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Dosage and Frequency

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    Dosage and Frequency

    susanna;976225 wrote: (thank you again Otter and LoOP and all my expert advisors for the tips you provided last night)
    No advice here. Just telling you what I did, however deadly and dangerous it was, it did save my life.

    Sunnyvalenting;976228 wrote: GET A DOCTOR
    I think they're aware that's always an option. They sound like they're comfortable with how he's doing. Any poor soul with an MD that they dropped him on would have an aneurysm trying to wrap his head around what they're doing.

    susanna;976232 wrote:
    hey everyone - if you want to send any messages to my brother I can read them out to him. I've been telling him that he's got a group of people here that are sending good vibes his way.
    Tell him that I've taken that much baclofen before, and if you're not used to it it can be 'spiritual experience' all on it's own. :H I've accidentally taken twice that much in a day a couple of times too. It was uncomfortable (and bizarre to say the least)...but it passed.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Dosage and Frequency

      9:30 pm update

      I read your message about taking the dose and he was encouraged to hear that.
      Thanks LoOP.

      He's mellow now but feeling nauscious (I can't spell this). He's trying to go down for the night. God willing he will get a few hours of REM in. It's a totally different situation from last night, so far.

      Still hopeful,


        Dosage and Frequency

        Hey Susanna and Paul (and all other supporters, actual and virtual): I'm just chiming in to give my support, as well.

        I started baclofen about a year ago. I was desperate to not have to drink. There's a long story behind all that, but, like for LoOp, the options seemed grim. Death seemed preferable to me, in fact.

        I am on my knees grateful because tonight I don't have to drink. Baclofen has given me that liberation; and I wouldn't have known about baclofen if it hadn't been for MWO.

        You've already come a long way. Hang in, guys. Like I said before, breathe. A lot. The chances that you would find this information and follow through with getting the baclofen and be where you are now are pretty small, and that all of that would happen for nought just doesn't seem right.

        No one can say what is the best way out for you. I'm massively impressed with what you've done so far, and am sending heart-felt good wishes for the very best outcome.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          Dosage and Frequency

          1:17 am update on Paul

          Never in my wildest dreams would i find the sound of a man snoring to be akin to a sweet symphony.....a 80 minute symphony and still going strong.

          Nighty night, for now.


            Dosage and Frequency

            Susanna, If you are up I just PMd you


              Dosage and Frequency

              Seven Weeks

              I think anyone trying this fast detox should read the Seven Weeks to Sobriety book Health Recovery Center and take the two day detox to ease the withdrawal. Take two hourly doses of digestive enzymes, L Glutamine, Ester C, Calcium, Magnesium, Tyrosine, multi vitamins, Multi B vits, and take Melatonin and tryptophan to sleep. It really works and is perfectly natural. You need Digestive enzymes as well to help absorb this stuff otherwise a pickled stomach will have difficulty absorbing it and breaking it down. Also, consider talking to your doctor and if it is a very serious case you can get A and E to admit for a rapid detox with intravenous Vit B.

              Then carry on with the programme until health is restored and your diet is back to normal.

              Hoping that helps with the withdrawals which are mainly physiological. They are not in your "mind"!



              Olivier Ameisen

              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                Dosage and Frequency

                Hey Susan,
                I had no idea what you have been going through!
                Hope Peter is doing better tonight.


                  Dosage and Frequency

                  Susanna, still thinking of you and your brother. I hope you had a peaceful, restful night.
                  * * *


                  ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                  - Vernon Howard


                    Dosage and Frequency

                    Susan -
                    How is it going today? I keep thinking of your brother and praying this all works. If things have calmed down... I realize he was drinking a heck of a lot, but how much of his symptoms are baclofen side effects, and how much is detox?
                    It's great he is so determined. I'm glad you have hooked up with people here that have done it so extreme before. It is very scary.
                    Sending prayers your way


                      Dosage and Frequency

                      Brief update on brother Paul - as of 2:45 pm Toronto time

                      Hello all you wonderful people:

                      You keep me sane and hopeful...

                      I managed to get to the office today - thank goodness I have a career that allows me to duck and weave a bit on the work side while focussing on the most important mission in my life - my baby brother. I am calling, texting and emailing with my sister constantly (not getting much work done but at least I showed up!) so we are tag-teaming on his 24 hour care (she flew here from Vancouver to help out).

                      Paul today is peaceful and comfortable so far - the worst of the withdrawals may be behind him. He is really into TV today - that is a sign of his state of mind - alert and engaged.

                      He was up around 7 am and had a beer - speculation is that the bac levels had dropped through the night and thus the cravings first thing. He is drinking beer but at a rate of about .6 an hour today. This is a miracle in itself.

                      We have been doing the hourly dosages of approx 30 mgs and he has been slowing down on the beer intake. He is at 195 mgs so far in mostly 30 mg doses. Now we will start adjusting up and down for the balance of the day/evening to see if we can get to a place of no/minimal cravings and minimized SEs. Tonight we will do some interim doses in the night when he wakes to keep the cravings moderated.

                      Sleeping notes:
                      For the record - to help with sleep we used apo-lorazepam last night (2 mgs - 3 doses - 8 pm; 11 pm and 3 am), along with melatonin AND a sleeping pill to help him get some sleep last night. He slept in 1-2 hour sessions; he didn't think he had slept but we were monitoring and he did.

                      The night before we use lorazepam and sleeping pill and it had almost no effect. I think the vodka was the reason. He was just too souped up that night.

                      More later.....


                        Dosage and Frequency

                        Watering the garden and Seinfeld

                        He's just finished watering the garden!!

                        And now thoroughly enjoying Seinfeld.

                        Thinks are really, really, looking up.



                          Dosage and Frequency

                          Good news to hear he's doing well.

                          Its been and is a real nail biter. Baclofen on trial at high stakes.

                          My experience is that I've been taking 160mg a day for a week now and the SEs rather than abating seem to be getting in some ways more intense.

                          This post started of with Otter and his feedback from some Drs who are taking Baclofen seriously. The 'detox' method postulated ("don't try this at home') actually is passing the ultimate test with colors.

                          I also get the initial onslaught of Bac after about 40 minutes. I also seem to be getting a secondary effect buiding up in my CNS. If the half life of Bac in the CNS is 72 hours (stab in the dark but possible) then I can expect another week before the Bac has built up to full strength in my CNS and therefore another week of these SEs. This is in addition to the week I've been suffering so far at maintaining the 160mg a day.

                          I guess what I'm saying is if the immediate danger has passed. Which I hope and expect it has then you should be cautious on the amount of Bac to administer. The manic cravings under control, consider that the full effects of the Bac won't become apparent for a few days.

                          Err on the side of caution.
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                            Dosage and Frequency

                            susanna;977222 wrote: He's just finished watering the garden!!

                            And now thoroughly enjoying Seinfeld.

                            Thinks are really, really, looking up.

                            ignominous;977292 wrote:
                            I also get the initial onslaught of Bac after about 40 minutes. I also seem to be getting a secondary effect buiding up in my CNS. If the half life of Bac in the CNS is 72 hours (stab in the dark but possible) then I can expect another week before the Bac has built up to full strength in my CNS and therefore another week of these SEs. This is in addition to the week I've been suffering so far at maintaining the 160mg a day.

                            I guess what I'm saying is if the immediate danger has passed. Which I hope and expect it has then you should be cautious on the amount of Bac to administer. The manic cravings under control, consider that the full effects of the Bac won't become apparent for a few days.
                            I highly doubt that's what's going on here Ig. It sounds to me as if your brain is running on overdrive and extrapolating things that may not actually need to be extrapolated on. It certainly doesn't fit mine or anyone else's experience that I've heard of.
                            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                            A Forum
                            Trolls need not apply


                              Dosage and Frequency

                              Thanks for your opinion Loop
                              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                                Dosage and Frequency

                                perfect timing for the IG-LoOP debate

                                Hi folks;

                                We were just discussing strategy for the evening and next couple of days. We were thinking along Ig's line that it might be time to coast for a while and let everyone recover from the intensity of the past 2 weeks, and stabilize. We seem to be out of the crisis-danger situation of a few days ago. We can take a slower pace and let his system settle in. The poor guy's been to hell and back, a few times, since 2 weeks ago. Taking a cue from LoOp`s experience, he may lose cravings entirely at this level in the next day or so.

                                He`ll probably top out in the mid-high 300 mg range today and there will be a couple of small (10-15 mg) doses in the night if he wakes, to keep a baseline level in his system for the start of the next day.

                                However we are not thinking the SEs will increase, rather, let the body and mind catch up with the accelerated program he's been on, and transition perhaps now to a 3-4 day titration schedule. This is a thought at this stage. Evening is upon us and every hour matters in terms of what we do with the next hour.

                                Hope you all find this useful information. It seems to be a good case study for someone facing an extreme, dangerous and extended binge. Otter`s sharing is suggestive that there could be 2 case studies active on this forum right now. Both going reasonably well. It`s still early days - the switch is still to be found - but it feels so close.

                                Much fondness to you all and will send another update later in the night,

