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    Hi all, I haven't posted in awhile, but I thought I'd pass along my experiences lately in case they are helpful to anyone.

    I titrated up to 220 per day back in August, but had not properly calculated how much BAC I was going to need. When I realized I might run out, I had to titrate down fairly quickly to about 100 per day for around 10 days. During those days, my drinking, which had significantly decreased, increased to its pre-BAC levels, and I found myself in an emotional black abyss. I have always struggled with chronic low grade depression, but this was much worse.

    Well, I got my shipments and started to titrate back up, and am currently at 250 per day. I did titrate up much quicker the second time than I did originally. But, I have noticed three things:

    1. My SE's seem to be less this time around, except for the nighttime insomnia, I wake up at 4AM unable to go back to sleep. But the vision problems, dropping things, skin tingling, etc don't seem to be there.
    2. The depression has lifted somewhat, but I still don't feel like I did before starting the BAC.
    3. My alcohol consumption has not decreased this time around like it did the first time. I am hoping as I continue to titrate up that I will see a decrease again even before I hit the switch.

    I'll keep you posted on my progress.


    Thanks for the update, Hanging

    I don't have advice to give - just encouragement

    Please keep posting!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

