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Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

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    Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

    bleep;1064178 wrote: FE, that's great to hear. It's nice to see a report where a low maintenance dose is being successfully applied. There is a bit of controversy surrounding this point at the moment, so that's great news.
    Thanks Bleep. I know I am very lucky the lower doses seem to be working for me. I have been catching up on the MWO posted while I was away and see you too have hit the switch. Congratulations to you Bleep. That is great news. Onwards and upwards for Bleep.

    Isolde;1064641 wrote: Wow FE, you're doing really well on just 40mgs, that is awesome!! It sounds like this lower dose has nothing but good things for you, and it's great to hear! :goodjob:
    Thanks Isolde. I hope you too will be able to benefit from lower doses soon too. What I’ve been doing is I take my mid-afternoon dose. If in the evening I still don’t have cravings, I don’t take the evening dose. I’ll try repeat this same lower dose the next day and see if the cravings surface. If they do I go back up, if they don’t I stay on the lower dose. This is how I have been titrating down and it seems to be working.

    ignominious;1064805 wrote:
    I went AF 2 days after you and am heartened by your progress, even if a little envious! I admire your fortitude and optimism and shall myself make a more concerted effort to see the glass half full in the future.

    I tapered to 80 but then went back to 120 as I was feeling too vulnerable. I've been at this level for about one month.
    Thanks Ig for your kind words. You will get there. I don’t know if you can try titrating down a little bit using the method I have been using and described above, but I found that all the shitty feelings (loneliness, emptiness, depression etc) defiantly didn’t feel so unmanageable as the dose came down.
    Ig, you have incredible insight and I admire the way you are so in touch with your thoughts and how you are able to express them. I feel certain that with a brain like yours you will be able to crack this.

    Ig and Bruun, regarding the mind chatter, I know there is lots of instruction about it and resentment in AA. I think they both go hand in hand with Alcoholism. I don’t know why. In AA they say to let them go. Maybe BAC makes it easier to let them go. It certainly relieves anxiety, it makes me more calm and clearer. I hope the mind chatter eases up for you both as you continue taking BAC as well.

    Long Post, but thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. Full English
    1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
    2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
    Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


      Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round


      I am on a lower dose right now (60mg.) and can not believe how good I feel and the lack of se's! I hope this is real :-) because I am really in a good state of mind right now.

      I hope we ALL succeed at this!

      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


        Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

        It is now 4 months I have been sober thanks to BAC.
        I am now on 20 MG of BAC a day. One tablet at midday, and the second at 6pm.
        There is a day here and there I am tempted to have a drink, but I think it is days I miss the ceremony of Al or an easy way to make a quick escape from reality, rather than having super-strong cravings.
        It is good to come on here on MWO and see so many new names. I hope this means the word is spreading. BAC has done amazing things for me. I hope it does the same to all those here on MWO.
        Full English
        1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
        2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
        Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


          Baclofen Again - Full English's Thread 2nd Time Round

          Magic stuff FE - thanks for dropping by occasionally to keep us updated. Congratulations on your continuing success!

