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Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

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    Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

    If the insomnia is really bad have you considered taking anything for it? My husband had insomnia from about the 190mg but initially it was actually ok as he felt he actually needed less sleep. But as he titrated up further (300mg) he was sleeping less and more and more in need of sleep. He tried herbal and OTC meds but they weren't having any effect.

    Eventually yesterday he went to his doctor and got a prescription sleeping tablet and it seems to be doing the trick, he got over 8 hours sleep last night and has been asleep for nearly 3 hours so far tonight. The thread Baclofen and Zolpidem is his.

    The loss of concentration and facial sagging very probably has as much, if not more, to do with lack of sleep than the Bac. They are both common effects of insomnia. And also if you are looking for a release have you tried exercise? Even a 20 minute cardio or weights work out could give you the release you want and I think many on here have reported their side-effects decreasing in severity when they exercise.


      Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

      Yayyy!!!! Ally and your husband. I responded on his thread - not because I have any experience w/bac and zolpidem, but because I do have experience with taking meds that help me sleep along with the baclofen, and I just so wanted to encourage him to try whatever seems reasonable and necessary. I'm happy to hear it's working.

      Full English - how incredible that the bac is working to take alcohol out of the equation. Melatonin is one of the easiest non-pharmaceutical helps for sleeping. As Ally suggests, if you can get a doctor to prescribe something, go for it! I use quetiapine fumarate (seroquel) which is an anti-psychotic that is often prescribed off-label for sleep. And I've also used valium, but I find that it doesn't have nearly the anti-anxiety qualities that it had before I was taking baclofen. Maybe a crash course in deep-breathing and relaxation techniques??

      A week is long way away, though. If you keep not drinking and get some sleep you'll probably slam that presentation 'cause what you're already overcoming is amazing. Best of luck to you.
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


        Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

        Just wanted to add my words of encouragement.

        I also have to say your signs are positive, the 'vanity' bit I like but the 'not hungover' is better.

        I'm at or pdn the switch I think, so your efforts will be rewarded, I think.

        Hope this is encouraging!
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


          Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

          Oh yeah, I'm not finished 'till the fat lady sings so to speak.

          The bit about 'needing release but not al' struck home. I need to work on my underlying issues and I think this is as good any time as any to start.

          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

            Thank You AllyB, RedThread12 and Ig for your kind words and support.
            After reading your messages, I rang my doctor and made an appointment to get some sleeping tablets. I see her Friday.
            I got 1 hour's sleep last night. I now really feel for people who suffer from insomnia. It is enough to drive you crazy. I can't imagine what it would be like to suffer from Insomnia for an extended period. I think you're right AllyB - a lot of the SE's are from lack of sleep and not necessarily from the BAC.
            Thanks for the tips on exercise and words of encouragement.
            Last night was the first time I had penned all the SE's I have been having from BAC. After I re-read my post, I freaked myself out, and for the first time thought - 'what the hell am I doing?' seeing all the side-effects there - and pretty serious ones at that - made me doubt what I was undertaking here?
            But your right Ig, I am not drinking - and that is pretty amazing. When I switched on the computer tonight, I realized I hadn't even thought of Al tonight, or had that usual mental debate - drink, don't drink, drink, don't drink. Al wasn't even considered. So that is amazing, and for which I am truly grateful.
            I am going to hit the pillow early tonight. I wish all well on their BAC journeys.
            Full English
            1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
            2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
            Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


              Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

              Still at 190mg. SE have lessened a bit. I slept 8 hours the other night and the alarm clock woke me. I had to kiss it. It was the best noise I had heard in a while.
              Today is 10 days Al free. In the past 22 days I have only drunk once. If you are not drinking while dosing up, it is a bit more difficult (for me anyway) to work out if you have hit the switch. I don't know if I 'am indifferent' to Al, I can say that I not interested really. I have had heaps of opportunity and even have Al in the fridge. But it is pretty easy to say 'no'. It is such a great feeling - odd, but great.
              I just want to add - In the early Al free days - these were a struggle and I definitely was interested in drinking. I was fighting the cravings hoping that abstaining would ease the BAC SE's and make the BAC more effective (Sunnyvalenting's advice - Thank You). It has only been the last week or so that it has been pretty easy to say 'no'.
              So all is good. My head is still BACed-out. Side effects are leveling out. AllyB you were right, a lot of the side-effects I thought were associated with the BAC are not - specifically the dark lines and face sag - I associate these now with insomnia now and not the BAC. Thanks for this.
              Overall I feel and look a lot better for not having the Al. There is of course all the things that are starting to surface which I used Al to cover up. And I am now needing to face those.
              Regarding 'the switch' - I am not calling it yet. But I think I may be close.
              Full English
              1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
              2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
              Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


                Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                Congrats on your continued success!
                Of course it will feel different to feel again! You will get used to having and acknowledging feelings and responding appropriately to them AF. It takes time, tho.
                I am going to chalk you up as another Baclofen success story! Switch or no switch!


                  Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                  Hi Full

                  I can now say I've hit the switch and understand your trepidation about saying you have.

                  At the risk of getting stoned why don't you try drinking one or two of the brews and see how it feels. Unless you stop taking the Bac I don't think you're going to go on a bender

                  The stuff in italics is what I would want to say if I was being reckless. I had the opportunity to test myself this evening with an old buddy I met. I didn't go with him not because I was worried about having a drink and not being able to stop but because my time would be better spent elsewhere.

                  If you were to try drinking I think tomorrow you would know whether you have or have not hit the switch.

                  Hope this isn't misconstrued as careless or thoughtless advice. I would just like to give my input concerning your dilemma and am sure you will do with it what you will do.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                    Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                    IMO, no need to test your abstinence. Just know that if you drank regularly before and are now able to stay abstinent you have what you need from the medicine.
                    Congrats to both of you (Ig and Full)


                      Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                      Thank you Sunny and Ig for your feedback here.
                      Ig, I don't think I am brave enough to test the switch with a drink. It has taken me so long to be Al free, I don't want to risk losing it again.
                      2 weeks in with no Al. So many good things have happened this week. I feel good, and can look in the mirror and like what I see. No self hate.
                      Most days are good. I can say I feel happy.
                      I have had a couple of days though, where I could have drunk, and have been in circumstances where I knew I was not indifferent. I am conscious that Dr A said that not everyday is plain sailing, and even he had to increase his dose on days his cravings came back or he was stressed. So I know that BAC is not the 'magic' pill that will do magic 100% all of the time.
                      But saying that, I went up to 200mg today. I may well be at my switch at 190mg. I am just not 100% certain. I'll see how it goes and will keep posting.
                      All is good though. Life is so much better without Al.
                      Full English
                      1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
                      2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
                      Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


                        Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                        Ah now I hear the word 'switch', suspected as much but wasn't certain.
                        What date was your first AF night?
                        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                          Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                          Congrats, FE, You are doing exactly right. I think if you have ANY thought that you will likely drink go ahead and take an extra pill. I did that once and awhile and I always carry a few tablets with me "in case". So far haven't needed them but best to be prepared. I would not want to get caught without a plan. I think, to some extent, it is this pre need planning that also helps us anchor this discipline. Best of all to you. What a difference just a few weeks can make. Just imagine what you can do when you can rely on yourself again consistently and permanently!


                            Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                            Ha Ha Ig. OK I'll say it 'Switch, Switch, Switch' and yes, I think I've hit it. I know - I'm ever cautious.
                            I have been travelling, so haven't posted for a couple of weeks.
                            While travelling, I am going to call it. I hit the switch at 210MG. I was pretty BACed out, and still am in some respects, but have titrated back down to 180MG and still no real cravings.
                            I still have my occasional day where I could drink, but I choose not to. I do not know who said it on this forum, but when they said BAC is not the Pariah or the magic pill. I agree. There are some days when some will power is required. Not much, like before when I had to white knuckle to stop me drinking, but some. It goes pretty quickly without much effort.
                            Today is 1 month I have been sober ? so for those reasons I am very grateful and thankful.
                            All the other stuff why I drank is surfacing ? loneliness, depression and emptiness are all there. Some days are really tough, but hey, I am not drinking. And I am also not substituting like I have always done before when I have stopped drinking.
                            So thanks Ig and Sunny for posting here and for your support. Congrats on your 11 months Sunny.
                            Ig, my first Al free night was 19th November.
                            SE's are still here - Insomnia, ringing in the ears, putting on weight, blood shot eyes, vagueness - but as I said I am not drinking. One SE I noticed in the higher doses (for me) was that I was really isolating and being anti-social. I didn't want to be around anyone. But I suppose that is what I did when I drank on my own.
                            Full English
                            1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
                            2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
                            Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


                              Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                              Fantastic news, FE. Congratulations and thanks for the update.


                                Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

                                "Today is 1 month I have been sober"

                                Blimey! That's Awesome! (as our American friends might say!)

                                Sorry you're still plagued by side effects. It's mystifying how some people suffer very little other than drowsiness, others have a whole bunch of symptoms. After my first 3 week stint AF, I was feeling very cloudy in the head and kind of irritable - low-level baclofen SEs, which, unchanging as they were day after day, were getting on my tits. I felt there was some kind of pressure building in me that needed to vent. It might sound counterproductive, but going out and drinking on that occasion actually helped me in the long run. The hangover that followed was such a beast that I was instantly AF again, and, more importantly, I had the feeling that my head was clearer as a result. This may sound like the worst advice ever - so ignore it if in any doubt - but having a drink might not be as dumb as it sounds. If you're anything like me it won't send you off on a never-ending binge; rather it will clear your head and the hangover will remind you of the misery you've left behind you. Overall well-being and sanity is more important than clocking up AF days for the sake of it.

                                I think it was Moglor who said the world doesn't suddenly treat you any better just because you've stopped drinking. That's certainly true. But it is a hell of a lot easier to face the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune when you're not shafting yourself with a hangover every day of the week. And I think it was forgotten 90s pop act D:ream who said "Things can only get better...." True again! So chin up lad and good luck!

