I have not stopped drinking - also disappointing. I am still managing to drink about 5 drinks every evening. It's over a number of hours, but still a bummer that I just don't NOT do it. Tried the topa again awhile ago & couldn't tolerate it. May try again now that my work season is slowing. I hate to do that stuff when I have to be sharp & "all there".

                Anyway, sorry for the rambling. . . . .just feel I'm stuck in more ways than one .. . .need to figure out how to move ahead again. Guess I may just be tired.

                Love the story Houtx told about the bar . . .what a hoot! keep the funny posts coming. I do enjoy reading them, even if I don't have time to post & mention it.

                Sun - I know you all were pummeled with the awful weather - we were lucky & missed it - although it's horribly cold - I think it's supposed to be 3 degrees tomorrow when we wake up - Joy! Stay warm.

                Goodnight everyone!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  FG - hi there - good to see you. I am sorry that things are going so badly for you right now - but, you do have a roof over your head - even if it isn't the one that you really want - our temps are 8 degrees right now and I am SO grateful for my home ! I think your putting the 'trying to sell right now' on the back burner is a good idea - try again in the spring at a better time.

                  I also understand the drinking every day thing - I was thinking about trying L-Glut again - it really helped me when i tried it before. I am not sure how, but it does help! I found I just didn't want to drink when I took it but had to be religious about taking it. Have you tried it?

                  And rambling is good - sometimes that is how we see things that we didn't see before - at least you are trying to think about how to move ahead. Accept today for what it is and don't worry about tomorrow. I love the saying at the end of my post - about only being happy now. It is SO true !

                  Just come back and keep rambling - maybe BK or Dizzy or someone might have some better words of wisdom than me. We are a smart bunch here.

                  Hi there Meggie - good to hear from you too. Enjoy those Christmas movies - they are feel good things too! I LOVE "it's A Wonderful Life" - has to be my favourite of all time for Christmas movies!

                  Anyway I will be in and out this weekend, getting ready to take one of the dogs to the groomers .... then have to get some odds and ends for Christmas. Then I think I will tidy some cupboards! I always feel good after doing that - I think it is 'cos it gives me some sort of control feeling ! Ha ha ha

                  Have a great day everyone, Hugs, sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    "Lord, help me become the person my dog thinks I am" I am not sure how to do the cute little blue quotie thing so I just copied it.

                    Hi all!
                    What is going on??

                    Sun- that is the funniest thing I have heard for awhile. I may use it as my tag line. So cute.
                    I haven't checked the weather in your neck of the woods- how are you holding up? It's been super cold to me anyway here. I have been making out to run but ooooooooo chilly.
                    How was your weekend?

                    Meggie- you scared me. I am sooooo hoping my exercise addiction kicks back in. I have started gain a few pounds back. I am a dessert kinda gal and the holiday baking is one of my favorite things to do. I like being a size 6 myself but have ventured back up to 8-10. I was doing so well but like I said it is mostly my eating that gets me. Well and the beer. If I stay away from sugar usually I can get away with my binge drinking although obviously I know it's not good. I cannot however quit drinking and eat sweets. Funny how we try things just in case.

                    Hi Fun- sounds like you are going thru a lot right now. I think 5 drinks over period of time is actually good but you have to be where you are comfortable. I used to be like that then my husband & started really having some issues so I started getting flat out drunk. Now we are dealing with those issues and I am reverting back to a more stable drinker. Hope to hear more on how you are soon.

                    I love Christmas time - this year anyway:disco: gotta love the disco HA!

                    I had a decent weekend with my progress on Nal. I had 4 drinks TH, 8-10 drinks F, 3.5 S- I am happy with that. I will shoot for an AF week but I feel I may end drinking. My goal for this week and weekend is to stay under 6 drinks when and if I do drink.
                    Take care all!:l


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      For some reason the topic on this thread have switched quite long time ago from Topamax/ Topiramate discussion as a proven med to fight AL addiction (my own past experience) into a purely off topic type of social thread


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi there - GAH ! I have been having internet trouble - don't you just HATE that? I have finally sorted it though (obviously - LOL). but there is that underlying moment of panic that you won't be able to fix it !!

                        ANYWAY - it is fixed and I am good! I shall try to catch up on my e-mails and other stuff now.

                        BK - to do the quote thing - all you do is click on the "quote" at the bottom of the post that you want to quote from - it comes up in a new window that you then write your post in ! if you don't want the whole post, the only way that I know of to just do some of it is to delete what you don't want - making sure that you leave the 'quote ' bit and the words that say that ... if you follow .... LOL !!

                        Yes, I LOVE that saying about the dog - I think someone bought it for me ages ago. But it is SO true. I had my Maggie at the time and we were joined at the hip. As she got older and then got sick, I wouldn't even go away anywhere in case it exacerbated her illness .....

                        The weather here was positively balmy today - highs of 30 - which is amazing from what it has been. It has been in the teens (low) in the mornings - and when it is windy, it is even worse! But we haven't had any more snow or ice which is good.

                        I never had an exercise addiction - but like the sounds of both of you, am fairly slim. Plus my work these days keeps me very strong and fit ! So I do not need to exercise additionally thank goodness.

                        Good for you BK with having a plan for the drinking .... and it sounds as if it is beginning to work. I think as long as we are aware of it, then that is a great step to take ..... anything and everything helps!

                        DIZZY - where are you and how are you ? SPACE, come back ...... we are worried about you. Please just pop in and say hi ? Both of you .......

                        Off to sort e-mails and other stuff.

                        love and hugs to all,

                        Sun XXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          BK - to do the quote thing - all you do is click on the "quote" at the bottom of the post that you want to quote from - it comes up in a new window that you then write your post in ! if you don't want the whole post, the only way that I know of to just do some of it is to delete what you don't want - making sure that you leave the 'quote ' bit and the words that say that ... if you follow .... LOL !!s

                          Cool, always wondered how that worked. There must be a way to highlight and quote the small amount. I just wanted to see if it works.
                          Sun, if there is an addiction, be it smoking, exercise, or drinking, I find it. I wish I would get back to the exercise part. What do you do that gives you such a workout?
                          I had the most excellent counseling session. I thought she would ask about drinking, how much the same thing, guilt, guilt.
                          I have been researching PTSD and asked if she thought I had it. She asked questions and believes that I do. I excited because she is going to have me work with a therapist that deals with my fears related to the PTSD.
                          I pray I get to the place that you are Sun. I am trying so hard to make a life of peace for myself. I am so tired I can't tell if it is because of my session.
                          Good night to all. Sun, watching your weather, terrible.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Ok, discovered something interesting

                            Yes BK, I have a cat called Max, Maxamaui for long. He is most adorable but in Cape Town. He is a big ginger glutton that likes to hunt but when I pick him up (like a baby) he just melts into my arms and purrs. He was a rescue and I got him at 6 weeks so he 'suckled' on me during the night the first 3 months.

                            People say cats don't care but this little buster sure did after my 6 month absence. For a month (I was back home for 6 months due to visa issues), he followed me around like he was afraid I might disappear. He also suckled on my clothes whenever I was lying down. I miss him to bits but don't think he'll fit in the UK. He has hunted rabbits and other pets so I'm not sure. Also like me, he loves the sun. I think it may be better off with my brother on the semi-farm.

                            So for those of you lacking energy, I've discovered vitamin D3 5000 ig gel caps. It definitely lifts the mood and gives energy, but I now sometimes get insomnia, so I guess I should cut down. Worth a try though if you lack energy in winter.

                            Hugs to all.




                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Loving the posts - too much to comment on here & now...Promise I will in the next few days. Everyone seems to be doing relatively well & that's good! I am hoping my last date with Scottish guy was this past weekend. He drank way more than I did at his company Cmas party - I drove us home to my place & he slept in my son's room. Next morning, we discovered his car had been towed!! UGH - just a brief summary of how annoying it all was -

                              Happy Cmas season to everyone - loving it! And wondering where Space is!!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi ladies!

                                Meggie~ thank you for the info on the quote dealio. It seems we are very similiar in our addictive nature. I think counseling is the best thing for us because I think we use alcohol as a coping mech or numbing factor. I would be very interested to hear more about what you learn of PSTD. I agree with you that worrying about our weight can be something for later after we beat the drink but I am an extremest unfortunately... got be going full blast with my hair on fire.

                                Dizzy~ good to see you. I am glad you have a fur friend there to be with you. I may have to try your D3. I am experiencing some tireness after taking the Nal. You sound a bit better. How are you feeling?

                                Sun~ you are just that "sunshine" and mark such a positive attitude here. I love that you have become so comfortable with who you are. It makes me believe that its in my very near future.

                                As for me~ I was not planning to drink yesterday but I got my hair done yesterday and it took an extra long time because she couldn't quite the color right so I ended up with a glass of wine there and then met up with some friends afterward. I didn't eat so that was not good. I kept my intake around 6 but felt drunk quickly because of not eating. I feel a little queasy today. I wish I could stay in bed all day and watch movies. Something I must keep in check.
                                I was thinking about what my function was and I remember looking into the mirror at the salon thinking about how ugly and old I thought I looked. Obviously some old wounds that I need to deal with because I'm a pretty ok person and NO ONE is ugly. I am trying to rewire old negative thoughts I have toward myself but sometimes its just plain hard.
                                I am getting better about not beating the crap out of myself for drinking. But sometimes when I look in the mirror I guess I just don't like what I see. When I look into my kids eyes... I see something completely different. I love what I see reflect back to me from them.
                                I am feeling scared today that I will never beat my addictive nature. I think it is natural to feel this way and am going to accept it, feel it and hoping it will get better. I am just finishing up my monthly which lends emotions to my state. I hate that.

                                I haven't eaten much today so I am going to try eating something and try to pull myself out of my little funk.


