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Alternate thereapies with Baclofen

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    Alternate thereapies with Baclofen

    There is a need, I think, to consider alternative therapies which assist in the recovery process.

    A lot of damage is done by alcohol. Part of the recovery process is to repair the physical damage. I think the Seven Weeks to Sobriety program of nutritional/vitamin/mineral/etc therapy is a must for anyone wanting to achieve good mental health after becoming AF. Interestingly, the Health Recovery Centre web site has two sides to it. One devoted to alcoholism and the other to mental illlness, the hypothesis being that most "mental illness" has an organic cause and can be corrected with good nutrition and supplements. I think there is a lot to that.

    Then there are other "talking therapies". There seems to be a growing view that while Baclofen can take care of the cravings, one can still end up in a bad way as a result of coming off alcohol. I came across this post on the Baclofene site. It is worth reading for the Google translation alone:

    Why talk of psychological and baclofen. . . . . . . . . .by: Sylvie and Marion.

    Because baclofen can help you overcome Craving, but it can not alone solve all related problems.

    Indeed, baclofen acts on GABA-B, freeing you from physical dependence, and even if it appears to have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, psychological care can only help to improve its efficiency, first to enable better self-knowledge, to identify gaps and also the tensions that led you to have an addictive behavior. Only the road will be longer??

    The disease of alcoholism is complex. Very often it is one or trauma, and unresolved, which pushed us to use this food-medicinal product, to alleviate our anxieties, our fears and our wounds.

    However, baclofen will cope with an impairment of your neurotransmitters that is causing your dysphoria, and you compensate by seeking euphoria through your favorite food, medicinal product: alcohol, benzodiazepines, psychotropic drug called "hard" ... But it may be that for some, who have a very heavy burden in these compensatory taken, there is also a behavioral commitment to this practice became a ritual. This ritual is, if it is a habit for a long time will be longer to "forget" that the product itself, even under baclofen.

    In other words, even if the baclofen kills physical dependence, for some it may be harder to kill the habit, gesture.

    However, there is a whole can work to do this in psychotherapy: it will have to learn to live differently, without the reassuring landmark decision of euphoric. This can be confusing to find without loss, but also in a limbo again: well what can I do instead of my gesture to my product? For what am I going to replace it?

    Therapeutic techniques can help with this, the dialogue can also help you find what is in you as vital resources and you do not know yet.

    Some of you have already done this much work on themselves, and they are left craving more than defeat.

    But for all others, it is preferable to consider psychological treatment especially in cases of self-medication.

    Not having a prescriber, you should definitely a competent person who can listen to your fears and guide you in the changes you will inevitably encounter.

    You'll have new experiences, sometimes pleasant, sometimes less and sometimes be a bit disturbing and professional advice to help you cope and understand these changes.

    If you encounter problems like:

    - Inability to manage emotions, to be a victim of his emotions.
    - Relationship issues.
    - Changes in moods sudden, severe fast or frequent.
    - Anxiety.
    - Relationship Type Love / Hate.
    - Feelings of being a "victim".
    - Depression proved.
    - Frequent outbursts of anger or unpredictable (externalizing or not).
    - Self image unstable.
    - Fear of abandonment.
    - Impulsive self-destructive behaviors.
    - Attacks of rage.
    - Attempted suicide or self harm.

    But also if, more simply:

    - You have trouble differentiating the craving and habit.
    - You met the alcohol very young, and your whole personality is built around this medicinal product com-
    - You have to approach this journey alone (e), having lost before taking Baclofen, your family, your work, or more?? Or if your life is just overwhelming.
    - You have trouble defining your ultimate goal in taking baclofen:
    Search of total abstinence? Or return to a reasonable consumption, episodic and friendly?

    So the psychological support in various forms for you answer, you choose the one that is most suited to your personality.

    The important thing is to find a competent therapist with whom you're comfortable. We have listed to help you in your approach different therapeutic approaches:

    Psychotherapy officially recognized:

    Analytical psychotherapy:

    It has a broader indication that the analytical treatment. She can provide assistance focused on certain conflicts. Based on the verbal interpretation given by the patient, it aims at the explanation of behavior and affects, to end the disappearance of these conflicts. The psychotherapist abandoned its neutrality to be a substitute for a caring parental figure and structuring. The cure, shorter than analysis ends when the patient has gained better control of himself.

    The cognitive and behavioral therapies:

    one of the fields on which they are particularly suitable, what are the dependencies. Whether tobacco, alcohol, gambling or even sexual addictions, this approach proposes to find practical strategies to end these needs and other compulsive behaviors, often in addition to a medicinal approach. The behavioral and cognitive therapies are also vital allies in many psychological disorders: Anorexia and bulimia, obsessive compulsive, phobias and even hyperactivity or insomnia, cognitive behavioral therapy can supplement treatment to not only heal but also prevent recurrences .


    In my opinion the least desirable in our case, for very long in its implementation.

    Brief therapies:

    All these therapeutic approaches have in common is that they turned into the present and the future, far more than the past, a period of life when there is no need to search for causes unconscious to solve effectively the obstacles of life.

    The Brief Therapy uses tools such as:

    * Neuro-linguistic Programming or NLP (Grinder and Bandler): search for excellence in communication through various contact channels: visual, auditory, kinesthetic.
    Adjustment of language than the other,
    * Hypnosis (M. Erickson): work on altered states of consciousness to mobilize the resources of the deep unconscious
    * Approach "focuses on the person" (Carl Rogers): active listening, according to reformulation of the client. The therapist wants to be "non-directive", in an attitude of unconditional acceptance of each other in their difference and uniqueness.

    There are close to therapies such as Brief Therapy:

    * Therapy ordeal (J. Haley): This is primarily a strategic therapy, entertainment, characterized by its smoothness requirements of tasks,
    * Paradoxical therapy called "provocative" (Farrelly)
    * Solution-oriented therapy (S. DeShazer, W. O'Hanlon): The idea is to create the idea that patients have all the skills and resources necessary to solve the problem that leads them into consultation, by Research exceptions
    * Therapy Brief Strategic Family Therapy and Systemic (many currents which G. Bateson): Instead of treating separately the "identified patient", it treats the individual or family as a whole as a "system" of global communications and habits
    * Behavior Therapy (Pavlov, Skinner) also called "cognitive behavioral" Update progressive defense mechanisms and changes of beliefs.
    Exercises to practice alone between sessions.

    The groups of words:

    A condition of finding a group that does not reject it wholesale baclofen.
    It is impossible to speak of baclofen in AA and LIFETIME FREE.
    Perhaps it will be possible one day in a center for alcohol dependence groups benefit from speech coaching?? But it will take.

    In short, baclofen will help you overcome cravings, relieve your anxiety and your inner tension, but similarly we encourage you to find a prescribing physician, we encourage you to seek help from psychologists "humanist" and competent .

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

    Alternate thereapies with Baclofen


    I must learn to spell.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Alternate thereapies with Baclofen

      If there is a significant problem after becoming AF I agree that talk therapy would be quite helpful. I, myself, an not at all interested in going on a strict diet and supplement kick. I allowed myself to eat WHATEVER I wanted for 5 months when first AF. I just did not want to increase my anxiety level with any more rules. Taking the meds and staying abstinent were taking up my psychic energy enough. I have now been on a sensible eating plan with lots of exercise and am loosing weight at a fairly fast clip and gaining strength and endurance.
      I am not a believer in Orthomolecular Psychiatry. I don't believe we can significantly "push" the repair of our CNS by front loading with mega doses of vitamins. I think the main thing is not to continue to poison it with ethanol and most of us will get most of our function fully back in time.
      It must be noted that with prolonged use of ethanol we have likely become addicted to a quick fix approach to all feelings. Our set point for joy was elevated as we tried with higher and higher doses to achieve the right hedonic effect. When we quit we may feel low for awhile. This is entirely normal, expected and will abate with continued abstinence in most cases.
      Some of us didn't really grow up as we were under the influence during our teens and adult years. We will need to do some quick growing up but I nevertheless believe most of us can thrive on most fronts once AF.
      IMO. Go for it if it floats your boat!


        Alternate thereapies with Baclofen

        I agree with all of your points, Otter, and thank you for articulating it so well in a composite post -- many others on this site, including other forums, especially the Holistic forum, have expressed similar views, but no-one has yet put it all together in one concise place.

        I also agree with most of what you wrote, Sunny, and understand your feelings that you needed to concentrated on being abstinent, and not on "going on a strict diet and supplement kick".

        However, I believe there are alsomany who would benefit from taking an aggressive nutritional approach.

        I am convinced from the research, the shared experience of the members here, as well as my own experience, that the nutritional approach can have many benefits -- in conjunction with medication and holistic and therapy-centered approaches -- and may be the third pillar to becoming and remaining abstinent for many people.

        (It can also be a good distration for people -- myself included -- to have to follow a strict diet and supplements regime, and divert attention from other things, if you know what I mean...:sigh: )

        I have also followed the Seven Weeks program religiously. I did not notice a significant effect on cravings, but while I started it while abstinent, I continued it after starting to drink again. I also detoxed several times while following the Seven Weeks program (which, by the way, encompasses far more weeks than the seven required to reach a certain level of sobriety), and can attest to it having eased withdrawal symptoms significantly.

        Whooff, enough for tonight. I'm done for now... :xmouth:
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Alternate thereapies with Baclofen

          I appreciate the time and effort you are putting into this, Otter.

          A study done by Kaiser-Permanent and the Centers for Disease Control here in the U.S. reveals that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's:Home) reveal a direct correlation between trauma and addiction. Personally, I'm convinced it's not only childhood trauma. However; these studies make a good case for your position (and mine) that addiction needs to be addressed in a holistic way (for lack of a better term). Current research in psychology and neuroscience demonstrates that any trauma - physical or emotional - significantly changes brain chemistry. And apparently those changes can show up as cravings and addictions.

          I have benefited tremendously from my own program of amino acid and neurotransmitter supplements. I am also blessed to have access to many of the therapies that are arising as the most effective ways to be a balanced, functioning human being. Your list is worthwhile, but doesn't include many of the resources that are getting the most attention in psychological-scientific circles today - EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Mindfulness Meditation, and especially yoga. Yes, really, the world's leading expert in trauma and trauma therapy is focusing much of his research on yoga.

          We, as individuals, culturally, and as human-beings, have so much to learn and understand about addiction. At least, that is how I feel from my own experience. Alcohol was not a part of my life at all for more than a decade. Then it consumed me. Then I was abstinent for 3 years. Then it consumed me. Then I got free with the help of baclofen. So I've been "guided" to look deeply into this pervasive condition in order to save my life. It hasn't been a linear path for me, much to my surprise!

          All this is just to say that I agree that for some of us, being abstinent has a relationship to bigger forces and effects that are worth looking into.
          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

