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I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

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    I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

    I really need to come on here and vent a little bit. I have been taking Baclofen for maybe two or three months now, and I am only up to 100mg/day. I just have not been focused on aggressively titrating up. I am waiting for another shipment and then maybe I will move up to 150mg. I really need to.

    I have had a bit of a setback. Currently, I am very sick and basically not doing so well with the drinking. I have pretty much drank myself to the point of being sick and unable to sleep over the last few days. Not good. This just sucks. And to think I went 19 days without a drink over the holidays. Well that seems like an eternity ago.

    Looks like tonight will be passed with some more AL just to get some sleep and then I will probably be bedridden into the afternoon on Saturday. Bizarrely, I have not been getting terrible hangovers recently despite copious drinking from time to time. Just kind of sick (not hangovers, more withdrawal) and exhausted. Wish me luck in the coming weeks! I need it.


      I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

      Hi Far,

      Sorry to hear it's not going so well. I'm assuming you are suffering debilitating SE's, to be going up so slowly? What dosing schedule are you on?

      Baclofen did that to me as well, removing all traces of a hangover. I found the SE's to be unbearable the day after a session, are you noticing the same thing?

      Good luck Far, our thoughts are with you.


        I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

        Weird, I still got hangovers, probably even worse than normal on Bac, the one thing I did notice was that Bac totally killed the beer buzz that I used to get after a few.

        Sounds like Bac has given you the choice whether to drink or not Far, and 19 days AF must have shown you that you are capable of it. Maybe just making the harder choice and not giving into AL excuses (I was a shocker for this as well).


          I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

          I actually have no side effects. Zero complaints thus far. I guess it is just a lackadaisical attitude and I need my next shipment to come.

          I also will say that things were much improved for a short while, and I just figured I would get to higher levels in due time. I had an absolutely awful, horrible week as far as what I do is concerned which was 100% the catalyst for my excessive drinking.

          I fancy myself an investor and financial trader. After the week I had, I might have to re-evaluate that. Maybe I am exaggerating, but it was very bad. If I continue to fail at this, my career prospects are not looking very good. This is causing me a considerable amount of distress.


            I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

            I will add that I, personally, am between destitute and broke. It is not my money, which makes it worse, in my opinion. I have a long track record of failure in my life and i am just plain sick of it. If I continue with my alcoholism, I am 100% positive that I have plenty more failure to look forward to.

            Strangely, I can still see myself salvaging everything if I can stop drinking, get my head screwed on straight, and take a different path. I am 27. I am not looking forward to looking back at my life at 40 and asking myself the same questions that are currently plaguing me now.


              I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

              Well, take this anyway you want, but the answer is there in front of you. Take more pills. Frankly, I'm surprised that you haven't. Go up until the SE's stop you, then go up as fast as you can. Start now.

              EDIT: Sorry, I see you are waiting for your shipment. Order another shipment now as well, if you can, so that there are no more excuses.


                I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                Far, I suspect that the majority of the problems you're having with AL will disappear once you're able to go up in dosage. Once I hit 130-150, I found myself unable to drink to extreme intoxication. I think the most I've been able to drink since hitting that level was 5-6 units. Most nights I get by with 2-4.

                Bleep was right, stock up on as much bac as you can get. Once you get into the higher doses, those pills disappear at an alarming rate.

                It's got to feel hopeless right now, and it must be terribly frustrating. But just keep taking the damn pills, and you'll be free of this soon enough. :l


                  I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                  The delays at Goldpharma have just completely screwed up everything for me. I am waiting on THREE separate orders. One of them is over six weeks now. I am so upset. I ran out of pills a few days ago. I was only on 100mg, and haven't had any severe withdrawals, but I have been drinking A LOT recently.

                  My girlfriend is going to visit her family in Europe in March for like TWO weeks. That means it is just me. I am really scared that it might not go well...I am already struggling with depression, and now I will be all alone. I work from home and don't know anyone here... I need those pills and I have to get myself straightened out before she leaves!


                    I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                    Perhaps visit a Dr and see if you can get baclofen on prescription? You can claim muscle cramps, or restless leg syndrome.


                      I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                      This is what frightens me that if I do hit the switch with Baclofen that if there is ever a problem with supply, or I can't get to the Bac then I'll drink again.


                        I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                        I have a similar concern. I am at 15mg daily (I am on day 6 since I started) and I can go another week at this rate until I run out so I cannot increase until I have receive one of my shipments (one of which was ordered last week and the other just this past Monday).
                        I am committed to doing this so I can't run out and have to start over because 1) I'll start drinking MUCH more than I am now and 2) I will have to start all over again and it took A LOT to build up to where I am now because I am sensitive to meds.

                        Woe is me...I mean we.


                          I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                          UK, even if that happens, your particular dose will still be there waiting for you when your baclofen arrives again... It'll be easier then as well, knowing what dose you have to get to to sort this shit out.

                          JR, panic not, it's a temporary glitch in your personal matrix. Your pills will arrive, then you can start properly. Let this be a lesson in ordering baclofen - always have more in reserve than you think you need...


                            I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                            So true bleep! I am learning this. Thanks for your support and great advice.


                              I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                              Far, what's happening friend?

                              And John, did you sort out your supply?


                                I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

                                Hi Bleep,
                                My supply came just in time! So now I've got plenty (with more on the way) but now my problem is that I can't get over 30mg per day due to SE's.

