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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Wow, I don't remember LoOp, how did he/she die. I always worry it was the drink.
    Yucky weather here, lots of rain and we are losing all our snow. Flooding for December, crazy. I may start topa while I am not working. It does such a number on my head.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Dammit!!! I posted and then when I submitted, the damn site lost it. WHY???


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I posted personal responses to everyone, then a statement about how sad it was about LoOp, Evan Piccard. DAMN!!! I'll try and recreate tomorrow -

        We are all on here for support. Evan "LooOP" goes back 5 years to when a number of us first heard about The Sinclair Method (TSM) for controlling drinking, and were on a hastily created site to accommodate the overwhelming swell of interest out there about it.

        One thing led to another...we all went our separate ways, separate ways to deal with this, etc. Then to hear of a fellow comrade falling, what I first thought was suicide, may now be heart failure due to BAC or anythihg else...he died in his sleep, at his mother's house. So not a suicide, thank goodness!!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi there .....

          Houtx, so sorry that you lost your post - I thought that you had started copying and pasting as you seem to lose them so easily !

          Yes, LoOp was a really great member here and helped so many people - I love that his mum is posting and replying to folk - it must be so hard for her. My heart goes out to her - I CANNOT imagine losing one of my children. It isn't the way that the world is supposed to run.

          Meggie - he was nothing to do with topa - he was into bac but helped so many folk. As far as starting Topa while school is out - will it take effect at all before you go back? periodically I think about starting Topa again ..... but it always took me such a high dosage to work. I am not worrying about my drinking for now - will deal with it in the new year - and no, i NEVER make new years resolutions - they set me up for failure, but will work on it later ... plus the smoking GAH !!!

          BK - hope all is going well with you - it sounds as if it is ! Laughed at you meaning UK and not me - I just thought it was a typo !!

          Hope everyone is having a really good day today .... the rain has finally stopped (we had four inches !!) although it is really chilly out - still, I can deal better with cold than with ice !

          Hugs, sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Sun, I don't do the copying & pasting thing - that was just too complicated. So I "reply" and if I take too long writing, it just goes POOF. Or I hit the wrong key...and it happens alot...gone!!

            So hello to Meggie, BK Yoga, FunnyGirl, DZ - all the talk about weight issues, new traditions, husbands, injuries, NAL, and what we're consuming! I'm going to try and be here more often. I was reading back on The Sinclair Method site, where I started in early 2009, some of the posts and remembering people who have since disappeared. We were all so hopeful using NAL and many have posted that the extinction of the desire to drink, which was the purpose of taking NAL, sometimes kicked in 2-3 years after taking it. Makes me wonder about maybe trying TSM again. I was on it for a year then stopped and tried Baclofen, which was what Evan Piccard (LoOP) was so passionate about. I didn't like it for a variety of reasons. Then tried TOPA for awhile. Now have a huge amount of AB that I haven't touched in months.

            Thinking after the holidays I will make an effort to get myself on track again. I am drinking way too much and need to put the brakes on bigtime. In fact, through the holidays with my 2 kids at home, I am going to make a concerted effort to "be good". I'm typing this with a headache, so going to go take a nice long walk in the park, think about things and make it a good day.

            Hope everyone is well!


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Yes, I also try to be good when my daughter is around. She has many memories of putting a drunk mom to bed during the holidays. I am learning so much lately. I am learning that I am driven by fear, fear of my husband screwing up the holidays, going on rantings. I am sick of it. I have gotten drunk many holidays to overcome my fear. I wish he would stay home.
              I also have been drinking way to much and need to cut down, I have lost so much of life to fear and living in a fog. I only pray that 2014 will continue to give me strength to follow my dreams and enjoy every moment.
              Merry Christmas.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Ladies-

                Seems we are on the same page- I too have been drinking to much every day now since Tuesday.
                I am trying not to beat myself up but I feel like drinking today again and have taken my Nal and am waiting out the hour impatiently. I too would love to have a sober holiday. I have been tanked for probably the last 5-6. I didn't drink as much when the kids were littler I think because I was so frightful something would happen to them while I was under the influence.
                I want to feel the life as you both said. See the laughter in my kids heart and remember it.
                I was reading the 50s good wife tips and about barfed:xmouth: no wonder women have gotten so messed up with addiction.
                I was thinking about it.. And when you start reading about addiction and women.. It goes back a long way it seems. Can you imagine when cocaine was legal. I know my great grandmother was an alcoholic. I am starting to waffle as Sun would say.

                I am wishing you all a warm & wonderful holiday-
                I will backtrack to write more when I get my thoughts together. I feel scattered.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hey everyone ... had a LONG day at work and am just about ready for bed - tomorrow is going to be even longer though! The day after Christmas I am in at 5.00 (am !!!!) as there is tons of stuff to do !

                  SIGH re everyone drinking more than they should .... me too I think. Not enough to get drunk or have hangovers but more than I would like. There is always tomorrow .... or at least there is always a few days after Christmas! One day ... YES, one day !

                  I didn't drink when my children were little - well, i did but not everyday or what amounted to any sort of problem thank goodness. So I don't have that worry anyway.

                  BK - what is the '50's good wife tips" that you mentioned? Although I am not sure that I even want to know .....LOL. I didn't know that cocaine ever was legal! And my grandmother was an alcoholic too.....

                  Meggie - so sorry that you are feeling so down. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better - but only you can change your life (as we ALL know). It makes me feel sad for the situation that you are in. :l:l

                  HOUTX.... copying and pasting is NOT hard! Truly it isn't. If you can be a teacher trust me, you can copy and paste !! I leave myself logged in all the time here so that when I close my computer, I do not have to log in again - if you do that then you won't be logged out and your posts will not go "poof" !!! ROTFLMBO !!!

                  I must get ready for bed - I am absolutely whacked. Love and hugs to all,

                  love, Sun XXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hello all -- finally back after working 24/7. Read back thru posts & sounds like all are having a rough time, so, glad I'm not alone. Still drinking myself, even while having to function & work. Not so much, but too much. Can't understand why I just can quit totally, but I've not been able to. House didn't sell & I took it off market for a few months. Too hard to show in the winter & have to vacate with dogs etc., in bad weather. Plus, there's no inventory on market now that I'd want to live in. Feeling like a failure. . . . if I hadn't been able to work non-stop, I'm sure I'd be worse off. . . time is my enemy. The less of it there is the better. . .anyway. Have a good Xmas everyone. My plan is to stay in and do NOTHING. I've been consumed with work. I have invitations, but may not want to go & make smalltalk. I think I would rather stay in, watch movies & maybe do some artwork. Enjoy - whatever you do!


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL. hope you all have a wonderful day - ours is pretty quiet but really nice.

                      Love and hugs, sun XXX Attached files [img]/converted_files/2242366=7686-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        You too sun! Had a quiet day here. Even took a nap!! Fabulous!


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Good Morning everyone! Hope you are all feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning? I had a great day yesterday - we always have mimosa's Christmas Day and I didn't have much - the whole day was great and yes Funny Girl - I too got a nap in ! Just as well seeing as it is 4.00 and I am getting ready for work!

                          Hugs, Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi, all, hubby was sick so he didn't spend Christmas with the family. We had a great new tradition of christmas at another family member. No worries, no one getting angry. Hopefully memories will stay and be a part of my memory.
                            Did have to laugh as I watched others get loud and drunk around me. I didn't drink, there. I waited until later when I was quiet and at home.
                            Sun, another year to find the best of everything, and to enjoy the life I want.
                            Sun says it best,
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now..


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hard to remember that sentiment about being happy now . . . Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to make more of an effort to remember going forward.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Merry belated Xmas everyone. I just keep being sick and I still haven't been able to sign up wit a dr. Because of the holidays. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you.

