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Dosage and Frequency

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    Dosage and Frequency

    susanna;978480 wrote:
    Perhaps a new thread is in order.....Wholistic integrated recovery program.
    There is a Holistic Healing forum here... it is great for all this kind of information sharing. Along with this forum (meds), that has been my "home forum". I believe the only formula for success includes more than meds.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Dosage and Frequency

      Ahhh....beatle. I've been wondering where you were... :l
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        Dosage and Frequency

        Beatle, I agree.
        I believe the only formula for success includes more than meds.
        It seems there are some who can use just the meds and overcome this addiction. In my case, especially since getting to the high dosage required has been nigh impossible, I definitely need more than just Baclofen.

        On my sober days, there is much to deal with emotionally. I have been drinking since 16 years old and I don't think my mind knows how to deal with sobriety. I have to train it to do so.

        I do love the Bac, though. Even though I have not ever hit my "switch," I have been able to stay sober for several days at a time. Something completely impossible in my past.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Dosage and Frequency

          Integrated thread.

          Yes, I would also be interested in medication to deal with issues around withdrawal such as psychosis and aggression. There are some new antagonist type anti depressants out there which are recommended for alcohol withdrawal.

          And there is of course Radiant Recovery with its jacket potato before bedtime cure. Tried it. It worked...sort of.

          beatle;979317 wrote: There is a Holistic Healing forum here... it is great for all this kind of information sharing. Along with this forum (meds), that has been my "home forum". I believe the only formula for success includes more than meds.

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


            Dosage and Frequency

            Today you are planning to call Dr. Levin and give him your own interpretation of the events that transpired here. You are then going to post your own interpretation of his reaction here and try to pass it off as the only medically authoritative conclusion to this protocol. You said this to me in confidence, and for relaying it here I apologize, but your actions will affect a lot of people so I feel it necessary to illuminate this situation preemptively to everyone.

            First and foremost your actions will affect Dr. Levin. You have already been advised to let Dr. Levin read this thread and decide for himself if he himself would like to intervene. You responded and told me that you were going to wrap it up in a false pretext, spoon feed it to him without names and "report" back what he says. To do this to him unwittingly would be unfair and inexcusable.

            I have heard that you are a journalist. I would hope that you are among the 1% of ethical journalists who actually 'report the facts' both to Dr. Levin and back to us. However, your bias shows through in all of your communications much like bubbling froth from the teeth of a rabid dog.

            You will understand then why we do not trust you to 'do your job' and why we believe that in your profession, your life and in this situation you are more likely to behave like the other 99%. We believe you will take your journalistic freedom and bend the events that transpired here to fit your storyline and do the same with your response from Dr. Levin.

            We urge you again, that if you feel the need to apprise him of this situation then just direct him here so that he can read it himself and decide for himself if he would like to intervene and how. In fact, that is what we will do.

            If you feel I have misrepresented your intentions in any way I am willing to post the entirety of our PM correspondence, unedited and in public. I would only require your permission to do so.

            edit: Unfortunately this is now impossible to do. Parties concerned with their own well being and that of their loved ones feel threatened by your questionable intentions and have removed their contributions to this story.

            Carry on, I suppose, if you feel so inclined. But please do not direct any response to me or ask me any questions. I have a busy week ahead and wish to wash my hands of this situation. I may or may not read them and will try my absolute hardest not to respond.

            Again if you feel I have misconstrued your intentions. My offer above stands firm. Our correspondence in addition to your own words below I think would elucidate your intentions:

            Topsy-Turvy-Tracy;978143 wrote:
            Here it is: We have a whole mentality on this forum about ordering online and devising a method based on a book - or on what someone's wife's sister's husband's doctor said - or what people, who have never even been on baclofen, post about baclofen. I do intend to counter that not-very-good access to medication, rather dreadful information sources and far-from-ideal mindset regarding this drug with another way to do it, that also has disadvantages.

            I don't much care if it pisses people off.
            We would welcome this contribution if it were presented as a choice that was ours to make, and if you presented it wearing your heart on your sleeve rather than wherever it is right now.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              Dosage and Frequency

              I have also removed my contributions to this thread. This can be temporary, as they are all saved. But I have to admit I also feel threatened.

              I am reporting these posts (my own) to the if they aren't already watching this thread very closely. :H
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Dosage and Frequency

                Well, let me help you out there, Loop. This is verbatim what I wrote to you:

                I had planned on telling Dr. Levin that some friends and I had heard of this method and ask what he thinks. That's all. I'm not going to address what any individual is doing or mention MWO at all. In my post to MWO, I am not going to address what any individual is doing but merely repeat whatever it is that Dr. Levin says. That's all.

                I'm not out to get anybody. I never was. I'm not the one who got freakishly defensive and stooped to name-calling and mean-spirited accusations. I'm concerned about what the thread projects regarding sudden, very large doses of baclofen. That's all. I'm not bent out of shape or anything.

                Heck, Levin may even support the idea and maybe I'm all wrong on this. Only one way to find out though.
                Now, I think it's unfortunate that some bit of acrimony is brought up AGAIN with posting that, but it does have a little something to do with your present "freak out." Obviously, I'm not worried that there is anything at all wrong with the idea, or that I'm doing anything at all wrong. If other people are deleting their posts, hmm.

                I get that somebody thinks that I'm out to get her (and I don't doubt for one moment that is the center of the drama, some people really like dramas). Really, it is not the case that I'm out to harm anyone. I very much doubt that Otter fears such a thing. I would not have posted here, in this very thread, about the idea of getting some authoritative medical input here had I believed that I was doing anything wrong. What's wrong with getting some medical input? What's wrong with people? When you say "we," I will respond to that "we": Have you lost your minds? Especially given more recent events that, in fact, indicate that the 30-40 mgs an hour is a bad idea that has rather serious consequences. What's wrong with getting a little direction?

                As I have said before, including in a very amiable email exchange today with Otter, I am VERY concerned that this does not involve people making guinea pigs of themselves. This involves people making guinea pigs of someone on a binge. Yes. I find that very concerning - downright scary, in fact.

                If you like, I could just read Levin verbatim Otter's original post, assuming it still exists. I'm not going to pay the man to read through this thread, and don't see much point of things like "doses" are missing anyway. I haven't looked at the thread - I actually have a life. If someone else is willing to pay Levin to read through the thread, please volunteer. The man does not work for free, and I'm poor. I never "expected" or intimated in any way that I expected Dr. L to intervene here - so I must ask Loop: Where did you EVER get such an idea?" Please answer that question. Really, does not sound like something a doc would do, and I would expect Levin to flat refuse to be involved in anyway with this thread. But you could call and ask him. Would you like his numbers?

                I simply wanted medical input. Do you see the difference there? Would you prefer that I don't contact him at all regarding it and just let people post along with these plans with no medical input at all? I even asked about the doctor who specifically talked about this regimen (though I suspect he didn't intend it as a "do it at home" project - maybe I'm wrong there. Someone here can clarify that). I haven't gotten an info on that.

                Jeezus Christ on a Cracker, it's not like I was going to publish it in the New York Times. I was going to post about it here. FYI, I work for two very small town papers, and never, that I can recall, have I ever referred to myself as a "journalist." That's not the kind of reporting I do, and my degree is in writing.

                At least I giggle to myself in a "Gosh, and I thought I was paranoid," kind of way. I'm not worried about people here suffering any consequences for their posts. I am worried about someone in the middle of binge being put through this routine and something bad happening - as I told Otter today in our very amiable PM exchange. I am worried about the liability of the forum - and, as I have also told people in PM, it is actually Roberta's butt on the line here. It's not yours or anybody else's.

                So here you go Loop: You call him. Let us know what he says.

                Why do you feel threatened? What do you think is going to happen? I wouldn't be surprised if moderators are watching. It is kind of scary, at least to me.
                * * *


                ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                - Vernon Howard


                  Dosage and Frequency

                  Whoa.............................Just woke up............................."Morning Tracy, Loop"
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                    Dosage and Frequency

                    Hey, Ig. I've been reasoned all day (I think, I'm woofing every couple hours. Poor hubby is in the same space). But other people seem to be lacking in that whole "reasoned" department.

                    Hopefully, they get a grip.
                    * * *


                    ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                    - Vernon Howard

