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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hallo everyone !

    Colin - thanks for the advice re the bac - I think it really helps anyone who is thinking about, or starting, using it.

    Hey Houtx - lovely to see you again. Yes, ginger root is really good - but as for tea - I just like plain old tea! Made the proper way with boiling water. I have tea every morning for my wake-up !!

    Laughed about you commenting on my everyday life - something has to keep this thread going - LOL. We are expecting brutally cold temps - minus 9 being the low (I think) and 7 being the high! FAHRENHEIT !!! Also expecting 6-12 inches of snow - that will slow everything down! But we are ready for it - or as ready as we can be anyway. Ice melt (doggie friendly variety), snow shovel...... extra bird food ! the traffic out today was really bad so I assume everyone is stocking up !

    Hey there BK - yes, I am doing just fine thank you - lovely to see you here - it has been a while and I have missed you. GO YOU on your three days Af - wonderful and I am so happy for you. I just need to get started !! It gets very old keeping on thinking about it... plus I HAVE to stop smoking too. SIGH.... it WILL happen - I did both for 8 months and if I did it once I can do it again. Just need to get my head in the right space.

    Off to do stuff ...

    love, Sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Colin thank you for the information. I am on seizure medication, I wonder if that would be a problem. I will ask and see what she says. I have been doing so much brain research and feel I need something. Campral does nothing.
      Sun, still searching the spiritual side of myself. I have lost many years not living, not being a part of life. My youngest is old enough to not need me. So finally I can think of myself. I am having a trouble letting go of resentment, it is hard felt.
      Thank you all.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi Meggie - well, we are in the midst of a brutal snowstorm! Already had about 6" and still it keeps coming down - supposed to snow all day so i have no idea what it will be like by tonight ! Blizzard like conditions - just awful!

        I am making bread and going to make the most of my enforced day inside - how lovely that we are warm and dry! We are SO lucky! I am so glad Meggie that you are continuing to look for the spiritual side of yourself - and being resentful won't help you - you need to try and please let it go. You can't change the past - just change the way you will be in the future. It will make you feel better I know !

        Back to what I was doing ....

        Hugs everyone, love, sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          YES, Sunny, the weather is quite atrocious! Even in Houston we are expecting the lowest lows in years in the next few days: low 20s or teens! I love it, though! It's not entirely unmanageable - cold & windy. Good excuse to stay inside & make soups & chili!!

          Back to school tomorrow but thankfully kids don't come back til Tuesday. That's doable - trying to look forward to the small things!! Also thinking seriously of going back on NAL, but ordering on River has not gotten good reviews. Anyone want to recm'd GoldPharma or others?? Thoughts ?

          Thx & hope alls well w/ everyone!


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi houtx. I order exclusively from River and have never had a problem with nal, topa, or baclofen so far. Hope you find what you need.
            My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi All!!

              Meggie~ I have been thinking about your posts and I understand the spiritual search that you are going thru. I recently stumbled across a book that I am seriously thinking about reading called "WITHIN: A Spiritual Awakening to Love & Weight Loss" now don't let the weight loss part detour you... It is really a book about self love. I am reading the sample right now and am feeling it resonates with me even with body image. Just a litte suggestion. I am also starting to wonder how I will feel when my kids leave the house. When you are in the midst of raising children a break always sounds good but I have a feeling that once the time arrives I will wallow in missing them. What kind of feelings are you having toward finding yourself?

              Sun~ OMgoodness.... all that snow. I kinda wish we would get some. We have been so darn dry. I love the snow and love when it gives me an excuse to stay in doors and bake. Not so good for the booty though. I hope you are warm and wonderful as usual.

              Houtx~ I just gave in and asked my doc. I don't care anymore who knows that I am trying to get healthy. I know it can be tricky with insurance companies but mine seems to keep me on.

              Hi Colin and everyone else... hope everyone is finding a little happiness today.

              I'm on big DAY 6 AF... and am officially weighing in on the scale and "trying" to be accountable for eating better and take care of myself.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi there everyone

                Happy New Year.

                My tummy is still acting up, my twisted ankle is finally better but my knee still painfully clicks whenever extended after bent for a while.

                We had hubby's brother and his wife over for NY, they're quite a bit older than me so it was great just relaxing, eating good food and having some good wine. They are wine buffs and my tummy can't take more than 3 glasses at the moment. In a way I was happy I was still hobbling as it did save me from long day trips, and I could spend days cleaning up a bit and then snuggling on the couch.

                Went to a pub called The Snooty Fox for dinner and found out CS Lewis used to drink there. Then I had weird white bunny dreams all night

                We are probably going to Glasgow on Wednesday so it will be the first time I walk anywhere far since the fall on the 19th. Thank God for hubby, cable TV and supermarket home deliveries! May see some snow in Scotland but am thankful it's not here, I don't want to skid and fall and am SO not used to snow.

                Houtx, good luck back at school.

                Jmum :welcome:

                Meggie, I'm proud of all the work you are putting into this fight.

                Sun, glad you are sounding well. Laughed about the snow and the dog poop. I'm also waiting it to be really icy (and not rain) one night to pick up the damn neighbours cat poo. Just realised there's 3 on our right and 2 on our left, all white, so we have battles ahead.

                Space, it's a pity hubby only ever goes to Leeds, London and Glasgow to their main offices. Because I'm not well the company is paying for my trip as well this time. I guess they're desperate and I wouldn't mind a nice hotel and maybe hobbling around a bit. The government still has our passports though so it's a looking train trip.

                Hi BK and the rest.

                Let's make 2014 great.



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Thank you for all the positive thoughts. I find I have lived in a lost world for the last few years. At 50 plus I am realizing I need to be reflective and look into enjoying every day of my life.
                  BK, I will have to look at that book. I have so many good books, and with this weather a good book is great. We had snow storms last week. Northern NY is suppose to get 86 or more inches in the next 2 days. I am home today because of below 30 degrees wind chill.
                  Enjoying my day, do so need to cut out the alcohol.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Meggie - I will stop complaining about our foot of snow and our minus 25 wind chill - LOL. Yours is way worse! More is expected tomorrow though - GAH !

                    Hi there dizzy - sorry that you are still not 100%. But getting better which is good ! Sounded like you have had some nice times too, which is good - does hubs brother live near or were they visiting?

                    How awful for you re the neighbours cats! You need to put chicken wire down over your earth - that would stop them. Just cut holes where you need it for the plants.

                    How long have you been without your passports? That would really freak me out - but mainly 'cos if anything happened to my family I would need to be able to leave for UK ....

                    Hi there BK - lovely to see you. NO, you do NOT want snow - trust me, you don't - it is lovely to look at when one is inside, but if you need to go out - YUCK. My deliveries at work have all been held up and I am expecting a HUGE one tomorrow now.....if that one arrives that is !

                    GO YOU for being on day 6 - I am so proud of you - that is really wonderful - how are you feeling? I have been thinking about taking L-Glut to help me - but I keep forgetting to take it (Freudian slips maybe?).

                    LOL to you wondering about how you will feel when the children leave the house - if they are anything like mine, they will always either be popping in or coming back to live - mine never really left it doesn't feel like, although I do miss the one now that is too far away to pop in.

                    Houtx - a friend of mine orders from River (I think) and so far has had no problems. Good luck with the back to school - you and meggie are my heroines !! Could NOT do what you and meggie do!

                    hugs to all,

                    love, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      We were on PAGE TWO !!!! Oh my goodness! I cannot remember the last time that we got to page 2 !

                      Our weather is improving slowly - had more snow today but it should be gone by tomorrow as we are expecting rain - and temps in the 50's on saturday - crazy!

                      Hope everyone is doing okay .... quiet is good? I hope. Anyway - I am still in the same place - keep saying I need to do something about it ....ho-hum.

                      Hugs, sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        DizzyBee;1609279 wrote:
                        Went to a pub called The Snooty Fox for dinner and found out CS Lewis used to drink there. Then I had weird white bunny dreams all night
                        OMG I want to go there!

                        Anyway, hi all. Sounds like a pretty good holiday and new year all around, yes? Just reading a few posts but not catching totally up. My holiday was good but SO COLD. Minus 15 without the wind chill, the day before I came back to sunny southern California. Spent most of the trip with the new girl, and that went pretty well for the most part but I did start getting kind of pent up and anxious toward the end, and one full-blown panic attack that was probably a combination of things: too cold to go outside at all, feeling like I was stuck and locked-in to some kind of lifelong thing with this girl, and then I did drink on NYE so maybe some withdrawal issues. But I do think it was more than that. Just sitting around her apartment, I had this feeling like "is this it? Is this what the rest of life is like?" Anyway I don't like that feeling at all and it freaks me out.

                        I do like this girl a lot, I just have commitment issues (as some of you could probably tell). She got laid-off her job yesterday, so that's kind of a clusterf**k. And I cracked some beers while on the phone with her for about 3 hours last night. Then I got into a bottle of bourbon and watched Netflix.

                        So otherwise the trip was good and hung out with lots of old friends and family. Back in LA now and - perhaps unfortunately - I've spent the last couple days drinking at night and hungover in the morning. Not a great cycle to be getting back into, and I'm feeling like what started as a "slip" is settling into a routine. The 4 days of drinking in New Orleans, followed by some drinks on NYE, and then AF for a week but now left to my own devices and very much stressed about work looming over me and drinking and not feeling capable at all and so drinking, which only compounds the feeling of not being capable, obviously.

                        And that's about it. :l

                        EDIT Guess I shouldn't be all doom & gloom. Just found out a story is being published and a proposal for a conference paper was accepted, so 2014 is actually starting off fairly well.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Jumping in here as a stranger (as its sort of a 'family' thread) but I was intrigued by the CS Lewis pub.

                          Stuck - just a suggestion - maybe try not to get 'stuck' back in the old ways?
                          Have you read Olivia Laing's book, The Trip to Echo Spring. Why Writers Drink? I'm reading it slowly - and kind of enjoying it.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Houtex--I believe I pm'd you a while back. I was wondering who you get Bac from in Houston? I'm here also and looking for a dr to prescribe. Sorry to hijack!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              treetops;1610616 wrote: Have you read Olivia Laing's book, The Trip to Echo Spring. Why Writers Drink? I'm reading it slowly - and kind of enjoying it.
                              Argh! I picked that up at a Barnes & Noble, then later saw it prominently displayed for 25% off at one of my favorite independent bookstores in the country - and I'd rather have bought it there, saving money and supporting indies over B&N. Then I forgot where I put the copy I'd bought and it's not in my luggage here when I got back to LA. So, no, I've not read it. But I've read several reviews and I'm really looking forward to it... sometime...


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi there everyone - Treetops - please feel free to jump in all you like - we love to have new folk post! Yourfriend - you too - please feel free to post whenever you feel like it ! I really like when other people post - this thread gets so quiet at times.

                                Stuck - well, I did PM you about one thing - but other than that, am not sure what to say. I am sorry that you have been drinking - you were doing amazingly well !!!! What are your plans? It is so easy to slip back into old ways - trust me, I KNOW !!! I was doing so well for a while then had a slip - and here I am. No hangovers - I don't drink enough for that, but more than I would like anyway.

                                GO YOU with the story being published and the proposal for the conference paper being accepted - that must make you feel really good !!! What is the story???

                                Hugs, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

