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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    Houtx, I still haven't started the Nal. Is it hard to get in Texas, I am afraid to start because I am afraid he wont give me more. Also, afraid to order because I worry if the stuff is real.


      Meggie - the number of people that order it on-line is huge so I really do not think you need to worry about it being real - I do think it is finally working for me - I have been AF with NO difficulty for 8 out of the past 10 days - I just do not want to drink! Thought about it yesterday - then decided it just wasn't worth it - so didn't. Yes, it has taken a long time and I am not ready to put myself on the 'cured' list yet - but I am getting there - but it does take commitment ! I am sure that I will still have days that I will drink - but the aim of it for me is to be able to just have one or two if I want to - but to drink like a normal person and not fret over AL all the time - and it is really weird but it is working! If you really want to do this then you will find a way - I think from the sound of it that you are scared of what your life will be like without AL - and that is something that I have to face too - it is an odd feeling to not want that drink .... so now I have to try and change so much else in my life to accommodate the new way of things !

      Hugs, Sun x
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        I ordered Nal online and started taking it two weeks ago. I am a binge drinker who can abstain during the week, but drink heavily on weekends. After two years of trying to stop the binging on my own, I ordered the Nal. My binges were extending to Sundays and the amount I was consuming was getting scary. And during vacations, forget it. The effect of Nal on me is very powerful, and I can only take 12.5 mg as of now. The side effects when taking more kick my butt and the next day I am useless, even when I have as few as 4 drinks over 4 hours.

        I went from 20 - 30 drinks in a weekend to 7. I can't drink fast when I take it, which is amazing since before I could chug an entire bottle of wine in an hour and a half. I am hoping the side effects diminish over time.
        JanCan (and will!)


          Ok, my script is for 50mg. Would you suggest that I cut it into fourths and start at that low. Also, how are the side effects, you mentioned that you were out of it the next day. I have 6 weeks before school starts so now is the best time. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


            I personally cut mine in quarters. People react differently to Nal, so it's hard to say what your reaction might be. If you want to be cautious, you could start with 12.5 mg to see the effect and decide from there. If that feels OK, bump it up to 25 mg. I have heard it can take a few times to get used to it and the side effects then lessen or go away. Most people start at a lower dose and work up. Also, the first time you take it I recommend you be in a neutral setting such as at home or out for a few drinks to see how it goes. Keep us posted.


              Ok, Jan, I was going to start last night but didn't .So tonight I will start with 1/4 of a tablet. I need to quit, I am surrounded by people who are getting really sick drinking. Wish me luck, also if I cut in half I will use less. Thank you all.


                Hi Meggie - I'm in the same boat as you. Was prescribed Naltrexone and pick it up from the pharmacy today.
                I did do a month sober and slipped up. My problem like Dizzy's and Hout's is the terrible anxiety I go through on a daily basis (I also have OCD which is an anxiety disorder). I do so well for months at a time and then fall back into the trap because it's my only way of coping.
                I don't know either if I should start the dosage small or not. Can you just stop it as well? What are some side effects you all have experienced while on Nal?
                I have begun reading back through the thread and will continue to do so.

                Thank you.


                  Hi Briseus - you might want to come on over to TSM site - it is all about TSM (DUH! LOL) and what everyone is going through - lots of info! I will PM you too ....

                  Meggie, I agree with Jan - start out at a 1/4 tab - make sure that you always take it at least an hour before drinking so as to cause the extinction effect - I have not wanted, nor had, a drink for 5 days - amazing for me - I just DO NOT WANT ONE. It is surreal actually ..... I am still not ready to say that I am cured - but I know that I am definitely on the way! I started the Nal in January so know that it really is not a quick fix - you have to be patient and have faith that it will work. I felt discouraged many times over the past few months wondering when, if ever, it would work - I still cannot quite believe that I do not want to drink and keep expecting it to change. The only thing I really emphasize is that you MUST take it EVERY time before drinking.

                  I think it is amazing - good luck both of you,

                  hugs, sun x
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    I am glad I took only a quarter of the pill, I feel so weird today. Not really a hangover, kinda shaky, light headed. Sun, I will go back over to that thread, my computer crashed so I may need the address again. I am on the home computer now.
                    God is telling me that I need to quit, if you remember last year I had a friend whose liver and kidneys shut down. She was in the hospital almost a year. she is alive but not the same. Another friend has been ill, a beer drinker, he was rushed to the hospital and had open heart surgery. His kidneys and liver is still working but they are shot and he has to quit or die. Why don't I see the world around me. I am so helping this meds will work. Sun, I feel so weird.


                      How did you feel after taking the pill? Did you drink any alcohol and did you notice a difference?

                      I too am over at the TSM site and it has a lot of great information and people who have more experience with taking Nal.

                      For me, it has been pretty dramatic these two weeks. Today is my 5th AF day in a row, and I still have no desire to drink. I personally am a binge drinker (primarily weekends) and have been unable to stop or cut back. In fact, it was getting worse and this was my last ditch attempt to kick the habit. So far so good. I had 7 drinks total last week, and plan on less this week.

                      You are just beginning - give it time.


                        I did drinkso I wonder if some was hangover but wow,I
                        ike crap all day. I drink more then u. But I need help. I didn't take it tonight. Now is the est time. I amnot working and it will be good. Thanks forall the help


                          I wish you all the best on NAL. I remember the popular thought was if you take it and it makes you feel sick to your stomach, it will work over the long haul. I never had that - but really interested and excited to hear about what is going on with you: Sunny, JanCan & Meggie ~

                          Sunny, I am SOOOOOO happy for the success you've had with it!! I haven't visited any other sites but this one in forever - but was very active on the first wave of ppl trying TSM. Just not motivated at the moment to go there. Glad I can still post here with no hard feelings that I'm not on anything or trying anything at the moment to help curb my drinking. I drink every day. Feel guilty sometimes...but like I've said before, I am not motivated to do anything else at the moment.

                          I had a tarot card reading last night with a friend who does those things. HA!! Sounds kinda flakey, but it really was good - wish I could discuss more, but it was a little bit of validation of where I am/my thoughts/good things to come, etc. Then conversations with my friend who did it has really inspired me on a spiritual level to be open, do things differently, be more aware...lots of interesting thoughts, etc. More later ~

                          Hope this flies - about to send!! lol
                          Last edited by houtx770; July 30, 2015, 11:09 PM.


                            It's Friday and normally I would be thinking about drinking tonight. Honestly, the thought of taking Nal and drinking makes me sick. I don't even want anything, which is a strange feeling. It's almost like the association my brain has with alcohol is changing from pleasurable to not pleasurable.

                            Although I am a binge drinker, most of that is because I simply can't drink every night. I have two teenagers and a full time job which keeps me in line during the week. When I have vacation, holidays, etc. I tend to go off the rails. This past year I have had some major benders that have quite frankly scared me. The amount of alcohol I could consume in a week was incredible. I would find myself looking in the refrigerator and cupboards and realizing how much I had gone through. I would find myself sneaking alcohol and hiding it from my family. I would find excuses to go to the store to buy more.

                            I finally had enough. Someday when my kids are gone and I have more time on my hands, I can see where I might end up. It's not a far leap for me to end up drink heavily almost daily. I have seen glimpses and it is not pretty. The decision to start taking Nal was out of desperation as I could not stop the escalation on my own. It is not easy and you have to be committed. You have to be willing to change or it won't work. I am training for a race and trying to focus on getting healthy like I used to be. I do miss the high I used to get when drinking. It is like losing a friend I have depended on for so long. But when I weigh my options, the good outweighs the bad by far.


                              I took it last night and didn't drink as much. I was really tired and went to bed at 930. So I have two nights behind my belt that I have drank a third of what I have drank this summer. Also, don't feel shaky, or funny. Will try again tonight.


                                Sun, I had to send my laptop back to hp and it was bookmarked with the TSM site. Could you give me the exact name.

