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I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

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    I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

    Great stuff John. Pity about the SE's. You'll be able to manage in time, just have to go slower than most. Are you splitting your doses as much as possible? And eating right?


      I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

      I am doing both. I've gotten a lot of great advice on MWO (mostly from you) and I am doing everything right. I'm on week 3 and I've tried going up with horrific consequences.

      So bleep, was your bac experience a success? I was looking through your posts but since you post often I couldn't find when and what you're doing.


        I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

        It was and is John, thanks. I spoke about it here:

        There was an earlier thread titles "the order has been placed..." which is on about page 3 or 4 now, which was how I got there, but it's quite hectic!

        I think just take it slowly (as you are doing!). Some people struggle to adapt to it, but get there in the end. Good luck!


          I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

          I just read it and all I can say is "Wow! I want to be bleep when I grow up!" :H

          I am committed to doing this (before someone else commits me). I do find it difficult to read about people going up to 300mg and beyond to hit their switch. The thought makes me cringe. I just don't think I can go that far with it while trying to maintain a job and social life.

          Has anyone ever reached a low dose switch? is there even such a thing?


            I Am Ready To Take The Baclofen Plunge!

            Thanks for your kind words John!

            Some people have been indifferent from the first pill! Others have found indifference at stunningly low levels. I think all who stick it out get there in the end.

            I think the doses are all relative - once your body adapts to baclofen, you may find you are able to increase the rate at which you can increase. Also, SE's are incredibly dose dependent - you may find it's this particular dose that you are having trouble with, and the subsequent levels are a little easier. Some people report that changing their type of baclofen makes a difference. Are you in a position where you can do this?

            Fingers crossed that you can find a way around this!

