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Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

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    Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

    I was a googling for side effects of Baclofen and I found this report on a study and I was wondering if someone a bit more versed in medical reports could clear it up for me.

    Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on human sperm motility and hyperactivation.

    Calogero AE, Hall J, Fishel S, Green S, Hunter A, D'Agata R.

    First Department of Internal Medicine, University of Catania Medical School, Italy.

    This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and GABAergic agonists and antagonists on sperm kinematic parameters and hyperactivation, evaluated by a computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) system, and intracellular cAMP content in 22 normozoospermic semen samples. Because of the possible interaction of progesterone with the GABAA receptor, we also evaluated the effects of progesterone on these parameters. GABA increased beat cross frequency, curvilinear velocity (VCL), the percentage of spermatozoa moving with an average path velocity > 10 microns/s (active) and hyperactivation, and decreased linearity and straightness. Bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, antagonized the effects of GABA on all these parameters except the percentage of active spermatozoa. Muscimol, a GABAA receptor agonist, increased VCL, the percentage of active spermatozoa, and hyperactivation by about the same extent as GABA, suggesting the involvement of the GABAA receptor. However, the GABAB receptor also seems to mediate some of the effects of GABA, because baclofen, a selective agonist for this receptor, increased significantly the percentage of active spermatozoa and hyperactivation. The effect of baclofen on this latter parameter was, however, less pronounced than that obtained with GABA or muscimol. Progesterone had the same effects as GABA on sperm kinematic parameters and hyperactivation and the simultaneous presence of both compounds was not more effective than each single one. GABA and progesterone did not have any effect on intracellular cAMP content. In conclusion, GABA modulated sperm kinematic parameters and increased hyperactivation. These effects have the same magnitude of those produced by progesterone and seem to be mediated mainly by the GABAA receptor. We speculate that GABA may be a physiological regulator of sperm function.
    Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on human sperm ... [Mol Hum Reprod. 1996] - PubMed result

    Does the bit I've bolded suggest that Baclofen increases sperm motility? My husband is planning to start taking it in the near future and I'm not that keen on getting pregnant while he's still struggling with his addiction. I'm wondering if (assuming he doesn't get hit by the reasonably common decreased libido SE - at which point my question's moot ) we should be extra careful while he is on this drug?

    Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

    If I were in your situation, I'd be a little bit more concerned about the part that I've bolded here. Even then, it sounds as though you don't have much to worry about:

    Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on human sperm motility and hyperactivation.
    Calogero AE, Hall J, Fishel S, Green S, Hunter A, D'Agata R.

    First Department of Internal Medicine, University of Catania Medical School, Italy.
    This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and GABAergic agonists and antagonists on sperm kinematic parameters and hyperactivation, evaluated by a computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) system, and intracellular cAMP content in 22 normozoospermic semen samples. Because of the possible interaction of progesterone with the GABAA receptor, we also evaluated the effects of progesterone on these parameters. GABA increased beat cross frequency, curvilinear velocity (VCL), the percentage of spermatozoa moving with an average path velocity > 10 microns/s (active) and hyperactivation, and decreased linearity and straightness. Bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, antagonized the effects of GABA on all these parameters except the percentage of active spermatozoa. Muscimol, a GABAA receptor agonist, increased VCL, the percentage of active spermatozoa, and hyperactivation by about the same extent as GABA, suggesting the involvement of the GABAA receptor. However, the GABAB receptor also seems to mediate some of the effects of GABA, because baclofen, a selective agonist for this receptor, increased significantly the percentage of active spermatozoa and hyperactivation. The effect of baclofen on this latter parameter was, however, less pronounced than that obtained with GABA or muscimol. Progesterone had the same effects as GABA on sperm kinematic parameters and hyperactivation and the simultaneous presence of both compounds was not more effective than each single one. GABA and progesterone did not have any effect on intracellular cAMP content. In conclusion, GABA modulated sperm kinematic parameters and increased hyperactivation. These effects have the same magnitude of those produced by progesterone and seem to be mediated mainly by the GABAA receptor. We speculate that GABA may be a physiological regulator of sperm function. Of special note were 2 direct observations seen repeatedly under the microscope beginning 3 hours after acute administration of baclofen. The first, where the hyperactive sperm grew small spiral like horns on their heads of < 1 micron in length was troubling. One had an appendage that was > 3 microns in length! We tested the functionality of these 'unicorn' shaped appendages and found that they readily and quickly made small pores in materials like latex, through which they could easily pass. The second occurred when testing was done for the night and it came time to kill off the batch and go back to the donors for more specimens. At 7am we administered 1 gram of nonoxynol-9 a common spermicidal lubricant to each specimen. At 8am we came back to check that they were dead and dispose of them but on the contrary they were very much alive, looked more robust and their 'unicorn' shaped appendages had grown to an average of 2 microns in length! The anomalous spermatozoa with the already quite large appendage (hereinafter referred to as AlphaSpermie) was now sporting an appendage twice the length of his flagella. Even more troubling was the absence of any nonoxynol-9. The only conclusion we could come to was that they had eaten it for breakfast. A puzzling prospect but confirmed later when we repeated the exercise and observed it directly. Hoping that we had stumbled upon a treatment for infertility we decided to drop a live, fertile ovum in the petri dish confident that we'd pull out a zygote within an hour. Rather than wait and check back later we wired the microscope up to our 46" plasma and got some brews and chips and dip. To our great misfortune it seems as though the sperm had the same idea. AlphaSpermie built what we can only describe as a makeshift campfire, using the sheep's blood substrate of the petri dish as fuel. He then pulled a giant (>30 micron) cast iron pan out of his back pocket and fried up the ovum and served it to the rest of the anxiously waiting crowd. For the next hour we observed what can only be described as 'sperm burps' and audible grunts from the petri dish. Decidedly typical male behavior... Dismayed, we declared the experiment a failure.

    AllyB, if you posed your question to the authors of this article the only answer they would and rightfully could give you is "more testing is needed". They'd have absolutely no clue. This should mean nothing at all to you, I wouldn't worry about it just take your normal precautions.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

      A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! Was tis a joke?
      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


        Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

        Lo0p, you're a legend :H:H:H
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

          ignominous;964600 wrote: Was tis a joke?
          I thought it sounded a little outlandish, so I emailed them and asked them the same question.

          They seemed a little offended, but they sent me this:

          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

            There's a horny joke in this but I'm not gonna make it. ; )
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

              They sent you nothing, Loop?
              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

                Sorry the picture didn't load the first time.
                Is this your joke or theirs?
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                  Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm


                  I undersatnd your concern. I really do. Those who are not in a position to take care of a child for the the rest of their lives do not. It is that simple.

                  AllyB was asking a simple question. Would Balofen make her husband, who is an alcoholic in the midst of an incredibly horrible addiction, be more fertile?

                  I understand her question and her fear. I thought she posed the question well.

                  You who do not feel that you understand her question are in the "place" where you do not worry about her question.

                  I can't answer it. I won't respond to lo0P's response because it was "fairly" insensitive. I say that as a woman who worried her entire early years about becoming pregnant.

                  I say this is a woman who has watched her daughter become pregnant when she had more than she could handle. Because, once you have them, the children are precious and they must be taken care of no matter what, this is a very valid question.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

                    Great post Cinders. Except that, as a single guy, I can still completely appreciate where Ally's coming from.
                    I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                      Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

                      eight days a week,

                      I am glad you can understand where AllyB is coming from.

                      I just think the other posters can't.

                      I am sorry she was met with such silliness, rather than a serious answer.

                      Her question was serious. Actually, very serious.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

                        I was awake half the night trying to calm myself down and respond in a tone that might be interpreted as "sensitive". I tried to do this for you Cinders. I couldn't do it. Here is as far as I got:

                        Me, last night wrote: Okay you have completely, totally misunderstood me. But it is all my fault.

                        My brain works at light speed. No, I'm not tooting my own horn here; it is most certainly a double edged sword (as evidenced by the current situation).

                        Bear with me please, the real explanation comes later.

                        I have to admit, when I first read your responses I was beyond offended. AllyB's question piqued my curiosity and I spent the better part of an hour searching out the full study. Here it is:...........

                        That is as far as I got. Then I actually cracked open a bottle of liquor and drank. I got DRUNK for the very first time since March. For the first time since March for sure, but really since like last November.

                        All of this has happened to me in the last year:

                        I got fired for the very first time in my entire life. My car blew up and died the same day.

                        Units that night: 0

                        I spent a month fixing it and started it up. My repair job was a success. I got to drive it for 10 whole minutes before a completely different part of my car failed that wasn't my fault and it died for good.

                        Units that night: 0

                        I chased who I thought was the love of my life only to find out that she was dead. Whatever is left in that empty shell of a girl I used to know girl died a long time ago. I traded my hard-earned time for 2 days building a booth for our county fair to score tickets to it for her and I because I knew she wanted to go and I could NOT afford them. She showed up 3 hours late, took the ticket I earned for her, got inside the gate and stuck her tongue down the throat of the guy she was prostituting herself to for coke that week, right in front of me.

                        Units that night: 0

                        I dropped off 50 resumes to places I was seriously overqualified for and never heard a call back.

                        Units those nights: 0

                        I bought a car with the last $800 I had, it died on my way home and I had to tow it.

                        Units that night: 0

                        It broke 10 times over the last 3 months.

                        Units those nights: 0

                        Units last night: I don't even know

                        Here I go again. I'm going to try and not
                        direct this at you. I'm going to try and just tell you what I did:

                        I read AllyB's question. I spent 45 minutes searching out, downloading and actually reading the full study. I spent 2 minutes crafting my response and 3 minutes photoshopping that picture. Because of this I was 10 minutes late for work. I am never
                        late for work. I wasn't sitting around with nothing better to do. I had to drive to another city to work a shitty shift and make shitty money.

                        :argh: Sorry, I can't do it. I'll be speaking to you directly. I am going to just try and not be mad and sound mean. I'm going to try but it'll probably show through. My goal is to get you to reconsider and change your mind. I am not trying to offend you:

                        AllyB;964164 wrote:
                        I was a googling for side effects of Baclofen and I found this report on a study and I was wondering if someone a bit more versed in medical reports could clear it up for me.

                        Does the bit I've bolded suggest that Baclofen increases sperm motility? My husband is planning to start taking it in the near future and I'm not that keen on getting pregnant while he's still struggling with his addiction. I'm wondering if (assuming he doesn't get hit by the reasonably common decreased libido SE - at which point my question's moot ) we should be extra careful while he is on this drug?
                        Lo0p;964578 wrote: If I were in your situation, I'd be a little bit more concerned about the part that I've bolded here. Even then, it sounds as though you don't have much to worry about:

                        (The joke)

                        AllyB, if you posed your question to the authors of this article the only answer they would and rightfully could give you is "more testing is needed". They'd have absolutely no clue. This should mean nothing at all to you, I wouldn't worry about it just take your normal precautions.
                        I am glad some people found it funny. It was funny. But it was way more than that. I thought it relayed very succinctly just how freakin' stupid I thought that study was. I thought it was so ridiculously inconclusive I didn't even post it. Here it is: 733full.pdf Click on it if you want, but trust me don't read it. Don't waste your time. I read it for AllyB, I read it for us. It's full of all kinds of fancy words and no less than 100 scientific "conclusions". But I seriously contend that I am now dumber for having read it. It is a brainfart on paper. The scientists that wrote it will never follow it to fruition. They will never be able to answer AllyB's question. If they tried it would take them 10 years and a million dollars and that almost never happens in medical research.

                        THAT IS WHAT I TOLD HER.

                        I could rip that study apart in a million different ways.

                        Cinders;964840 wrote:
                        I undersatnd your concern. I really do. Those who are not in a position to take care of a child for the the rest of their lives do not.
                        It is that simple.

                        AllyB was asking a simple question. Would Balofen make her husband, who is an alcoholic in the midst of an incredibly horrible addiction, be more fertile?

                        I understand her question and her fear. I thought she posed the question well.

                        You who do not feel that you understand her question are in the "place" where you do not worry about her question.

                        I can't answer it. I won't respond to lo0P's response because it was "fairly" insensitive. I say that as a woman who worried her entire early years about becoming pregnant.

                        I say this is a woman who has watched her daughter become pregnant when she had more than she could handle. Because, once you have them, the children are precious and they must be taken care of no matter what, this is a very valid question.

                        I may not understand it the way that you feel
                        it, but:

                        I am the only one who tried to answer her question. And I did a damn good job.

                        I am the only one so far that has taken it seriously.

                        And I am the only one who actually spent time and devoted a considerable amount of thought to it.

                        If I keep going this is going to devolve into a very harsh critique. You know I can go there, you've seen me do it before (to Tip for one :sorry. I have a sneaking suspicion that that is why you disapprove of me. I've made a considerable effort to keep this above water for you without plunging headlong into internet forum nastiness.

                        I only ask for the same consideration. lease:
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

                          Lo0p, have a :l:l:l

                          We know you care deeply.

                          As the saying goes: many a true word is spoken in jest. Your joke illustrated the limits of their exercise in motility...
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

                            Lo0p, you wanna know what the worst thing that ever happened to me was? It was when I lost my baby two years ago. It was a planned baby that we had spent years working to get us to a point where we were financially ready to have a family. I got pregnant first try and it was just about the best feeling ever. Then for whatever reason my baby died before it got to live. Feeling someone you love die inside you is hell emotionally, made worse by violent hormonal swings, alongside being incredibly painful physically. I went through the recommended natural miscarriage, which takes about two weeks, this was in order to make it easier to get pregnant again in my next cycle.

                            That would be a shitty story all by itself but in the time I was miscarrying my husband's drinking became impossible to justify as normal. We had the "talk" which I'm sure most of you have had with concerned loved ones when they realise how bad your drinking is. He promised to cut down, to quit for a while, to go to his doctor, etc, etc, etc. And he tried all of that but his drinking accelerated at an incredible rate. Realising he couldn't control his drinking made his drinking much, much worse, which seems pretty common. Eventually I had to tell him that we had to go back to trying not to get pregnant because there was no way I could risk bringing a baby into that life.

                            It was the hardest thing I ever had to do and it came close to destroying both of us. We both wanted a family and my hormones were so crazy it was like a physical need. But my husband's drinking had got so bad that I ended up being relieved I'd lost our baby. It wouldn't have been fair to thrust that problem on a brand new person. If I ever get to get pregnant again, it's not going to be while my life is still in a place where the loss of that pregnancy will ever be a relief. It scares the hell out of me.

                            I'm sorry that something about this thread put you in a place where you drank uncontrollably last night and I really hope you get that control back. Your posts here have been very inspiring. But there is
                            something about this subject that cuts deep and isn't so funny.


                              Baclofen and hyperactivation in sperm

                              AllyB / Cinders

                              My sincere apologies for inadvertently stepping into a minefield. I'm really sorry.

                              But in all fairness to Lo0p - he only had good intentions and couldn't possibly have had an inkling of the story that lay underneath.

                              I will now now butt out from this thread...
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009

