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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I thought you were pursuing a job in a college. Bless you, the pay stinks and you put in longer hours then me. I am proud of you about the drinking. You appear to quit so much easier then us old gals. I am just pleased that i am cutting down. Maybe I will lose weight. Keep up the good work and good luck with the job hunting.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Damn - I am so so not good with changes in websites like this! It's weird. But I do wish we could "like" comments and posts like on FB. Anyway, Sunny - good you are still on the books even tho retired. That's so weird! But kinda good to keep the irons in the fire? Hope so -

      Meggie & Stuck, I agree/like everything you're saying! Stuck, even tho the girl's away, you are tapering off the AL. While the cat's away, I'm afraid I'd be the opposite. Good you left hers alone, that last beer, etc. I guess sometimes the drinking God kicks in. Meggie, good for you cutting down! Every little bit helps! The weight will drop off incrementally as the drinking does. Altho, when I switched to vodka & diet tonics as my go-to instead of wine a few months ago, I really saw a change...also when I was working long hours for Doug Sanders and didn't snack at night as much, 10 lbs dropped off. I'm happy but of course, wish another 5 would still melt off with no effort...around my hips and middle would be nice...but HAHA - I am grateful for the little bit of body-changing confidence I got from that.

      Anyway - a great Roosevelt documentary on PBS last few nights have me hooked. I am just going day to day, like we all should. Trying to look on the positive side...listening to Hendrix helps!! LOL "There must be some kinda way outta here..." Dylan's song, Hendrix style :-))


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I heard there was a new Roosevelt coming out. What is it called, I will have to DVR it. So did the weight go down with vodka or go up. I have been drinking gin and should change to wine. I am glad you are doing well. My thyroid is finally back and now I can hopefully lose some weight and get back to the gym. My daughter and I have been walking nightly. Well, daughter has to tell me about her open house. Night.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          The Roosevelt documentary is on episode 5 of 7 on your PBS station. I think it's pretty much everywhere, but who knows. Really good - but I love history and anything Ken Burns does is amazing. People like Meryl Streep and John Lithgow doing voice-overs. So...

          I have been so flattered by some references to my "strength", which I find very....well, interesting and flattering. I am not strong enough to go AF for a day much less any length of time. I worry about myself on that level A LOT. In fact the guy who dumped me wasn't all that big of a drinker, and I worried he would "find out". We drank wine and I moderated only b/c there was kissing and sex that distracted and occupied me. Seriously. We took wine into the movies and he got "drunk", I was a bit tipsy... but geez...not enough to where I couldn't drive! That's what I worried about and am semi-glad I don't have to hide w/ the fun, original guy b/c he drinks like a fish and never seems drunk. He's just fun like that - but I digress...

          Meggie, being strong enough to leave your husband will be huge. But I encourage you because you seem soooooooooo unhappy!! And since I turned 60 a year ago, who has time for that kind of unhappiness?! I am happy with my solitude, though, and a lot of people feel crushing loneliness sometimes, and I understand that. I do not. So, you have to decide for yourself which is the better trade-off. Being alone does not mean you have to be lonely. I was lonely being married...have felt like my own best friend being single. I know that is such a cliche, but I do so many things by myself...I have friends, but there are many weekends when nothing much is going on. Of course, I have golf I can fall back on (which I took up post-divorce), but there are so many things you can do to not be lonely and fill a weekend. Don't waste time being guilty or unhappy for longer than a day.

          School has only been in session for 4 weeks and I am burned out already!! LOL Just too many bad things happening on our campus. Looking forward to a weekend. Too much rain here is finally going to stop & Fall decorating - ahhhhhh

          Hope alls well


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hey gals. Not so great today. Long day at school w/ class and department meeting. Got home, talked to the girl - whose dad is starting to do better - then went for a walk and I think AL withdrawal hit. Pretty bad. Hurried home for 1/2 an ativan and that helped. Fine now but I just hate having to fall back on pills. I've been up and down with drinking this week - not much Monday but then like 15 or 16 beers and some shots Tuesday, then 4 beers last night, and that's not really "tapering off" so I think it caught up with me tonight. Anyway, no beer no booze in the house. Going to bed now, stone sober. Not sure what the future holds but I have a lot of work to do this weekend so maybe I'll try to just stay in the apartment and work most of the weekend. Hope you all are having a good one.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              houtx;n2512137 wrote: The Roosevelt documentary is on episode 5 of 7 on your PBS station. I think it's pretty much everywhere, but who knows. Really good - but I love history and anything Ken Burns does is amazing.

              Just found that channel over here in the UK. Think it was Benjamin Franklin on the American civil war. Very good. I love documentaries. All I really watch is BBC4 IPlayer her in the UK. Its very good for documentaries. Been watching a lot of stuff about the universe on youtube lately. All a bit above my head but its f**king awesome all the same. I don't wanna die anytime soon but I'm very curious as to what might happen when I go. I'm not religious but I just can't get my head around the candle just being snubbed out. Who knows eh? Suppose we'll all find out soon enough


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Sorry I haven't been around - I am getting my head together - been a BAD week !!! Will post properly tomorrow .... I TTDP today ..... so AF !!! Hugs to all,

                sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hope all is well, still have ups and downs. I did real well last week.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi Meggie and hi everyone. I haven't been around much 'cause I've been writing all weekend. Got some stuff done pretty well, I think. Anyway, when I am here I'm bouncing between here and the "here we go again" thread, but mostly trying to stay offline and work as much as I can. The girl's dad is doing much better, should be out of ICU by tomorrow, and she's got a plane ticket back for this coming Friday. Hope everybody's having a good one! I'm off to bed.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Morning all, I hope you get a lot done while the girl is away. Monday, I hate Mondays, but before I know it we will be at Wednesday. Oh, well, need to get off the computer and get ready for my day. How do I check if I have any private messages.
                      Sun, thinking of you.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Meggie - I know you usually are here in the mornings - so just to let you know I will post later - have to go in to work for a couple of hours - will try and do a huge catch up later today. Feeling SO much better thank goodness ..... have a great day, Hugs,

                        Sun XXXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hello all. haven't been out here in a really long time. . . . .much going on. Was very surprised at the new site format. Not sure if I like it or not. Anyway, things always change I guess. Been drinking again - not a ton, but enough and regularly, so I guess I need to get back to trying to cut back & then quit. I tried to do topa again awhile back and couldn't seem to tolerate it. So, not sure what I'll do. My work schedule will get very busy soon, so maybe that will be good. Won't have time to sit around & drink! Ha! I read back a little way, and see that everyone is still moving along - which is good. Hopefully, I'll have time to come back & chat with everyone again. Good night all!


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            I wrote something and posted but it isn't here. Again, how do I get to my PM


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi everybody

                              I hope you are all well. It took me a while to find my way around here and just to figure out how to log in! Anyway, I guess we'll all have to get used to it. I'm OK, I now have one-on-one therapy for 8 weeks as well as a scheduled psychiatrist visit in 2-3 weeks. I'm also seeing a physiotherapist that is helping me with my knee but worryingly my finger joints are now also sore so I have been tested for rheumatoid arthritis! I feel that at almost 35 I'm way too young for this sh!t but we'll have to wait and see.

                              I'm still job hunting, which can be depressing, and I'm helping getting hubby do his overdue tax return. We're experiencing the last few sunny days here in the UK but you can feel the need for the central heating will kick in any day now. Its a pity as we had a lovely summer, and without having a car, walking without rain is a great mental boost.

                              Drinking-wise, I did bad for a while but am on the dry since last Monday. It is amazing how much it can clear your head and lift some depression, I just wish I could get rid of the anxiety and boredom of being teetotal.

                              Sun, I was quite shocked to hear that you are retired (or semi-retired) I hope this is what you wanted and that it works out the way that is best for you. *hugs*

                              Houtx, you would think that men would grow up over the years but it seems they just get worse :P I'm sorry you had to deal with a douche bag (or 2) but its still really good that you're putting yourself out there. Congrats on losing the weight, I guess this also helps build confidence in terms of dating. I have quite a few pounds to lose but the suckers are very stubborn!

                              Meggie, I think you are right about seeing a lawyer. Life is too short to live under someone else's dark cloud and mental abuse can be just as harmful as physical abuse. You are a lovely person and deserve to be happy!

                              Stuck, congrats on getting a lot of writing done while GF was away and I'm happy that her dad is better and that she will be able to return soon.

                              Welcome back, Funny Girl!

                              Lots of hugs (I dont' know where the pics went)



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question


