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Got the script!!

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    Got the script!!

    Hi Sunny - I wish I was bold enough to ask her. I did try to tell her last year that I was drinking more than I wanted to, and she just kind of nodded her head, and didn't really address it. She said something like, "yes, that can be problem" and went on to talk about blood sugar levels. Then we were done. Sigh.

    I live in a small town too. So I've considered just going to an addiction doctor in a big city an hour away and asking for the Bac, because all the internet pharmacies are expensive. Maybe I will do that, like you say, all they can do is say no.

    I posted on another thread that I made a chart of my drinking and Bac intake, sure enough when I take the Bac my drinking is down. I have tried to be like you and be AF while on the Bac, but it doesn't work. I will talk myself out of taking it, or subconsciously even forget to take it, because I know I want to sit down, relax, talk to my husband, read a book and have a few glasses of wine, which turn into too many glasses of wine. He of course can stop at 3 beers anytime he wants, or one beer if he wants.

    I'm on a roll right now though and taking the pills religiously, I'm at 48mg and the past few days drinking is way down. YAY!!

    Anyway, enough rambling - I think I'll look in the phone book into a big city doc. Thanks for the gentle kick in the pants - (sorely needed, let me tell you!!)



      Got the script!!

      I have read that patients bringing up alcohol issues can make doctors very uncomfotable. I think Dr Ameisen noticed that in his book.
      I am in a smallish town in Ca too. I went out of town for my treatments for privacy and for the best care.
      I sense a bit of ambivalence. You would still like to drink "if only". I think that attitude is a set up for further experimentation with this addiction. Even if I did want to eventually drink normally i would abstain for at least 6 months to get the patterns of craving and craving relief out of my head and then decide. But for me "I have had enough" seems to be true now.
      All the best
      Good Luck. Glad you are here.



        Got the script!!

        Hello Sunny & Much,

        Talking to your doctor is a scarey thing---but I was more afraid to continue a lfe where alcohol is of tremendous importance. I was tired of the way drinking made me feel, the lack of motivation that accompanys drinking, the shame I felt, the worries about people finding out, and the constant struggle of each day trying to decide if I could not drink that, I took a deep breath and opened-up to my doctor (she is a new doc. for me, plus younger by about 10 years). Tough yes, but certainly worth it. Now I have someone who's goal it is to help me!!---pretty awsome!!

        Much, try talking to your doctor. My script for bac. was only $40/90 pills (but with insurance was only $5.00)

        Good luck,



          Got the script!!

          Wonka -

          I am thinking about it again. I looked up doctors in a close by city, and wasn't sure where to go - an addiction specialist? They were all psychiatrists. And then i read somewhere that addiction specialists aren't into bac. I have my little chart of my drinking the past couple months, and it is obvious that bac works even to moderate. I drink half as much because I have AF days. But, Sunny, I can't quit completely, the craving/mind game is still unavoidably strong. How I long for that to be OVER!!! If I could go AF I certainly would, but I can't right now. I have high hopes, however!

          I am now up to 60mg starting yesterday and am wondering how I am going to finance this!! You are so right about getting a prescription, Wonka.


            Got the script!!

            I totally understand! I think there should be a registry of doctors who prescribe Bac. That would be so helpful.
            Regarding the finances think of the money you are saving by not drinking and put that toward the meds. Also I have found that I am much more efficient in my job and bringing in more salary as a result. Also you won't need the highest dose forever so it gets less expensive.
            Just keep with it. You will succeed and hopefully soon.

