I really need to come on here and vent a little bit. I have been taking Baclofen for maybe two or three months now, and I am only up to 100mg/day. I just have not been focused on aggressively titrating up. I am waiting for another shipment and then maybe I will move up to 150mg. I really need to.
I have had a bit of a setback. Currently, I am very sick and basically not doing so well with the drinking. I have pretty much drank myself to the point of being sick and unable to sleep over the last few days. Not good. This just sucks. And to think I went 19 days without a drink over the holidays. Well that seems like an eternity ago.
Looks like tonight will be passed with some more AL just to get some sleep and then I will probably be bedridden into the afternoon on Saturday. Bizarrely, I have not been getting terrible hangovers recently despite copious drinking from time to time. Just kind of sick (not hangovers, more withdrawal) and exhausted. Wish me luck in the coming weeks!
