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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    Morning all - Dizzy and Houtx how lovely to see you both. Hey there stuck - nice as always to see you too.

    Dizzy - I was on Citalopram but needed to be on the 60mg for it to work for me and the FDA decided that 40 was the highest dose that was safe and that didn't hack it for me ... but it did work for me otherwise so hope it works for you !! Sorry you were taken off the Topa - I know that you liked it.

    Hope that you enjoy your time in Ireland and London - and yes thanks I enjoyed my trip to UK although as usual it was very rushed and rather stressful!

    Good to hear from you - pop in more often and let us know what is going on with you .....

    Hi Houtx - oh dear - not sure what to say - I can't decide if you had a good time or not !! LOL Sorry that you got drunk - I don't think you liked that bit .... but otherwise how are things going for you ? Try and pop back and catch us up - it was lovely to see both you and dizzy here !!

    Meggie - I have e-mailed you anyway, and mentioned about the thread but I think you were trying to go to the October thread as that one does indeed finish at page 43....

    I am doing okay - struggling as usual - wishing the AB didn't affect me the way it does 'cos I want to take it but am slowly coming to the realisation that I can't. Thing is it works so well for stopping me drink ...... I think maybe I need to just pull my socks up and DO this - I know I can right ?

    Got to go in to work for a meeting in a little while .... have a good weekend everyone,

    hugs, Sun XXXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Hi everyone

      Ireland was great but dear hubby managed to leave our rugby tickets at home I preferred to stay in to be honest, South Africa lost and it was really cold and rainy. Also, Ireland is probably the worst place for an alcoholic, we had a wedding at the hotel and they manage to make us look like light drinkers!

      Houtx, I think it's important for us to be vigilant but not to beat ourselves up when we do get drunk. I have a liver function test in a week so it's time to be good.

      Nice to see you, Sun. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. I take AB but it does upset my tummy. What about it is annoying you? I take it with Immodium.

      It's nice to hear from you, Stuck. I'm so glad the girl is settling in. It's is hard to start new relationships as a drinker. I also think you have the same anxiety I have when I quit drinking. It's yucky

      How are you doing, Meggie? Always nice to see you on here.

      Take care everyone. I better get started on the laundry. It's a right miserable wet day here in England.

      Hugs to all.
      D X0X


        Hey Dizzy -I heard that :harhar:
        I'm in Ireland and now you know why it's so difficult in this culture to STOP drinking. It's a national pass time.....
        Non-drinkers are the exception ... not to be trusted :sneakiness:
        Last edited by satz123; November 11, 2014, 07:33 AM.


          Hi Satz!
          It's a great place to visit but I don't think my liver can handle living there. :happy2:
          Nice to hear from you. At least the local rugby team is doing great.


            Morning !! Dizzy, my reaction when you said about it being a right miserable wet day in England was ......AT LEAST YOU ARE IN ENGLAND !! Can you tell I am feeling a tad homesick.? Thanks for the e-mail - will reply as soon as I get to it .... it is hard right now to actually do much of anything as I am going through a really hard depressed time - trying my best to get out of it but it isn't easy .... and I KNOW that drinking does not help.

            Satz - laughed at you saying drinking is the national pastime in Ireland - it is almost as bad in UK I think. I do feel for you all though as it is such a part of the culture that it makes it very hard to stop - or to not drink.

            Have a great day everyone - Meggie where are you and how are you doing ?

            Hugs, Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              Hi there

              Yeah, Sun, homesickness are always worst when you are feeling down. Do you think your low mood is situational or 'just because'. You don't have to stay strong and off AD's if you are otherwise OK. Just putting it out there.

              The drinking in England can be shocking, especially the young girls. It's hard to know 'what's normal' if you go to pubs here (which I don't often do)

              I'm a bit bummed that I have a liver function test next Wednesday (because of my new med, Trazadone) so I've got to be good after a big Irish binge. Sleeping is the worst but I know I'll feel better in a day or two.

              Oh and Sun, I think you should drink your 'mucky green drink' again. I remember it perked you up last time. I should also hit some multi vits as well as combining beetroot and pomegranate juice in the mornings. It's time to give the poor liver a break.



                Hi, all off to have esophagus scope. Don't think I have ever been so scared in my life.


                  ROTFLMBO Meggie - not funny I know, but I sort of didn't read your post properly and read that you were off for some esophagus soup!!! Sorry - but it was just weird ! Anyway - you will be fine - you won't remember anything much about it - I had one and you are sort of in a twilight state - I will be thinking of you today -

                  Dizzy - you are right ! I do need to start my mucky drink again - I had totally forgotten that! And I know that I can go back on AD's - I just don't want to as it was so hard to find one that suited me initially - and so hard to come off them too! I will try everything else first and thanks for the mucky drink suggestion - good idea!

                  No more time right now - will post more later - dizzy, so lovely to see you posting more frequently again!!

                  Hugs, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    Good luck, Meggie! Thinking of you.

                    Sun, you are silly. Thanks for the kind words. I find CBT therapy works for me and the new AD is promising but I think it raises my blood pressure a lot. This time of year is tough, is your garden still growing or is it hibernating like mine?

                    I try to schedule friend visits and just 'things' to get a sense of self accomplishment at night. I'm annoyed because I was looking forward to a Bollywood dancing class but it's on my birthday and that's the other thing I'm looking forward to - going to Greenwich for two days.

                    Anyway, the dishes aren't going to do themselves.


                      I wasn't afraid of the procedure, I was afraid of the results. They said things look strange and it isn't cancer. All I want was it not to be cancer. I will deal with what it is later, throat cancer has a 17 percent cure rate. I didn't remember much and asked the hubby, he said you were there didn't you listen. Oh, well, I feel so much better.
                      PS, I would love the green drink recipe and we can work together to feel better. Thank you for listening.


                        Hanging in , y'all! Thumbs up and good vibes and best wishes to all you wonderful peeps here! The health issues, getting drunk or just doing it too much every much we have in common.

                        I feel like I am doing better, but my brain is damaged. I sometimes mis-pronounce words, struggle to find dry eye problems are, I'm sure, exacerbated by AL. My liver function & other tests always come out "normal", but I scratch my head why. I take lots of vitamins every day, including Milk Thistle, which is supposed to help the liver function. Ya think??!!

                        Anyway - hard to comment on everyone's individual posts...but good to read your thoughts and whats going on. Wish us all peace and comfort and good, yet moderate times through the holidays ahead. It's going to be a trial...

                        My school year sucks, and I could say it's miserable, but I am making the best of it and refuse to let the shit ruin my otherwise limited days on earth. That comes from your 61 1/2 yo friend on here! Young at heart! And now time to retire to my favorite time & not without my nightcap as I watch an episode from Mad Men.

                        Hope this flies! Til next time...XO


                          Love your posts Houtx, they make me giggle. Is your school year horrible because of the kids or because of the new garbage they are throwing our way. I can't stand all the work involved in our new evaluation process. It takes several hours to write up our observation, then we have our reflection. We have 3 evaluations and then several hours at the end of the year. I have gotten highly effective and have all the state tests as my evaluation. It is so unequal, those that don't have state tests get high grades. Well, this will be my 30th year, so why do I care.
                          After yesterday, I have decided like you, to enjoy every day on the earth. I also don't understand how my numbers are still good. I have watched every area of my body but my throat. Drinking can destroy your throat and the enlarged lymph nodes and the doctors concern for cancer scared the crap out of me. I do have some concerns there and will find out when I visit the doctor.
                          Have a wonderful day. Thinking of you Sun, hope all is well. You are such a blessed person and have been a wonderful friend.


                            Morning all - bitterly cold here with snow expected although not a lot - just wish it wasn't so cold. The heat seems to be going constantly which gets annoying with the noise ....

                            Hi there Houtx - we are almost the same age and I so agree with you on the words thing - and forgetting them too - I hate that! Not sure how much of a contribution AL has made to it or if it is just age .... when I was taking the Topa I had that problem and still do not know if it was the Topa or the age thing starting ....

                            Sorry school is such a pain for you - as you know, I could never ever do what you do .... I admire you for doing it - and of course, Meggie too - good on both of you.

                            Meggie - when do you find out the results? Yes it really must have been worrying for you - how did they know it wasn't cancer? They said it looked strange but no cancer ...odd thing to say!! The green drink is a basic smoothie - I started having it many years ago when smoothie was a sweet talking chap ....LOL hence me calling it my mucky drink 'cos it is a weird colour (back then I put brewers yeast in it which made it an odd colour). You can use any sort of fruit juice (or not), milk, (or not) I usually use half a thing of fruit juice, half a thing of milk, some banana (I have that in the freezer from when I buy them and they start to go old - so I so I slice them and then freeze them and use those in my drink), some frozen strawberries or whatever else I have handy, and I also put a scoop of the Green All-One in it. The All-One comes in all different varieties but I like the green one. I buy it on line as it is just about impossible to get locally. It does make a difference to how I feel when I drink it daily - Dizzy is right and thanks again Dizzy for reminding me of it - I had totally forgotten.

                            I also ordered a happy light and plan on having that by my computer for the 40 mins or so I sit here every morning ....

                            None of this sorts the drinking I know, but hopefully it will make me happier and get me out of this doom and gloom mood I have been in .....

                            Have a great day everyone, Hugs, Sun XXX
                            Last edited by sunshinedaisies; November 15, 2014, 07:34 AM.
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              I just got the letter stating all biopsy test were clean. Now, to making myself healthy. How many times have we all said this. I am so relieved and feel blessed. Thank you all for listening. Esp Sun.


                                SO happy for you Meggie - so what is the problem then with your throat ? Did they tell you or do you have to wait to see the doc ?

                                Off to work for a few hours ....

                                Hugs, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

