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Is this normal with Topa?

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    Is this normal with Topa?

    I am in week 2 with Topamax...this was happening in week one also. Anyway, now on 50, which I take around 1:00 pm. At around 10 ish in the morning I start feeling's as if the Topamax WEARS OFF and THEN I am feeling wierd, not as if the Topa kicked in (as many complain) and then things happen. I do feel tired after taking the pill, but the worse feeling really comes around 20 hours later. Is that wierd?

    I am thinking it will probably all straighten out next week when I up it to 75 and the first dose will be in the morning? Or should I try taking 25 in the morning now and 25 in the afternoon? My doctor is impossible to get a hold of. I have to go through her darn secretary and give the whole explanation of who I am and what I am doing and it's just so tiresome!!!

    I know it's all just trying what works best and I should figure this out by myself, but since I am feeling quite loopy at the moment....just thought I would get some opinions here. Thanks!

    Is this normal with Topa?

    Why don't you try taking 25mg in the morning and 25mg around 4 or 5pm? Use a pill cutter. I didn't feel foggy or weird at all splitting up the dosage that way.


      Is this normal with Topa?

      Hi luv - generally when you start taking Topa, you take 25mg for a week, in the am. Maybe go back to that and start all over? Take it when you get up - just 25mg and see how you feel. Do you have 25mg tabs? I know Hoping suggested splitting them but on my bottle, it says not to - not sure why or what difference it makes, but maybe there is something in them you are allergic to? Persevere with calling your doc. There are many SE's although yours, 20 hours later is one I haven't heard of.

      Sun x
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Is this normal with Topa?

        hi luvmypups-
        week 1 I also felt at my worst at around 10 am. super spacey and loopy, jittery and tired, all at once. i am now also in week 2 and taking 25mg at 10 am and 25mg at 4:30 pm. in week 1 I was doing as my Dr. instructed and taking it in the pm. try splitting the dose and see if that evens out your SEs a little? i am still super dopey but the SEs are not any more intense at certain times of day than they are at others...
        "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales


          Is this normal with Topa?

          Yes, split your dose and that should help. Since last Friday, I take 50 mgs around 10:30/11 and 100 mgs around 3:30-5:00 depending on when I remember to take it. My little SEs fluctuate and are random. Sometimes a little sleepy, sometimes not. Sometimes feel the tingles, sometimes not (but feel those pretty regularly but they are sooooo NOT a big deal).
          Yes, I ramble some and am at a loss for words. Today trying to tell a historical story was a pain in the neck, but I muddled through and didn't let it phase me.

          And now find myself monopolizing this thread: "Rambling" (see above) another SE???!!! LOL


            Is this normal with Topa?

            Houtx - I think the Topa IS affecting you - this is your FIRST post on this thread - I don't think that is actually monopolizing LOL !!!!!!

            Hugs, Sun xxx
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              Is this normal with Topa?

              Thanks for the suggestions I am finding it's a day to HOUR TO HOUR thing...feeling better all the time...of course, Sunday I titrate up again, so I guess time to go through another reaction LOL. But worth to just convince my HABIT that I don't need that (now only ONLY ONE, wow!) drink every night (what's with THAT???)...


                Is this normal with Topa?

                Believe me Luv - I KNOW that feeling !!!!!

                love, Sun xx
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

