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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Dizz I love you.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Louis, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        So, what about Topamax?

        Hey everyone! There's not much chat about topamax on this thread, so I wonder if I could get some input?

        I am deciding whether Topamax is right for me. Deciding between nothing at all, Topamax or Naltrexone/TSM.

        This is the first time I have really tried to moderate my drinking. I went AF the first 14 days of this month with no physical cravings.. Just some emotional triggers that got the best of me on day 15. I was trying to do a *30*. I could also use to lose a lot of weight, so I was thinking of Topamax since it was the original suggestion in the MWO book.

        I don't want Bac at all, but TSM looks interesting.

        I am not sure whether I need meds at all, but could use some support for awhile as I try to moderate.

        Anyone have any suggestions??

        "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
        ~John Lennon

        Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

        ~Author Unknown


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Not sure if anyone here's taking topa, actually. :H I'm not. But plenty of peeps have taken it so they'll be able to chime in soon-ish. You have to follow a very specific dose schedule. Nal's a little easier, as you just take whatever the dose is like an hour or two before you drink. TSM *requires* drinking, though, so if you're trying to do abstinence that won't really work out for you. One p-doc wanted to put me on nal with abstinence as a goal, and seemed to think it can work to maintain abstinence or at the very least keep lapses from becoming relapses.

          Thing about nal is that it's almost exclusively prescribed *for* alcoholism and you don't want that on your record. So be careful if you're getting it through legitimate channels. If you're ordering online then that's a different story, but can get pricey.

          FYI background on me - I did the bac thing pretty hardcore about 2 years ago now (holy crap, the time freaking flies!) and was recently AF for about 7 months until I was stupid.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Dipgal.... I took Topa for some time. it really does work! However, it varies with everyone. I had to get up to 300 mg before it kicked in for me. Others only have to get to 50 or 75 and it works. I had NO SE's until I got to where it actually worked for me, then I got terribly depressed! Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. I have had no experience with nal so can't help there ..... nice to see a new face here though .... as far as the weight loss aspect of Topa - it really did that for me - but I don't need it ! It seems that those that need that aspect, do not lose the weight and those that do not need it DO ! I lost weight with it - just did not want to eat - but am slim so do not need to lose any more weight.

            Hugs, sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi, all, where is Play. She really isn't going to post anymore?
              Topamax worked for me at 75 but it made me do dumb I couldn't do my job. I forgot names of people, where I was. It was awful, but it did work.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                DipGal, Topa did wonders for me from 12.5mg to 50mg then I ran into the conundrum where I plateaued. I still take it as an anti depressant but if I take more I get all jittery. I would say I'm the exception to the rule, few people find Topa as energising as I do. I would recommend it though, def worth a shot and easy to get over the mail - also if not for you, you can just stop, no tapering required.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Ahhhhhhhh, this thread's in free-fall! Saving from the abyss! Er, sorry, just kidding. Sorry I've been posting pretty much everywhere *but* here the last little while. Hope everyone's doing well. You good, Dizz?

                  I am all right, and not drinking the last couple days, well since last Friday, and making a commitment to myself to stay freaking AF for a while. Which means that there's so much other bullsh*t to deal with! Ugh. Yet deal with it I must.

                  And speaking of crap to deal with, here's a pretty random question: anybody have cats? Mine have dry skin and some dandruff and I'm trying to get them to eat this salmon oil. I squirt a tiny bit on their wet food and mix it in but they HATE it! This is wet food that they devour in the mornings, but one little bit of this oil that's supposed to be really good for them, and they won't even go near the food bowl. Turn their little noses right up at it, and then they give me this look like if they were taller they'd punch me in the face. Ideas?


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    StuckinLA;1616520 wrote: Ahhhhhhhh, this thread's in free-fall! Saving from the abyss! Er, sorry, just kidding.
                    I agree Stuck ......

                    As for the cat question - Maybe you could try some other oil? maybe they don't like fish - try flax oil which is as good as salmon ..... just a thought anyway.

                    hugs, sun
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi all -
                      Dizz, not sure I understand about the stalker...sounds weird. Sorry you had some orbs w/ th hubs, but hope things are better now. I enjoy your posts a lot!

                      You, too, Stuck - always impressed you can take it or leave it these days...or so it seems. I love your posts, too. Ever since Evan/LoOp passed way, I've been visiting various threads and thinking about the progress and such that we've all had. Thinking about the hope in these various methods...

                      Thinking what to try next, if anything. I'm trying to just moderate...most weekdays doing it successfully (if you call 1 bottle successful!), weekends not so controlled. But thinking seriously about starting NAl again...just haven't pulled the trigger. I bought a supply of AB and still have all that - UGH!! I'm so weak really.

                      Dipgal - welcome, and there ARE ppl still on TOPA here. We've all tried it...I had the tingly SEs and got dopey at the dose I went up to...can't remember now without getting up and leafing thru a notebook! lol Never lost my appetite tho. My 20 yo daughter is on it for migraines and has lost weight. She drinks a bit, like most college kids do - nothing serious. Anyway - good luck with it, and keep us posted.

                      Stuck, I have 2 cats who do not have dry skin but awhile back I was told they needed kitty teeth brushing or some nonsense. Plaque I guess. I was told to put the junk on my finger, get them in a firm grip, open their mouths and rub the crap across their gums. Maybe that would work for yours. Good luck!!


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        oops, Sunny, Meggie - hi & thanks for posting!! Hope alls well. Kinda slow here, lately. Always good to hear from you two & hope alls well where you are. I read posts but don't always reply - will try and do so more often. This thread has become a general support group, it seems. That's a good thing :-))


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi Houtx - good to see you. Sorry things are still the same - I am actually thinking of trying acupuncture was suggested to me by my therapist, and see how that goes ! I will try anything once ! (well, almost anything)....

                          Dizzy and meggie - how are you two doing? Pop in and let us know .....

                          Hugs, sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi, I just wanted to let you all know that I am ok but just not coming on here right now. I find all the talking and thinking about drinking is not good for me. Its easier to not think about it at all.

                            I will miss your friendship and will pop in at some time in the future to say hello again.

                            best wishes x


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I am having a difficult time finding this site. I used to get it in my email, then I just went to community to find it and now I can't find it. So quiet here, are people visiting other sites?


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Meggie ... no, I am not posting elsewhere - just that it gets old when others don't post .... hope you are doing well?

                                Hugs, sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

