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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    Sun, so glad to see you. I have been reading about your meds and the Sinclair method. I have a physical on Friday. I think I will talk to her about it. She may not do anything because I have had so many weird health problems this half year. I would like to know what changes you see, sun.


      Talking does help. And we did talk or at least open the possibility of talking last night. Seems like sex fixes things more quickly than talking though. Last night and then this morning again, and things appear to be looking up! Lol. Anyway drinking tonight but planning on much less.

      Just sent my rewritten dissertation chapter to my committee so now starting on the introduction chapter. Just keep moving forward... Finishing up this degree and then we'll see from there.


        I am sure that the stress of getting your degree doesn't help. Don't think sex helps better then talk. Let her know you care, tell her and show her by doing little things. For example, make dinner,clean up or do the laundry. Good luck.


          For what it is worth to get another female opinion, I second Meggie - we love when things are done for us that are not usually done !! :applouse:

          Have a great day everyone, Hugs, Sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            I think sex can help but sometimes talking is better. I was always afraid of when a relationship would end until I got married. I don't know, sometimes we grow from staying with someone.

            I hope you are all well!


              Thanks Sun. I started the topa last Tues so tomorrow will be a week. I guess I'll go up to 50 on Weds. Right? I've been drinking but NO hangovers in a week. I'm really shooting for day 1 tonight. I put my gym pants on as soon as I got home from work. Class isn't till 5:30 (in 4 hours ) but I'm hoping if I'm already dressed...I'll go. I'm 56. I quit on my own when I was 50 and that's when I found this site and ordered topa. It took so long to get it and by the time it arrived I had already had over 2 weeks AF. HOW DID I DO IT??? It's so funny to me though. My hair fell out in clumps & I got so skinny. I just thought it was because I was putting those empty calories in my body. Had no idea it was a SE! Any advice or encouragement would be soooo appreciated! Thanks! J Mo


                Hey there Jmoore - I am a tad confused - you have only been on the Topa a week yet your hair is falling out in clumps already? Also - the skinny thing - I am really confused .... you can't get skinny in a week ! Am I misunderstanding something ?

                Hugs, sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  Lol. No....that all happened 6 yrs ago when I quit for 8 months on topa. I'm just now trying it again.


                    Oh okay - sorry - it didn't make any sense to me - thanks for clarifying ! I wish you luck trying it again - it didn't work for me the second or third time that I tried it. I have PM'd you .....

                    Hugs, Sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      Hi Sun. I'm not sure how to find the pm. I'll look! How long between the first time and 2nd time on topa? And the third? This posting thing is all new to me but I really think it'll help. Talk to you soon!!!!! Xo


                        Hi there - I have no idea how long it was - Topa stopped me drinking for 8 months - then I started again. I periodically tried the Topa again - but I was scared about getting up to 300mg and having the SE's - so never really kept at it. I am on Nal now which really does seem t be helping ... have answered your PM. You can sort out that you get a PM so it pops up if you go to My Profile (I think).

                        Hang in there ..... we will get there eventually !!

                        Hugs, Sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          Good luck Jmoore. Did you lose weight and hair from the topa? It worked the first and second time. The first time for a year and the second for 8 months. You get this feeling that I can drink and not drink. Nope, that doesn't work. I had to give it up because as stated I couldn't do the job and I was only at 75 ml. I may try to do what Sun is doing. Sun I am now registered on the site.


                            Thanks Meg!!!!! Yes....I lost a ton of weight and my hair came out in clumps. I honestly thought it was from just losing the weight so fast. Never once thought it was from the meds. I have a lot of hair so it wasn't a big deal. I was really surprised I was losing weight though cause I always had a tub of icing in my frig. Yummm!! So....I was down to 115 without even trying. I wish I could remember why I started drinking again. Probably like everyone else.....because I thought I could moderate! B.S.! I don't think my topa has kicked in yet but I'm not waiting. I'm going to the gym at 5:30. Got no vodka in the house and I'm not stopping for any. Today is as good as any. Tomorrow will be week 1 on topa. Do I go up to 50 on Wednesday???


                              Ok....another question! Just noticed I only have 5 50 mgs let until I get more...which could be a week or more. Should I stay on 25 till I get more or go up to 50...knowing I'll probably run out before I get new supply. Dang.....what to do??????


                                Sun...did my pm come through? I clicked off while the send message button was still on.

