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Topomax eye pain/pressure

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    Topomax eye pain/pressure

    I have been experiencing some eye pain/pressure since yesterday in my left eye. It is a vacation week here and I am unable to contact my doctor until next week, so am going to have to make the decision myself as to whether I stick to taking it or not. I am on day 13, dosage 25 mg in the AM and 50 mg in the PM (day 3 of this dosage today). If I were to decide I should quit, do I have to titrate off since I have only been on 13 days? I only have a few 25 mg pills left, the rest are all 50 mg which I got yesterday

    I guess this is a real quandary I find myself in as I realize you all don't like to dispense medical advice here. I don't know what to do.

    Topomax eye pain/pressure

    How is your insurance? I would not take the eye pain/pressure lightly. Do you have an urgicare? It is up to you, but I think I might go there. In rare cases, topa can affect your eyes. I wouldn't leave it a week. AS for stopping taking it, that again, I am not sure about - I don't think it would matter as you are on such a low dose, but I would def. get your eye looked at.

    let us know - okay?

    Hugs, Sun xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Topomax eye pain/pressure

      Thanks, Sun...I live overseas (hence the vacation week going on here) so no urgicare or insurance here but it isn't expensive to get an eye doctor to look at it, just hard to find one since they are all of fishing or whatever this week LOL. I don't think the personnel in the ER would know what to make of it, to tell you the truth. It's a third world country. So basically it's up to me and more wondering if I should get off slowly or just stop.


        Topomax eye pain/pressure

        It's definitely eye pain and not a headache right? So it couldn't be dehydration? Are you drinking a ton of water? You and I are on the exact same I go up to 75mg as well and I'm not sure what I would do if I thought I needed to stop either. Maybe go down to 25mg for 3 or 4 days and then 25 every other day for a few days...???
        "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales


          Topomax eye pain/pressure

          Not dehydration for sure...I drink a 32 oz mug of water every other hour or's a habit with the heat here, plus the topa makes me extra thirsty. It COULD be sinus pressure though, that I am not sure of.


            Topomax eye pain/pressure

            I would go down, if not get off, until you can get to a doctor. Your vision isn't anything to fool around with. It will be easy to titrate up again, you are not at a very high level.


              Topomax eye pain/pressure

     it is, I have poor vision and have always been afraid of losing it, so I sure don't want to fool with it. I cut back down to 25x25 today and will try to go down as quickly as I can...I imagine my body will let me know if I am doing it right. The good thing is that, except for a few set-backs, I really did get things under control, hopefully I learned a thing or two in the process.


                Topomax eye pain/pressure

                Not to poke my nose in here, I just noticed your post, but one think to think about might be any family history of Glaucoma (raised intra-ocular pressure) or any other familial type eye disease.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19

