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Unconventional depression treatments?

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    Unconventional depression treatments?

    I have been alcohol free for 8 months but have not yet overcome the depression that has been with me for many years. I thought it may have gone away after I was sober for a few months but this didn't happen unfortunately. I was using pot for a while to try and get away from my problems, and as an alcohol substitute, aswell as a small amount of a benzodiazepine for anxiety. I gradually cut out both drugs in case they were also causing depression but that didn't help all that much either.

    I know that many changes in life are important, not just stopping drinking, and I have been trying to put changes in place. I have also tried numerous antidepressants but most had no positive effects. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what I can try next. Are there any drugs that can help depression that work differently to the usual antidepressants? I feel that my problem could be caused by some chemical imbalance that isn't changed by conventional antidepressants.

    Unconventional depression treatments?

    hi greg,congrats on the 8 months,the only conventional way is to be born again,i dont mean religously,and im not being funny,genetics,ours,a lot in life my friendd has to do with the way are for fathers and mothers and folks before them treated there bodies and minds,i dont think it takes a rocket scientist to figure that one oout,one does never have to indulge[drink or drug] to have what we have, or me anyways,common sense,you cant have if your half in the bag or over dosed on over the counter drugs .rite,think of it like this,if your fater or mother are addiccts in what ever form,and people b4 them were the same,i think your chances are hi,youll turn out the same way ? research greg and doesnt always fall on a doctor,plus you have here if you have an open mind,theres always AA wish you well gyco


      Unconventional depression treatments?

      hi greg,i thot id reitterate,my granfather had a drinking problem,my cousin had a drug problem ,my aunt was hospitalised for depression,my other cousin blew his head off,who no s why,my mom and dad both drank heavily at times and i drank even more,i didnt want my respnse to bother any one ,what do you think my chances were to be depressed ? good luck greg


        Unconventional depression treatments?


        Do you exercise? Please do not take this lightly.

        Before I became an alcoholic drinker, I used to run 5 miles a day. I felt great. I could deal with issues, take care of my children, laugh when hubby was grouchy, etc.

        My doctor told me that 30 minutes a day of REAL exercise can make a huge difference in my life.

        I am working on it.

        I wonder if our lifestyles which lead to sedentary living, can be a big contributor to our depression?

        Oh, and great news on the 8 months!! You cut out something that will ensure you NEVER get better. Try the exercise route for a while. At first it sucks. But it does get better over time.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Unconventional depression treatments?

          Hi Greg,

          Maybe the link below can help point you in some new directions. I know there are different types of ADs that act on different parts of the brain, and that might be something to explore. I'm really impressed with the courage and commitment you're showing, diving in and taking your unhappiness on, not passively waiting around for things outside you to change. It's the strongest indicator that, with patience, you'll be successful.

          Good luck! xoxo Pride

          Depression Treatment: Therapy, Medication, and Lifestyle Changes
          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            Unconventional depression treatments?

            There is a lot of information on this in the Holistic Healing forum. (But you would have to wade through it to find it all.).

            Lithium orotate
            St. John's Wort

            all come to mind.

            There are certainly many more. You have to be careful with combining some of them with anti-depressants (and other holistic remedies) -- definitely look out for that.

            Here is an article on alternative anti-depressants:

            Natural Antidepressants - 4 Powerful Alternative Natural Antidepressants

            I don't think SAM-e is mentioned in this article, but it is also a "natural" anti-depressant -- however, like SSRIs, SAM-e can cause anxiety-- which is why I stopped taking it.

            S-Adenosyl methionine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Unconventional depression treatments?

              I want to thank you all for answering my question. I have started looking into the things you folks have suggested. I'm also wondering if baclofen at high doses can act as a sort of antidepressant or mood lifter, but I think I already asked that question a while back so will go and look for that thread.

              P.S. Thanks also Cindi for the exercise advice, I'm now in a physically active job but may benefit from more exercise than I get at work so I will try this.


                Unconventional depression treatments?

                It isn't unconventional but regular aerobic exercise has been shown in double blind studies to be as effective as antidepressants for this disorder. Seems that exercise releases endorphins and possibly other good feeling things in us. Plus we get fit! I wouldn't stop any meds abruptly tho. Consider adding the exercise. I walk about 3 miles/day plus some light gym exercises and it really does make me feel good.
                Good Luck.


                  Unconventional depression treatments?

                  Greg;967214 wrote: I have been alcohol free for 8 months but have not yet overcome the depression that has been with me for many years. I thought it may have gone away after I was sober for a few months but this didn't happen unfortunately. I was using pot for a while to try and get away from my problems, and as an alcohol substitute, aswell as a small amount of a benzodiazepine for anxiety. I gradually cut out both drugs in case they were also causing depression but that didn't help all that much either.

                  I know that many changes in life are important, not just stopping drinking, and I have been trying to put changes in place. I have also tried numerous antidepressants but most had no positive effects. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what I can try next. Are there any drugs that can help depression that work differently to the usual antidepressants? I feel that my problem could be caused by some chemical imbalance that isn't changed by conventional antidepressants.
                  Hi Greg, Google Dr. Abram Hoffer,

                  He is a pioneer of modern psychiartry in the U.S. and even treated Bill W (the founder of AA), his approach backed up by exhaustive studies is to treat with high doses of vitamins and amino acids as well as identifying correctly the cause of the imbalance. Well worth your time and worked for my son (schizophrenic for eight completley well and myself with anxiety and depression for most of my life...I swear by his methods. Good luck Greg
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    Unconventional depression treatments?


                    I am on Molipaxin for anxiety - which is not additive

                    But if you have medical chemical imbalance I would not play around with advice - seek professional help?
                    These conditions dont tend to improve .....


                      Unconventional depression treatments?

                      Dear Greg,

                      I understand the difficulty of depression and or anxiety. I sometimes don't know how to distinguish what my angst is, but it is very present and has a voice so loud.

                      I appreciate your posts and wish to convey that I care and pray with hopes promises that you find what brings your precious life comfort so you can be the joyous being you were born toi be.

                      Peace to you~

                      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                        Unconventional depression treatments?

                        beatle;967384 wrote: There is a lot of information on this in the Holistic Healing forum. (But you would have to wade through it to find it all.).

                        Lithium orotate
                        St. John's Wort

                        all come to mind.

                        There are certainly many more. You have to be careful with combining some of them with anti-depressants (and other holistic remedies) -- definitely look out for that.

                        Here is an article on alternative anti-depressants:

                        Natural Antidepressants - 4 Powerful Alternative Natural Antidepressants

                        I don't think SAM-e is mentioned in this article, but it is also a "natural" anti-depressant -- however, like SSRIs, SAM-e can cause anxiety-- which is why I stopped taking it.

                        S-Adenosyl methionine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                        Thanks for sharing Beatle , i am very interested in trying some of these , particularly the 5htp supplements , does anyone have any experiences with them - positive & negative ?

                        also while we're talking about alternatives - anyone tried Hypnosis & acupuncture for deprssion & anxiety

                        I would love to know - I cannot take SSris , the side effects are just too much i bail out the first week as theyre so horrifying ,

                        I am taking the BAC now 3rd week , the booze starts to smell bad , I dont want to drink it , I feel like why would I want to drink that ? but in my mind I am thinking about the next social event and how the F*** would i get through have fun at that , without one of those drinks in me ...... interesting


                          Unconventional depression treatments?

                          Ive looked on youtube there are a few video about 5htp , but no one is really raving about it ...

                          I'd love to hear it straight from the horses mouth , as it were ,


                            Unconventional depression treatments?

                            I can't comment on 5htp but would like to endorse exercise. It increases endorphin levels without any down side (except the time commitment and a pair of sport shoes!). I have been AF for 9 months now on bac and feel just fine at social events. It is just a non issue and I can remember that I didn't make an ass of myself the night before. I don't think many people even notice it (except those who were relieved). I can now make plans for the next day and actually show up for them. What a concept!

