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Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

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    Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??


    ?KNOWING YOURSELF means being able to separate the true from the false in yourself - love from emotion, joy from sentiment, Will from desire.? ~Barry Long quotes

    Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

    Not sure why my text didn't go through...I will try again.

    I am wondering if anyone out there knows of a Dr in Minnesota who is willing to perscribe Bac. I will go online if I have to but really would rather at least start out with a Dr. (If I need more then they are willing to perscribe I will get the rest to my Switch online).

    I know we are all over the world. I guess I am looking for a neighbor with answers...

    Peace, love and sobriety to all tonight!!


    ?KNOWING YOURSELF means being able to separate the true from the false in yourself - love from emotion, joy from sentiment, Will from desire.? ~Barry Long quotes


      Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

      My wisdom tooth is screaming at me. I want to pull a cast away but an easier option is vino. My Dr. apt is at 1:20 today. I will wait. Just breathe. Cross your fingers he is open to Bac.

      Thew I will see my dentist.

      I feel like I am dealing with my "HALT"....where does "pain" fit in there? I suppose today ends in a "y". Who needs a reason?

      ?KNOWING YOURSELF means being able to separate the true from the false in yourself - love from emotion, joy from sentiment, Will from desire.? ~Barry Long quotes


        Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

        Did you find one? I'm in Western WI, so would travel


          Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

          Hey Sassy

          Hey Sassy,
          I just heard back from my Dr. today. He said he read up on Bac and he was going to call another Dr. who specializes in addiction this week and get back to me. He said he wants to have me try Top, I just started this weekend), and if that doesn't work he said I can try Bac. I will let you know what he tells me after he talks to this other Dr. I was just very happy he actually took the time to read up on it and is open-minded enough to say "maybe".

          I will keep you posted!


          ?KNOWING YOURSELF means being able to separate the true from the false in yourself - love from emotion, joy from sentiment, Will from desire.? ~Barry Long quotes


            Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

            consider handing him the translated abstract of the recent French trials Dr Ameisen directed and published. They are quite compelling with 88% responding quite favorably to bac in a range of doses.
            Good luck on the Topa.


              Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

              Hey Sunny,
              Do you know where I could find that?

              ?KNOWING YOURSELF means being able to separate the true from the false in yourself - love from emotion, joy from sentiment, Will from desire.? ~Barry Long quotes


                Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

                Here are files attached (I hope), 3 medical articles about this.
                Can't attach, but I got them by going to Highwire HighWire, where you can do searches of many academic journals. Many articles are free. I put in Baclofen for alcohol and got 3 good free articles.


                  Dr in MN who says yes to Bac??

                  sorry I missed your question.
                  Loop has posted the translation and link in this section. It is back toward the top again today. You can use that as a starting point.
                  Unfortunately not all addiction specialists follow a medical model of addiction so you may have to "plead your case"
                  How is it going for you?

