I want to be prescribed Antabuse and I am aware that many people are loathe to prescribe it anymore due to the risks involved. I have read up on it and I really feel it is for me along with therapy and an alcohol service.
I have had a reasonable period of sobriety until about a year ago when I have become a serial relapser. Only when something upsetting or stressful happens. I do not want to drink anymore. At all. But I am impulsive and often grab onto alcohol again when something happens.
My question is (and I am in the UK by the way) - who would I approach about it: my alcohol worker, psych or my GP and what exactly would I say to them to ensure they believe I am serious about this and would not drink on it? (My GP already knows about my serial relapses as I have hospitalised several times over the past year).
What worked for you? I am desperate to get my sobriety back long-term.
Thanks guys,
K x