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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    Oh gosh Meggie - you really need to read the book by Eskapa - he explains why doctors do not know about it .... I have obviously heard about it before but have never really understood it - now I do and am really excited about it. I really think this might finally work! Pleas read the Eskapa book - if you have an e-reader you can download it now. It is very repetitive but is well worth sticking with ......

    I did tell my doctor that the blurb with the tabs say that one cannot drink - but said that I really wanted to try it and told them about the book .....anyway - they gave me an RX for a year - 90 tabs and refills !! I am definitely going to give this a go - I am glad that Badger said that you are looking at 3-6 month minimum as otherwise I think it can be depressing - but I really am hopeful!!

    hugs, Sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Badger - I have PM'd you - having a problem with the TSM site - hope you can maybe give me any advice on what to do ......

      sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Originally posted by sunshinedaisies View Post
        Badger - I have PM'd you - having a problem with the TSM site - hope you can maybe give me any advice on what to do ......

        sun XX

        b xx


          Thank you - you were up late !!!
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            I also checked out the tm site. I listened to the audio. wow, it sounds too good to be true. I couldn't get to anything else. I would also like to keep in the loop about all of this. I will check out the book Sun. I have cut down a lot but I also need crutches.


              I am new, so this is gonna be a test. I've fallen in love with ya'll so I hope I can join you. I'm just not sure how to get on board!!! Xoxo


                Hi JM - Someone will get to you where ever you post, so no worries. I like to follow Newbies Nest as I am new as well. You go to; click on "Our Community" tab at the top, click on "Just Starting Out", and then "Newbies's Next". Another way to find it is to look in the "new Forum posts" in the box on the right hand side of the screen.



                  Hi JM and AG

                  There's no trick to getting on board here, just tell us a little bit about yourself and how you're doing and feel free to ask questions.

                  I'm in the UK so are up earlier than the U.S. side. I didn't drink last night and am taking off tonight as well as I'm struggling with a recurring headache. I also have to complete a test for a job application today. Do you want to abstain from drinking or try some meds to help you moderate/abstain?

                  Speak soon.


                    Hi everyone! I'm new!! Gonna try to make this quick in case in doesn't work. I've never posted before. Found this site 6 years ago and was sober for 8 months. Gonna try it again. Tired of being hung over. Last weekend was the worst. Hung over 4 days straight. Ordered topa a few months back but never really started it. So started Tues. Main question. Why do ya'll not take it at night if it makes you sleepy? I took my dose about 5 this morning cause I felt wide awake and it put me right back to sleep till 7:30! Perfect!!!! I am a shot girl. (Vokda) no mixes!!! Too fattening! Probably 10 shots a night.....every night. Went to rehab 3 years ago....sober for the 30 days I was there! Whoppee!!!!! Anyway.....wanted to meet you guys and say hi!!!!! Good luck all!!!!!


                      Hi again,

                      Your rehab experience sounds identical to mine in terms of timing although mine is almost 4 years ago. I drink wine during the week 1-2 bottles a day and usually whiskey on weekends. Booze did make me gain weight and I hate that!

                      We don't really use Topa anymore but it's different for everyone and most of us did find relief through it. It made me hyper, not sleepy and really worked well for about a year and then plateaued. Topa can make people feel tired all day and it kept me awake at night even though I took it first thing. Different times can help but I found that after a week it is in your bloodstream all the time. I take it this is your first time on Topa, so feel free to ask questions or just talk about your feelings.

                      If you're worried about losing a post, just copy it before sending so you can post it again if needed. Some of us struggle with this but it has only happened to me once or twice in over 900 posts.

                      I'm with you on the hangover, it gives me insomnia and hectic anxiety, which obviously leads to a craving for more alcohol. Pure vodka makes me drunk fast so I try to have it with diet soda or sometimes even water. My husband sometimes buy it but I like whiskey better, also with water to curb the ferocity of the drink and hangover.

                      Speak soon.

                      Hi to everyone else, miss you guys.


                        Hi J. :welcome: I never used topa but I do know there's a strict schedule of tapering up your dose if you use topa for alcohol cravings. That schedule is around here somewhere but I'll be damned if I can find it - sorry.

                        And hi, Dizzy! I miss you gals, too. I've been terrible about not posting lately. Busy with so many things and my relationship falling apart under my feet and trying to finish my dissertation. Anyway, I hope you all are well and I'll try to be around a little more soon. Big, big hugs to everyone.


                          Stuck, what is going on. I know writing the dissertation is not fun. I never did it but a thesis was enough for me. I am sure you are worried about your future and what you are going to do. So what is up with the girl? Did she ever find a job? Been thinking of you, we do care.
                          As far as topa, I used it and it worked for a year. Many of us had a real problem with the topa dopa. I couldn't remember my name, where I was going, nothing. Very hard to work when you can't think. I think the schedule is in the book. Best of luck and stay close to the newbie nest. I haven't posted there but I am getting support.


                            Ehhh... yeah. The girl got a job - temp but she likes it and the people at the office where she works like her. I guess she is also looking for a night/weekend job for a little extra money. She hasn't talked much about that but we haven't talked much about anything lately. I think we are drifting apart. No, I know we are, what I think is that our relationship is collapsing.

                            Well that's cheerful. Anyway, hope you're well, Meggie.


                              Guys don't talk and you need to ask her what is wrong. If you want it to work you need to get to the bottom of the problem. Maybe she feels you don't care.


                                Hey everyone ... nice to see some new faces here - hi to Actiongirl and Jmore -

                                Jmore - I didn't have any SE's from the Topa until I was up to 300mg and had to go up to that amount for it to work for me - but it did ! I stopped drinking for 8 months but eventually had to stop the Topa due to SE's at that high of a dose. I then thought I could 'just have one drink' ..... Heck no I couldn't and I was back where I started. the thing is with Topa, that if it works for you, do not stop taking it - it never works the same second time round - or so I have found ! I did also get Topa Dopa on it - I think - it could have just been due to age as I am still the same - LOL. Anyway, welcome both of you .... and Jmore - just a word of caution - do not go up in dose too quickly - it does not make any difference. I followed the schedule in the book .... it is better to do that.

                                Hi Stuck - sorry that you and the girl are not seeming to be working out but I do agree with Meggie - TALK to her. Find out what is going on..... you owe it to both of you.

                                Hey Dizzy - how is the head now ? Hopefully you are feeling better. Not sure if you knew or not but I have started on Nal ..... so far so good - no SE's and it does seem to be starting to work in an odd way - I have so much hope for this - I am so fed up with AL ruling my life !

                                Hugs to all, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

