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Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

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    Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen


    New to this site.
    When I went up to approx. 160mg of Baclofen, I started experiencing breathing difficulties (especially at night, so much so it would wake me up) and a very dry, tight skin on my face. At the time, I did not think it was related to Baclofen. I thought I had a chest infection and that I had sunburnt. I went to see my doctor and he told me my chest and throat were clear and that I was in perfect health (should have looked at my liver!...)!
    However, I then realised I had miscalculated how much tablets I needed and when to order, so, I had to suddenly drop my Baclofen intake to 60mg per day until I received the next batch. My symptoms disappeared within days. They have returned with a vengeance since going back up on Baclofen (currently at 120mg). Has anyone experienced similar side effects? None of these were mentioned in Dr Ameisen's book.
    Thank you.


    Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

    Hi Unsociable,

    I'm on a tame 75 mg /day and generally feeling fine. At the beginning, though, going from 10 to 20mg doses, I had been drinking hard and felt absolutely dreadful.

    What were you taking before the jump to 160 mg? I think it's a sudden increase that causes the worst side effects. The other day I read (on this forum) that people have, in the past, ingested 2.5 grams of Baclofen (the equivalent of 1000 25 mg tablets!) with no long term damage. Quite how dreadful they felt as a result of the Baclofen overdose goes unrecorded.

    Lists of Baclofen side effects look like an index of medical afflictions. It would save paper simply to print the things it doesn't give you, like Athletes foot. I happen to find "bed wetting" and "erectile dysfunction" particularly alarming, though "breathing difficulties" don't sound like much fun either.

    Hopefully some of the heavy Baclofen users on this forum will chime in with more useful things to say!

    Ta da!


      Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen


      I had been going up by 20mg every 3 days without much problems. Just a couple of days with vertigo when I reached 120mg the first time round.
      I am still on 120mg (this second time) as I was when I put my first post on this site. I thought I would stay on this until my breathing gets better.



        Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

        I'm on 60 mg. per day and I feel sleepy right after lunch and can get light-headed. It's kept me AF though and that's all that matters.


          Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

          Yes, definitely experienced the breathing problems (shallow breathing, etc) once I hit around 150 or so. I already have sleep apnea and the BAC makes it worse. I just accepted it and kept pushing past it.

          Check out the BAC side effects thread, it contains a lot of helpful info.


            Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

            I had shallow breathing the first time I tried Bac and titrated up too quickly.
            Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
            That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
            Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
            Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


              Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

              Seethepony;967024 wrote: Hi Unsociable,

              I'm on a tame 75 mg /day and generally feeling fine. At the beginning, though, going from 10 to 20mg doses, I had been drinking hard and felt absolutely dreadful.

              What were you taking before the jump to 160 mg? I think it's a sudden increase that causes the worst side effects. The other day I read (on this forum) that people have, in the past, ingested 2.5 grams of Baclofen (the equivalent of 1000 25 mg tablets!) with no long term damage. Quite how dreadful they felt as a result of the Baclofen overdose goes unrecorded.

              Lists of Baclofen side effects look like an index of medical afflictions. It would save paper simply to print the things it doesn't give you, like Athletes foot. I happen to find "bed wetting" and "erectile dysfunction" particularly alarming, though "breathing difficulties" don't sound like much fun either.

              Hopefully some of the heavy Baclofen users on this forum will chime in with more useful things to say!

              Ta da!
              that's strange, I'm up to 120 a day, and I feel like I've never been hornier and more able(with my girlfriend), then ever before. But dont fear! your issue is purely psycological, and can be easily fixed (I've been through this before). Check this book - "The new Male Sexuality" Bernie Zilbergeld... Go through the steps, and I do mean go through them, with your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever. It's good sh*t. If not, resort to Cialis, which is the best one, but like I said, I haven't needed since Bac.

              Hope that helps! P


                Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

                paulslice;968433 wrote: that's strange, I'm up to 120 a day, and I feel like I've never been hornier and more able(with my girlfriend), then ever before.

                Hope that helps! P
                I've also had this experience. My increased libido has been, uh, distracting at times. I understand that many guys experience the opposite with high dose baclofen. I've referred to this in posts before, and to keep everything sfw, I can discuss the details more via PM. The short version is: there have definitely been changes in my sex life - all are satisfactory and, ahem, *doable* and many have leveled out as my titration has continued. 280mg/day - 39 y.o. male. -tk

                p.s. I've experienced all kinds of shallow breathing like most folks taking bac on this forum have. It's been really disconcerting at times. I've either gotten used to it or don't experience it as much any more. I have a sister that's been on low dose baclofen for back spasms for 20 years and she reports that it makes her skin dry.
                TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                  Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

                  I experienced something akin to sleep apnoea from around 200+

                  I'd fall asleep and immediately wake up with a start, thinking I couldn't get air... It was hell at one stage and a huge contributor to my high-dose insomnia.

                  In hindsight and now that we have so many more people who have been through the experience, I should have slowed down once I started experiencing side-effects.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

                    "I feel like I've never been hornier and more able(with my girlfriend), then ever before. But dont fear! your issue is purely psycological, and can be easily fixed"

                    Uh, I should make clear I didn't suffer any of those alleged side effects! I was merely passing on what I'd read elsewhere.

                    Certainly, simply drinking less means you're less likely to be "too drunk to fuck" as the Dead Kennedys put it so quaintly.


                      Anyone experienced those SE from Baclofen

                      You lucky bast#rds! Can't even be bothered to wank now!
                      I also got the shallow breathing when I first started bac and was trying to ramp it up quickly.
                      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg

