Who is Dr. Levine and how do I contact him? Has he written any books?
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I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
Sorry for not posting. I feel like I titled this thread wrong, and hence, it is not attracting much attention. Can't seem to change the thread's title. Can I do this? Anyways, quickly, Dr. Levine is at Northwestern University. He is a colleague of Dr. Ameisen, who has been treating alcoholics successfully with Baclofen. Search this forum for his contact information.
I am amazed that there are not more people on this part of the MWO forum. It is the 19th, and the last post on my thread was on the 16th and it is still fairly high up on the most recent thread page. Maybe not many alkies have found MWO yet? Any thoughts?
Anyways, here is my update. I have been taking Baclofen for maybe three weeks? I am not sure. I have not been as vigilant as I should be about tracking all of this...but I take Baclofen everyday.
I am currently taking only 50mg a day. I went from 30 to 40 to 50. I am drinking HEAVILY. But, and this is important, I feel like I am much more in control. Since I started taking the BAC, I have not felt out of control even once. Furthermore, my drinking has been contained to around 10 p.m. to maybe 2 a.m. on average. I am a bit of a night owl.
Things are very stable for me right now, which is an improvement. On the downside, I feel like my confidence in the BAC treatment is actually increasing the frequency of my alcohol consumption. I drink most every night now.
From a psychological perspective, it is as if this treatment is giving me the confidence that the end is near, and therefore, I can indulge my psychological addiction to alcohol freely. This could be dangerous. The physiological cravings have diminished from what I can tell.
The holidays are approaching, and I will be with family. I pretty much will not be able to drink, unless I want to invite the wrath of my immediate family, whom is aware of my alcoholism. Could be an interesting time. Think the real firepower of the BAC could be put to the test here, and I am confident. I will update.
Some important notes - Side effects have been minimal. No complaints. I feel better. I am a big person, might weigh as much as 275 pounds right now (I am 6'2") so my dosage is quite low currently. Also, hangovers have not been too bad, surprisingly. While I have been drinking heavily, this equates to maybe 12 drinks give or take on a nightly basis - not the ridiculous 30 drinks a day benders that I would occasionally go on...consistent, but not out of control.
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
If you go to the general discussion part of the forum, and talk about baclofen, often as not you get lynched. The place is buzzing with people who are sure it is merely a question of willpower and "One Day At a Time" - which sounds to me like the perfect recipe for a really boring, miserable life. Of course they are right to be wary - it's hard to talk about baclofen without making it sound Too Good To Be True - but there is an almost religious fanaticism going on there that insists that listening to some CDs, meditating and Thinking The Right Thoughts is the only Real Cure. If that stuff works, fine, but it clearly doesn't for most poeple as they are constantly making sheepish reports of how they "slipped" and vanished off the radar for the last two months drinking themselves to hell and back etc....
I have come to the conclusion that if there really was a miracle cure - one tablet which you only have to take once and you are no longer an alcoholic - these people would refuse to take it. Talking about their Struggle ad infinitum isn't just a therapy for some of them, it's a religion. Without it, what would they do?
So if you have that much hostility to baclofen on this very forum, it is no wonder that beyond it, barely anyone has heard of it. Add to that the pharmaceutical industry's insistance that baclofen is irrelevant for alcoholism - because they have so many Great New Products in the pipeline, and have nothing to gain, financially, from that poky old drug from the 1920s - then don't be surprised if this area of the forum is populated by mice and one or two bewildered souls...
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
As for your own heavy drinking - could it be you're going too slow on the baclofen? I hesitate to say this, as I ballsed up my own doses and was suddenly on 50 when I should have been on 30. Or whatever it was. For a couple of days I felt lousy beyond belief, and it was then that I stopped drinking, which maybe gave the baclofen time to kick into effect.
Would you consider jumping to, say, 70 mg/ day from 50? I don't think it would harm you. When baclofen finally starts to work, the effects are remarkable and the "switch" feels almost instantaneous. We had visitors staying the whole week and drinking every evening when I suddenly felt no need to drink, and would sit around being sociable but drinking nothing more than tea (while they drank my oh so precious beers, and marveled at the efficacy of the obscure drug I'd told them I was taking.) I'm not suggesting you take unnecessary risks for the sake of the impression you make on other people, but it sounds like you are going a bit too slow.
In any case, I wish you good luck with your grumpy relatives. Try not to puke on the carpet, that never goes down wellKeep us informed!
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
This is about YOUR Bac plunge Far so don't be too surprised if you get no responses to no updates!
I'm also sure that most alkies have not found MWO yet and more specifically Baclofen. For me it was such a revelation when I discovered it.
For me I drank nearly everyday to the switch. But also I never lost control, I didn't indulge in any binge nights where I would get faceless! From day one I was able to avoid those.
Keep going and keep posting. Good luck.Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
far, I have had a similar experience in terms of drinking. There have been nights when I can drink almost twice what I normally would. Which is hard for me to do. There have been many more nights when I go to bed because I just don't feel like drinking anymore!
And the SEs have often as not come out of nowhere... I think, atm, that I'll just go up and down as needed until reaching indifference. Carefully and with forethought, though.
I have the same gauntlet to run for the holidays. Plus a lot more free time. ugh.
As to the title, if you post, we'll respond!There aren't that many of us, so hang in there.
pony, that's not been my experience at all. I'm sorry you haven't had the warm reception on the other boards that I've felt. Tiptronic reached his switch on high-dose bac and is very active in General. Several others have used other meds to overcome the beast. There are, to be sure, many members here who are not in the same place I am in terms of drinking. Lots of moderators, and people who have taken different paths--successfully--to overcome their drinking. We have all noticed, repeatedly I'm sure, that our brains are wired differently, and that our addictions are on a bell curve.
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
Seethepony;1025122 wrote: If you go to the general discussion part of the forum, and talk about baclofen, often as not you get lynched. The place is buzzing with people who are sure it is merely a question of willpower and "One Day At a Time" - which sounds to me like the perfect recipe for a really boring, miserable life. Of course they are right to be wary - it's hard to talk about baclofen without making it sound Too Good To Be True - but there is an almost religious fanaticism going on there that insists that listening to some CDs, meditating and Thinking The Right Thoughts is the only Real Cure. If that stuff works, fine, but it clearly doesn't for most poeple as they are constantly making sheepish reports of how they "slipped" and vanished off the radar for the last two months drinking themselves to hell and back etc....
I have come to the conclusion that if there really was a miracle cure - one tablet which you only have to take once and you are no longer an alcoholic - these people would refuse to take it. Talking about their Struggle ad infinitum isn't just a therapy for some of them, it's a religion. Without it, what would they do?
I think you're right, talking about the struggle is their therapy. Mostly all I see there are people talking about white knuckling through one day at a time, or those who have slipped and everyone else telling them it's ok. Why, when there is a better way? I've white knuckled it and failed, numerous time. It's painful for me to read a lot of the threads there. Granted, bac isn't for everyone, but I am sure a vast amount of those people would do well on it if they just gave it a try.
But that's why I hang out here in the meds forum, even though it's been quiet lately. I feel like we're all on rides in the same amusement park. The General forum just isn't an amusement park I have any interest in going to anymore. Been there, done that, threw out the t-shirt.
I'm glad it provides much needed support to those that frequent it, but it's not for me. Glad I'm not the only one that feels that way.Better Living Through Chemistry
Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.
Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
Great thread,
Reminded me of something I now consider funny.
When I first became abstinent on Bac, I went on to an aa online group to tell them the good news and was totally slammed and ultimately they locked out my computer! I was totally stunned at the response I got. I am glad there is a place here for us heretics.
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
A bunch of responses! Nice. Hopefully this thread can generate some good discussion in addition to documenting my experiences. A couple of things I want to address.
Seethepony, I am not at all surprised that many are resistant to Baclofen. From everything that I can find out, however, the empirical evidence for Bac's efficacy is starting to add up.
This drug is being prescribed by some renowned doctors and many have reported "astounding" results. I am not sure if the people who are resistant to BAC have all of the facts.
Also, I plan on upping my dose. I think that is a good idea. I do not think that I am going to be able to drink much in the coming week or two, and as a result now is probably the perfect time to go to 70mg/day, because I am going to really need it.
With regard to ignonimous' comments, I just want to reiterate this is my experience as well. While I am drinking a lot, I do not feel out of control, I am not going on benders, I am not drinking until very late in the day, and I feel as if the triggers are more psychological/habit versus physiological cravings.
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
Far, I'm also going to go up. Glad you are, and glad you're thread is so active! I can, for sure, relate to the habit/psych aspect. My first stop when I get into the house it not always the refrigerator now.
The time I spend in the other threads has less to do with bac and more to do with other inquiries or pursuits. I do find it frustrating, but not that people are not taking baclofen. What I find most annoying/outrageous is the whole spiritual malady/immorality idea. But I figure that I had to go down all those paths in order to get to this one... And some of us will find sobriety in AA or white-knuckling or nal. Topa seems to have some greater and v. serious risks, but I figure that I can't weigh in on something I know nothing about... Still I worry for those that don't do their homework.
I also think that some people just don't have it the way I do, or are still in denial about the affect their drinking has on their lives... Lots of that going around. And no, Is, not referring to you. You are thoughtful and introspective and I'm really glad you're on the same roller coaster.
I also think there is a lot of misinformation about bac, some of which I've regretfully contributed. And the great majority just don't know about it.
I really, really want MWO in my 'real' life. I've been thinking about going to AA again on a regular basis and just throwing it out there that I'm taking bac. Can you imagine the response? :H So what to do? And ad in the newspaper or on Craigslist? lol.
Makes me even more appreciative of the risks OA took. And that others are taking even now to get the word out.
All right, I think that once again I've used up all my MWO time. thanks.
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
Upping from 30mg to 40mg, NE. I've been fine on 30mg for a week or two. (I don't keep track of anything well except my BP meds which I've been on since I was 20). I am officially on vacation now. I'm supposed to be cleaning out my office and the garage and the closet and the fridge!!!! It's pouring rain here and my backyard is flooding, I have a sump pump going. Drank more than I think I ever have alone last night, my brain feels like it was baked.
Did you have any changes going from 30 to 40?
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
My month on Baclofen
Hi, everyone...I am really enjoying reading about your experiences, successes, and can empathize with the struggle! I have been on 30 mg daily for exactly one month and felt immediately better the first 2 weeks on it. A miracle that I had no interest in AL orcould drink 1 beer and quit. I too have struggled with alcoholism since I was very young and am now 51. I have two DUI's, one serious overdose on AL and benzo's, and have still managed to complete all the coursework for my doctoral program in psychology. Finding an internship program that will except someone with my criminal record will be a real challenge...but I've been real honest with my chairperson at the university and she feels I should see it as a strength. Well, if I could stay sober I suppose it might be! Anyway, all that rambling...I am now drinking 3-4 beers a day and have terrible headaches, wake up at 3:30 a.m. and can't go back to sleep and have gained 5 pounds all in my stomach. I want to take the AF plunge for good...my head is just killing me. I'm also afraid to increase the dosage because of more weight gain. Any ideas my fellow friends?
Finally Free (or so I thought)
I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!
Finally Free- You're in good company in terms of type-A overachievers here. Though I'm not one of them. :H
Go up!
What is up with the belly fat? Seriously annoying me. But better than booze-bloat.
Ibuprofen. But not in conjunction with cough or allergy meds.
It's a burden not a strength, imho. Unless one gets well. THEN it's a strength.