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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    All my plants are either herbs or food plants. Carrots and tomatoes are doing ok. It is a raised bed and the weather has been really odd. It is either really hot, raining or nice.
    When I feeling less groggy from the test today I will send a picture.
    So far this summer I have been through eeg, ekg, blood work and now the colonoscopy, all good so far.
    Sun, I don't think I was ready to go off AD, I needed new because the ones I was on wasn't working.
    However, didn't drink because of the prep for the test today. I didn't die, maybe I will try tonight.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      I totally get you with the weather - the polar vortex got us which was great as it was way cooler than usual - but we desperately need rain, especially now that it is warming up again. My garden is doing really well all things considered - as usual, two of my zucchini plants have been 'got' by the squash borer but I always plant at least four so I allow for the bugs !! Tomatoes coming out my ears !!

      How did it go with not drinking again last night Meggie? did you give it a try? you know you can do it 'cos of the day of your test..... take it one day at a time and see how it goes. I feel WAY better when I don't drink.

      Hugs, Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I did ok, was very tired from the procedure. One day at a time, I know.
        All my food plants look a little ragged. I planted several cucumbers but they look bad and are not getting any flowers. My eggplant just sits there and hasn't grown since I planted it. My herbs are great. You should see my lettuce, It was grown from seeds. It is so sweet. I want to try kale next year. I don't like it from the store but my neighbor has it and it is so tender.
        I willl check the post to see how everyone is doing.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          StuckinLA;1685402 wrote: So we went to the grocery store this evening, and as soon as we got home I started working through a six pack and roasted a chicken for dinner. When it came time to move the chicken to a plate to carve it, I grabbed the pan that had been in the oven by the metal handle, obviously without thinking. So what I'm saying is I just burned the fuck out of my hand. Got some ice on it now; it is gonna blister like hell tomorrow and hurts like a sonofabitch. At least it's my left hand I guess. Just had to share that.

          The chicken was good though.
          That's my story for the day.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Oh, no, how much had you drank? Bet you are one hurting turkey today. I think it is great that you cook together. My husband lets me cook, clean up and shop. We have rarely done anything together. His bipolar gets in the way and then he yells at me. It was nicer when he worked because I could do what I wanted. He won't let me mow or use the weed whacker because I don't do it right. I did it right for the first 30 years.
            Hope you are feeling better.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hey everybody

              I hope your hand is feeling better, Stuck, and that you are feeling better after the colonoscopy Meggie. I'm sorry your husband is so hard on you, I have to do the lawn and my husband doesn't care a bit as long as I don't leave it for too long.

              I waited to long to plant seeds this year but did plant some already mature herbs so at least thats nice to add to the cooking.

              Nice to see you again Sun and you Houtx.

              I've been quiet in general lately as I had a big crash back to earth the week after our honeymoon. A friend of ours was diagnosed with lung cancer and my dad has to now start five weeks of DAILY week day sessions of chemo AND radiation for the cancer that was left in his body after his colon cancer op.

              Then I heard and saw our neighbour accidentally reversing over her cat and her toddler screaming, with the husband then cleaning up afterward. The very next day I had to hear that our dog back home was also put to sleep as he was simply getting to old and his legs were giving in as well as being mostly blind and deaf. This in combination with the pressure to find a job led me to drink too much although I did do Wednesday to Saturday AF last week and today is also my first AF day again.

              At least its Summer and the days are long but I just wish everyone will get healthy and be happy.

              Hugs to all.



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                God, Dizzy, sounds like a rough couple of days. Seeing the the cat get backed over would've f**ked me up for sure. I get really emotional when it comes to animals. Also with the people health issues, I hope you're hanging in there and everybody's staying strong - whatever that means. I know, clich?s.

                Thanks, Meggie. I'd been drinking a little during the afternoon before the grocery store - not enough to really feel it but enough to keep everything even-keel, since I'd been pretty drunk the night before. I get real anxious by mid-afternoon after a night of drinking. Anyway, got home from the store and threw the chicken in the oven, and I'd had about 3 beers by the time I took it out. It was just one of those things, ya' know? Like, need to move the pan, the pan has a handle, and the split-second I grabbed it I realized that was the dumbest f**king thing I could've done at that particular moment.

                It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Not blistering or anything. I slept all night holding a frozen bottle of water, and every time it melted my hand would start hurting real bad, so I ended up getting up 3 or 4 times during the night to grab another frozen bottle of water. (It must sound weird - who has this many frozen bottles of water sitting around in the freezer? The girl keeps them there so she can set them out in the rabbit cage, 'cause I guess rabbits don't regulate their body temperature very well in the heat and it's hot here.) Today it hardly hurts at all.

                Hugs all 'round. :l:l:l


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Oh gosh - what terrible happenings for everyone !! SO sorry about it all - Stuck - hope that your hand is feeling better - hands have so many nerve endings in them, it hurts SO much when they get burned !! And I cannot deal with thinking about the poor cat .....I too get too emotional when it comes to animals.

                  Diz - so sorry about your friend and your dad - daily radiation is usual - but daily chemo? My friend takes chemo tabs so I suppose that is daily - at least the daily tabs are not as bad as the IV chemo for her - I so hope that your dad is having the tabs type !!! Radiation makes one really tired - so I hope he takes care of himself. How sad for you to not be able to be there ..... is the prognosis good ? The friend who is taking daily chemo tabs has colon cancer that has metastasized to the liver and until they can shrink the tumours in the liver enough to operate on the main ones, the colon cancer is on the back burner....

                  Glad that you managed to get some herbs in Diz - I love being able to go out to the garden for some basil, or parsley or whatever !! Good for you going AF again - me too!!

                  Meggie - did you get the all clear on the colonoscopy ? Your garden sounds as if it is doing pretty well - I think Kale has to be grown quite early as it is a cooler weather crop. You could probably grow it this year as a fall crop - but unless you have access to plants you would need to get some seedlings going about 6 weeks before you plan to plant - temps above 80 would probably be too hot for it so fall would be good ....

                  Have a great day everyone, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Well, hope all is well an healthy today. Just finished Heaven is for real. Lovely, family movie. I watched it alone this morning, but it does help to re-look at my spiritual self. Looks like it is going to be a rainy day. I need to find my comfort in reading. Thinking of all of you and stay out of trouble.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Wish it would rain here ....we need it so desperately. At least we have a cool front going through which is lovely for July here !!

                      Everyone has disappeared again ......
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        We had tons of rain and flooding yesterday. We also needed it, my poor garden. It is cool,it was 49 this morning. Well, the eeg, heart, and colon are good. I did have a doc appointment today and I thyroid is really off. I wondered why I have been so tired and have gained weight. I should have been losing weight, when I was weighed I had gained another 2 pounds in the last week. Last time this happened I gained 15 pounds . Hopefully the increase in medication will get me back on track.
                        Hope all is well.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Oh wow Meggie - glad that they found out about the thyroid for you. Hopefully sorting the medication will get that all back on track. Glad that all your tests turned out well otherwise. How are you doing with the AL?

                          Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Monday I did awful and was sick the next day. I haven't been sick in a while. The doc is good about checking all levels and liver. Still I need to get back in sync with life. She also put me on ad. I will see if that helps. I do so much better when I am busy. I just don't feel like doing anything.
                            I did put in some new seeds last week and they are already growing. It is so beautiful to watch things thrive and grow.
                            YOU still doing well on the drinking and smoking? I gave up smoking years ago. It is not easy. What made it easier is that you can't smoke anywhere. Hope all is well and work and garden keeping you busy.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hey all. Not much going on here. Some drinking, a little writing, and going to Denver for the weekend. I've started to log each cigarette I smoke, just marking down the time and then adding them up at the end of the day. I know I stopped smoking inside the apartment about a month ago, so that must have made some kind of difference, but I can't believe how little I'm smoking these days. I've always thought myself a pack and a half, even two packs a day smoker. But according to my log I'm between 12 or 13 a day, and even on days I drink I'm only up to maybe 18 or so. Haven't been over a pack since I started writing them down almost a week ago. Not consciously trying to change any behaviors yet, just recording them.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Good for you on the logging the cigs Stuck - I had always thought I smoked at least a pack a day but when I actually started noticing them I only smoked about 15 a day or less. I haven't had a cig since March 13th now ..... I do have the Vape thingie - although some days I do not even think of it - it has been two days since I had a puff of it and even the it was only two puffs the entire day! I know that I have the sigs beaten - and credit it to the vape. Knowing that is there makes it so easy to quit the cigs .... now the AL - that is slightly different. I have a great run then will drink again - then stop again - SO, I am a Work In Progress STILL. But it does get easier and my attitude to the whole process has changed too. I do not worry so much about it as I did.

                                Were you sick from not drinking Meggie ? Oh - maybe you were sick FROM drinking - never mind .... I am happy that your doc put you on an AD - that should help - trouble is they take a while to kick in. Hang in there eh ?

                                Hugs, sun XXX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

