Thanks for all in the input and i have just ordered baclofen.... couldn't decide which one to order have tried a few others and they didn't work very well for me. Thanks for all the help. Here's hoping it works for me... life is not good at the moment! I am kind of new coz I've been here on and off for a few years....:thanks:
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Drinking every day for 10 years.. Until Baclofen
Drinking every day for 10 years.. Until Baclofen
Thanks for all in the input and i have just ordered baclofen.... couldn't decide which one to order have tried a few others and they didn't work very well for me. Thanks for all the help. Here's hoping it works for me... life is not good at the moment! I am kind of new coz I've been here on and off for a few years....:thanks:Fiona
Drinking every day for 10 years.. Until Baclofen
:welcome: Citizen
I'm glad you found something that works for you and that you took the initiave to get help yourself :goodjob:
Welcome to the forumsDean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."
Drinking every day for 10 years.. Until Baclofen
Suffering majorly from anxiety and panic attacks?
Hey all I just singed up from looking at citizen's post on panic attacks and drinking, I suffer majorly from panic attacks to the point where my limbs go numb completely and i feel like my limbs lock up and curl up on me like a stroke if I don't will it to stop and fight it? could this be caused from alcohol?! i never felt this way prior to being an alcoholic, i've smoked weed since i was 11 and had my fair share of psychedelics and all sorts of uppers downers etc.
MY BIGGEST FEAR IS something is medically wrong with me i'm most definitely a hypochondriac OCD add/adhd have been diagnosed and took meds from the ages 5-14.
I guess i'm writing this to see if anyones ever experienced anything on my level i find that most people go straight to the omg i'm having a heart attack but for me its wayy worse i feel like i get the heart attack feelings from going omg omg is this it!??! did i really do it to myself this time either when i smoke weed or OVER drink and wake up from horrible night tremor/dreams/nightmares w.e. u wanna call them?
If theres anyone out there who can relate and give me some advice i dunno... I just went to get my blood work done because i recently received ny state health insurance so im waiting on the results to see if i have some sort of deficiency or a medical issue of some sort. I'm sure being heavily into conspiracy and the government and occults and weird shit like that doesn't help someone who discovered they suffer from anxiety, along with losing my mother at 17 to cancer so thats where my hypochondria comes in and ah i was never this paranoid about things until recently i was recording a band stayed up for 3 days drank red bull and jager(not sure how to spell it ?) all night long smoked like a half oz of weed through the 3 days was so tired at some point that i took a nuvildule ? from a friend with limes disease (prob one of the dumbest moves ive ever made) and since then ive felt these overwhelming panic attacks could i have preeminently fucked up my bodies chemistry? from taking a prescription pill? i know nothing about or did not have blood work done? its been almost 3 weeks and i still feel uneasy getting daily panic attacks at random moments although ive stopped smoking weed completely as of new years because of the fear of having a heart attack on it but havent stoped drinking. I didnt drink today becuase of such a horrible dream of an acid flash back someone in the dream litteraly gave me some acid and thought i was going to die, i wake up and still felt like wtf is going on im constantly on computers so i go omg why am i so light headed? why this? why that? why are my hands always sweating ?!?! is it really all just in my head? and am i being my own worst enemy? can anxiety and your mind play tricks that HARSH on you? plz someone anyone I need positive feed back maybe its a lack of physical contact in my life? i just dont know how to handle stress at this point...ive never felt this much lack of self control of being able to be like HEY! SNAP OUT OF IT! i've always just been able to tell myself dude dont go their you have so much to live for and just hype myself out of it, i dunno i almost feel an ease just taking the time to write this but regardless i don't wanna ramble on but please if theres any one out there who shares a similar story and who has/is battling anxiety and alcoholism pleaseee i need your help right now. Thank you so much for you time and concern -Musicman
Drinking every day for 10 years.. Until Baclofen
Hi Music
Lots of folks find relief from anxiety, including panic attacks, with baclofen, some rather quickly after starting. Others find a more complicated response. You might read some of the posts at:
Good luck!
CassanderWith profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination
Drinking every day for 10 years.. Until Baclofen
Musicman236;1238382 wrote: i find that most people go straight to the omg i'm having a heart attack but for me its wayy worse i feel like i get the heart attack feelings from going omg omg is this it!??
I'm sure being heavily into conspiracy and the government and occults and weird shit like that doesn't help someone who discovered they suffer from anxiety, along with losing my mother at 17 to cancer so thats where my hypochondria comes in and ah i was never this paranoid about things until recently
its been almost 3 weeks and i still feel uneasy getting daily panic attacks at random moments
i wake up and still felt like wtf is going on im constantly on computers so i go omg why am i so light headed? why this? why that? why are my hands always sweating ?!?! is it really all just in my head? and am i being my own worst enemy? can anxiety and your mind play tricks that HARSH on you? plz someone anyone I need positive feed back maybe its a lack of physical contact in my life?
I've highlighted some of the stuff that resonates with me. I had my first panic attack last June (that I was finally able to identify, anyway.) I called an ambulance. It wasn't my heart I was so worried about (I used to be hypochondriac enough that I had two EKGs and a stress test in the previous couple of months.) I didn't know what the fuck was wrong with me and thought I was going to...explode or something.
Lol to the conspiracy and paranoia. You'll find a lot of that around here. It's one of the things that I don't have going on any more. Thank goodness. I don't miss the feeling that everyone and everything is out to get me, and us. (That said, I have a healthy need to figure out the motivations of people and institutions. And I'm pretty sure that there are some bankers who are out to get us. :H But that's just leftovers...)
Yes, your mind can mess you up worse than your enemy, especially the imaginary ones. And anxiety is no joke. It is my enemy now. I actively, very actively, manage it when I see it and when I can.
Bottom line? Baclofen helped me with that stuff. And I don't want to drink anymore, because, well, I don't want to drink anymore!
I'm glad you've got health insurance now, and have started taking care of yourself and looking for answers. There are many to be found here for sure. Don't give up. It's SO much better on this side. You'll find what you need and move on to the not-so-exciting-world It's lovely!and :l
Drinking every day for 10 years.. Until Baclofen
Hi Ne,
Could you go into a little more detail on your "panic attack" if it's not to personal. What did it feel like. I get them also but it's never the heart attack variety. It's more of an overall sense of panic that somehow seems centered in my head not my body. Wondering if Bac helps this if anybody out there has any experience. Thanks. Grat.