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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I was sick from drinking too much. That doesn't happen often. I do better when I take on the attitude of not worrying about it. My problem is I haven't stopped for even a day. I am so tired so am hoping the new thyroid medication will help my attitude.
    Great job with the cigs. I have not had one in 25 years. It was really hard, I chewed the gum and then became addicted to the gum. But I did it and was real proud of myself. However, I think there is more stigma attached to drinking. I live in fear of people knowing.
    Have a great Sunday.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hey everybody. Just saw the thread up and thought I'd chime in while having my first smoke of the day out back of my friends' house, speaking of cigarettes. Been drinking a lot this weekend, starting early, getting good and drunk by night. Doesn't seem to have bothered anyone - we're all going out and drinking with meals and everything. But have been getting some anxiety in the mornings and I think the altitude is really doing a number on me. I get out of breath just walking upstairs from the guest bedroom in the basement. I've never been to Denver before, or in the mountains at all.

      Oh well. Will sort everything out when we get back tomorrow night. Gotta get back to work - so far behind on stuff before school starts. But I did get awesome amazing great news: the article I wrote did finally get accepted for publication after the revisions I made last time. A solo-authored article in a major peer-reviewed journal. This is gonna be the highlight of my resume on the job market. Yay.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hey - way to go Stuck !!! that is wonderful - I am so happy for you re the article ! Not so good re the drinking - LOL. I have only been through CO at the airport - never actually stopped there for any length of time so have no idea what the higher altitude can be like. I do not think I would like that feeling though!!

        Meggie - yes you did stop for a day - the day before your colonoscopy ! So you know that you can do it. I am trying for an AF August! Have a bad ear infection right now that won't clear and feel sort of crummy anyway so am pleased that I don't really feel like drinking right now anyway .....

        Have a great weekend all ......
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          HEY ALL - It's been a few weeks since i've been here. I PROMISE I will catch up with comments and what's been happening w/ me ASAP. Right now I am in Austin helping a friend recover from surgery. It has not been fun. Anyway, I broke it off with the first guy and have been HOT and heavy with the newer one this last month! It has been GREAT!! Lots going on -

          So interesting to hear all your updates, Meggie, Dizzy, Stuck, Suuny, et al...I'll be back soon, I promise!


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Everyone sounds wonderful, that is so great to hear. Busy day and will right more later. Houtx, can't wait to hear about your life.
            Stuck, so proud of you. What are your articles about..


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              I am back home in Houston after a lovely pit stop at my new bf's house in a suburb about 30 miles west of my inner city Condo. I'll get into this later - I am so glad to read and hear from my friends here! I want to comment on what you all have posted but need to make notes in order to do so!! lol Too bad this format is not like FB where we can "like" and make comments on things as we go along. Ya know?!

              Suffice to say, I have been soooooooo enjoying this last month! I made the right decision "dumping" the first guy in favor of the newer one. He truly likes me, pays attention to me, is sooooooooo passionate, th BEST kisser ever...he doesn't drink much but these are the early days! lol And I really want to moderate anyway...and have been doing really well! So much to talk about on this subject! I'm just home today but going back out to his place tomorrow to play golf, etc :-)) I'll be back in the next couple of days to comment and elaborate further! So thankful you guys are here - I love this group. Hope alls well!



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                When do you start school? It must be coming soon. Houtx, wondering when you plan to retire and how many years do you have in? I had really thought about it for this year but it dawned on me that I don't have anything to replace it. I want to travel but not with the hubby. Also know that I will drown myself in drink.
                So happy everyone is doing well. Hopefully when my meds get working I will feel better.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hey everybody. Awesome to hear the new guy is good, houtx! I bet we start school around the same time - I only have a couple weeks left to finish up this chapter that I haven't even really started yet. I've been drinking way too much, pissing off the girl I think, and not working nearly enough.

                  And thanks all around for the congrats. My article is kinda hard to explain if you're not familiar with postmodern American fiction, but let's just say it's about David Foster Wallace. It's not related to my dissertation or anything, just something I sort of wanted to write and then spent too damned much time on to let it go to waste. Anyway, just finished the second round of revisions and sent it to the editor - will probably need a couple more rounds of revisions but it's for sure accepted, just a matter of tweaking to fit their house style and such.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I start school Sept. 2. Didn't get much vacation since we went until June 27. Congrats again Stuck, I admire anyone who loves to write. I don't enjoy it. Hope all is well.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hey all -
                      Dizzy - I hope your friend and dad have positive outcomes/prognosis to their current health problems! Cancer is always a scary thing - hope the treatment goes ok. DZ, hard to believe a year has gone by since you got married - good to hear you're doing well, adjusting the the various things that come your way!

                      Meggie - I report back next Monday. UGH!! Kids don;t come back for another 2 wks, but I am dreading too many changes in school policy, personnel, schedules, etcetcetc this next year. New principal has made too many sweeping changes & so many loyal employees have bolted. The 6 wks between summer school & now has gone too fast! Hope you get some rest! Isn't it sad your retirement plans do not include wanting to do things w/ your spouse??!! If I were still married, I'd feel the same way!

                      Sunny & Meggie - I don't have a garden space anymore, but I wish I did - I miss it! That and cooking over a grill! Sunny, sounds like you are doing fine. Don't beat yourself up about the random Guinness...just enjoy your life without guilt!

                      That's what I'm trying to do! So after being a virgin for the last 3 yrs, I met this guy and then met another guy...I am currently ecstatically happy with guy #2!! OMG - his kisses hooked me right off. Then on the 3rd date - twas golf, with the "bring a change of clothes & we'll have dinner & hang out"...

                      OMG - he's the kind of guy who ZEROes in on what he wants!! LOL I was soooooooo blown away by the qualms about what flimsy connection I had with previous guy #1 went completely out the window! Guy #2 just took over immediately. He kisses me like I'm something to be consumed...and I can't seem to get enough of him!! It's been mind-blowing, really. He is a stocky, bald, but tanned & handsome man. I LOVE his bald head!! I could go on &'s just been the sexiest thing I've had in at least 3 years! "Something tells me I'm into something good"...if anyone can identify those lyrics! lol

             daughter continues to take TOPA for migraines but not helping. This thread has gone so left of the original subject - that's ok with me! I have been doing better having vodka/diet tonics for the most part. When I do drink wine, it's much less. Being with the new guy, we'll have played golf, showered, it's 9:00, he'll fix a salad, open a bottle of wine, which we'll polish's cool.

                      Stuck - you were so good, for so long! Don't beat yourself up too much. You & the girl will probably figure it out...and you'll do what works for you. I'm such a fan of your dedication to your writing and your analytical views & breakdown of everything you are thinking & feeling. I'd love to sit next to you in a bar and just chew the fat! Same with the rest of you!!

                      GAWD - wouldn't it be fun!! Maybe someday, we will!! I'm sorry if I left off comments on other's comments here - I just went by the seat of my pants...odd expression I wonder where it came from! lol

                      Hope alls well w/ everyone! Til next time


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi all,

                        Just wanted to check in. My new GP is refusing me Topamax so I now have had to get a letter from my old psychiatrist to tell her that I was diagnosed with bipolar and was doing well on Citalopram and Topa. I also have to see a physio for my knee which they finally referred me to after 7 months. I'll come back to comment on everyone as my husbands niece and nephew is landing in 2 hours.

                        Yay on the article and less smoking, Stuck.

                        Hope your thyroid is Ok, Meggie, and that the AD works.

                        Yay, Houtx, you foxy lady

                        Glad to hear you're still off the cigs, Sun, and doing well.

                        I've been drinking way too much the last two weeks because of Topa being out of the picture and just generally feeling blah because I haven't found a job yet.

                        Let's look on the bright side though! It's still sunny in the UK today and we have a lot to be thankful for.




                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Houtx, to have that kind of person in my life. I am so happy for you. How many weeks did your school have off this summer. We only had 8 weeks and it has flown. Rather depressed and consumed with weight gain. I am soooo tired I can't or do little exercise. As far as school,it is so depressing to get a new, very young principal who thinks they know it all and changes everything. However, we are at an age that we can close our doors and do our thing.
                          I also agree that it would be interesting to meet. we all have preconceived visions of what each looks like. Hope all is well, going to take this puppy for a walk.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Meggie - I had to smile at you saying that we all have pre conceived notions of what the others look like and I know that people from here who meet me are so surprised - I am SO not what they expect!! I always laugh at that!

                            Houtx - so glad that things are going so well for you. You are sounding really good. Thanks for catching us up too ....

                            Dizzy - lovely to see you here a little more as well - so sorry about the GP not letting you have Topa - can you try and order it on-line ? It galls me when Docs will not let us have something - we are not idiots and sometimes we DO know better - we might not have letters after our names, but we know US - it isn't as if we are asking for narcotics or something equally terrible !!! I do see it from their point of view - they cannot give everyone anything they ask for - but if one has been taking something and it works .....why not ?

                            Stuck - sorry about the drinking - however you usually manage to stop with no trouble so if it is ticking the girl off, why not stop - or would she want to you to drink SOME ?

                            Got to go - will be back to try and catch up a bit more. hugs to all, sun XXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Ok, trying to cut down, because I am afraid of withdrawal. I hope to get to a better place.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Meggie! Me too, me too. I'm so sorry you're that place - and a single-sentence post makes me suspect you're feeling a lot stressed out about everything.

                                Cutting back is always good - I try to buy smaller amounts and not keep very much in the house. I don't stock up on jug-sized bottles of vodka, or even get an entire fifth. I buy the 200ml bottle of liquor, and individual cans of beer instead of a 6 pack or a case. It's more expensive but it's worth it.

                                And withdrawal is bad, but it's not *that* bad if you've never had it before. Most of the people I know here on MWO who worry about withdrawal worry about it because they go through it every day - starting when they wake up - if they don't drink (myself included, sometimes but not always). But if you've never had withdrawal before, you don't have all that much to worry about. Really. And if you do get anxiety and rapid heart rate and everything, you can always go to an Urgent Aid and say you have anxiety attacks. You'll get some Ativan or Valium and everything is freaking wondrous after that

                                Anyway take care everybody. :l

