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Drinking while on baclofen

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    Drinking while on baclofen


    I have been taking baclofen since 23/09. I started taking 10mg 3 times a day for the 3 days and then went to 4 times a day. I planned to titrate up on that schedule but I was feeling so tired that I have decided to stay of 40mg until the tiredness passes.

    I have had 30mg so far today but I had a bad day and I decided I would get drunk tonight. I still want to take the rest of my days planned dosage but I would really like to hear other peoples thoughts and experiences with this first as I would be washing the last tablet down with a beer and the intent to drink until I pass out.

    I have also been taking remerol before bed and I don't think I will take one tonight but I would really appreciate anyone's input on that as well.

    Thanks so much for being here!

    Drinking while on baclofen

    I just took my another dose of baclofen. I have been drinking since I got home from work and I intend to drink until I pass out.

    It would be really good if others could give their experiences of drinking and taking baclofen in this thread!

    I'll update on how I feel in the next hour or so which is how long it normally takes for me to feel the effects of the baclofen. I hope I'm not to incoherent as the hours go by! thanks for listening.

    BTW I have been al free since beginning baclofen, actually I had been al free for a week or so before starting baclofen but I had been smoking weed and taking tramadol to fill the void but since starting baclofen tonight is my first night drinking.


      Drinking while on baclofen

      Hi Electron. After hearing quite a few horror stories about terrible hangovers that some people experienced from drinking while on baclofen, I was a bit freaked out about the possibility. Actually, after just starting baclofen, I posted a similar question! I took my full dose of baclofen (at that time it was only 20mg) and just monitored myself while I was drinking. Considering you're drinking w/the intent to pass out, I have a feeling you probably won't be doing that. You might need less alcohol to get to that point though. I've drank on bac quite a few times, and initially it felt like it was hitting me a lot harder, but I was able to "drink through it", so to speak. I was lucky that I've never ended up with any hangovers whatsoever from it. But everybody's different. Just be careful.

      I can't speak for the remerol, as I have no experience with that. Although, if you're looking to pass out quick, alcohol, weed and bac will most likely accomplish that in a hurry!
      Better Living Through Chemistry

      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


        Drinking while on baclofen

        Probably better to go through the information you're looking for sober, El, but there are lots of Bac threads here:

        It's going to be very difficult to sort through what drug is doing what, though; I think so far you've listed alcohol, marijuana, effexor, tramadol, remerol, and baclofen. It might be better to talk to the doctor who's prescribing your AD about all of these so you can get some supervised and targeted help.

        Good luck! ~ Pride
        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          Drinking while on baclofen

          Thanks for the reply Isolde! I'm really enjoying the al buzz atm and I think I can feel the bac coming on too and it is calming. I'm ashamed that I'm doing this but I intend to keep on with the baclofen and stop with the alcohol. I have some lovely weed here (I'm not a weed smoker but my good friend left me a nugget when he was staying at my house) but I am saving it for emergencies, the al will be all I care about tonight, that is how it works with me, once I start I can't stop. I couldn't give a shit about weed right now.


            Drinking while on baclofen

            Thanks for the input pride. I have read all those threads you linked to. It has been 5 years or so since I have taken effexor. all the others have been within the month. Baclofen, weed and rememerol within the week. Alcohol tonight.


              Drinking while on baclofen

              Also, I think I got the doctor everyone wishes they had. He didn't seem to give a shit, he asked me what dosage to write on the prescription. When I told him that I may need high dose he didn't seem to care. He just said it is ok to take the valium as well as the remerol and the baclofen, for some reason he seemed to make a point of saying that.


                Drinking while on baclofen

                I'm really sorry that I'm now rambling.!!!

                I really appreciate all the posts in all the threads you guys have shared your experiences in the baclofen threads. I have read them all before I started taking baclofen.

                I thought I would share this with anyone reading. I have had 40mg baclofen so far today. I'm feeling incredibly calm now, the 10mg tablet I took less than an hour ago seems to be kicking in.

                I'm not feeling the normal way I feel when I get drunk, something is missing from the feeling. I noticed this same thing yesterday when I decided I would smoke some pot, I hadn't smoked any since starting baclofen, I smoked at least three times as much as I normally would and still didn't feel like I should have. It was missing something and I think the baclofen is responsible for that.


                  Drinking while on baclofen

                  I drank all the way up to hitting the switch.
                  Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                  That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                  Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                  Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                    Drinking while on baclofen

                    I know what you're saying with the enthusiasm for getting hammered. I think we can all relate to that.

                    I don't know how you'll feel tomorrow, but if you're anything like me you'll feel pretty lousy. One of the benefits of Baclofen is the hangovers are so grim, it gives you a damn good incentive to lay off the booze a while. (Giving the baclofen a chance to do its magic.)

                    So, for your sake, I hope you get a hangover from hell!


                      Drinking while on baclofen

                      I think the different feeling is good. Potentially.

                      I'm just about to pass out myself! What's new? Bac..
                      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                        Drinking while on baclofen

                        Well El what happened?
                        I continue to drink while taking bac, never get bad hangovers because the bac causes me to drink less at a sitting than I used to. I actually stopped taking the bac for one week a month ago, and drank like old times. I like taking the bac better.

                        Hope you are well and pressing on through it. Stay the course!!


                          Drinking while on baclofen

                          muchthought;972209 wrote: Well El what happened?
                          I continue to drink while taking bac, never get bad hangovers because the bac causes me to drink less at a sitting than I used to. I actually stopped taking the bac for one week a month ago, and drank like old times. I like taking the bac better.

                          Hope you are well and pressing on through it. Stay the course!!
                          I ended up with a pretty rotten hangover, took the day off work. I drank less than I thought I would though and it was mainly because I started to feel incredibly sleepy earlier than I normally do when drinking. Normally even if I feel tired, alcohol wakes me up mentally even though it almost immediately takes the anxiety and panicky feeling away but this time I didn't get that energy feeling as much. I still physically felt drunk and mentally the feeling wasn't exactly the same. I took a remeron tablet and about an hour later I had to go to sleep.

                          I haven't had a drink since but I'm fighting cravings. Even if I do keep drinking I will definitely keep with the bac as I think the only real problem medication is giving me atm is daytime drowsiness/sleepiness and I think it is the remeron causing that. Thinking about it I wish I hadn't started taking remeron and bac at the same time but I have been taking the remeron for long enough now that it makes more sense to keep taking it for at least 3 more weeks to see if the possible remeron side effects go away with time.


                            Drinking while on baclofen

                            Electron and Ig,

                            I appreciate that you are sharing your experiences with BAC.

                            I get sooooo sleepy on 90 mg. 30 mg 3 times per day. It hits me right after lunch so I have to counteract it with tons of caffeine. It knocks out the cravings, though, and Electron, you are right...if you overdue it on booze and you are taking BAC, you will have the hangover from hell. It was an excellent deterrent for me. I hit the switch at 90 mg.


                              Drinking while on baclofen

                              Not good combo's there. Baclofen is a muscle relaxer (correct?), alcohol is a depressant and Remeron is a benzo.

                              You'll probably feel like total hell and I hope you do. (Sorry... but just being honest.)

                              I have drank off and on on Bac and always feel like I drank a river of alcohol the next day. Not fun.
                              The Universe stirs up our comfortable nests, and pushes us over the edge of them, forcing us to use out wings...

