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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    I will check it out Sun, I need all the support I can get. I drank way too much this week. Did get appointment yesterday, I am having a scope done for esophagus cancer. Trying not to get too scared, their is enlarged lymph glands. I also tested for food poisoning and he is hoping it is just infection. I have had stomach issues for years and it is even worse in the last couple months, extreme bloating.
    Need to start the gym and get there.. It may make me feel healthier. I do have my Mom's bike downstairs but don't use it . So glad to see someone posting here.


      Oh gosh Meggie - the whole lot sounds really awful ....easier said than done but try not to worry about any of it until you have some facts! Why are they thinking possible cancer of the esophagus? Do you have any symptoms? And then the tummy stuff going on too ... gosh I am so sorry. When do you go to see the doc about the bladder stuff? Enlarged lymph nodes can mean anything - basically they just mean there is an infection somewhere in your body and that is the body's way of fighting it. My 15 month old grand daughter has just had to have one taken out - hers was so swollen on her face that she looked as if she had mumps. She has some bacteria that she is now on ABX for and the whole thing will take about a year to go away swollen lymph nodes can mean many things.

      Yes, try and get to the gym - it might cheer you up a bit. I have just joined our local one and am enjoying it. I had a free session with a trainer (for joining) so we went through all the machines yesterday and she sorted out some sort of routine for me. I have to do something now I am not working full time and getting my exercise that way.

      Yes Meggie, come on over to the Steppers Thread - I usually check in at least once or twice a day so can post back to you when you do although I am sure the others will anyway. We start a new thread each month so Novembers has just started.

      Hugs to you, and try not to worry,

      Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Thanks hon, I appreciate your kid words. I do know the food poisoning put some infection in me. Drinking makes the throat worse so I need to really jump on some band wagon. I also get free weights, and a month free. Thanks for the encouragement. I don't get it from home, Hubby worries but then yells at my daughter and me. Oh, well.


          Okay Meggie - come on over to the Steppers thread - I am waiting for you ! I have e-mailed you too .......
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            30 minutes of activity a day really is like the one magic thing we can do to feel better, physically and mentally. Also writing in a journal for 20 minutes a day improves health and mental well-being. There was just a study that came out, showing people who wrote for 20 minutes every day recovered from surgeries faster than people who didn't. And they felt better, too. Wish I could find the link to that - it's on NPR (National Public Radio).

            Nice to see you, Sunny. Hope you're doing well. And hi to everybody else.


              Stuck, sounds good. I did feel so much better when I worked out. It is gettting way to cold to walk outside for 3o minutes. We had a few flurries today. Sun did you email my address, didn't see it. Also, checking on that website. I need to go do report cards.


                Oh gosh Meggie - please tell me that I e-mailed the e-mail to you and not another Meggie - although I do not think I know another Meggie. Is yours an AOL address? I can PM you the e-mail that I sent it to and HOPE that it is yours - let me know 'cos if not I have no idea who I sent it to !! I will PM it to you - please PM me and let me know if it is yours - and if not, what yours is - okay ?

                Stuck - I had to do a double take when I saw Stuck in CA - why did you change it ? And yes thanks I am doing just fine - still fighting the demon but otherwise doing fine !! How are you doing ? How about the g/f ?

                Well - have a wonderful Sunday everyone - very quiet on this thread these days isn't it? So sad .....I guess no-one takes Topa any more or if they do, they don't post here !!

                Hugs to all, love, Sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  Hi Sun. The password reset really screwed me up and my LA account was tied to an old email address that I deleted a long time ago since I don't really reach out to people here much anymore, so I didn't feel like I needed an anonymous email account. Anyway, I tried to sort it all out with the MWO administrators but it just wouldn't work. So here I am with a brand new account. I probably should put my old avatar back up. Maybe I'll do that today.

                  The girl is doing fine. She got a temp job and she likes it. She really likes getting out of the house and having a paycheck. I'm swamped with job applications and my dissertation, and drinking way too much. Today I'm feeling hungover and very inarticulate, which does not bode well for this application letter that I need to rewrite today and submit by tonight. And we're thinking about what we're going to do next year, with where I may find a job or a fellowship, and now with her job if she gets hired full time beyond this temporary bit that she has. It's all very stressful. Anyway, that's what's up here.

                  It is quiet on this thread. Nice to see the two of you, though.


                    Stuck, I was unsure if thatwas you. My daughter is working as a sub teacher, boyfriend is still in school and going to finish his master's next year. They are going through some of the same concerns as you. I don't want her stuck in this district, it is the lowest in the state. And, we ranked 73 out of 450 schools. Presently, I putting things in God's hand. I am doing that a lot lately. Very quiet here and hang in there Stuck.


                      Really swift post - Meggie I have re sent that e-mail again - to the address that you PM'd me - odd that you didn't get it isn't it ? I need to get ready for work - back later - have a great day everyone ,

                      Hugs, Sun XXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        Hey Meggie - got your e-mail - thanks .... off to work now - will reply later XXXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          Hi all

                          It's about time I check in! I've been through quite a rough time as my GP took away my mood stabiliser (Topomax) and I then had to wait six weeks before I could see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist spoke to me for 2.5 hours and then said that she disagrees that I have bipolar and that I (just) have Recurring clinical depression. I'm now taking Citalopram and Trazadone and will see if that works!

                          I hope so as I'm going to Ireland this weekend to see the Ireland vs South Africa rugby match. I also have a birthday later in the month and am looking forward to spending the weekend in London. Otherwise, I'm STILL job hunting...

                          Meggie - Good luck with your test, I hope you have good news soon.

                          Stuck - Good luck with the job applications and I'm glad to hear that the girl had settled in so well.

                          Sun - I hope you enjoyed the UK and well done for joining the gym!

                          Houtx - Haven't heard from you in a while?

                          Hugs to all
                          D X


                            Hi Dizzy! Great to see you. You sound like you're doing all right. So jealous of your upcoming trip! I'm doing ok and hanging in. Lots of uncertainty but I'm just facing it all the best I can. Take care.


                              Hi all, Sun I tried your site and was on it but now the thread only goes to page 43. Hope all is well, I will post later.


                                Hi all - quick check-in as I'm always so afraid this will go away too quickly...

                                Was reading the posts from Meggie & Sunny - hope alls well! Job changes, family dynamics, nutrition & weight loss/ etcetetc...hope y'all are ok. I always love reading your posts

                                Stuck - good to see you here again. I know you're busy. Hope the girl finds a decent job...the drinking too much is so ongoing. UGH - you seem to juggle it well so don't be so hard on yourself. Will you please tell me the same thing??!! lol

                                I have not gotten truly drunk in a long time, until last weekend when I went to Sherman, TX for my college reunion. It was all good until the bitter married ex-bf who I have had annual flirtations with & 1 other night in a motel with when NOTHING happened...again, wound up taking me back to the motel & spending the night, both of us drunk...

                                Ok, so how fun was that??!! Too drunk to make out & have sex 2 yrs in a row...UGH. Too many other details to go into, but it was great fun, just wish I'd held back more at the end and hadn't gotten so shit-faced. He said I was fine, but really?? A drunk woman is the worst...oh well. I think I looked pretty cute most of the time at least. ACK -

                                No time to spend being much more to share, but gotta go. Good to see your posts Sunny, Meggie, Stuck, DZ, and everyone else I forgot to mention...

                                Livin the dream, yes?! lol Hang in all - luv ya

